As the light of the morning
awakens me, a sweet taste
of heaven touches my lips
And at that moment I think
of the tenderness which
is daily found in your kiss
Even though I was greeted
by the sun, dancing happily
while delighting my eyes
I found my heart entranced
by carefully placed kisses,
whose taste of bliss on my
lips now lie
My beginning this morning
was breathtaking as I was
I was greeted by my two
true loves
For your kisses greeted
me with embracing smiles
shining like the sun in the
sky above
My heart and mind were swept
into a natural high, where I
felt myself flying like a dove
And I found the sweet essence
of heavens bliss alive, within
the graceful embrace of the two
I love
Inside of my heart I found
myself smiling because of
the sweetness my two loves
Finding my life will always
be a priceless blessing, because
they give my heart a genuine
reason to sing.
In life to have one true love is so beautiful but with two its a dream come true, especially when one is your heavenly love and the other your earthly soul mate.