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Aug 2018 · 292
The fallen
Very close you are i see
But I wander exactly who you may be
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Aug 2018 · 309
Something so grave,
And Someone so brave.
I can't take a heart ache.
Someone so grand
With no one right hand,
I have no one.
This is me.. Not to be.
Something no one can ever see.
I can't break the silence.
I can't shed to see,
I can't bare the things you're doing to me.
They said don't fight fire with fire,
But fire is all i see.
You burnt me.
You burnt me.
You burnt me.

This is insanity.
The things you can't see.
The one I can't be. burnt me.
Apr 2018 · 1.5k
"Poisonous" -kaitlyn warnken

I live in a grey and white world were i dont always get to see the sun, so I was in The flower garden.
In the garden, I noticed a flower from the distance that was full of color that I couldve never see before. A color your reality would call pink.
Oh how it was a poisonis flower, but to me this flower was beautiful.
I wanted to take it home all for myself. It showed me things i could never see before. I wanted to watch this flower grow. I needed colors and I learned that day that my love for pink was strong which soon became my only and favorite color. I like all flowers, but only I could see the pink in this flower. to the sky I wish all flowers could be pink, but in a world grey and white.. One was a miracle.
Oh how I loved this flower.
But Momma always told me not to pick the pretty flowers... Because They would die...
And daddy always told me to stay away from poisonis things becausw I would get hurt...
But in my world grey and white, I didn't want to leave the only thing that could bring color into my life, the only color I could see. So I sheltered the flower... And ate their leaves the leaves the flower gave to me.
Oh what a poisonis flower...
...Oh what a poisonis flower...

'I think I'm awake now. Ive never seen a place like this before were Everythings colorful.
Why am i grey?
Am i going insane?
Where is my flower?
Where is my flower?
Where is my flower...?

I didn't understand what was going on.
This flower gave me color and I just wanted to have my flower back.. I Dropped to my knees and cried in the green grass and asked the sky with a tear in my eye..

"How could somewhere so beautiful feel so ugly without my flower?..."

Im so grey. It didn't matter if the world saw color anymore... In my eyes it didnt matter anymore.
Nothing mattered anymore. My life faded black and I just wanted to wake up.
I felt like i was dreaming.'

I could feel the poison leaving my body and by this point I woke up.
When I opened my blood shot red eyes and lifted my sore body... I could see my flower.
I looked at myself and I was full of color!
I was pink! Just like my flower!.
I thaught, 'Oh what a poisonis flower
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Sep 2016 · 638
Should I bother?
"How are you?"* The man asked.

"Happier in my dreams." **Replied the girl.
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Sep 2016 · 902
Fighting to keep the time even though the clock is broken.
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Sep 2016 · 552
me of my
mind not my
clothes, because
Once you see the
corruption invading
the space in my head you
...wont want me anymore...
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Sep 2016 · 443
Good bye.
No body lives forever.
Everyone lives and dies.
It's not about how long or why.
It's about the best of times.
I love you guys .
Mar 2016 · 864
Suicidal Love
If you take your life
I take mine too,
Because a life here on earth
isn't worth losing you.
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LOVE*  is the story of sleeping beauty and prince phillip.
The worlds a Neverland if a lover doesn't wake us up.
Just like Cinderella who had fear to walk on glass but not in the glass shoe,
she found her a lover that fits with her like glue
Just like Ariel, a fish out of water eager for a man On board.
Mulan did the same when she found love by picking up a sword.
We fight for love not just you, not just I, because without a love we could just die.
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Mar 2016 · 539
Suicide Letter
"Knowing that I tried my best but it still wasnt good enough.
A Feeling so low that the only way I've thought of escaping was suicide.
Knowing that even if I did die,
it wouldnt matter who got hurt in this world because im so alone inside.
I just want to fill the empty.
Everyone wants me to be happy but how can I be okay living inside this mind.
It's me
And I just want to be happy because im not fine.
There is no other way.
The fact that I wouldn't be here anymore and I'd finally be at peace, to stop the voices in head,
Discontinueing the negative feed my minds been fed,
would make me better.
With that being said for my family and friends, I love you and tho i turely am blessed
Right now im lower than low and im going to rest."
-So sorry.
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Mar 2016 · 378
A minute of a memory can mean a forever in a lifetime.
Note: 3.8.16
I do not authorise the duplications of my writings, photography, or any other personal information. -Kaitlyn Warnken
Feb 2016 · 319
In the world just as the clouds drift away from the sun, its light go out.
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Feb 2016 · 895
My life feels critical.
Im going to need one of Christ miracles
and clear my head of viruses that seem invisible to human kind.
cause they can't see what goes on in my mind, but its still physical.
I swear and I'm trying.
they call me mister smalls,
but mister smalls can knock down walls, then rebuild them all, just to feel tall,
so why you still lying?
the virus bites my thoughts raw.
and I'm still on a ball,
I dont need the comfort that you'd been supplying at all,
My mind called me lonely but I thought it was lying so the sick drugs continue "the kids' mind's frying."
and the sicker kids try but they are still dyeing.
and oh how that hurts.
with life exploding and watch your heart begin to burst.
breaking into a million pieces on this earth...
feeling as real as it was when momma gave you birth.
now i stand all by my side.
by my self
still don't need wealth.
i cant stand the lies.
and its all because my mind got me tied i was here all a long but it took me this long to realize. that i had lost something important.
I forgot who i was before the sickness got to the healthy ones like it did me.
the sickness never died, my mind lied, it's just the virus you cant see.
I'm not crazy.
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Feb 2016 · 2.7k
Intra-personal Intelligence
It was hard that she had fought,
but she was stronger than she thought.
She knew her only job was to*  love herself  *a lot.
---- 2.17.16 ----
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-Kaitlyn A. Warnken
Feb 2016 · 1.6k
Happy Valentines Day
Feb 2016 · 850
My Mornings
My day awakens the very moment my eyes open from a heavy sack time.
To the absolute second the cold pieces of my golden glasses hint my nose with a chill down my spine.
There I would wander, Will today be mine?
Oh how that smell of pine be a joyous delight not to wine.
Life sences my sences to get me up
From a dream I'd just awaken that had been so rough.
Though I am Okay,
Thanks to The touch of life that makes everything fine
When I wake up to the sun shine.
Note: I do not authorise the duplications of my writings, photography, or any other personal information. 6:57pm February 6, 2016 -Kaitlyn A. Warnken
Feb 2016 · 598
Best Friend
She got me in a some-sort-o' something when it comes to feelings. Bringin in peace, love, and all that comes so we're in a process of healing.
Oh shes got me.
Shes got me.
We're on a day light savings time when it comes to her because I can be her super hero and stop hell from hitting earth
Because shes got me.
Ohh shes got me.
She goes a long way and im here to stay. My miss lil lady. ❤. I miss my lady.
Like in a story she'd be the princes, The mistress, My miss anonymous and no body cant stop this.
She's The difference in my life that makes it all right, is our difference. It's her. We talk All day and night. We get along and never fight.
We built a fortis together with what we are and were Today, tomorrow, and the future. it feels right. Cause I know surely that i can Be there, she good For me, im good for her so No need to be scared.
no, no, no because Im here
And shes got me
You know i could use our lives, sit down, and write a book. Because this withdrawal from her makes me cope in a way that seems that Im hooked


I dont need drugs,


i dont need pills,

or bank...

...because i got her.
I got her.

She'll spend her last breathe on me
But i'd beg,
"No sweetie please!"
because I dont know what I'd do if she ever left me.
Dont you see? She's not just one. Shes one of a kind and together one of me combined and shes all mine.
She surely ain't a waste of my time
because shes got me.
Oh shes got me.
So, Dont you see? Shes not just one. Shes one of a kind and together one of me combined And shes all mine. So Sweetheart you surely aren't a waste of my time...
...Cause you've got me.

You've got me
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Dec 2015 · 343
Dec 2015 · 655
Restlessness Sorrow
I'm up all hours of the night
Trying to get my head straight to pull through with my own fight.

It's like I'm on a wrong path that leads to a dead end,
But every other turn I go I face the same problems again.

It'd be like running in circles getting deeper into the ground
Every time you face the same problems 'round and 'round.
I do not authorize the duplications of my writings photography or personal information -K.W
I'm living for an end.
Not so life can take itself away from me
But so I can take myself away from it,
Because I hate the pain
And love it also.
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Dec 2015 · 274
Get a gun,
Put it to my head,
And Pull the trigger.
Dec 2015 · 438
My Love
Your heart warm as fire,
Your soul gold and life ash
Gives a weld that seals the cracks to My heart of glass.

So Please don't ever leave and Stay here with me through this storm
I'm so cold without you.
I just need the fire that's been keeping me warm.
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Dec 2015 · 560
Normal; the thing she wants to maintain
Deranged; insane, She is.
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Dec 2015 · 652
The Burning Heart
Light me up with a match but first poor the gasoline in my lungs,
So that I can inhale the acidic liquid from your mouth when we go to touch tips with our tongues ;

Burning holes through my heart as you tear this love apart.
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Dec 2015 · 1.3k
The Crazy Kid
I hold my breath to stop my lungs and think about what it'd be like to die young.
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Dec 2015 · 455
"Are You Broken?" -Friend
"You healed me when I was sore and for that I couldn't ask for more.

You gave me life, brought me light, and helped me live another night.

So yes my friend, I have a sacred heart, severed and mended back to part." -Kaitlyn Warnken
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Dec 2015 · 485
You see right through me; Im not there.

You want someone as good as me; You Don't even dare.
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Dec 2015 · 827
The Sickness
There are things of me that you will never know; Things I will never tell.

You can try interrogation but I won't let it go; means of, I'm not well.
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Dec 2015 · 704
I could waist my life on sadness but what's the point in that.
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Dec 2015 · 1.4k
The only insecure I have is a great mass in a mean, but I'll never let you see that again; You bring out the insecure of me.
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Dec 2015 · 1.7k
Igniting Love
I eased you from the worldly fire with my heart;**  *so you didn't have to feel the burn without love before my own flames ignited.
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Nov 2015 · 757
I'm laying in bed hearing sharp sounds in my head.
Smelling the sent of pine from a memory of the trees back at my first home.
Thinking about that time when i wasn't so a lone.

Getting shivers from the slivers on my skin.
I Watch the blood leak out as the razor blade goes in.
It Sends A sense of fear and chills down to my bones.
But you'll never know what it's like to feel alone.

Trapped inside the mind, seeking a way out of something i just can't find, or get out of.
Loss and fear rush through my head and that's why i can't love.

The limit of acceptation to feel comfort of by any means is at its own stand still.
Which has me thinking, "These thoughts could ****! What's wrong with me? Am I ill?"

At times i feel that people and the life around me are living and i'm just the time keeper.
Other times, it's like the world is on pause and I'm the attention seeker.

How can life put me through this? It's made me so sore.
This is hell for me On earth,
And that makes me not want to live anymore.
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Nov 2015 · 542
Ridged Waters
I cant breathe and cant break.
You cant see my heart ache.
I want to stop my time on the clock but im already still on this earth like a rock.

I cant move, cant go, or get away from feeling low.

It's impossible to shake away this feeling inside to be tired of happiness continental divides.

The weaker i get the farther i go. Life really aches me but that you won't know.

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Nov 2015 · 866
So Lonely
Getting to you is like jumping milestones
It's lethal to leap
But hurts to be alone.
I do not authorize the duplication(s) of my writings, photography, or personal information. -K.W.
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
Late at Night Phone Calls
The crack in your voice as you said good bye
And hanging up I heard you cry.
It hurt to know that you hurt too
and the fact that I don't want to lose you.
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Nov 2015 · 1.0k
Peer Pressure
What did you do?
What did you get yourself into?
Why did you do it?
The crew pushed you threw it.
Now you're hurt.
The same hurt on you to blurt,
That you're in trouble
A hurt that lasts a time that's double.
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Nov 2015 · 413
Fall and Leaves
I'll be fall and you'll be the change.
A cold wind for you to rearrange.
Raked in pile, colored by time you are.
Flying in the wind from your origin root by fare.

I do not authorize my writings, photography, or any personal information. -k.w.
Nov 2015 · 820
Bandaged Heart
It is not so for those who's hearts are broken, to love.
Yet we find their seeking of a bandage.
They grasp our sticking and we repair the broken pieces.
Where there they love.

*Where There they love.
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Nov 2015 · 2.7k
Cloudy Minds
Tho our minds crave the storm for attention
It does as no one asks,
Showering rough upon us
Distorting our water proof masks.
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-Kaitlyn A. Warnken
Oct 2015 · 655
The Broken Speak
When you do not give
Yourself a break
You will break.
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Oct 2015 · 950
Pending ...
You're a sad kid to have all the answers but put them to waste.
You know what to do but fear to do them.
You'd much rather not have the answers and take life as a surprise but unfortunately life wont intend it. So you fake the smile that hides the fear to answer the question,
"Are we gona do this or what?"
Until that question pends for so long and all chances to move forward are lost.
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Oct 2015 · 580
The Spectrum
Life* is all about it's change.
If this is really where you wanted to be, you wouldn't be complaining that things could still get better.
We live to become better than our *past
and if your still doing the same routine as before, you obviously aren't living.
Don't wait for change. Be the change.
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Oct 2015 · 581
Closing Doors
You close doors shut without walking through them.
How in life do expect to get to the next chapter if all your doing is closing yourself shut in the last one and blocking the door way?
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Oct 2015 · 511
We Are The Lost Kids
We are the kids in humanity that even with support, friends, and family we still feel like we are  missing something.
We will go all sorts of ways except the right way to find what we are looking for.
We are the kids who*  can't find themselves  living a future.
We are the kids who  don't want to go searching for our selves any more.
We are the kids who got  tired  and  couldn't take  feeling  lonely anymore.
We are  those kids.
We are  **the lost kids.
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Sep 2015 · 639
thin lines
Im standing on a tight rope in the middle of my options to move forward, die trying, or fall back.
I took a step off my life edge and here where i now stand I refuse to move at all.
On the wire I struggle listening to the sounds of a challenge.
I came unprepared.
Just let me fall.
Sep 2015 · 760
There was a Curious, serious, Confidential gal Who could not take the negativity in this world.
No one could see that as she hid that away with her smiles and humorous unseen ill ways.
She just needed to feel happy so she did as she'd say.
Her, Not yet ready to live another day.
That was the only way she would be okay,
So her soul fades now as she lay.
Jul 2015 · 385
The Pain
I cant wait another day

Its so cold and I'm about to break

I'm tired of what you have to say

I cant wait another day

I'm tired of this life and the places I’ll go

We cant take the change that will never occur

**** it, so I'm tired of what life has to show

**** it so

Don’t you know

You should know me

Not own me

I will stop along the way

Its so cold and I'm about to break

I'm tired of what you have to say

And all that I have to say

Is I cant take another day.
Jun 2015 · 542
You'll Be Remembered
"You'll Be Remembered." By Kaitlyn A. Warnken

The slowly fating of my heart beating. The rage of hate stirring up while the angers heating. Holding these wounds tight trying to stop the bleeding. Locking doors shut trying to stop the screaming. Closing my eyes, pinching my skin trying to pretend I'm dreaming. But the truth was was that i was leaning. Only i wish i could have been dreaming this night. leaning on seeking to find the fringe of my own life. Wishing for a shot gun n' pistol to take a couple rounds to my own life tonight. Hell my spark would go out in my life light. I'd of done it by now but i have no knife. Yea, that's right. Though i know I'm strong enough to win this fight, on this night and make my life light ignite. They told me to **** myself i responded, i think I'll do it on my own time, SYKE. People are rude, with no respect they don't know what their saying. No matter what you do prove them wrong by staying. Take the words and stop taking them to heart. Once you stop the words will stop tearing you apart. And remember that those scares wont last forever. Just stop the "hurting your body," you'll do fine in your life because i know You're clever. inside and on the outside you will die never, because you'll succeed in your life and be remembered. Unlike others who's lights go out in their own life ember's. So live how you want. who you are is just another life member of which we all have lived faster. And at the end of a long life we give after. But you're the kid who made it in life so no need for us to cry. You will always be known so we will never have to say good bye because in our hearts it's you who lives inside. Just don't be that kid who gets a short life because they "signed." You are a smart kid You are smart enough to realize you need realigned. Stay true inside. It will help, that's not a lie. Neither is your life so don't ruin it ever. If you stick to that rule you'll die never And be remembered.
Jun 2015 · 525
I do not want time here in life.
I see that time is all life was.
Time meant nothing to me.
My time has run out.
**** it out of
My heart hurts.
The clocks don't work.
It's after time which is nothing.

I could have never held on.
Jun 2015 · 657
Tragedy*  *is when something unbearable happens
and all life around you comes to a stop.
It is like you are forever living in that worse possible moment and you stop dancing to life.
That song that once had been playing, is now just an infinite, ravenous, and
  vex  beat.
The sound that will
and  repeat,
and  repeat.
You conclude to yourself that you are no longer you, and your being can never look at itself the same way it did before.
You look at yourself knowing things will
  never  be the same,
as if once you were happy dreading it will never be again, and you
  fade  *away
until you are nothing more
and your life ends.
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