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Nov 2021 · 335
The ultimate sacrifice
Lex Nov 2021
Imagine giving your life
For someone you loved
So deeply
And then being rejected after
The ultimate sacrifice

I don’t have to imagine
Because Jesus already lives that
The crucifixion was the greatest sacrifice ever made,
but it was also the greatest act of grace.
Lex Nov 2021
Yet I only want your shade of yellow
For the rest of forever
I love this man so incredibly much
Jan 2021 · 1.4k
“I love you.”
Lex Jan 2021
It’s a dangerous and absolutely terrifying  thing to love and be loved
Jan 2021 · 397
The invitation to adore him
Lex Jan 2021
I feel he has created this kind of comfort that I’ve always lacked
A sense of security without feeling pressured to stay
A welcoming rather
An invitation to touch his soul

He creates this sense of history that is just developing but feels centuries old
He holds me with a strength that goes deeper than the definition in his biceps
He smiles with his whole heart that his dimples climb to reach his eyes
Which burn with an intensity of crashing waves in the ocean
He makes me feel warm.
And he's extended the offer of adoration that I willingly accept and give in return.
Jan 2021 · 194
They always do
Lex Jan 2021
I feel like I make people fall hard & quickly in love with me
But then the newness wears off and I’m left with just myself
They leave.
They always leave.
So why is he any different?
Nov 2020 · 118
The sad truth
Lex Nov 2020
I love to
Other people deserve so much
But no one ever takes the time to
Like we’re supposed to.
Nov 2020 · 226
What she says
Lex Nov 2020
“It hurts,”
she says.
As she struggles to stand in the morning, because her heart is so heavy with pain she feels she will never heal.
“It’s heavy,”
she cries.
As she tries desperately to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders by herself, because she has no one to turn to.
“It’s hard,”
she whispers.
As the last of her hope crawls out of her body leaving a lifeless shape of a woman that they once knew.
May 2020 · 110
Lex May 2020
I never loved you.
What I loved was the thought of what you could become if only you cared enough to love yourself the way that I loved you.
I was in love with your potential.
May 2020 · 115
Someday, somehow
Lex May 2020
I hope that I can be loved the way I love everyone else.
Feb 2020 · 132
Irony of us
Lex Feb 2020
The irony of it all is this;
No matter how many times you stabbed me
No matter how many bullets you shot me with
No matter how many punches you threw
I would never stop loving you
I never picked up the knife
I never would touch the gun
I never would lift a finger
To hurt anyone
And especially with you
Who I so deeply cared for
I would never hurt you
I would always adore
Sometimes they keep hurting you because they feel they don’t deserve that love.
Jan 2020 · 297
You must dance
Lex Jan 2020
There comes a point where you dance.
And not the same for everyone,
but you must dance.
Because when your heart has been still and stuck in sadness
you must give it a little chaos after.
After what, you may ask?
After you're broken.
After your heart feels absolutely shattered to its core.
After you and your love have been at war.
After a long day at work.
Just after.
Anything, where your heart has hurt
you MUST dance.
I hope that someday you dance again.
I did.
And I've never been more joyful.
Jan 2020 · 120
Lex Jan 2020
I was never in love with
I was in love with your
Jan 2020 · 126
Words. Have. Power.
Lex Jan 2020
Ahhh, the power of writing down how one feels.
Maybe that's why we have so many who don't write.
Or like to read.
Because it's hard to look at your words
when all you see are things you've been avoiding.
Hello, HePo. :) Just some thoughts for the night.
Lex Dec 2019
I deserve a person who wants me all of the time.
I deserve someone who wants me.
I am worth the effort it takes to love a person.
And I am worthy of that same love.
I am worth it.
Dec 2019 · 767
I wish I wished
Lex Dec 2019
I wish I wished I had it in me
To just hurt you how you hurt me
Oct 2019 · 244
Hard to love
Lex Oct 2019
I’m sure it would be hard to love someone like me when you couldn’t even love yourself long enough before you gave up
Lex Oct 2019
The idea that one person can take all your breath away is both incredible and terrifying all at the same time
Lex Feb 2018
As we count the cost
of your ticket to leave
As we cry the tears
and wipe them on our sleeve
As we wait for hope
we sit and smile
As we try to cope
we sit for awhile
As we dance around
with our feet bare
As we lay on the ground
with our fanned out hair
As we sit on our bench
and look up at the stars
As we look at each other
we realize what we are
As we became best friends
beauty was born
And now as you leave
we are still strong as ever
and remain untorn.
To: My best friend Amber. I love you to the depths of the deepest sea and to the top of Heaven's sky. Wherever God takes you I will always remember the ineffable journey of us. <3 I will forever miss you.
Jan 2018 · 476
Mi Madre Siempre
Lex Jan 2018
Mi madre siempre
loves me
when I don't deserve it
holds me
when I don't fit
sticks up for me
when other won't
hugs me
when others don't.

Mi madre siempre
makes sure i'm okay
even if we've fought
makes sure I eat
even when i'm not
makes sure I understand
even when I do
loves me more than anyone
it will forever be us two.
To: My stunning superhero; my mother
I know that we often fight but that's only because we are too much alike.
If you ever read this, I love you and I appreciate you more than you may ever know.<3
Jan 2018 · 599
The Polaroid Stars
Lex Jan 2018
I wait
for our fate
like I wait
for a Polaroid
and as it slowly develops
I see you and me
Jan 2018 · 300
home sweet home...
Lex Jan 2018
my innocence was taken
when I heard the first door slam.

my heart was broken
when I saw the first man

my mind was buzzing
when I felt the first scream

and my childhood was taken
when I saw the first leave.
Jan 2018 · 366
A poem to the ignored
Lex Jan 2018
it's sad
how when you talk to someone
for the first time
and then after you realize
you see them in the hallways
or they're walking past your door
looking grey
smiling at you as you pass
as they carry their tray
keeping their head down in the back of class
trying to keep their feelings at bay

We tend to ignore things that we can't see
but I think what it come down to
is that we can see
we just choose not to.
There are so many people who are sitting alone. Who feel alone. Who are alone.
But instead of noticing them we just keep our heads up and our eyes forward.
We don't stop enough to help, so today we shall try.
Jan 2018 · 240
Up, up, and away.....
Lex Jan 2018
but more than anything I wish to be in the clouds.
Jan 2018 · 387
The Real You
Lex Jan 2018
I hope that someday
your pain doesn't control you
I hope that someday
darling you can be
the real you.
Jan 2018 · 531
light me up
Lex Jan 2018
Your smile may not light up a room
but it sure does light me up.
Jan 2018 · 496
a lie.
Lex Jan 2018
finding out the one you love
is different than what you thought
is kind of like finding out
"daddy's not a superhero"
you feel sad
and worst of all like it was all
a lie.
Jan 2018 · 343
Lex Jan 2018
I look outside and watch the rising sun
not for any particular reason
just for fun

I go to the kitchen and start to dance
not with anyone else
just myself and the pans

I cry until the oceans are dry
not because of someone else
just for the others who die

I get so mad I just want to go fight
not to inflict pain on anyone
but because some do to cause fright

I try too hard to find love
not because i'm desperate
but I don't always feel it from above

I don't see the truth in front of me
not because It's not there
but because I choose not to see.
Most of the time what you're looking for is right in front of you,
you just may not want to accept that that's what it is.
Much love for you all. <3
Jan 2018 · 313
Lex Jan 2018
Way back when we were young
we went on play dates
holding hands and laughing
but I had to vacate
you were hurting too bad
and all I did for you was placate.
Placate=make (someone) less angry or hostile.
Jan 2018 · 343
cheap eye shadow thrills
Lex Jan 2018
Cheap eye shadow smells
and chick fil a dates
scuffed sneakers
and climbing rusty gates

clumped mascara
and bright blue eyes
red and white sirens
tear stains from late night cries

yelling at you
you yelling at me
we're too tired to feel
anything but free.
Jan 2018 · 526
Lex Jan 2018
I look outside
and I see the blue sky
mixed with the sparse white clouds
and I realize there is no better of a time
than now.
As I looked outside today I realized that I am so blessed with all that I can see from my small home's window. (c)
Jan 2018 · 638
My Favorite Emma
Lex Jan 2018
You are my favorite Emma that exists

You are no matchmaker
like Jane Austen might suppose
you don't succeed in life
by helping the love lives of bros

You are no blonde
like Emma Roberts is
you have brown hair and beautiful eyes
you are crazy smart, some sort of a ****

You are no dancer in a musical
like Emma Stone
You are more of a marvelous human
who has a mind of her own

You aren't a wizard
like Emma Watson was
you are the kind of person
that is nice just because

Despite what they have said
Despite what they say should sink
I will love my Emma
without having to think.
To: Emma Kate
I love you friend!<3
Jan 2018 · 3.8k
Girl Power.
Lex Jan 2018
Other girls are not my competition
I stand with them
Not against them.
Thanks bff for reminding me of this today.
Jan 2018 · 651
Welcome to Society
Lex Jan 2018
Skinny is the new perfect
forget the curves you tried so hard to obtain
get thin and you'll be attractive
you have to realize you need to be the same

Welcome to society
no one ever said life would be easy
so chin up and start the dieting
but make sure you're not too ******

wear all the right clothes
but make sure that they show just enough
the right amount to keep them intrested
it doesn't matter if it's tough

They all say beauty is pain
it doesn't matter what you do
do what ever it takes to get perfect
make sure you act like you don't have a clue

Playing dumb is fun
at least until someone get's hurt
but validity gained at all is enough to sustain
even if they mostly treat you like dirt

Don't worry as long as they tell you you look nice
everytime they want into bed
as long as you're getting told
well obviously that's enough said

Ignore the red flags
it's honestly all in your head
don't worry about a thing
it doesn't matter if your fed.
It's important to know your body better than everyone else does.
Jan 2018 · 307
Take Flight
Lex Jan 2018
You are bright
like the stars at night
I want to take flight
with you.
Jan 2018 · 768
Lex Jan 2018
To the moments I spent alone
To the times I laughed in your home
To the times I spent with you
to the times you were there when I was blue
To the time I climbed the watch tower
To the time when we picked flowers
To the late night bench talks
To the haters who tryed to mock
To the times I cried myself to sleep
To the memories that I get to keep
To when you stuck with me during their fight
For him showing me the light
To the fun i've had

And cheers!
To the fun that's yet to come.
Another year, another start. You choose where you want to go
And most importantly
To Hello Poetry accepting me into their realm of love! Thanks guys<3
Dec 2017 · 1.9k
endless lovers
Lex Dec 2017
what is it about me
that others can't seem to keep?
Dec 2017 · 327
This whole year
Lex Dec 2017
This whole year,
I spent it being scared.
This whole year,
I did nothing but compare.
This whole year,
I tried too hard
This whole year,
the real me became slowly charred.
This whole year,
I could never measure up.
This whole year,
I told my self I was a *****-up
This whole year,
I was caught
This whole year,
I worried too much about what they thought.
So this next year,
I'm going to love the crap out of myself.
What are your plans for self-develpment in 2018?!
Dec 2017 · 379
Lex Dec 2017
I expected the best out of you
I was told to find someone new
before you made me feel blue
but I thought that I knew you
all that's left now is you
in peripheral view
so now I must say adieu
Farewell love, you will be missed.
Dec 2017 · 326
Your face
Lex Dec 2017
Then I see your face
and everything starts to change
Dec 2017 · 402
Lex Dec 2017
you asked for some more coffee
little did I know your asking for more coffee
was an attempt to talk to me
and it was nice for a while
but it soon became to taste like the coffee
too bad you tasted bitter.
Dec 2017 · 1.4k
too much
Lex Dec 2017
i feel too much
i love too much
i forgive too much
i'm good too much
I kinda love it though. :)
Dec 2017 · 293
Wait and See
Lex Dec 2017
The thing about love is that
you can never be for sure
about anything
if they'll stay
if they'll go
how'll they will act
how'll they will be
how long they will love
and how long they may leave
but the best thing about love is that
it comes down to trust
and if you have it and you can believe
then it will work
you just have to wait and see.
Wait it out if you feel that it's worth it.
Don't be afraid to love.
Dec 2017 · 988
Calorie Consumption
Lex Dec 2017
The girl next to me
is all I wish I could be
I look at her and say, "you look pretty"
What I know that she can't see
is the building jealousy

the constant tugging at my waist
my demons trying to pull me down face to face
trying to make myself smile without leaving a trace
saying my words that are heavy and laced
with hatred for my temple,
my place

The society that I live in
has taught me I have to hate my own skin
I need to to be thin
in order to win

Instead of looking at my sister with admiration
I look at her with damnation
because i've been taught by the people in my nation
society will never cause cessation
to the standards givin to us

I will never again feel elation.
Because being happy takes up too much time.
Takes up too much power.
Takes up too much attention.
And causes me to not focas on my calorie consumption.
Please, know you are so much more.
Lex Dec 2017
You see the funny thing about our world
is not that we hate each other
it's that we have been taught to despise someone
who doesn't believe the same as we do.
I was just thinking about how if we say we don't like someone it's mostly based upon the thoughts of another rather than our own.
Dec 2017 · 272
The True Present of Today
Lex Dec 2017
A huge wide cheerful grin spread across her face
as she unwrapped his present of eternal love.
She looked over with pure happiness to him and said,

"Thank you Jesus."
Merry Christmas lovelies!
I hope that whomever is reading this has a wonderful day, and an even more wonderful year to come.

Lex <3
Dec 2017 · 255
Without the dark
Lex Dec 2017
Without the darkness
The light wouldn't seem as bright.
Inspired by a night drive.
Dec 2017 · 390
Lex Dec 2017
I want you more than words can say
but i'm scared you will be scared away.
Dec 2017 · 395
Read at 2:36am
Lex Dec 2017
"Do you still love me?"
                                                            ­       "I never stopped."
Yep, abother poem about you...
Dec 2017 · 810
Excerpt from "The Grinch"
Lex Dec 2017
"And maybe Christmas isn't something that's bought,
pperhaps it is something much more."
-The Grinch
Dec 2017 · 275
Lex Dec 2017
Feel the air on your skin
let it sink in
And then begin the trip of a lifetime.
Whether it be exploring the mountians or exploring your self.
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