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424 · Mar 2021
i wish to be an immortal
leeaaun Mar 2021
just to become someone
who never get hurts;
i try to become an  i m m o r t a l
who lives long,
without feeling sad
to say goodbye to those
who was once standing by his side
my wish to be happy
421 · Feb 2019
Born As A Daughter
leeaaun Feb 2019
It's not your fault
That you are born as a daughter.
Whether the whole world shouts
that being a daughter is curse.
Don't mind them.
They restrain conservative thoughts.
It's not their piece of cake
to understand what a blessing it is,
to hold a little fairy in their arms.
Don't worry that their is no one
to whom you should narrate your story.
Remember little fairy,
You have ALLAH
who belongs to you.
Tell your stories; he will listen.
Have faith in him,
he will make your life easier.
If it's not getting easy but difficult
then remember
he is the one who created you.
He knows best than anyone.
Who are you to question
that it's your fault,
that you are born as a daughter?.
He is the one who has written your fate,
whose known as Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim.
He is the sculpture of word " Justice ",
So how he can do injustice with you?
as giving you a body of women?..
Being born as a daughter is not your fault,
but considering yourself weak
in a feminine body
is your fault, little fairy.
Don't you remember;
when ALLAH is happy
he bestowed the couple
a token of strength
in the form of you; a little fairy.
You belong to that linkage
who was born strong,
who live strong.
So, how can be your birth
as a daughter can be fault?.
Don't suppress your strength
under the conservative talks of other.
Dogs just bark, that's their duty.
So, let them bark.
Release your soul from the chains of society.
Ask guidance from your Lord,
as he is waiting to answer your call.
A feminine body is the strength
that your body holds.
So, everyday go on a journey
to see the secrets hidden in your soul.
The warmness of tears that you will shed
when you endure the pain,
believe me little fairy it's worth it.
So, don't say it's your fault
that you are born as a daughter.
Cause their's no precious gift
which is given to you by your lord
as being a women.
Women's are the symbol of " Patience".
So, little fairy wait, have faith
and endure.
It's not a curse but a blessing,
keep it in your mind
little lost soul.
416 · Mar 2021
leeaaun Mar 2021
don't label what i do as wrong,
because what you do
is what i can't
r i g h t
who knows
412 · Jan 2019
His Love
leeaaun Jan 2019
It will be magic.
If he can
wash away
my scars
on my body
with his love.
leeaaun Mar 19
i asked him about life
he talked all about you
without realizing
there was no me
between us

now it was him and her
and i was an outsider

she was his life
while i lost mine amidst them

so tell me where i can find mine?
because i called you my life
you made me feel that way

now just because your feelings changed,
why am i supposed to change mine too

was it that easy for you to leave me
when you saw her
why didn't you look back?

if you would have
you would've seen yourself in my eyes

now i am confused because of your life

at least leave me
by taking everything you gave me once
don't even leave your memory

i will build my one life one
where no one will leave me like you did
403 · Feb 2023
athena medusa.
leeaaun Feb 2023
medusa has cried
an ocean full
from her

but athena's heart
played the game
to not trust

when she was a human
when athena's cursed
made her hairs
turn into a

her blood full of powers
she never demanded

i wonder
what would have happened
if athena trusted medusa

what the story would be like?
401 · Mar 2021
tears don't care
leeaaun Mar 2021
i wonder if tears
really dry out,
or we don't care anymore
we don't feel it
386 · Mar 2019
You And I
leeaaun Mar 2019
Fly me to a place
You and I
can be
385 · Mar 2019
Your Memories
leeaaun Mar 2019
I wish.
I could drag out
your memories
from my mind
like you did.
leeaaun Feb 2019
There are feelings,
I haven't
discovered yet.
My soul needs time
to come across
leeaaun May 2021
i wish to see my heart
without a hole
from where all the
e m p t i n e s s
in the world
and decide
to reside
in it
367 · Jan 2
new year
leeaaun Jan 2
new year
yet i carry all the same
wounds and bruises
362 · Dec 2018
Don't curse the Darkness
leeaaun Dec 2018
Let the darkness in you rise.
As darkness is solitude and peace.
Let your heart feel it,
It's silence, demons and loneliness.
So don't curse the darkness,
let it rise and rise.
It will make the hell home
you will not feel fear anymore.
Fall deeper and deeper
as darkness is calling your name.
See the stars shine,
As darkness is the one
granting their wishes to shine.
Always believe that the
Darkness can show you the light
Hidden in gloomy releams.
359 · Feb 2023
leeaaun Feb 2023
can you hold my hand
when they all
want to
else's hand?
354 · Jan 2019
His Words
leeaaun Jan 2019
His words
work like
on her.
332 · Apr 2020
leeaaun Apr 2020
Someone's happiness can never be yours.
So, learn to be happy
With what you have
Been blessed with.
331 · Oct 2019
Tell Yourself
leeaaun Oct 2019
It's okay if you can't tell yourself.
“ I hope you are ok? ”
It is okay to not be okay.
Because sometimes you need
those times,
When you are sick and vulnerable.
You have to see who stands with you
when you are not yourself anymore.
Those are times,
when you need someone else
to make sure that they make you
ask yourself
“ It's okay if you are not okay
Cause I will still love you.
So take your time and heal.
Then come back.
I will be waiting.”
319 · Aug 2023
leeaaun Aug 2023
love make sense
when you think it
317 · Mar 2021
journey of a memory
leeaaun Mar 2021
make memories,
to keep memories
and then become a memory
face the phases of memories
309 · Jan 2019
My Poems
leeaaun Jan 2019
To heal my
bruised self,
are the
307 · Mar 2019
Silence Behind The Noises
leeaaun Mar 2019
They only knew
my noises.
You know
304 · Jan 2019
Waiting For A Magic
leeaaun Jan 2019
And I live everyday of my life
with my exhausted soul,
Which is waiting for a magic
to happen with her.
Releasing her from such burning fire,
Making her full of strength
that can make her able to
forgive herself for all those
times she tries to remember him..
Remember him in vain..
The pain will start to lessen
On its own,
When she will take a breath
So light as her soul.
292 · Feb 2019
I Can Survive
leeaaun Feb 2019
The moment that you left.
My heart was torn apart.
It bleed with pain.
My heart was filled with
Dying to shape the presence
of you along with me
once again.
But you were no where to found.
Your soul already cut off
all the ties with my soul.
And the bond of our love
was already terminated.
My heart was always busy,
taking a walk down
the memory lake
of you and me.
They said, " Your memories are with me,
So I can survive."
But how should I tell them,
There's a huge difference lies in
Remembering you and
Missing you.
Your memories are a heartache
that I hold in my heart.
I try to hold on to them tightly.
But they keeping fading
from my heart.
The presence of you
is fading, leaving me alone.
So I decided that
In my memories,
I will keep you alive.
285 · Dec 2022
i will never dishonor love
leeaaun Dec 2022
the people who holds
the residency seats of this world says
everything should have a shape,
they should have their definitive boundaries
that should never be crossed
but i said to the world
don't limit my things with lines around it
they are born free—
let them stay free
as i want to go beyond your boundaries
the way i hold love
it was not bound to any shape
but society never stopped
defining my definition of love
maybe their insecurities was the reason
for forcing me to accept their decision
but i would never try to capture love
in the cage of shape
i will never dishonor love
with discrimination, with judgment
i promised love
that when it will enter my life
i will give it a authority to stay as it wants
and a true lover never back out
from their words."
284 · Jun 2019
New Me
leeaaun Jun 2019
I forgive myself
to see the
new me.
271 · Jan 2019
I Will Choose Our Fairytale
leeaaun Jan 2019
And i had choose you;
in a hundred lifetimes,
in thousands galaxies,
No matter, which
fairytale will be
written for me in
my destiny.
I will choose the path
that lead me towards
our fairytale.
Like our old one.
259 · Jan 2023
leeaaun Jan 2023
weird things happen once
good things happen once
why everything
236 · Apr 2020
leeaaun Apr 2020
I know,
how to bleed on paper
so nicely that
bleeding lead towards healing.
226 · Feb 8
moon is single
leeaaun Feb 8
she said look at the moon
and he looked at her

and the moon asked
whose gonna see him now

when all lovers are busy
looking at each other

they are two
but moon is single
223 · Feb 2023
leeaaun Feb 2023
i want to run away
from problems
but problems are running back to me
221 · Oct 2023
leeaaun Oct 2023
would i become
a sinner

if i would do something
out of my zone

is it this much easy
to label something
212 · Dec 2022
side characters in a story
leeaaun Dec 2022
i like side characters
whose stories go along with
main story
despite all that
i don't won't to become a
side character
in someone's love story
before finding my one
does that make me selfish
in the world full of stories with
happy endings
#leeaaunpoetry #sidecharacter #lovestory
210 · Apr 2020
leeaaun Apr 2020
You were given to me,
by twists of life
wrapped into a box,
like a gift.
you were exclusively made
just for me.
how could i not appreciate
your existence for me?.
my love.
207 · Sep 2019
leeaaun Sep 2019
Time doesn't heal.
It reminds you,
where it hurts
the most.
Again and again.
202 · Apr 2020
leeaaun Apr 2020
Friend: “ How are you spending your time in quarantine?.”

Me: “ Wake up, eat, watch netflix, more netflix series, eat, again some netflix series and then finally have a good night sleep.
Repeat every day”
And that's how we spend our time these days
leeaaun Dec 2018
I know,
You worked so hard
For the pain to go away.
But it stays, I know.
It stabs you.
Makes you go through
a torture
Again and again,
I know.
But you are strong too,
I know it too.
You can get out of that pain
that's what you need to know.
182 · Dec 2018
leeaaun Dec 2018
She made herself again
by the broken pieces,
with her cracked hands.
She doesn't remember the
memories of her own beauty.
All she knows is that
she has to prove that
she is not going to break again
by his selfish desires.
166 · Jan 2023
what i love.
leeaaun Jan 2023
they said
to do what i loved
when i tried to do it
they strangled me, saying
why do this
it doesn't suit you
160 · Mar 2019
I Am An Artist
leeaaun Mar 2019
Hurting and healing
at the same
is an art.
And I am an
#heal #hurt #art #artist #I #time
157 · Jan 2023
leeaaun Jan 2023
i feel suffocated
by your words
it's so easy for you to say
i love you
but can you admit
you don't mean them,
you big meanie
152 · Feb 2023
aphrodite was a sinner.
leeaaun Feb 2023
he said i was the
to his soul
who was deprived of love
alas i never knew
he was referring me to
the greek goddess,
who cheated on hephaestus
with ares,
the god of war–
but this time around
it was you who cheated on me
just because you thought
history will repeat itself,
that i will cheat on you
when i was not even the real aphrodite
you already assumed my answers
to questions you never asked–
so you decided
to become an accomplice of sin
aphrodite was a sinner
but once a sinner is never always a sinner
maybe you forgot to see
you were never hephaestus to me either
you were ares to aphrodite
who give birth to eros,
the god of love–
to express her love for you
looks like both you and me
were doomed
when it comes to the matters
of love
150 · Mar 2023
how love isn't a fairytale
leeaaun Mar 2023
when they ask me about love
the liberation it brings
they forget to ask
the sorrows it craves for as a fuel
to keep on going

the look on their face
demands me to narrate a fairytale to them

sorry but not sorry
they've come to the wrong person
as i'll tell them
how love is not only loving your loved one
when they smile

love is how listening to their silence
when rainy days come in between you
love is being committed to them
as you will be the ink for their love letters

when you allow them to enter your life
they bring eternity to you
which will be full of
every color, every emotion
that you may not desire

but in the end, sometimes
love is all about having what's best for you
not what you think will be best

take a love story as your story
not a fairytale from someone's story
144 · Mar 2023
leeaaun Mar 2023
time is slipping out
or is it me
who is letting it slip by
knowing it's
141 · Dec 2022
leeaaun Dec 2022
it was only a hug
they said–
but i had
no words
to narrate
how it's warmth
saved my bones from
129 · Feb 2023
weak against all odds.
leeaaun Feb 2023
you were standing
at the exit
my love–
i am too bruised and wounded
to again hope
for finding the
right path towards
a wall
which isn't
a dead end

my love
maybe you are
at the right place
but i am not
the person
to find

      dis      tance
us is too vast

accept my apologies
stop waiting–
and hold his hands
who comes to you
like a moth would find fire

i truly wished to be your fire
maybe that was just
meant to be
one-sided love

so just go away
when love
comes to you

as all i see are
dead ends–
no exit

don't cry
when you hold his hand
this was meant to happen
it's okay
don't let your soul
carry the blame
which you
never deserved

you fulfilled the part of your
it was me
who was weak
against all odds
128 · Feb 2023
leeaaun Feb 2023
it's valentines day
where i can easily go on
a date
with myself
cause dating yourself
ain't a bad idea
leeaaun Nov 2023
In the quiet whispers of my heart's soft plea,
"I loved you," a tender refrain set free.
Yet, amid the verses of our love's sweet song,
Your affections danced with another, strong.

A delicate waltz, emotions entwined,
In prose, our story, intricate, defined.
A bittersweet tale on life's tender stage,
Where love, a script, turned a poignant page.

In the garden of feelings, diverse and vast,
My love lingered in shadows, a love miscast.
While your heart found solace in her embrace,
A poetic prose unfolded, a delicate grace.

Through the echoes of joy and heartache's art,
A symphony of emotions played its part.
In love's prose, we wove a tale untold,
A dance of hearts, a story to behold.
124 · Feb 24
love in his eyes
leeaaun Feb 24
he has the eyes that love someone
and that's not me

at that point
my heart realized
not every love call is replied back
like mine
leeaaun Dec 2022
i know you feel alone
but have you heard the stories
our nanny use to narrate every night of
m o o n
whose lonely on the sky
but we forget to see
how sun follows the moon
then moon repeats this pattern
in the end
so you think
was moon lonely on the sky?
God has always made a pair for everyone
you just need to either wait like a princess or be a queen
to find your the one
#leeaaunpoetry #moon #sun #god #story
92 · Jul 9
sun betrayed the moon
leeaaun Jul 9
The sun betrayed the moon,
and now they aren’t friends anymore.
Once, they danced in harmony,
a celestial ballet,
each in their own realm,
yet always in silent conversation.

But now, when one rises,
the other is gone,
a rift in the sky,
a fracture in the dance
that once held the universe in balance.

The sun, golden and bold,
no longer shares its warmth.
Its rays, once a symphony of life,
now sing a solo,
a tune of loneliness and regret,
scorching the sky
with the memory of lost friendship.

The moon, silver and serene,
has turned its face away.
Its light, once a gentle lullaby,
now a cold reminder
of betrayal’s shadow,
waxing and waning
with the ache of separation.

In their estrangement,
the days are brighter,
but the nights are darker,
the sky bearing witness
to a broken bond,
a silent testament
to what once was,
and what is no more.

They pass like ships in the night,
one arriving as the other departs,
never sharing the horizon,
never meeting,
each one a ghost
in the other’s story.

The sun betrayed the moon,
and the sky weeps for their loss,
a tapestry of sorrow
woven in light and dark,
a reminder that even in the cosmos,
trust can be shattered,
and friendships can fade
into the vast expanse of regret.

So they drift apart,
the sun and the moon,
their paths forever altered,
each one a solitary wanderer,
bearing the scars
of a celestial rift,
a friendship turned to dust
in the endless void of space.
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