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30.3k · Sep 2014
You broke my wings
You dragged me down
With every word you let me down
Nearly touching the ground
I knew what I had to do
Escape from you
Yet I kept listening to your lies
Staring death right in the eye
You dropped me down a cliff
Down in the water
I couldn't breathe

Still under deep water
I try to find my way out of the dark

On the edge of the cliff I imagine
You watched me fall with a smirk
I can still see the smile on your face
It was my turn to fly
But you cut out my wings and threw me down
Give me back my freedom
I've been drowning for too long,
Release me now
I would do anything to swim back out
A year ago I found my way back out. Tonight I found this poem and realized how far I have come. You didn't destroy me.
12.2k · Oct 2014
Where you are (Biology 101)
Where are you?
You were in the palm of my hands
You were in the shadows of my smile
You were in the air I breathe
You were tucked in the folds of my heart
But where are you now?
You were safe in my hands
A shell chosen amongst so many
In the ocean bed I lifted you
Saved you from the angry sea
But you were just a shell and I should've known
Biology 101
Shells are empty
So were you
You were never there
Biology 101
Shells are temporary home
You just passed me by
Like a Bed and Breakfast
Fast and easy,
Cheap and convenient

How sad to think I never stood a chance
Against the home made of old stones and scented candles
Dry cement and family pictures
Part of your family
12.0k · Oct 2014
Conversation about logic
"Birds are light
Birds fly
If I stop eating
I will be light
I will fly."

"No, baby. If you stop eating, you will disappear."

"I am already invisible."
10.4k · Mar 2015
Thinking of you is like twisting my head around like an owl.
Hoping the see the past behind me.
9.7k · Sep 2014
A chaque fois que tu rentres de bonne heure,
Mon coeur se remplit de Bonheur.
Tu illumines nos soirées monotones,
Tu nous fais rire avec tes blagues, même si elles redondonnent.
Avec toi on ne s'ennuie jamais,
On parle, on crie, on s'échange des secrets.
Tu n'hésites pas à nous faire des câlins,
Même quand tu t'en vas de bon matin.
On n'aime pas te voir partir si ****,
On préfère quand tu restes dans le coin.
La Russie, c'est comme le bout du monde,
Heureusement que tu n'es pas James Bond!
On aime te voir à la maison,
Avec tes pyjamas troués et ta barbe de bison.
Même pas peur quand tu vas chez le coiffeur,
On connaît ta tête de pomme par cœur!
On a beau se plaindre de ton penchant pour les sucreries,
Il faut avouer qu'un peu de graisse, c'est aussi confortable qu'un lit.
Même si tu trempes ton pain au fromage dans ton café,
Nous, on a même pas peur de t'embrasser.
On a toujours hâte que tu reviennes,
Même si ca ne fait pas une heure que tu es parti.
Ne t'inquiètes pas on restera les mêmes,
On sera toujours là pour te faire des guilis.
T'es le roi des bisous, t'es le roi des Papas,
On t'aimera toujours, même si tu manges du chocolat!
7.1k · Oct 2014
Life in a poem
I am a fœtus
Swimming in darkness
Oblivious to the world around me
I am a new born
Opening my eyes for the first time
Taking my first breathe
Crying the first of many tears
Confused by my sight and the light around me
I am a toddler
Crawling my way across a universe made of shapes sounds colors
Overdose of senses
Too many things happening simultaneously I
Just stare around and try to make sense of this madness
I am a child
Taking my first step into childhood by standing upright
And walking around the world on my own two feet
It's the first of many steps
I will move forward to take over the world
With my eyes ears hands nose mouth
Overdose of senses
I am a teenager
Feeling my heart break for the first time
A broken friendship
A broken love
Deception in human kind
For the first time I wonder why
Why are we here?
If we suffer so much and so intensly
My heart breaks and I cry and I shake and I have no idea what is happening
Overdose of senses
I am a young adult
Wondering about the future for the very first time

         Where I fit in
Will I fit in
How do I fit in
What will I do for the rest of my life?
Overdose of questions
I am an adult
Worrying about taxes and marriage and kids
I have settled down I have a career and I look back
On the days all the things that mattered were grades and friends
I am happy but is this the life I dreamed of?
Or did I settle for less than I wanted?
What would happen if I left it all now?
Overdose of questions
I am an old grandma
Relaxing eveyr morning with a cup of coffee
Next to the man who shared my life for so long
I look back on life and realize I am happy
I have made choices that lead me here and now I
Am happy
Overdose of emotions
I am a senile grandma
No one claims me anymore
I am in a care home where most people don't care
I am one of many and
I look back on my life everynight when the demons come and visit me
So I yell out in hopelessness and they sedate me
I am faced with loneliness and there are so many things I wish I had done
Overdose of emotions
Heart attack
No heartbeat
I am dead.
7.1k · Sep 2014
I own an umbrella
A black umbrella
With all the colors of the rainbow underneath
I own an umbrella
Which protects me from the rain and the bad days
I own an umbrella
Dark outside and colorful inside
I own an umbrella
That looks just like me
I own an umbrella that reflects my soul
I own an umbrella
And it makes me smile
Because the irony is not lost on me
That everytime I open the ****** object
My heart blooms with hope
That someone would notice
It's not simply an umbrella
It's not a random pick
It's a black umbrella
With all the colors of the rainbow underneath
It's an umbrella
Dark outside and colorful inside
Which, when closed, lets appear a sneak peek
Of how it truly is inside
Sparks of colors
Sparks of light
But no one will know
Unless they open it
And look up
Into the rainbow
That protects me from the rain
6.1k · Mar 2015
Puzzle pieces
We do not stick together.
Two pieces of a puzzle and I am the missing piece.
But you are already entertwined, you do not realize I am the
Missing Piece.
5.8k · Sep 2014
We all have the same envelope.
Our bodies are different, but they look the same.
Bodies are worthless.
They mean nothing.
The way the soul carries the body is infinitely more important.
People carry themselves a certain way
It is their tell
People carry different hurts in life
You can never know how a person has been wounded
What type of weapon was used
Where it struck
How long it took to heal
If it sealed itself shut
If it is still sore from the blow
If the wound reopens from time to time when no one is watching
If any phantom pain rear its ugly head every now and then
You can never know
And for that reason
Always hold a person like the most precious stone.
5.4k · Oct 2014
Dreaming is good.
But dreaming is bad, because it hurts.
Dreams die.
You grow up thinking you are invicible, forever amazing.
You grow up realizing it does not work that way.
You grow up to realize the people around you want you to be safe.

Life isn’t about being daring anymore.
Life is about having a safe future.
Pick a safe job.
Live your life.
Enjoy it when you can.

But the fireceness of life leaves you.

Adults burn the fire in you.
Cold water on your dreams, wash them all away.
Adults throw you in the wilderness to make you realize.
Realize life is not a game anymore.
Adults burn the fire in you.
They feed your insecurities.
Cultivate your fears.
Then feed them back to you.
They’re scared. They don’t want you to face a wall of disappointements.
But they won’t let your try, either.
Adults burn the fire in you.
Not consciously.
And suddenly you, with all your dreams in your heart, face doubt.


The worst feeling.
Worst than love. Worst than hate.
Sinuously cracking your hopes and dreams.

Doubt, creeping in your mind, burning bridges.

Doubt, expanding every time you hesistate.

Doubt, forever in your head.

Doubt burned my dreams to ashes.

Doubt washed them all away.
4.2k · Oct 2014
I know it shouldn't matter at this date
Because relations are made on the net
But have you realized
Realized how amazing having someone you care about around you?
When you are separated from your loved one for a long while, the first thing you do when you see them is
Hug them
Not kiss them
Not say "hi"
Not text it to your friend
Not post it on Facebook
You just hug the hell out of that person
Because humans need contact
We need what we deprive ourselves of knowingly
We hang by ourselves and think it's fine
It's not.
It's never okay.
Hug people
Tell them how you feel, de vive voix
Why linger around when anything could happen?
Tell them
Tell them all
And love them right
4.2k · Sep 2014
Lonely is a monster
Lonely is a monster,
Crawling from under your everyday thoughts,
Slowly turning your mind upside down,
Making you wish for things to end.
For things to stop.
Lonely hasn't got a shape; it forms itself through your fears and weaknesses.

Lonely is a monster,
Destroying you from within,
A designed killer with a wicked power,
Entering your head and spreading dark lies,
Hoping to find some release in your pain.

Lonely is a monster,
Feeding on your insecurities and your failures,
Wishing for more.

Lonely is a monster,
Moving its tentacles around in your head, searching for fears,
Looking for more.

Lonely is a monster,
A lonely monster, created by you, fed by you, controlled by you.
You give it its power to destroy you,
You give it all it needs to live and settle within you.

Lonely is a monster, a representation of all that you feel,
Your concerns,
Your pain,
Your weakness,
The dark side of you.

Lonely is a monster,
Looking for company,
Looking for someone to break the monster,
To change it into a person,
To make you appear.

Lonely is a monster,
A sad monster,
A weak monster,
A scared monster,
A hurt monster,
A monster that wishes to be something else,
Something that can be loved and cherished,
Loved and cherished,
Loved and cherished.
3.8k · Nov 2014
Little Red Riding Hood
She walks the woods
Stays the night
Everyday at her Grandma's house

He knows the path
Walks with her
Silently he stalks her

"It's not me, it's the wolf"
She swears to her Granma's ghost
"He dug my skin up for treasures"

Found the bones of a pretty young girl
Hiding behind her bright blonde curls
Shed her skin on the side of the road

Picked up her coat and put on a show
"I will go to Grandma's home
And eat her heart out like a wounded soul"

She uses the last of her dying breath
To call out to the lumberjack
"He went all the way to my Grandma's cottage

He wears a disguise, my great red cape and hoody
Mistake him for another hooligan
He's the big bad wolf and he'd eat you in an instant"
3.3k · Sep 2014
I have become angry.
I was sad, and now I am angry.
I have been told you pass through stages of grief
When the one who got away is indifferent
Indifference hurts.
So does anger.
And anger is building inside me like a volcano
Anger is rising to the surface like burnt milk forgotten on a stove
Anger is seeping into my veins because I have been nothing but nice
Nothing but convenient
You make me feel like I am a bother
A stain on your carpet you cannot wash out
A nail sticking out of the furniture, just a little
Out of place
You make me feel out of place
I am right where I need to be
Right where I belong
You do not get to kick me out because I have become
I won't accommodate you any longer
I have been nothing but truthful
And you do not get to make me feel any less than that.
I will not stoop so low.
I will not bow down.
I am here to stay.
This is my life.
what exactly did I do to you?
3.3k · Sep 2014
You were my hell
It could have been anybody
But you chose me
Did I have a good profile?
Was I your target from the beginning?
Did you plan it all?
Or was I a brand new invention
A new toy you could play with
Until boredom kicks and you throw me away?
You could have been honest
Admit you're just another man but
You wanted to be a gangster
You're not a bad guy, you're not even dangerous,
But boy you drove me insane
I would have given anything for you
I would have given anything to you
You knew how badly I wanted you but
You always wanted more
So what you have now
Is dust in the wind
Floating away and you're all alone
I cannot wait to see you fall.
3.2k · Mar 2015
When my voice doesn't rise to face the silence
It rings empty
3.1k · Sep 2014
There are so many shadows on the planet.
The ones of the living, bodiless, moving along, appreciating the complicated road the humans are taking to enjoy each beat of their heart. But then there are others.
Shadows inside of those who live.
Hiding beneath the flesh lies an empty carcass of what used to be the poem of a life yet to be lived. Hiding beneath lies a ruined soul waiting to be picked up by death. You do not always recognize those who have died inside. They know how to put up a front, but… the inside is rotten and empty and sad and destroyed and I wonder how you can possibly live a life like that.
The real question, though… is how that happens? How do you die inside? Does it happen all at once?
Someone tells you they do not love you anymore, and everything goes through you, your heart, your soul, your happiness, everything vital just crushes down and breaks all over the floor in an invisible flood of despair that swallows your entire being?
Or is it done slowly, almost imperceptibly? You go through the motions, you smile and laugh, but somehow, the laugh empties itself out, as if, suddenly, you only had one reserve that would never replenish. The reserve runs out and the laugh is empty. The smile faints into a neutral expression, and then it's gone, too. The rest follows the same path. After a while, every gesture, every word, every look is empty. But the change is so subtle, almost natural. And no one notices. And you are the last one to leave. Your body is a shadow and you are gone.
"As good as dead".
3.0k · Sep 2014
Mon papa
Mon papa, c'est le plus fort des papas.
Mon papa, c'est le plus beau des papas.
Mon papa, même quand il est fatigué, on dirait Richard Gere.
Mon papa, même si il est carnivore, moi, je l'aime quand même.
Mon papa, quand il mange, on dirait qu'il a 5 ans, mais moi, je l'aime quand même.
Mon papa, il a des voitures super cool qui font vroom.
Mon papa, quand il conduit, on dirait Michel Vaillant, même pas peur.
Mon papa, quand il me dit bonne nuit, j'ai même plus peur.
Les monstres sous mon lit, eux, ils se désintègrent avec la force des bisous de mon papa.
Mon papa, parfois, il ronfle et je l'aime quand même.
Mon papa, quand on est dans la piscine, il joue au crocrodile avec nous.
Mon papa, quand il porte des choses, les manches de sa chemise se déchire sous les   muscles.
Mon papa, avec une barbe, on dirait un homme des caverne, c'est trop cool.
Mon papa, quand il fait des câlins, on disparait sous ses couches d'amour.
Mon papa, quand il nous emmène faire du shopping, il supporte des heures et il sourit.
Mon papa, il nous laisse faire des trucs qui lui font peur, mais il veut nous faire plaisir, alors il dit oui.
Mon papa, il m'a laissé faire du saut en parachute, et je suis même pas morte.
Mon papa, il râle parfois mais on sait qu'en fait, c'est parce qu'il nous aime.
Mon papa, même quand il voyage, il pense à nous.
Mon papa, il nous emmène en voyage avec des photos tout le temps quand il travail.
Mon papa, il nous emmène en voyage tout le temps quand il est en vacances.
Mon papa, il fait des trucs de papa trop génial.
Par exemple, il connait nos restaurants préférés, et il sait ce qui nous fait plaisir.
Alors il nous y emmène.
Mon papa, même quand il est en colère, il est beau.
Mon papa, quand il sourit il est comme Thor, le dieu du tonnerre, il est puissant.
Du coup, parfois, ma maman elle fait un nervous break down.
Parce que mon papa il est trop beau c'est même pas normal.
Mon papa, il a un double menton pour que si un jour Game Of Thrones arrive dans la vraie vie, on pourra pas lui trancher la gorge.
Mon papa, il fait du vélo plus vite que le Tour de France. La preuve, ca fait des années qu'ils sont en France, mon papa, lui, il est déjà à Dubai.
Mon papa, parfois il oublie notre anniversaire quand on lui demande au pif, mais il oublie jamais de le souhaiter, donc on lui pardonne.
Mon papa, il voyage en first class.
Mon papa, il connait les aéroports mieux que James Bond.
Mon papa, il regarde des series TV de jeunes.
Mon papa, il porte des costards.
Mon papa, il nous emmène manger des dans endroits incroyables.
Mon papa, il nous emmène dans des hôtels de luxe.
Mon papa, il devrait être président du monde.
Mon papa, il est mieux que les autres papa parce que c'est le mien.
Mon papa, il est irremplaçable.  
Mon papa, si on m'en donnait un autre, j'en voudrais pas.
Mon papa, je veux que celui la.
Mon papa il est pas toujours là, mais c'est pas grave, parce qu'il est jamais ****.
Mon papa, il traverse le monde mais après il nous raconte, alors c'est cool.
Mon papa, il fait une super vinaigrette. Dommage que j'aime pas la vinaigrette.
Mon papa, quand il fait un barbeque, ca fait beaucoup de fumée et pas beaucoup de feu, mais c'est pour mieux nous impressioner quand il fait rôtir la viande.
Mon papa, il parle Anglais.
Mon papa, c'est le meilleur papa du monde.
Mon papa, je l'aime, même si maintenant, il a presque un demi siècle.
Mon papa, c'est comme un druide.
Ca meurt jamais.
C'est trop cool.
Mon papa, c'est comme une mode indémodable, tu veux jamais le remplacer, il est toujours tendance.
Mon papa, on peut pas le comparer a une mode fashion, parce que c'est un humain.
Mon papa, c'est le meilleur humain que je connaisse.
Avec ma maman et ma soeur et mon chat, mais chuuuuut.
C'est un secret.
Mais ce que je préfère à propos de mon papa, c'est que dès que je le vois, je peux lui dire:
"mon papa, je l'aime."
2.9k · Sep 2014
Like a glove
They say that love fits like a glove.
But love doesn't fit like a glove.
We fit into dozens of gloves throughout our lives.
We use a new pair every winter,
We cherish them when the cold hits
But when the trees turn back to green
The scarves fall to the floor
We forget about sweaters and warm blankets…
The gloves disappear somewhere in a closet where we can never find one or the other again.
It doesn’t bother us.
We buy a new pair.
Miss the warmth of the previous one,
Maybe miss the familiarity of a pair that fit perfectly for a while but then…

Then we forget.

And it goes on and on.
So love doesn’t fit like a glove.
Love doesn’t fit.
Love torns.

**But it is so worth it
Winter is coming and I have nothing to cover my hands
2.7k · Oct 2014
If our story lasted only an hour
I would turn the world back on its axis
Again and again
To live this moment
I would breathe it in
Live it out.
2.5k · Feb 2016
We all want attention
Right or wrong
We all want attention
****** for attention
Smile for attention
Gifts for attention
For attention
propriety of Marion S.
2.3k · Oct 2014
The tension in my hands
Fists balling and relaxing
I see it in your eyes
You want to kiss me
I think
I want you to
I am afraid if your lips graze mine
I will come undone
I am afraid if your mouth touches mine
I will fall in love
And I stare at you
Wetting your lips in need
I need you
To run after me and catch me

I want to grab your hand and lock us in handcuffs

I want metal to link our bodies the way I want love to link our souls

I want your fingers against mine
I want
2.2k · Apr 2016
They say chemistry is a science
Exact measures
Experiments that can go wrong
You and I
Were a failed experiment but before we broke there were fireworks
*And I will spend the rest of my life waiting for the same reaction to a different Element
2.2k · Dec 2014
On the Devil on my shoulder
I wake up every morning wishing I hadn't and I cannot shake the devil on my shoulder, whispering evil, dead things in my ears. Each day the devil feeds on my despair and grows heavier than me, than my will to live, than the weight of the world.
I bend under the weight and wonder how long until I break.
I wonder who will win.
Knock Knock?
Who's there?
You who?
Only you.

I run circles and get lost in the universe.
2.1k · Sep 2014
She looks at him like you never looked at me
I gaze longingly while you struggle to get away
After all,
You never promised me you would stay.
2.0k · Oct 2014
My December
It cannot be hard to fall in love with you.
Your eyes fill my heart with longing, hope, happiness.
I do not know how to be sad when you’re around. Everything smells of Christmas and the ground lights up under the soft touch of your feet.
Looking like a lepreuchaun, by your stance, your enthusiasm, the way you look at everyone like they all matter to you.
You represent the spirit of December.
Your honesty, the way your heart opens up to anyone, so spontaneous and scary... yet absolutely enthrancing.
The way you are everything I am not, the way I dream I could be.
Open, true, real, that’s what you are.
My head is filled with songs of snow, night, stars and lights.
Like walking in the snow under the bright lights on the 23rd of December, when the crowd is out, enjoying the weather with their loved ones, wearing fluffy hats and long scarves.
The coats may be dark, but the faces are flushed, the cheeks are pink, the eyes are bright and shine in the evening.
They shine with joy and excitement.
Just like mine when I look at you.
I don’t need a fireplace.
I don’t need a coat.
I don’t need a hat or some gloves.
I just need to see you believe in me, you believe this is right.
That we are made for this.
Each other.
I need to see the hesitation before you take my hand, the hope I’ll still be here when you open your eyes, as though you were scared I’d fall apart under your touch.
I need to see the slight flinch of your gaze when I hold onto you like a lifeline.
I just need you and your eyes.
Because I am warm in the hope of your eyes.
2.0k · Oct 2014
Second choice
Choking on emptiness
When you need someone so much
When you wish to hold them so much
But they're so far away
And your heart…
It constricts with longing and fear and love and you miss them so much
And you're not complete when they are
Absent is awful
They are alive, they are somewhere but
They are not with you
They are present somewhere you are not
And it breaks my heart because she is absent from my life
But present in somebody else's
It's a choice they made
A priority they took
And you didn't win.
Once again you're at the back
And you're nobody's precious person
You have no one to be present for
You have no one to be absent from
You are just here
For yourself.
1.9k · Sep 2014
My emptiness pounds in my ears
My emptiness is killing me I fear
Like the miles I eat up while running
Trying to fill the gaping hole deep within
With gasping breaths
And hollow sounds
Struggling to stay afloat
Already drowning down
Boom boom boom
Pounding relentlessly
Boom boom boom
Calling for your mercy
1.9k · Oct 2014
Orpheus and Eurydice
And I wonder if you know how if it feels to let you go
Pages turn and tables turn
But I stand still
As you disappear into darkness
You were a shooting star
Illuminating the night sky for a second
And long after you were gone
The trace of stardust you left in the sky as you crashed and burned
Is imprinted in my head
Replaying over and over again
Lasting impression of clear light

And I wonder if you know how it feels to let you go
Orpheus and Eurydice's lasting love
Him braving the gates of the Death
Braving the Gods to get her back
Her following him up the stairs towards life
But too scared she wouldn't follow
Turning around a second too early
And remembering a second too late

And I wonder if you know how it feels to let you-
-Turning my back on you and letting you

And I wonder if you know how it feels to let you go
I am the shadow of the person I was with you
When you made me swallow back my love
A small heart too big for my chest I
Am there and I have not let you go I
Am not Oedipus or Hades I
Am a lonely lonely heart.
I have lost you on a ride to happiness I
Have lost you in the heat of life I
Used to play on your skin
And smile at the sight of your beauty I
Used to sleep by your side
And listen to the sounds of your heart
When at night everything was silent but you and
And I wonder
I wonder…
I wonder if you know how it feels to let you *(go).
This one is for you
1.9k · Sep 2014
We are made of stardust
All the way from the tip of our toes
To the top of our heads
All stardust
But we don't shine like a star
Or glow like a light
Because we're only particules
Of stardust
And everybody knows
A star can't shine until she's whole again
Which we aren't.
Because we yell, we fight, we die
And we avoid the others
Stardust has to be complete to shine
And until we stop what we do best
Our wars, our threats, our insults
We won't be complete
The day we all figure it out
The Earth won't be the blue planet anymore
It'll be the brighest star in the Galaxy
Because we would have figured out a way
To be whole
Helping each other
Loving each other
Being kind to each other
All simple concepts
That most can't comprehend
And that is, I believe, the saddest thing of all.
Not that we are destroying our planet
Not that we are selfish people over all
Not that we let others be sad in front of us
Not that we let the misery of the world happen as though it was a 'thing'
But that we cannot understand
How much happier everyone would be if
If …
Hunger wasn't a thing.
Wars weren't a thing.
Poverty wasn't a thing.
****** wasn't a thing.
Suicide wasn't a thing.
Hopelessness wasn't a thing.
Bullying wasn't a thing.
If we could push away all those senseless 'things'
Then there would be a chance.
For us the start again.
For us the live again.
For us to be happy.
For us to be complete.
1.8k · Oct 2014
The day I lost my Soul
I  remember the day I lost my soul.
And I wish I could explain it better but how exactly do you explain your dignity being stepped on and your innoncence being ripped to shreds?
The details don't matter because they never do.
I just wanted to go back home.
I just wanted to go back twenty minutes and wait for my friend.
I just wanted to go back an eternity and never take my first breath because how can I still be alive when I feel so dead inside?
And I was just a kid, but I grew up twenty years in the space of twenty seconds.
I didn't cry because I was empty.
I didn't scream because my throat was dry.
I thought about flying and the sound my shoes wouldn't have made on the pavement had I had wings.
Then I thought about this guy who'd made wings out of wax in the legend, and how he'd gotten too close to the sun and died.
And I thought maybe I was already dead.
Because my wings were melted and I was already falling down I
Have drowned in oceans deeper than the universe and
Like a heart lost at sea I am a human lost in the billions of lives walking around me
And joking about **** and not realizing their jokes are not funny
Stripping me down to an skeleton, an object to be played with, a mass of skin and bones, a live doll who couldn't get her voice to be heard by people passing by and turning their heads the other way is not funny.
And I don't want to wish you dead
But I can't bear to see you alive
I have suffered a thousand nights
Your words on my skin like a burning fire
Boiling my blood with the anger a 16 year old should never have to feel
I have been walking the walk of shame
Eversince you spit on the floor where you lay my ruined soul and left me to die And maybe one day I won't wake up with the image of you at my throat but for now you poisonned my past so each night I bleed my ink on paper to forget the weight of your body on top of mine
and I can't trust or smile or live the way I did before and I fall asleep each night feeling your shadow breathing down my neck I
Am no longer a blooming flower but a rotten scent like the perfume you were wearing that night I
Am not dead but I don't wish to feel so I sleep and in my dreams I wash my face with your blood and wipe my tears with my courage so I can clear my eyes and watch you as I blink you away you have not won this battle
In my dreams I am the hero and I don't have bruises and marks imprinted on my body because you do not exist in my dreams
But then I wake up and take twenty shattered breaths on my shaking lips and even as I suffocate in a world that doesn't understand my pain I live each day stronger than the next and let your memory fall down the land of oblivion with the hope one day I'll turn around and you'll be gone.
I have hope.
1.8k · Sep 2014
Lonely is a fortress
Lonely is burning a hole through my heart
Lonely is burning my soul to the core
Lonely hits me hard everynight
When everything around me is silent
When everything around me is dark and menacing
I have no one to hide behind
     I have no choice but to confront my monsters
They watch me with sympathy
Turning around teasing me surrounding me everywhere they are everywhere and I can't breathe but I don't know how to talk and how my body is disconnected from my soul and I try I try to breathe but it's silent my heart my heart my heart doesn't work it doesn't ring in my hear I have no heart I am frozen and they are closing in on my they are everywhere I can see them closing on me so close so close so close so so close they are all coming so close
And I can't take a breath
Lonely is choking me up
Lonely is making me weak
Lonely is winning the war
I have no one to save me
Lonely cannot be defeated
For as long as I am alone
And lonely has written its name
Along my body
Along my heart
With fierce, burning flames
My saving grace lies within the 7 billion people on this planet
But lonely is gaining ground all the way to my eyes
Burning a path down my cheeks
And crashing down with rage and pain
My heart feels the burn and my soul
My soul
My soul doesn't know where to hide
Or who to talk to
The guilt is lapping at her
WIth her burning tongue she
Reminds me that it is up to me to create relationships with other people
And my soul has no one to blame but herself and the shame, the pain…
… is like an open wound that cannot be healed, for it is not a physical wound
But a psychological pain drenched with the salt of my tears
Lonely has made its home in her heart
And tears are the only ones that get to escape the forteress of loneliness
That her body has become
Everynight she prays to a God she doesn't believe in anymore
And everynight her heart is getting stronger
Her mind is weaker
Because lonely has a mind of its own.
And its pushes me down
Drowns me in
Drowns me down
The salt of my tears
1.7k · Sep 2014
I cannot believe how easy for you it was
To wrap your hand around my heart
Like a snake with a vicious grip
You're holding me tight
And the venom you spread in me
Is a poison I have tasted before
Sweet and addictive it turns to acid
When withdrawal hits and you run away
All I will be left with is regret,
The firm print of hope against my soul,
The cold shadow of hopelessness following my steps,
And the words you said
That made me laugh once
But make me cry now
I cannot believe how easy for you it was
To release me and slither away
As if I never mattered at all
As if I never existed at all
1.7k · Mar 2015
You didn't look at me
When I said
Look at new horizons
You were already staring straight ahead
Breaking my heart
In a thousand
1.7k · Oct 2014
Everywhere I go
I add dots to the map
Of places I have been
Places I will go
Places that have been my home
For a month
For a year
For a while
Places where I was
1.6k · Oct 2014
The corner of your smile
I know you were with her
When you come back to me
You stand up straighter
(She pumped your ego)
You look at me with a twinkle
(She put it in your eyes)
For weeks I wondered if I knew this girl
I had a portrait formed in my mind
I think maybe I saw her
In the reflection of your eyes
She is the girl I can see every time in the corner of your smile
Her words are fingerprints on your heart
They cover mine
She erases my existence
I am still here
Parked in a corner of a land that once was mine
I am still here
1.5k · Jan 2018
Homme Un
Il me regarde et il me ment
Je me sens comme une enfant devant une vitrine de mensonges
Il me sourit, me noit lorsque je plonge
Je rêve d'une bouffée d'air
Mais je ne respire que l'alcool de ton haleine
Je cours mais ne m'éloigne guère

Homme Deux
Me fait me sentir belle
Tout comme les trois autres femmes
Qu'il voit chaque semaine
Je ferme les yeux pour ne pas voir
Mon reflect douloureux, triste dans un miroir
Il oublit de m'appeler le soir, ne préviens pas qu'il rentre ****
Après tout je ne suis que trophée numéro deux,
Je n'ais pas de valeur dans tes yeux

Homme Trois
M'emmène en vacances
Il prépare quelque chose, je pense
**** de moi la pensée d'un rêve différent
Je vis ma vis à chaque instant
Tourne la tête quand il comtemple
L'écran de sont téléphone avec passion,
J'évite, je m'invente des raisons
Il ne peut pas partir, ne peut pas s'en aller
Je n'ai même pas eu le temps d'arrêter de l'aimer

Homme Quatre
N'aura aucune chance
De rentrer dans la danse
Je me suis fais blessée trop de fois pour compter
Je ne survivrais pas une quatrième calamité
1.5k · Sep 2014
You told me
You told me you were glad
I had taken a chance on you
You told you would love
To have me at your house
You told me to feel free
To stay as long as I wanted
You told me I could be your friend
Only if you could be mine
You told me you would be there
Whenever I needed someone to talk to
***** data roaming
You told me to shout really loudly
If I could not reach you another way
You told me I wasn't a fool but if I was
I was your kind of fool
You told me you couldn't believe I couldn't dance
Because we were the best dancing partners
You told me that if you brought the best in me
Then the best was pretty ****** amazing
You told me it was hard being us
Always so awesome
You told me you liked having me there
In the same bed as you
You told me the both of us
Made a pretty good team
You told me you did not intend on stopping
Talking to me, laughing with me
You told me you would teach me anything
How to cuddle and whatever I wanted
You told me you would take me to the beach
Because I had not yet been
You told me you would take me to do something fun
Whenever I would get some free time
You told me we made a great team…
… Unless we were playing Monopoly
You told me you would come and try the cheese nan
If I came and tried your fondue
You told me you liked staying up
Just so you could talk to me
You told me you were glad you took the ferry
To meet me a universe away
You told me we would make a perfect team
I could be the olive skinned French beauty, and you the eternal white Englishman
You told me I was too lovely
You told me you would come and get me
Even if you had to walk to get to me
You told me you wanted to go to Venice
And asked me if I wanted to join you.

You told me so many beautiful things and for that I am so grateful
You made me smile so many times
You made me happy every day
For a while
Then you forgot I was alive but I still have the memories of us
In my mind, next to the could have been drawer
Where all the things we could have done, could have been,
Lay still in silence.
You told me so many beautiful things and I
Believed them all.
You made me believe I could fall again.
You broke my heart but you made me believe,
And for the next one who will come along
I will open my heart wide open
Because you made me believe I could,
Love again.
But really, all I want is for you to make me fall again. Catch me this time. Hold my hand and kiss my jaw and never hurt me agai
1.4k · Mar 2015
The empty space in my bed is filled with a man
Whose scent is all wrong
1.4k · Sep 2014
I am ashamed of what I did for
                                            Your attention
                    My skin did not deserve
                              All those


I am so glad time heals everything.
1.3k · Sep 2014
My blood is ink
Writing is easier than yelling out every emotions
Writing is calming, a soothing voice –your own- dictating what to write
Writing is an escape.
Your thoughts move from their dark place inside your head,
your neck,
Your arm,
Feel the tension of your wrist as they go up, up,
Up into your waiting hands, fingers ready to translate the vague into the precise
Words tumbling down the ink of your pen.
Writing is the blade I slash across my wrist to feel the pain
Writing makes it visible.
My emotions.
On paper.
Right. There.
Like a line of blood dripping down the numbness of a hand rended useless by the power of sharp blades.
My blood is my ink, and each day I bleed a little bit more onto the page, a little bit

l                o n g e r

Each day I shed my invicible suit to put on my poet cloak
For a few hours I pretend I'm a writer
I bleed to death everynight and then come back to life the next morning
I die everynight I peaceful sleep and when I wake up the blood is new.
The blood is fresh.
The blood is black.
And I bleed again and again my anger, my sadness, my incomprehension, my fear, my love, my hate, my loneliness, my grand feelings
I bleed them out
My blood is my ink.
My blade is my pen.
My pain are the words.
My redemption is the beauty of my pain
I lie down and realize my blood doesn't disappear, doesn't wash out.
No one can erase my death.
Because I am once again alive
And I will bleed forever.
1.3k · Jul 2015
You can try
But you can't see
The words that I need
To feel free
1.3k · Jul 2017
I created my own mask when I was 8 and crying in the back of a cab.
2. I had taken for granted the joy and happiness but my eyes were seeing through tears and for the very first time I could not breathe under the weight of the stone placed upon my heart and we were driving away and away
and away
3. When the plane took off I stopped crying
4. I do not remember the next 2 years
5. At age 13, I spent 3 years being bullied. During winter I would hold my forehead against the radiator until it burned and burned and I would tell my parents I wasn’t feeling well. They would let me stay home by myself and I would feel such relief at not having to see the people who hurt me. I would end my days in my room hugging my frame and reminding myself I am worth something.
6. At age 16 I took my bag full of my broken self-esteem and destroyed self-worth and left the continent to get a chance at mending myself.
7. It has been years but I still feel worthless sometimes.
8. When I come back to the place where it all took place I get mad. The adults who were supposed to protect me just looked at me down with pity and the family that should have been there for me did not understand that I was not being dramatic this time, Dad, and perhaps the saleswoman skills you praise me for were acquired while bargaining for my life you know nothing. I hid all the places where they broke me under a mask that fit so well over my face I do not know how to get it off. It fits so well you never realized it isn’t me, Dad, Mom, you know something is wrong. I see you staring with wariness when I get lost in thought, my hand creating waves in the wind from the open window of the backseat of your car, but you never say anything.
9. Even if you did speak to me, I wonder what I would be able to explain. I cannot even speak clearly to my psychiatrist.
10. I try. Isn’t it enough to try ?
11. The mask does not come off, not for you, not for him, not for anyone. Not even for myself. I wonder if I will ever see my real face again.
1.3k · Oct 2014
Alice in Wonderland
Loving you is like falling in a dream
Closing my eyes and


and then
Opening my eyes to
Bright colours
Unexpected scenes
All around me nothing makes sense
Alice in Wonderland
My name is not Alice.
What is my name?
You make me forget my own name.
How can I not hate you when I want to hear my name on your lips so badly
I am ready to live a life unknowing of my own denomination
Just to wait, watch as your lips move to form
And how can I not hate you when I cannot remember anything about me at all
You call me Alice.
Tell me I'm one of a kind, live in a fantasy world.
I don't want this fantasy.
I want an earth shattering reality where you hold my hand and it is not a dream.
You make me drink the poison of my tears
And smile lopsidedly when I ask you why
You never answer me.
Cryptic and vague, you smile and turn and fly around me.
You let me believe you are magic.

Loving you is like falling in a dream
I wonder if you will ever let me wake up
Snap out of your spell
Rub my eyes raw and realize
I am not Alice.
I am me.
And you cannot steal that away from me.
1.2k · Sep 2014
Art is beautiful
It makes life worth it
No matter what you do, whether you write, paint, sew, dance, act, sculpt, all of it is valuable.
It makes our community worth so much more than just a few people worrying about bills and stock market.
Art gives the rest of the world an idea of what your community is like.
What your community enjoys.
What your community is at heart.
Who we are.
As a whole.
1.2k · Sep 2014
Hand me downs
When you talk to me
All I can hear is
The sound of her voice in yours
When I look into your eyes
All I can see is
Her reflection in yours
She is everywhere
And I have looked beneath your soul too many times
I would find something that belongs to me within you
She hides in every corner
And I am in plain sight
A sitting duck waiting to be shot
By the very hands that used to hold me in my sleep
You have never deemed me worthy
Of tucking me in the folds of your heart
And as I lay here in the cold silence of your indifference
I think I realize that maybe
The pieces of you I thought you had given me
Are only scraps of what you gave her
And what she refused to keep.
Maybe, this whole time,
The pieces of you where hand me downs
From the one person I would never be able to accept anything from

**(You never bothered to give me something new)
I gave you my brand new heart and you gave me nothing
1.2k · Sep 2014
I am torn between
Running to your door
And telling you I love you
Face to face
Crawling in my bed
And whispering I love you
From far away

**(I wonder which one you would hear better)
I want you to do the same

I want you to love me better
1.2k · Mar 2015
"Focus of your destiny"
Clear blue eyes
Trained straight ahead
Skip through me
A step along the way... long...


Her past is red and black,
Coal and fire;
Her future is blue and white,
Opening her mind to a whole new
She doesn't realize I am
Or perhaps she knows
But still she
This came from the inspiration of an art piece by Danny O'Connor of the same title
1.2k · Sep 2014
You were my sun
I want a love that changes the world
The way I view it
I want a love so deep the deepest ocean would seem shallow in comparison
I want an all-burning love that makes me pity the stars for looking at the moon when the true star is the sun.
I want a love like the sun.

You were my sun, and you eclipsed my world.

*Now I live in darkness.
But when the clouds clear and I get a good look at the stars... ****.
1.1k · Sep 2014
Joking aside
Treat me like a joke and I'll leave you like it's funny
I cannot remember where I saw/heard this. But it blew my mind.
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