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Mar 2020 · 272
Daisy Vallely Mar 2020
Familiar faces
fall from graces
left alone in dim-lit places.
Fragile mind draped in laces,
dreams and terrors time erases-
suspended in the void of spaces,
like mold in the water of flower vases.

Entangled in a spider's web,
I chase the tide of black water's ebb.
Casting out the light again-
confess my sins to make amends.

A crystal tear escapes my iris.
I offer thanks to the God, Osiris
who blesses the exhale of my mortal breath,
and forgives my sin, the King of Death.
Feb 2019 · 1.7k
The Southern Tree
Daisy Vallely Feb 2019
I press my ear against her soft bark,
Damp and darkened by the cloud’s tears.
I hear an echo that envelopes my mind-
A familiar voice, without a face or a name- she is a vibration, she is a feeling.
Looking up, i watch her branches split the sky like an earth quake shattering the heavens.
Spanish moss drips down like solidified rain drops, frozen in time.
I sit upon her roots and dig my barren feet into the cool dirt
Amongst the acorns and shedding of her hair.
My nose is met with an earthly scent- a reminder to breathe.
This old tree watches lifetimes pass as the sun descends below the Earth, the moon rises into the ether, the stars wink at sleeping flowers, and the planets watch us dream.
I stay beside her until twilight cloaks the sky.
This old tree wears wisdom like a silken robe,
So beautiful in every crack and crevice of her body.
I count the stars with her until numbers turn to the sounds of beetle’s banter.
We all laugh together,
And fall asleep in the embrace of existence
Aug 2018 · 1.4k
I Dream of The Moon
Daisy Vallely Aug 2018
I can feel the moonlight on my skin
when I close my eyes and inhale the evening's breeze.
The stars kiss my cheeks
and the ghost of twilight peels back the veil
leading into a realm of sleep.
I awake within a dream
and I am there-
atop the moon.
I feel the curve of my spine mold into her
as I lay there, intertwined with her aura.
She is my mighty ship
as we sail through waves of constellations
singing the sweetest song the night sky has ever heard before,
harmonizing with the golden orb around us.
I pray that I will never wake
and live a lifetime
amidst the moon.
May 2018 · 825
The Rabbit's Hole
Daisy Vallely May 2018
Once upon a full moon,
An immortal soul escaped it's vessel.
Illuminated by moonlight,
Whisps of the spirit gracefully glided down the eye of a rabbit hole,
swirling through the sphere of Life and Death,
caught inbetween their reflection of each other.
Their voices harmonized like a pious gospel-
the word of God.
The soul asked them to lay her down at the bottom of infinity,
where there's a cave of every dream ever conceived,
Appearing as fog on a horizon of memories,
spread across the sky like prophetic constellations.
May 2018 · 628
The Dream Spell
Daisy Vallely May 2018
Before I wake by morning light
I asked that I will dream tonight.
Blessed be our sacred eye
Show me truth and never lies.
For what my realm of sleep reflects
When I awake, I'll recollect.
Something I recite before I sleep, while using mugwort under my pillow
Oct 2017 · 3.6k
The Man in the Shadows
Daisy Vallely Oct 2017
I’m in love with a ghost,
a suitor of my shadow.
I ache in search of him,
yet the floorboard creaks
In the dark of night
are merely my soul
wandering down my a mum hallway

My sorrows coo my exhausted mind,
casting a spell of sleep
upon my glistening eyes.
My shadow creeps out from under
the crack of my door-
the door that keeps my demons
within four walls.
My shadow, the phantom of my desires
chases them into eternity.

Even when these old bones break,
this skin turns blue,
these eyes roll back into
the depths of my mind…
My shadow will roam
until The End
Jul 2017 · 793
Yellow Star Lullabye
Daisy Vallely Jul 2017
Beyond the bleeding horizon lies a yellow star,
much like the glow above one's head when three eyes open.  
Within that star is an open space
where dew-dropped webs twinkle
like fractals of crystal quartz.
Streams of thought glide down silken strands of consciousness.

The yellow star sings to me;
"Seek further than you're told,
patience radiates like gold.
Your eyes have known
this sacred home
for many moons,
that laughing lune.
The wind may tell
'you know us well'
And we know you, little blue"

Perhaps a song for familiar souls, that have journeyed through a multitude of existences.
With my eyelids kissed by that yellow star's lullaby,
I hazily gaze beyond the sleepy hills, willow trees, and melting clouds
to see the eyes of my own soul smile crisp
like a poison apple in my hand,
cradled cautiously in the crevices of my palm.
The star contently fell behind the mountains,
humming to the melody of the rolling breeze,
fading into the twilight
only to become an echo in my mind.

I gave my soul to the sun that day
only to roam the black of night as an empty void
and see my true self once more
at the break of day.
Apr 2017 · 1.5k
I Am
Daisy Vallely Apr 2017
I am alive.
I am flesh and bone.
I am a pulsing heart,
the sound of love-
perpetually beating.

I am a shadow-
at peace with desire.
I am Fate.
I am knowledge.
I am chaos.

I am divine fear,
pure ecstasy,
I am the feeling of becoming.

I am a child brought into the world
I am it's first breath.
I am the reflection in the eyes of Death.

I am Life,
I am pain,
I am bliss,
I am love.

I am reality.
I am a complete illusion.
poem inspired by a short story about Death experiencing an existential crisis
Mar 2017 · 6.1k
Daisy Vallely Mar 2017
I observe you, infatuated with your subtle mysticism.
My eyes lay on your verdant beds like a swallow tail butterfly
dancing to the melody of your vibrations.
I feel you breathe with me.
I admire your crystal garden,
dripping down your coiled vines.
In each leaf, a reflection of your life.
Your origin is you as much as it is me.
We are sister and brother.
We are God.
Together we transcend.
Together, we become one entity as we experience
the beauty of consciousness.
You are my natural friend.
You thrive and stretch your veins outward
to kiss the hands that caress you.

with me,
We coexist fluenty
Julio is the plant in my roommates room. He's a a beautiful hanging *** full of plant. We hang crystals on the stems, referring to "crystal garden"
Feb 2017 · 597
Daisy Vallely Feb 2017
She conjures magic from the moon,
caressing light within her palm.
Wide eyed woman from the sky
blesses the Earth with her cosmic psalm
For my lovely hippie friend, Ingrid
Jan 2017 · 2.6k
Crystal Healing Mantra
Daisy Vallely Jan 2017
Use amethyst for everlasting creativity in your organic endeavors, to keep mental sobriety, to calm the drunkenness that is an overtly analytical mind and an emotional heart. Use lepidolite to remind yourself that love envelopes everything around us, and allow your own to radiate and touch those who need it most, never disregarding yourself. Also to trust and have faith in your unique energy, to channel your strength and allow yourself to dream awake, and live every day in love with the universe.
Small patch of thought for those who are interested in crystals. This was my mantra the other day and the crystals i carried around.
Dec 2016 · 1.3k
Memory Graveyard
Daisy Vallely Dec 2016
I roam from here to there
Until i’m everywhere
And everything
Dancing in the graveyard of my past,
cracking the bones of our memories
Beneath my nimble feet.

I dance until my soul is dust in the wind
And travels across bodies of blues,
And greens,
As purple women swim ****
Before my eyes.

Their energy morphs into beams of light,
Until all that’s left are fantastic flames,
That illuminate
The voids of spaces,
Purple faces,
Blue auras,
Green eyes,
Red flames
That burn beneath me
As I descend into the evening,
Falling to my knees and praying for beautiful Death,
For we are familiar friends.

The reaper’s boney fingers grasp the curves of my waist.
The silence is our music
As we waltz for centuries in one moment,
as I watch history unfold
before my purest lense of perception;
A kaleidoscope of fear and love,
Like two opposing warriors holding hands
And sharing secrets.

I wake up from a dream in a cold sweat,
Spat out by the portal of sleep.
I celebrate nirvana,
And thank Death, as I swim in it's dark nebulous.
I await the universe to kiss my eyes
And ask it to release me from this endless wander
in this human form
Dec 2016 · 914
Daisy Vallely Dec 2016
Mother of the Moon,
Shaman of the Sun.
Extracting all the darkness
from the eyes of everyone.
Draining hue from skin,
Soft soulful bones.
Shadows of her velvet cloak
follow footsteps home.
The witch amidst the forest,
The light within our palms.
Dwindling breaths confide
in the cold before the calm.
Bearing portals in her womb,
Maternal one, obtuse and sweet.
A smiling jaw (phenomenal),
will lull your dance of life to sleep.

© 2016 D.M.V
simple preface to my first poetry book, written on bound wooden pages, velvet cover, and a leather spine.
Nov 2016 · 1.0k
Dead Past Death Bath
Daisy Vallely Nov 2016
I grew pregnant with my past,
unable to separate from the reality that began as a seed inside me.
Submerged in water, I tried to released you-
my past, my dear child...
but this bath of death,
flooded with the thick red of fluid despair,
held us closer together.
i want you,
twirling in my womb
under the moon at twilight
as i dance my way into whimsical decisions.
I feel you tap,
at the lining of my uterine wall.
i want you,
i do not.
Sentiment is blinding.
My dear child...
you are not good for me,
though I hold you with eternal warmth.
I am your mother, you are my past.
I open my eyes,
I’m back in the steam of my hazy bath
like an aquatic portal in the corner of comfort and suicide.
The red is gone... yet it was never there.
All that remains is my fetal past pulsing perfectly.
My stomach breaks the grey pond within porcelain,
pertruding through the patches of rose colored suds.
Closing my eyes never looked so dark, the blackest black
like my favorite dreams.
My head falls back and the red liquid returns,
hugging the crevices of my face,
filling my hollow orifices,
pulling my life far enough to look over me
and smile
with pursed lips and one crystal tear...
i am submerged,
yet all I hear are whispers in this bed made of water
singing me lullabies as I drift into a synthetic evening.
I am tucked in, dreaming of the lightest light in the darkest black.
The contrast helps me understand life’s cogs and screws.
i place my pruned fingers on my pregnant stomach,
my fragile past..
You will not leave me, so I must leave you.
My life’s gentle claws let me go
and bursts through the sun and clouds,
as gravity holds me close to his chest and kisses my cheek bones.
I see the light in the laughing stars,
I lay lifeless,
belly full of a dead past.
             my dear child.

© 2016 D.M.V
Daisy Vallely Nov 2016
close your eyes…
let your light lids become heavy
like falling asleep in a bed of soft dreams.
quiet your mind with a deep inhale....
breathe with me, and hold for a simple moment
cleanse your mind with a firm exhale.
Focus purely on your breath. Breathe with me. (take three sets of deep breaths)
imagine no thoughts that bother you
ignore the noise that follows your foot steps,
the little buzzes of every day, like fruit flies orbiting succulent peaches
let the noise fly away like those flies, far away
Let go of those days where you find yourself worried…
there is nothing to hold onto that worries you.
you are a strong, magnificent, worry free energy,
clean and sparkling.
Envision your mind as a porcelain sink,
and the drain in the center pulls all the noise away,
until there is nothingness, emptiness.
let the darkness behind your eyelids engulf you...
it is warm, it is inviting, it is loving
in this darkness...
there is light.
See and feel this ball of radiant light ripping through the black
that tickles your skin like pins and needles
the most beautiful light you’ve ever seen...
be humble...
this is your love
manifested into an image
that presents itself to you
to show you all the love that your heart holds
it beats into your blood,
your veins,
your energy,
every inch of your physical,
your mental,
your soul...
feel that smooooth, delicate love swim through every morsel of your being,
it gives us light... it gives us life.
Create an intention… what do you want most?
Or perhaps, what do you want to give?
What do you… as nobody else but yourself…
want to embody? (take a few moments to gather and intention)
take a deep inhale... (inhale)
upon exhaling, release this intention into the universe...
everything you give will come back.
Let this intention become an extension of yourself
this is you, and you are this.
Now this part of you, the gentle intention, is part of the universe.
and you…
are part of the universe.
thank the cosmos for caring about your mind, body, and spirit, and giving you
this galactic love as you release yours,
and the cycle continues on and on...
feel the warmth of love kiss you tenderly,
let it swallow you and hold you tightly, like a cosmic mother.

you’re an infant again... in the arms of something divine,
feeling pure bliss, like happiness is the only emotion that exists.
happiness becomes organic, it is the ultimate source of life...
happiness becomes the light, and combines itself with love,
making the most beautiful offspring of purity and salvation.


you are new, you are love
let it run like a tranquil river from every one of your pours
hear the liquid love follow the current of your mind’s creek..

hold your intention in your heart, and let it radiate
let yourself be light
let yourself be love.


© 2016 D.M.V
This is my first meditation, I'll use this to guide humanity into spirituality and openness. If you want to practice this as a mediation, ask somebody with a soft voice to read this to you. Remember the virtue of patience, read slowly.
Oct 2016 · 928
Daisy Vallely Oct 2016
I baked your skin onto the asphalt with my oven eyes
Between Macdougal and Bleecker street
Where i first met you.
Everything gray reminds me of you.
I envisioned myself
Breaking into song and dance
With everybody down every cross road,
Belting a ballad of beauty and admiration
About what you and I once were.
I relived that moment when i cried,
“She’s really gone this time”...
Yet as much as i missed her,
all i did was sway in the traffic
Of business men and women
And homeless dogs and all those
Crazy jazz cats.
I stepped precisely on each crack
I swear i didn’t mean to break your back,
Or my word that bound us
As close as the moon and the sun.
A funny promise that made my nose
Shrivel up.
I lay on the hot asphalt between Macdougal and Bleecker street,
Dreaming of you to come back to me.

© 2016 D.M.V
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
The Divine Illumination
Daisy Vallely Oct 2016
The past manifests as a swift wind,
pulling me into a conundrum of clouded flashbacks,
marking the timeline of my life by the phases of the moon.
those illuminated images in my mind
distract me from my broken memories.

The sun would fall jealous at how I admired the moon…
resting high on a bed of clouds, without a worry,
worshipped by mortality-
Like how my mind obsesses over the moon's natural shimmer.

So divine...
and we are just mortals…
figurines below a sky of divinities.

I admit I can despise my mortality
and my daily mortal follies...
I wonder why my house is so cold
I wonder why you are so far
I wonder why i can’t see in color anymore
And the past, it taunts my mortal mind.
It hums the sweetest vibrations of superior light,
grasping me by the collar of my flesh,
Singing about everything i once was,
once had,
once loved…
The past took it away for it's own possession.
Perhaps that is what divinities do;
Possess our mortality.

Now it’s all gone,
and i’m a bitter old soul-cluster
who despises this flesh,
and radiates red that looks like grey,
and will spend my last moments of breath
searching for the illuminated face of the moon,
to bless me with the colorful love weaved into the memories of my past.

© 2016 D.M.V
Oct 2016 · 962
The One Who Left
Daisy Vallely Oct 2016
I sink into my bed,
laying in Limbo,
comfortably cold
and detached.
Your essence roams back and forth,
between my ears.
I taste the residue
of your monotone voice,
salivating at the thought of
Our nights were simply
We watched the clouds
blend into the sky,
as the rich colors became
beautifully distorted;
I swear they breathed.
I gently touched your
empty chest...
As it rose and fell,
The scenery above us
expanded infinitely.
Our laughs
resembled bonded youth,
forming together
like an orchestra of splendor.

I desperately try to relive this feeling,
our captivating high.
It disintegrated.
You have melted away
and life is somber.
you have become a bland figure
without a face.
You have become the static
Of a television in the silence
of an apocalypse.
You hide within irrelevance...
but the way you once moved,
so gracefully,
so insanely,
will remain Imprinted
in my loveless mind.

© 2016 D.M.V
Oct 2016 · 1.2k
Blue Romance
Daisy Vallely Oct 2016
Her blue hips carry me into her womb,
where the melody of her crashing waves sound like the notes of an ethereal harp dancing through the chilled evening air.
Among all the lost messages in glass bottles floating through a liquid eternity, one read the name of her lover,
who ripped her heart from the sea.
Eventually, each bottle washed up into the arms the shore,
The bottle that contained her lover’s name remained in the curves of the ocean, traveling through her body's maze.

My heart breaks at the sound of her faint, musical wheeping.
So I am with her, within her cold, salted embrace.
I open my burning eyes to watch her story.
I love the way her current cradles me with aching love-
And now I can see
That the strength within her current,
Can wash away the grief of a fractured heart.

© 2016 D.M.V
Oct 2016 · 823
True Blue
Daisy Vallely Oct 2016
It's been a decade since i’ve seen my beloved… the last time was bittersweet. You left me blue like clouds ******* the hue out of the sky, and releasing warm rain that purifies the unclean. I smelled the rain. I bathed in the burning cleanse that gave me life. My life.. like a blanket of recycled cloths, patched together with fraying threads.
I was Cleo, and you were Osiris… I broke the bulb and bursted the light, and awoke in your darkness. Your darkness that I could taste like ****, sweet,somber lollipops from the waiting room of your fortress.
I can still feel the crevices of your patterned finger tips grazing the edges of my blue aura… I vibrated in your presence and just like that, we were one, together at last without life to tell us how to live… We didn’t need to live. When our lips fell dry of all conflict, you used to say to me… “There is no hell… but the afterlife is blue”
Sometimes now i float through time as if it’s a shopping outlet invaded by stores I have no interest in, striding down the pavement with no intention of absorbing my surroundings… no intention of acknowledging this measurement that tells me the answer of “when”.
You were just a color to me… Once I was a yellow daisy and you were a green machine that kicked and screamed… But once we danced together… we turned blue.
I am not blue because I am depressed, foreboding, or desperate… I’m blue because all I embody is myself, as this colorful existence. You were you, too.. and you were so blue. Your palace was nothing but a blue dream in a blue burst of my thoughts… and your memory was nothing but the smell of blue… then some day suddenly, I smelled nothing at all.

© 2016 D.M.V
Oct 2016 · 615
The Last Dream
Daisy Vallely Oct 2016
I’ll meet you in a distant time, beholder of my dreams.
You’ve introduced that everything is never as it seems.
Eyes that burn with fear and woe may fabricate reality,
But who and what one will believe becomes the truth eventually.
When my dreams began to die, I saw a figure eight.
Beyond, I saw a shadowed mass, on strings attached our fate.
Humbled by the overwhelming black of father Death,
I prayed for all the secrets of our world, and held my breath.
When Death decided it was time to drag me from my youth,
Divinity revealed that one’s self will hold all truth.

© 2016 D.M.V
Oct 2016 · 1.0k
Death, The Love of My Life
Daisy Vallely Oct 2016
I think about you often and the terrifying depth of your hollow eyes.
I’ve cradled my head in your forgiving hands for many blue moons.
The moons that sing the blues of all my desires…
My emotions run in circles, falling into a puzzling continuum.
I could tell you a thousand times on the top of a mountain peak of your radiant beauty and nimble bones.
Your whispers spill into fountains of youth, where you gift the most genuine beauty as easily as you take it away.
I stare into the reflection of you wrapping my flaws around my neck in a mirror of truth.
I pray to the sky for a cure to this illness called love-
It cripples my mortality. 
I believe that you love me too by the way you lure me into your lair of dark phenomena.
For you, Death, I will give my soul, as long as I have your love.

© 2016 D.M.V

— The End —