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296 · Sep 2019
Kai Sep 2019
I didn't ask for this
it's all drama here

I wanted to play
but now I'm here

It's all in the looks
on the shallow stage

Now I'm crying
in the backstage
295 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
when sitting at your desk
you experience hypesthesia
from being to statuesque
it's called paresthesia

don't want to swear
by yelling out bollix
take it out with blare
or a string called grawlix

do you have that tickling
feeling on your niddick
don't know that christening
it's your nape to be specific

going into winter sun
that soft warm felicity
experienced by everyone
that is called apricity
Just a bunch of things people don't really know the names of. They have titles but we don't call them we describe them.
294 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
hunger from long days
working to many hours
to make life possible

making some chimkin
for those late night
cravings we all feel

feeling like garbage
and ready to cry
late at night 11:45

bringing gifts to friends
yummy crunchy chimkin
they cheer me up again
The story behind "chimkin" is that one late night at like 2AM my brother made fried chicken and brought it to a friend as comfort food. The had the heady sleep deprived mind so they kept calling the chicken "chimkin". The name stuck and now late night meals are "chimkin".
293 · Jul 2019
Kai Jul 2019
It bruises purple underneath
a sick stain surrounds my eyes
skin slouching down in despair
a dark piece of evidence
lingering sadly on my skin

As I lock away the tiredness
further into my mind
where it settles in the emptiness
and stays in the hallow nights
when sweet sleep never reaps
293 · Jun 2019
Talk to Me
Kai Jun 2019
You feel the pressure building
and nothing may seem easy
but it's going to be alright

just talk to me

It may seem dark out tonight
but we'll survive the night
hold on tight and it'll be okay

just talk to me

fall asleep and find a dream
a place we can be just fine
come inside and sit down

just to talk to me
Based off the song of the same name by Cavetown. His songs are poetry in themselves and I find both inspiration and relatability in them.
288 · Dec 2018
One of the Crowd
Kai Dec 2018
We don't have to sit back and try to fit
We don't have to toughen up and be a hypocrite
We can take and stand and change it

This isn't where we make shallow friends
This isn't where our story ends
This is how we overcome the dead-ends

Our reputation changes with us
Our reputation is not superfluous
Our reputation will not be our Aeacus

Don't try to fit in and stay bowed
Don't look down make sure your head is up proud
Don't be one of the crowd
I was responding to a quote in English class today and when I looked at what I wrote I was inspired to write this.
285 · Aug 2019
Sea of Sleep
Kai Aug 2019
No matter how much you sleep
sleep finds a way to creep
into your weary bones
and broken dragging mind

It always clings tight to you
fogging up your view
like sea mist over your eyes
it covers everything in sight

Rolling waves of exhaustion
sleeping now would be noxious
because the sea that is sleep
is only there to drown you
285 · Jul 2019
Kai Jul 2019
relaxing and loving
for laying in bed
all day every day

chill beats that flow
over your ears
and your tired soul
281 · Sep 2019
Kai Sep 2019
singing high
getting higher

missing notes
and their boys

flipping hair
and their fingers

pretty girls
always posing
I personally have sung both soprano and alto, but honestly I hate sopranos. They're all such "mean girl" stereotypes.
280 · Jun 2019
A Reason
Kai Jun 2019
sometimes I wonder
is there a reason
why I'm here
on this earth
filled with
dust and dirt
Sometimes you wonder when everything is still, if there was a reason you're here on earth.
279 · Jun 2019
Kai Jun 2019
I'm a little bit sour
I appear kinda dour
I know your too sweet

But we'd make lemonade
together in the shade
mixed up in the summer

I'll be sour you'll be sweet
with you I'm complete
we're just the right mix
277 · Feb 2020
The Mathematical Concept
Kai Feb 2020
An idea that everything has an answer
defined by a set of numbers all together
letters and ideas mesh with them
creating all that is and will ever be
a solution to all even if it isn't found
the ability to make new variables
to make sense of all the nonsense
symbols that make up the connection
such comfort in knowing this now
that everything has a defined answer
no guesses and no wish wash maybes
a yes and a no a right and a wrong one
mathematics can solve all of it for us
math is everywhere and that is lovely
I'm not very good at math, but I thinks it's beautiful. The idea that everything in life has a defined straight forward answer. It's in chemistry, physics, medicine, statistics, and even in our language formats. It's nice to know there is something that will always have a right or wrong answer. There isn't any guessing or risks if you do it right.
277 · Oct 2019
True Friendship
Kai Oct 2019
to define it is hard
but you will know
once you communicate
through eye contact
from thirty feet away
before you're bursting
with peels of laughter
271 · Jul 2019
Kai Jul 2019
A sharp bursting flash
oxidations reductions
and a flash of light
Fourth of July is a time where I live is filled with a lot of noise. It's still the third and already I hear fireworks.
268 · Mar 2019
Kai Mar 2019
Going to school
reading, studying, breaking

"You're so stupid"

Hanging with fake friends
Smiling, laughing, hating

"You're so antisocial"

Getting ready
clothes, makeup, shame

"You're not pretty"
267 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
why are we so lonely
that we will create
our own fantasies
into distant memories
of a creature far away
wishing to communicate
humans must be incredibly lonely to wish for another being to speak to even from the stars.
266 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
Staccato heartbeat
  why do you beat
  so very quickly?

Tapping heartbeat
  don't beat fast
  like a heartache

Optimistic heartbeat
  stop jumping
  at their smile

Popping heartbeat
  can you calm
  yourself please?
259 · Jan 2020
Five Senses in Rain
Kai Jan 2020
Can you see it?
rivets of rain
rush to rivers

Can you hear it?
dripling to drops
dream like dollops

Can you feel it?
softly and sacredly
saccharine on skin

Can you taste it?
flirty and flowing
fresh like flowers

Can you smell it?
mystic like memories
mossy and moorish
257 · Apr 2019
Amoebas Love
Kai Apr 2019
Black eyes look with sorrow
Grey eyes glance back
White smile gleams in the dark
Purple hearts reach out
254 · Sep 2019
all your friends
Kai Sep 2019
hug all your friends
and keep them close by
cause when times are hard
on them you will rely
253 · Aug 2019
Cruel Life
Kai Aug 2019
life won't be gentle
and it doesn't know love

life will drag on
and bring you down too

life isn't ever fair
and it's certainly not kind
251 · Sep 2020
Kai Sep 2020
the sky hangs low
with a dark shroud
as the wind picks up
and blows light away
as the ground shifts
and the trees shake
when rain holds its breath
before they fall down
in this dreary day
we walk in whispers
rushing inside and away
from the misty chill
247 · Apr 2019
Video Games
Kai Apr 2019
"It's a beautiful day out"
mum says with a sigh
as I turn to look at her with doubt
the screen reflects in the corner of my eye

"I'd rather not"
I say as I turn away
"outside is danger fraught"
I don't want to stray

from the safety of my game
were others understand
and there is no shame
to being a bit bland
Was sitting in history and asked my classmate for a subject to wright a poem on. They said video games so here it is. It's kind of weird, sorry I guess. It's kind of about how people you hang out with on the internet can be so much nicer and understanding then anyone in real life. Then again they can be so much worse too... *Shrugs*
246 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
my faraway friend
in every note you send
I find your smile
242 · Jun 2019
Kai Jun 2019
Your my favorite person
you always make me smile
I'm happy to know you

in every way
good or bad
no matter what

Life can be crazy
and we fall out of touch
but a text and we connect

silly jokes
stupid pictures
midnight talks

Sometimes I don't understand
and you know it well
through the days and night

when I'm anxious
when I don't talk
you're there for me

Lieblingsmensch, you're my favorite person.
For my friend, a student of language.
Loosely based off the song by Namika.
241 · Jun 2019
Pale Vision
Kai Jun 2019
The futures vision is pale
a bleak world of white
from an ignored plight

As we make oceans boil
we ignore the damage
and use it to our advantage

Filling our world with carbon
an element needed in all life
that is now creating strife

Ripping away the color
from our oceans and reefs
not seeing our misguided beliefs

killing off beauty and life
just as humanity kills algae
not seeing a problem we dally

A world without vibrance
starting with bleached beaches
we should be considered leeches
Just a poem I'm submitting for a scholarship for ocean awareness. It's mainly on coral bleaching.
240 · Dec 2018
Kai Dec 2018
Darling where did you go?
Entering to find you
Artistically strung up
Tipped over stool in your room
Hopelessly deaf to my screams
Part two of a series called "The Little Words" that I'm writing right now.
240 · Jul 2019
Chloe Moriondo
Kai Jul 2019
Sweet as honey
lavender lattes

Those lemon walls
and chocolate locks

Voice like angels
singing sweetly

Little shy smile
and a tiny wave
what can I say, Chloe Moriondo is the best. This one is super weird, it makes me seem obsessed I think. I'll probably take it down soon?
236 · Mar 2019
Kai Mar 2019
The world is phenomenal
a chemical existence
filled with sickness

The benzene
products of the wildfire forests
from volcanoes and the brontosaurus
now the ancestors implore
for the pollution to be no more

The end scene
from human production
comes the destruction
our own ignorance
becomes our Icarus

This is epiphenomenal
a by product of irresponsibility
a lack of grace and humility
we'll suffer the consequences
for our own operating expenses
235 · Jul 2020
43 days
Kai Jul 2020
in forty three days
the world will shift
not for you maybe
not even a bit

but in forty three days
my axis will tilt
and fall to the ground
shattering there

in those forty three days
I will change again
and move far away
never to be seen again
235 · Jun 2019
Kai Jun 2019
Two tables down
elbow on table
hand cups your face

Your hair a golden crown
your head in some fable
my heart starts to race

When I see your lil' frown
with that small furrow I am unable
to compare to your simple grace
just something I found in old journal, it says I wrote it during SBAC testing. I must have had such a stupid crush on whomever this is about. Weird to look back on these things.
234 · Jun 2020
dragging thoughts
Kai Jun 2020
early as the sun rises
a drooping still body sits
glancing up to the window
as sun peaks through blinds
a sluggish eye squints up
and the dragging mind watches
as the haunting night now gives way
to a bright merciless morning cycle
as the world continues without a pause
for the weary souls that never ended the day
Prompt 96. What’s it like when you have to wake up in the morning on a night you can’t sleep?
234 · Jul 2019
Bang Snaps
Kai Jul 2019
More annoying sparks
and broken starry patterns
create loud explosions
I kind of hate fourth of July. People just use it as an excuse to be annoying. I hate the sound of explosions at all hours of the night. Also one time my brother threw a Bang Snap at me, so yeah, it hurt.
233 · May 2020
In the Library
Kai May 2020
wandering through the stacked books
with delicate frames atop a sloped nose
shoulder length locks of leather brown
your physicians fingers on a book spine
honey eyed glances thrown over to me

sweet lips mumble poetic pages to themself
I hear pages rustle and soft sweaters shift
as you close the book and come over to sit
hands clasped on the table we chatter
and hour will fly by enraptured by you
Just thinking about the life I dream of when asleep...
233 · Aug 2019
Cold Ocean
Kai Aug 2019
From the Sea of Hoces
to rolling Cape Horn
the sea is vengeful

The ocean rolls and boils
at our dangerous ignorance
and our prideful arrogance

It drifts ****** icebergs here
and chops the windy waves
to assault our fragile senses

It hides monsters in it's depths
waiting beneath the surface
in our grimed gyres they wait

For us to finally choke on
our foolish mistakes of time
the cold ocean will wait
The sea is impersonal to us, the cold waves snarked their shoulder at us. The ocean will wait with immortal patience for us to perish. Humanity may have wrought tragedy upon it, but the ocean will roll and boil till we die out from it's world.
233 · Nov 2020
my own mind
Kai Nov 2020
we all have thoughts
impulses, moments, similarities
we all know the actions
smiles, words, movements

out of sync, the feeling of missing a note
no arrangement to follow in a symphony
a world of music, no voice to sing

my own are broken
discordant, amiss, awry
my brain is hoping
wishing, waiting, wanting
some of my thoughts on living in the world that seems to know what to be doing or saying as a neurodivergent.
231 · Oct 2020
Kai Oct 2020
burns lay across skin
fire touched finger tips
from reaching out to the sun
reddened and shiny blisters
peel away from shaking hands
leaving soft skin of innocence
a layer to forgive the fire
from a thoughtless star
you reach again
the cycle continues
230 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
those little bits of affection
stolen during lazy times
soft moments are cherished

the warmth of your arms
circled around me now
hugging loosely and lovely
Sometimes I just want a soft moment and a curling hug to make it through.
226 · Jun 2020
Kai Jun 2020
a struggle to keep it together
an ideal that was always missed
unattainable in the very end
crushed by the realization
all that fumbling and tumbling
without ever having a reason
Prompt 73: Perfection.
224 · Aug 2019
Dear Robin
Kai Aug 2019
Thank you for having a gift
for all of those gentle songs
that you sweetly sang
with your melancholy voice

Thank you for everything
for all the advice you gave
through the good and the bad
for lifting me up when I'm sad

Thank you for giving me a home
and baking me banana bread
for taking care of things
thanks for just talking to me

Thank you for showing me
that everything is temporary
my pain isn't here forever
you were always with me

Thank you for the nostalgia
the sweet uke from the UK
the rhythms that found my soul
and the calpol for my heart

Dear robin, thank you.
A poem dedicated to Robin Skinner (aka Cavetown). Cavetown's music is half the reason I am here today. His youtube makes me smile and reminds me of the good times. Everything bad seems to be put into a better perspective when I listen to his music. I cannot wait to see him live in October.
224 · Feb 2019
Kai Feb 2019
Valentine oh valiant one
Will you love like a roman?
With whips and blood a' golden

Valentine oh voluptuous one
Will you love me like a pagan?
With great passion in the dark away from the suffragan

Valentine oh virtuous one
Will you love me like gods man?
With all the soft edges and sacred like his plan

Valentine oh victorious one
Will you love me like a modern girl?
With a drunken kiss and a smooth twirl

Valentine oh venomous one
Will you love me till the end?
With great care and through the light with me wend
A little poem representing the history of Valentines day. From the Roman and pagan celebrations, the Catholic take over, and today's version of love.
220 · Jun 2020
Lavender Love
Kai Jun 2020
I wanna smell like lavender and honey drops

I wanna be there when your heart stops

I wanna breathe in decay and out life

I wanna go to sleep and ascend to your side

I wanna return to dirt and become flowers

I wanna have honeybees in my blooms
Just thinking about weird stuff
219 · May 2019
Kai May 2019
when my lungs expand
it feels toxic and choking
like every panicked breath
is another gallon of water
weighing me down under
Based off another poem of mine titled "Deep Breaths".
219 · Apr 2020
Kai Apr 2020
jumping jacks
slimy smiles
fantastic froggy
Just a random one I guess.
218 · Jun 2020
Kai Jun 2020
eyes squeezed tight
like my bones in this hole
away from it all
Prompt 59: Write about an experience that made you feel trapped. I'm keeping this vague because it's scary.
216 · Aug 2020
black coffee
Kai Aug 2020
that dark black coffee
bitter on my tongue
it twists my mouth up
like you used too

with subtle flavors
sharp hazelnut undertones
like your soft curls
use to smell in the morning

I wake up to one cup
or maybe three or four
to fill up space that you left
now in my empty quiet bed
216 · Jun 2020
Kai Jun 2020
falling through the sky
tumbling down now to nothing
foundations lay bare
Aren't we all towers trying to reach higher and high until we compromise ourselves, only to come tumbling down to the cold ground?
213 · Apr 2019
Road Not Found
Kai Apr 2019
An adventure?
with no stars, looking for lights
twinkling in the dark ahead

With no guide?
nothing but the loud sounds
reaching out to us

An unsure future?
Just don't let go of my hand
we'll chase our dreams
Based off of Goose House's Chizu Ni Nai Michi.
212 · Jul 2019
Drip Drip Drop
Kai Jul 2019
rain pours down in sheets
blooming petrichor outward
and folding me into peace
huddling under blankets
watching from the window
letting the sound wash over
gentler now as it settles
in puddles on the ground
inky pools dark as the sky
Rain is my favorite kind of weather, I feel euphoric when it rains.
211 · Mar 2019
Flower Crowns
Kai Mar 2019
Silk spun gold
softly fall on gentle shoulders
an intricate braid tucked behind your ear
a bead swings on the end
glittering in the sunlight  

A circlet lays on your brow
poppies, bluebells, and a rose
woven with oak leaves behind
green like emeralds in your eyes

They are closed now
as you lay on stone
face relaxed and soft as petals
a sharp contrast from before

A tiger lily is clutched in your hand
and a hydrangea falls from mine
Just something I wrote a long while ago but never got around to posting.
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