After a few days in bed
And finally reaching help
Upon hearing the news
I've decided that this is how it will be
This is my life
Unable to talk
Unable to move
I am to be worthless
But fate, it seems,
would have something very different to say on the matter
Because fate stepped in,
in the form of a Father.
My family was sad, but my dad knew what i needed
He found an orange, he knew we could beat it
He would hit me with the orange
Trying to **** me off
Telling me to catch it
In my head i would scoff
He said "Use your right hand"
I though he was a bit off
Angrily I worked
Just to get him to stop
Until finally one day
The orange had been caught
-Brian Patrick O'Connor SR.-
Thanks to Patrick D. O'Connor SR. for saving this mans life.
there is more to come. we are fare from over.