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211 · Dec 2018
Kai Dec 2018
Lovely and graceful
Ordinary yet beautiful
Victorious and kind
Everything I wanted to be mine
Dreadfully too fine
Part five of a series I'm writing called "The Little Words".
210 · Sep 2020
Kai Sep 2020
one that is not my own
one a skin I no longer fit
one all my own but older
one new and fresh faced
one that no one ever knows
a list so long I could never find me
a list of them extending beyond all
207 · Feb 2020
dusty and lonely
Kai Feb 2020
a dusty room
filled with sorrow
old interests now hallow

boxes all piled up
silent as an old tomb
the abandoned backroom

once golden shining rings
you can see the grimy buildup
on the items you tried to cover up

in the corner sits a broken violin
for the music that once flew on wings
that old case is full of wood and strings
Poetry prompt 101: Dusty Musical Instruments.

I ended up doing an abandoned room of sorts. It's kind of like that corner of my mind that I shoved everything I once loved into because I felt like I wasn't good enough at it.
202 · Aug 2019
Briney Deep
Kai Aug 2019
The ocean is terrifying
bone-chilling abysses
that demand sacrifices

Deep cavernous waters
that consume the light
within it's dark night

An eldritch creature
that is old as time
that we fill with grime

The depths will wait
as water ebbs and flows
a creature we cannot oppose
The ocean both enthralls me and terrifies me.
201 · Aug 2020
Kai Aug 2020
tapping... pages whispering...
someone holds in a cough
as the air tenses around us
I hold my breathe as we listen
to a teachers droning noise
buzzing facts and figures
a quite conversation... a laugh...
I rock back and forth nervously
hoping beyond all it wasn't for me
taking notes my hand shakes
are my fellows judging my writing
can they see how crooked it is
shuffling... a chair squeaks...
197 · Dec 2019
Garden Girl
Kai Dec 2019
She makes me feel giddy
tingles down my spine
like sweet mint on my tongue

She's got eyes like leaves
smooth drops of lily pads
resting in her glistening orbs

she always blushes so softly
it looks like rose petals
melded on to her skin

She's lavender to my soul
calms me down to sleep
in ways only she can do
What a meme, I'm still lonely and single. My love poetry seems to increase when I feel lonely.
196 · Jun 2019
Kai Jun 2019
hurtful words
don't listen to them
they're all so meaningless
there's more to life than smarts
more than people who don't want you
more than being ashamed of yourself
life is more than what they say
you are not meaningless
your life is yours
don't listen
A message to those who were like me
195 · Feb 2020
Kai Feb 2020
the brandywine has struck
from the tops of your cheeks
right down to you feet

you heard it from the birds
and heard it from the bees
now you're hearing it from me

the brandywine has struck
you're woozy and acting floozie
but you're never going to stop

not till you drip drip drop
straight from the bottle into your maw
it burns like your cheeks in the candle light
This is actually lyrics to a song I'm writing right now. They don't really translate well into poetry and I removed a lot of lines, but I thought it would be nice to get them out there. I got really frustrated with my ukulele chords while writing, so I took a break to post this here.
193 · Sep 2020
Kai Sep 2020
everyone in sync
lining up together
words and actions
that flow just right

out of the loop
unable to connect
like some secret
I couldn't find

how do they connect
like wires to computer
making memories together
I feel disconnected
192 · Apr 2020
The Scale
Kai Apr 2020
an ever looming measure
up and down everyday
my mood hangs on it
heavy and disgusting
a feeling that hangs over
A scale controls my life...
190 · Oct 2019
In the Prison
Kai Oct 2019
High school is a prison
guards march the halls
watching us like hawks
waiting to ****** us up
for any transgression
we just scuttle along
with our heads down low

High school is a prison
bells ringing sharp as knives
telling us where we can go
and when we can go there
we line up for meager food
it's time for lunch now
hope I don't get poisoned
Part two of two high school related poems.
190 · Oct 2019
Kai Oct 2019
How is it going?
my brain is scheming
aches at my temple
don’t let me sleep
I’m doing fine!

How are you?
‘cause my life is messy
and everything feels heavy
I wish you would hold me
I miss hanging out.

I see you everyday?
it still wouldn’t be enough
if I can’t talk to you
the same way we used to
Yeah you’re right!
Conversations hold more than you know.
189 · Aug 2019
Little Girl
Kai Aug 2019
Whiny little girl
your life isn't bad
it's as comfortable
as any could ask

Lazy little girl
you're just selfish
wanting everything
while doing nothing
I have so much don't I? I'm just a teen, it's only hormones or a phase. I obviously don't have any real problems. God, could adults be anymore patronizing?
189 · Apr 2019
Kai Apr 2019
sure simple syllable
some say
sho͝or or sh-ur
sure of
shrug sure

we're not really sure what sure means
April 26
Choose a word or phrase you find yourself saying often (e.g. like, totally, hate, really, kind of) and write a poem using it.
188 · Nov 2020
writing poetry
Kai Nov 2020
writing, rules all different
art, with no color
music, with no instruments
all these but none at all
be it prose, be it lyrical, or be it free
poetry is distinct as it's own
a free flowing expression
a moment of emotion, of connection
just some thoughts I've been having
188 · Jul 2019
Kai Jul 2019
letting my hair down
washing the day away now
freed from my work stress
Just got of work a few minutes ago. It's definitely time to relax and watch stupid tv while I eat dinner.
187 · Dec 2019
Kai Dec 2019
Hey it’s okay
it’s okay to be yourself
it’s okay not to be the best
sometimes we make mistakes
but that doesn’t mean you are one
Sometimes everyone needs to here it, so I said it. I wish someone would have said it to me.
185 · Jun 2019
Tortured Artists
Kai Jun 2019
Did their updates cease
when their minds gave them no peace.

Did the positive become like shadows to the negative haters,
and those who hated became their annihilators.

Their relatability was more than you knew
as your thoughts strangled you theirs also grew

But while you had their expression
their expression left them in a depression

You wondered where they went
Tortured Artists is such a cliche, but it is also often the truth.
A revised version of a previous poem that was messed up and inconsistently done. Shoddy writing on my part then.
185 · Aug 2019
Time of Yesterdays
Kai Aug 2019
Long ago in yesterdays
your cry wasn't heard
when you scraped
those fragile hands
on the cruel ground

In those yesterdays
you were found there
sitting curled up
with tears falling
underneath the slide

Those hatful yesterdays
full of grit teeth
pulled into a smile
bearing bandages
under long sleeves

Dreaming in yesterdays
wishing for today
to be the past already
blinded by harsh light
of the morning sky
You were my yesterday, but it doesn't always get better.
183 · Jun 2020
Kai Jun 2020
we were like a switchblade
sometimes a smooth surface
with pain on the inside
sharp edges hidden away

but we flicked out sometimes
taking it all out on the world
nothing deserves to feel the kiss
of our mind's rusty blades

She would hold us by the tips
polishing away the old blood
and revealing a dull blade
that never wanted to hurt anyone
181 · Aug 2019
Life's Lemons
Kai Aug 2019
life gave you lemons
least it gave you something
life isn't so free
Life isn't so kind as to give things for free, a lemon is a blessing from such a fickle creature.
180 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
the lurker at the threshold
who holds the key and the gate
he lives within the beyond one
and is the opener of the way

the all-in-one the one-in-all
omniscience and omnipresence
the invulnerable immortal god
he who sees all and all that was

creature born of the nameless mist
one that had father of many horrors
he has sired the unspeakable one
and the tentacle god of sky and sea

let the end be brought about now
through his will and the will of all
that all outer gods may become one
and all inner gods become none
Let the end times begin and bring anew the true world.
179 · Mar 2019
One World is a Universe
Kai Mar 2019
Oceans like black holes
   each continent a galaxy
   each city a planet

Suburbs like moons
   spinning around cities
   spinning through life

People like stars
   They're full of light
   They're full of potential
Just random stuff I guess.
176 · Jun 2020
someone to hold
Kai Jun 2020
I want someone to hold
and to be held by someone
someone to love and comfort
to dance around the kitchen with
and to whisper I love you to in bed
during the soft sleepy lazy times together
175 · Dec 2018
Kai Dec 2018
Queasy uneasy and afraid everyday
Unequal footing on a flat surface
Electrically charged with tension
Learning to hide the feeling
Left with internal anxieties unsolved
Part four of a series I'm writing called "The Little Words".
173 · Dec 2019
Kai Dec 2019
Papers are due
I haven't even started
my college career is thru

Tests and papers strewn
everywhere this week
and my head is a typhoon
Just some quick rhymes and I'm off to Psychology for my research proposal paper revision.
173 · Mar 2020
Favorite Colour
Kai Mar 2020
like sage or olives
tastes like meadows and fresh dew
like forests and life
Prompt 4: what does your favorite colour taste like?
168 · Nov 2019
Hearing Rain
Kai Nov 2019
I think it is raining
I heard drips
just now starting
like the beginning
of a heavy storm

Clouds ready to burst
full and heavy rain
waiting to pour down
it pings on my window
sweetly and rhythmic

Gentle drops now
but soon a typhoon
everything starts small
before it hits big
with a crescendo of noise

so I watch content
but a little wary
from my window
as the sky dribbles
like staccato notes
I love rain way to much. I’m just relaxing before the storm hits now.
166 · Nov 2019
Wolves’ Winter
Kai Nov 2019
thick and heavy
an oppressive air
settles across us

trapped inside now
as the cold grows
and wind howls

wrapped up in you
and the warm blankets
as we wait it all out

but it doesn’t stop
days will pass soon
maybe even weeks

the cold still stays
icing over rivers
the wolves are coming

howls indistinguishable
from the swirling outside
till we hear the scratching
165 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
waking up again
experiencing dysania
weary yet again
164 · Jun 2019
Kai Jun 2019
just because we don't speak the same
or looks the same or even think the same
doesn't mean we aren't any less similar

we may not communicate the same
but all the same our languages
and our actions and opinions

can bring about change
I keep writing these stupid weird pieces about relating to people and issues in society. I should probably stop before I get philosophical about stuff. They don't rhyme or have meter, there just stupid free verse. I really need to step up my poetry game.
164 · Jul 2019
True Love
Kai Jul 2019
Cannot fall in love
without first loving yourself
or you know no love
Your first love should always be yourself!
161 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
I'm so deep I hit the floor
here's where continents rise
I'm practically the bottom
but I mean the opposite

Sea stars and squids
pretty little invertebrates
are the only things here
'cause no light shines at all

I'm freezing without being frozen
and tough enough to crush
They thought I was the end
till they found my friends
Hello and welcome to the ocean floor! I'm not the deepest but I'm nearly there. My name is Abyssopelagic. I'm also called the Abyss or Abyssal. My name in loose greek means no bottom!
161 · Mar 2020
Kai Mar 2020
fidget and shuffle
the weight of it pulls me down
surrounded but alone
Prompt 5: How it feels when you don’t belong in a group of others.
160 · May 2019
Kai May 2019
Sometimes you sit down
and nothing ever comes

Sometimes you pick up the pen
and ink just pool in one spot

Other times you write possessed
with a need to get it all out
onto the page and out of your mind

Other times a ghost writer
gives you their thoughts
and inspires every page
Imagine an invisible ghost picks up a pen and starts writing to you.
159 · Jun 2019
By Myself
Kai Jun 2019
Sometimes I need to chat
have a sit down
pour some tea
and talk to myself

I need to explain
everything I've done
and thought
through the week

So I understand
who and what
I have become
through my actions

I have to learn
how to love myself
even though everything
may seem bleak
Just posting a bunch of stupid poems about talking through everything is very therapeutic.
157 · Jul 2019
Kai Jul 2019
scrambled mind
scrambled eggs
an amalgamation
of cooked flesh
heated fever hot
something on fire
a burning house
ashes that remain
roses and posies
sickness of old
and of the new
brains on fire
breaking down
and broken up
till they're gone
Just my skippy scratchy record thought process shown on paper in my word association type way.
157 · Jun 2020
Kai Jun 2020
anger and blood
spilled across the floor

embarrassment and sophistication
splayed on your face

love and heartache
beating in time together
Prompt: write about a color.
156 · Jun 2020
The Movement
Kai Jun 2020
flow like water
through the rapids
let not one drop go
move in heavy groups
rushing past the rocks
let not the stone stop you
push and push till we all
flow through freely now
Life is crazy right now, but we cannot rest until we see true change.
156 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
posing a bright smile
weeping and crying
the camera turns to me
it's another perfect alibi

whistling a poppy tune
dragging myself through
I turned up the volume
to drown the words out
I feel fake around people
some fragile mask
155 · Apr 2020
Kai Apr 2020
my skin is a mask
restricting and choking me
as I try to move
155 · Aug 2019
Convenience Store
Kai Aug 2019
what is more convenient
than a convenient store

open twenty-four hours
waiting for me as always

to bundle my nerves up
and venture out again

when I get there at last
I'm greeted with silence

with the washed out lights
and tired apathetic cashier

a place where no one cares
and your business is yours

no judging eyes found here
for those sleep deprived tears
I always want to write like twenty poems when it's this late but I'm going to stop and try to sleep again now...
154 · Jun 2020
Kai Jun 2020
you were my universe
a face full of stars
eyes like ocean planets
but they froze over
you had a smile like a sun
but it went supernova
the sharp cold of space
stole away into an emptiness
that you had filled with love
you became a nebula
beautiful and unattainable
151 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
hold me closer now
as I shiver so violently
with fear of the sunshine
it's colder in the summertime
my knees collapse into your arms
my body becomes numb in the warmth
149 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
those dark bruised eyes
sag with desperate yearning
to find sleep again
God, I really need to go to bed... I'm so tangled up it's like if I relax for one moment to sleep I will fall apart completely.
146 · Oct 2020
Kai Oct 2020
body, what aches in you?
from dismantling joints
to decaying flesh
the rot only I can see

mind, what plagues you?
from late night thoughts
to the words of others
as I try to escape it

body, what are you?
to deny the mind
and wreck havoc on identity
to break me again

mind, what say you?
follow into darkness
and float ways away now
to a better place for us
146 · Jul 2020
Nighttime Storm
Kai Jul 2020
amidst the darkness
a gentle patter begins
tipping and tapping
a comforting rhythm
as thunder rumbles
and light begins to dance
during a nighttime storm
It’s 12:05am and raining. What a wonderful feeling.
145 · Nov 2019
Oh Hey, Dear Love.
Kai Nov 2019
Oh love
you drive me crazy
you make me swoon
like the old fashioned girls

Hey love
even without you
my thoughts are there
waiting for your return

Dear love
can’t you see it
what you do to me
with every secret smile

Love, take me away!
Title from both the first word of each stanza but also honestly something I would say. That awkward little wave would have to be added.
144 · Aug 2019
All the Old Tunes
Kai Aug 2019
Those old melodies
will always be the best tunes
for melancholy
144 · Jul 2019
Kai Jul 2019
Walking through
the empty halls
wishing for you
to grace me again
with your light
gentle presence

Brushing fingers
across the books
and grabbing one
an adventure novel
that you so loved
yet still left here

you are a ghost
lingering around
in my home
and my heart
leaving those sweet
memories scattered
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