It is silent as I walk through the woods,
The old dark trees standing sadly in their places,
Not able to move,
There are no sounds,
The silence is complete and I am all alone,
Only me and the trees,
And I wander,
Get lost in the unfamiliar woods,
A place o so old,
Yet so unknown,
Cause no one knows,
How to reach the eternal forest,
You hear about it in old song,
Read about it in books with almost forgotten lore,
But I can barely recall any of them,
For the forest takes over my head,
Controls my moods,
My thoughts and fears,
And I notice that we slowly become one,
The eternal forest and I,
I am becoming one with the woods,
Don't feel different from the tree next to me,
I stop walking,
Just stand still and breath in the cool air,
I lose my mind,
My grip on reality,
I don't remember the time before here,
The forest is slowly taking over my mind,
And I notice I haven't moved yet,
Not for over a few days,
But I lost all my desire to,
I just want stay here in my place,
And become one with the trees.
Part of the eternal forest.