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16.2k · Oct 2014
hello again Oct 2014
I see monsters
in my head
each night when I close my eyes
There they are again
with there sharp teeth snarling at me.
Save me from the monsters.
Save me from these monsters.
Save me from my monsters.
8.7k · Feb 2015
Sly Little Fox
hello again Feb 2015
You wander around the forest looking for your next meal..
You're silent, as you wander alone in the forest.
You smelled a lovely sensation, and walked toward it.
You came across a little cabin in the forest, where a small family lived.
You looked into the window and saw a little girl sitting in the window sill
You thought to yourself, "dinner?"
She looked back at you and said with a soft voice,
"You're a sly little fox aren't you? Now, go home to your family, before my father see's you."
He did, but not right away, he stared, and listened, and did as she said.
The sly little fox listened.
7.7k · Jan 2015
hello again Jan 2015
Stop waiting for the world to change.
Go out and change the world.
Be a world changer.
Lets be world changers.
3.2k · Mar 2016
hello again Mar 2016
I met you on a Saturday night,
You were wearing a white and tanish shirt
Skinny jeans
Grey converse  
It that made me sad when I found out you live somewhere else.
Don't know why
I just met you and don't know anything about you
I think you're
To this boy I just met
2.1k · Oct 2015
Best friends don't leave
hello again Oct 2015
She's my best friend
Break her heart
or bring her down
I'll make you regret it immediately.
Don't hurt her
1.5k · Jan 2016
hello again Jan 2016
you do a good job of blocking things out.
you keep good things going through my head.
you block out the voices all around.
so thanks headphones, youre getting me through stuff.
1.4k · May 2016
hello again May 2016
kitchen floor
thanks for being my dance floor
i cried on the kitchen floor once
i cried over that one guy that one time
but the kitchen floor was still my dance floor in the end
1.2k · Oct 2015
I'm still here
hello again Oct 2015
I need to know if you're okay.
Please tell me if you are.
I need to know whats going on.
Let me in.
I'm at the door waiting for you to open it.
Just, let me in my love.
I'll always be here.
I'm here waiting for you to let me in the door.
My dear, my love, I'm here.
I want you to let me know if you're okay.
940 · Oct 2015
hello again Oct 2015
Hey mom, hey dad.
Why are we still yelling?
We need to get out of this broken home.
Please don't let me back out into the cold!
Hey mom, hey dad.
Please stop this!
I'm stuck watching these walls fall down.
I'm here alone in this broken home.
When will this end!
I'm done.
Hey mom, hey dad.
When did you lose your happiness?
When did this home become broken!?
Please let it all go!
I want to help, but I'm stuck in between.
Who cares who's fault it is!
I'm still stuck in this broken home.
For S and M.
898 · Aug 2015
hello again Aug 2015
How did I get here?
Am I alive?
I feel weightless, almost like the dust on a lamp.
How did I get here?
All I see is darkness.
I know I'm not dead.
So where am I?
And why am I here?
and more importantly, how did I get here?
871 · Apr 2017
A moment in time
hello again Apr 2017
My life changed the moment I met you
The moment you called me yours
The moment I knew I wasn't going to be alone anymore
The moment I knew you were go to be with me no matter what
The moment I felt safe
I felt safe in your arms
I knew my life was in your hands
850 · Sep 2016
Two days before I turn 18
hello again Sep 2016
We walked around
We talked the whole time
Your smile made me nervous
Every time you messed with your hair it made my knees weak.
You're everything I look for
You said let's do this again
The weird part is
I haven't seen you in two years
And it felt like I saw you yesterday
You're blue eyes looking in my green eyes
When you would just look at me and listen
You would smile when I made a dumb joke
I want to see him again
The blonde haired and blue eyed boy
Still don't know if it was a date lol
784 · Dec 2014
hello again Dec 2014
I know you.
I know your junk.
I know all of your stuff.
You messed up.
You know that,
I will always love you.
I will always forgive you.
But will you be able to forgive yourself?
Because you know your stuff,
your junk.
I will never leave you!
I will never abandon you!
Because I love you for You...
I like writing poems, but I can never find the right words.
758 · Mar 2017
That one boy
hello again Mar 2017
I hate not being able to call you mine.
You always say "Don't Be Sad"
When you're the reason I'm crying.
You love her.
And not me.
I wish I was the one you were holding in your arms.
But then I see how perfectly she fits in your arms.
All I can do is cry and never tell you you're the reason why.
All I can do is sit here watch you love her
And watch you slowly break my heart in two.
Sorry I had to repost it got deleted and i needed to fix it anyways.
749 · Dec 2015
Winter In Tennessee
hello again Dec 2015
It's not cold,
It's 57 degrees on December 14th, 2015.
I want it to be cold.
I want it to snow.
But knowing Tennessee,
It's going to snow in March.
We have weird weather
737 · Oct 2015
hello again Oct 2015
Go ahead,
Make it look like everything is okay.
When you know it's not.
Go ahead,
Put that fake smile on so people don't see the tears behind your eyes.
Go ahead,
Fake that laugh so no one can hear you crying for help.
Go ahead,
Act all tough so no one can see you crumble.
Go ahead and smile.
hello again Apr 2016
I wish I could make it all go away
Your hurt
His hurt
I wish I could make the tears go away
I wish I could take the feelings away
I wish I could heal all the wounds
Yours and His
But I can't
Only You can
Only He can.
I want to help it all go away
697 · Aug 2016
hello again Aug 2016
It's been a while,
Things have changed.
She left him.
I'm still trying to figure life out.
School *****.
I cried a lot.
I met someone but , I'll never see him.
I was really ******* yesterday.
I had fun on Saturday.
Ice cream was fun with you.
I ran away from him.
That's all.
My life is going to be crazy
694 · Mar 2016
hello again Mar 2016
You're not alone.
Take my hand,
Hold it tight,
Don't let it go until you're ready.
I'll be here when the dark clouds gather around you.
When they do,
Hold me close and don't let go until they're gone.
When they do go,
Keep holding me.
Because I'm not ready for you to let go.
657 · Oct 2015
hello again Oct 2015
Weird, yet dangerous contraptions.
They produce words that can be sweet like honey
or deadly like a bullet from a machine gun.
Don't play with guns
642 · Dec 2015
You left
hello again Dec 2015
Wondering if you miss me like I miss you.
I wonder why you left me.
Why did you leave me for her!
I miss you.
But, at the same time I don't at all.
You make me so angry!
I wish I could tell you how I feel!
But, you wouldn't care.
All you would do is smile and turn away.
I wish you knew how I felt.
But, you never will.
And that's okay.
He left me for her.
hello again Aug 2015
It's okay to let it all out.
It's okay to cry.
It's okay to be sad.
It's okay not be okay.
For someone I know.
624 · Dec 2015
hello again Dec 2015
It's a heavy shadow hanging over me.
It makes feel like I can't catch my breath.
It makes me feel like I'm drowning.
As I try to gasp for air, it only makes my chest tighter.  
It feels like a straight jacket.
It feels like all of my thoughts are laughing right back at me.
Anxiety, it's trying to win.
But, I won't let it.
608 · Apr 2017
Tattooed heart
hello again Apr 2017
I have many tattoos
Not physically on my body
But on my heart
The tattoos are peoples names
They're the people I care about most
The people who are going to be tattooed on my heart for the rest of my days.
Too many names
581 · Jun 2016
Tuesday the 7th
hello again Jun 2016
Today, something changed in you
You became a different person when I saw you
When you opened the door you seemed sad
It made me miss the old you
The happy you
The smiling you
I want you be yourself agian.
The person I know and love.
Something I made up on the top of my head
571 · Oct 2015
Wanting You
hello again Oct 2015
I want your insecurities,
I want you and everything that comes with you.
559 · Jan 2017
Blue eyed boy
hello again Jan 2017
You ask me if I'm jealous
I shake my head no and smile
When really I'm crumbling inside
With those simple words i feel,
You ask jokingly "can I have a kiss?"
I shake my head and laugh
When really I wanted to yes so terribly.
You ask are you crying?
I shake my head and say no my eyes itch
When really, I'm crying over the fact that you don't feel the same way I do.
My friend tells me to tell you that I love you
I know if I do,
Everything will be ruined.
To the boy who will only see me as his best friend
546 · Oct 2015
Take my hand
hello again Oct 2015
"I'm not a piece of cake or meat!
I am a person with feelings and emotions!
And you go around shattering those feeling and emotions!
I go home feeling like I will never be enough for you!
I wish you could see that I love you.
But, you go ahead and call me names and make fun of everything I do!
You make me think I should just leave this place!
Because maybe that would make you finally see me.
and if that is the only way, so be it!"
You figure the rest out.
532 · Mar 2016
march 24, 2016
hello again Mar 2016
its your birthday today.
you were the first boy to like me back
turns out you're a real *******
you moved away and fell for someone else
i don't miss you even though i tell you that i do
you're happier
even though you said you'd never would be without me
you lied
and thats okay
i dont miss you
im glad you're finally growing up
you still need more birthdays
happy birthday
511 · Mar 2016
March 1st, 2016
hello again Mar 2016
It's raining and thundering
My cat is meowing
My sister is painting with my other siblings
Moms working on her essay
Dads at work
And me
Well, I'm worrying about when am I going to finish my school so I can read my book.
509 · Oct 2015
hello again Oct 2015
I lay in bed with tears in my eyes,
thinking of you,
missing you,
wanting you.
The tears fall onto my pillowcase when I think of you.
They say it gets better.
Then why do the tears keep coming?
Why hasn't it got better?
I want the tears to stop falling on my pillow.
I want the tears to stop coming.
But, they won't stop.
490 · Dec 2017
You don’t need that
hello again Dec 2017
I put the fork to my mouth
“You don’t need that”
Those are the words that pop into my head
I go a few hours longer
I put the one piece of bread to my
“You don’t need that”
There they are again those words
I go a few days
I put a glass of water to my mouth
“You don’t need that”
Again. They’re back
Now you’re on a week of nothing
Nothing at all
Yet you still think
You don’t need that.
You’ll be fine.
Just a little longer.
Let’s see how far you can go this time
Sometimes people struggle
487 · Aug 2015
hello again Aug 2015
My love,
My sweet,
My everything,
My friend,
My all...
Why don't you love me back?
475 · Oct 2015
Mistakes are made
hello again Oct 2015
You've changed so much since we last spoke.
You could have come to me if needed.
You didn't have to follow those people.
I would have welcomed you with open arms.
I know you weren't thinking when you did it.
I bet you're sad now.
I wish I could have been there with you to stop you.
I promise, next time I will not let that happen again.
He's just changed so much.
469 · Apr 2016
You two
hello again Apr 2016
Too cute
You guys are too cute
Always talking
Always saying nice things to eachother
Making eachothers day
I mean it's cute, but gross
460 · Oct 2014
I knew you would lie
hello again Oct 2014
I thought you where great
I knew you would be different than the others
When I met you I fell in love
But it turns out
You're a ****
You lied
You said you loved me
But you really didn't
I knew you where trouble
But I didn't want to except that you where
I wanted to think you where amazing in every way
I watched you lie
I knew you would
I loved him, he let me down
455 · Mar 2017
My thoughts are only of him
hello again Mar 2017
I'm drowning in my own thoughts.
Every time I lay in bed
My thoughts are only of you
I want to be of something else
But, once I start to think of you, I can't stop
I think of how many times you've made me laugh
How many times you've made me cry
And I think of many times you're going to make me want to scream.
But the words I scream are "I hate you!"
When all I want to scream is "I love you."
454 · Dec 2017
hello again Dec 2017
My thoughts are darker now
My heart is heavier now
I feel alone
I feel empty
I have no words
I want sleep
Sleep gets rid of the thoughts
Sleep makes everything stop
Just for a little bit
Make everything stop
441 · Apr 2016
hello again Apr 2016
buzz buzz* my phone goes off
3:02 am on the clock.
It's you agian.
Every night
At the same time
With the same message
Then a tap tap tap at my window.
I freeze.
buzz buzz "Please, let me in"
I text back "no"
tap tap tap
This time a voice
"Let me in."
I'm frozen.
3:04 am.
He's gone.
He'll be back
He always comes back.
Just a nightmare I had once
438 · Oct 2015
hello again Oct 2015
You say "You're worth it",
They why do I feel so worthless?
You say "You're beautiful",
Then why do I feel like I need to hide my face?
You say "It's gonna get better",
Then why hasn't it?
Tell me why...
I overthink things too often
421 · Oct 2015
Save me from falling
hello again Oct 2015
I never thought these feelings would come as fast as they did.
They haunt me in my dreams.
Please save me from them.
I want them to disappear like the sun during a storm.
I need them to go away.
Make them go away.
I'm not ready for another heartbreak.
I'm not ready to fall back in love.
I can't fall in love.
Well, just not with him.
420 · Nov 2015
Rescue Us
hello again Nov 2015
The world is falling into darkness,
We need to let some light in,
The world is crying out "COME AND SAVE US!"
We're scared to go outside,
We want to stay away from the problem,
But, the problem is all around us.
The problem is you and me, it's us.
Our world is falling apart.
413 · Oct 2014
I will always say goodbye
hello again Oct 2014
You walked into the room
I knew I was meant to love you
as I waited and waited for you to notice me
I started seeing the real you and you me
it took awhile for you fall for me
but eventually you did
as we fell deeper and deeper
You became angry with just one word.
You fell deeper as I grow further.
I told you the truth and why?
Because I knew the real you
So I had goodbye
You said you would always love me
But I can't stand another heartbreak
I have to and I will always say Goodbye.
405 · Dec 2017
Goodbye 2017
hello again Dec 2017
Leave me and my thoughts
Do not bother me anymore
Leave me alone
403 · Jan 2016
He's not like the other one
hello again Jan 2016
He said he's not going to leave.
Which means he's not.
Stop, lying to yourself.
He isn't like the other one.
He's not going to hurt you the other one.
He will not treat you bad.
When he says he loves you he means it.
So stop tell yourself different.
402 · Jan 2017
hello again Jan 2017
You're so young
You're gonna be okay
Don't worry about tomorrow
Don't worry about yesterday
Just keep talking
Tell me whats wrong and I'll try and make it go away
You're so special
You're going to get out of there at some point
Just keep talking
Don't listen to them
You'll get out
Don't shut down
Keep talking
One day you're going to stand up and they won't stop listening
You're needed, I promise.
You're so young.
Don't give up.
someone i know
401 · Nov 2015
hello again Nov 2015
It's a new month
A new day
Yet, the world is still grey.
The leaves are falling more and more everyday.
They're changing and growing
Just like me.
I'm growing.
I'm changing.
It's a new month
A new day,
but, it's still grey.
397 · Dec 2015
Growing Up
hello again Dec 2015
I know now, that I’m growing up.

I know, because I’m scared one day I will get my heart broken.

I know, because I can’t stop thinking about the future.

I know, because I’m thinking about life outside of my childhood home.

I know, because I think about my future with some else other than family.

I know, because I’m thinking about our future.
391 · Nov 2015
hello again Nov 2015
Hello? Are you there?
I want to be seen by you.
I want to be heard by you.
I want to be held in your arms.
I want to be hugged by you.
I want to hold hands with you.
I need you to see me, hear me.
I need you to want me.
For him.
388 · Aug 2015
hello again Aug 2015
I wonder if he smiles at me like I smile at him.
I wonder if he looks at me like I look at him.
I wonder if he thinks of me when I think of him.
I wonder.....
Does he love me like I love him?
Because I think love him.
This is for the boy that lives far away.
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