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Feliz G Sep 2016
After all of this,
I want you to promise,
Please don't leave me,
And I want you to be honest.

I caught you many times,
Over and over,
Just don't leave me,
As failure comes closer.

I heard you say "yes",
It echoed in my mind,
As I turn around again,
It looks like you lied.
Feliz G Oct 2016
At first it started all great,
Everyone was laughing,
But now everything's suddenly dying.

Crying aloud,
for someone to calm it down,
But no one came,
I guess all I could do is drown.

Erasing everything that happened this week,
Nothing great,
All crap,
I can't feel anything but hate.

As time passed by,
Sadness combined with the spite,
Like a dangerous predator,
It pounces at night.

Slowly dying,
Nothing to hold onto,
Just one last chance,
No chance to redo.

A single spot of brightness,
Just give me this chance,
I don't want to cry anymore,
I just don't want to.....
Welp, just one last chance for me to be happy on Saturday. So far my week's been 80% crap, I wonder how it'll be at the end of the week.
Feliz G Jan 2017
Burned all the memories,
Left all the ashes.
Foolish of me
To keep looking back again.

Tired of all your answers,
Covered in lies.
Can't you just tell me the truth?
The truth which I've been longing since I've...

Shattered the past,
Left all the pieces.
The mirror reflecting on all I've done
In my life.
Wowza, where did this come from? Welp, I tried singing along, trying to remember the lyrics to BURN from Hamilton. Aaand ended up mixing other songs and this is what happened.
Feliz G Sep 2016
This anxiety tries to **** me,
Time and time again,
Makes me fuss over little problems,
It keeps on whispering, "This is the end."

I try to shoo it away,
But it doesn't want to let go,
Now depression comes by,
To sing along with anxiety's deadly song.

It keeps messing with my mind,
And other people tell me to relax,
But depression gets the best of me,
My mind is starting to crack.

I always thought this was a phase,
Everyone would just go though,
But I'm sure this is different,
According to someone I knew.

It tries to drown me,
In my past of regret,
I don't want to give up,
I just don't want to yet.

"Oh no, I needed this!",
"Oh no, I forgot about that...",
Responsibility, it seems,
Is what I tend to lack.

I wasn't always like this,
I used to be very responsible,
I used to like to be a leader,
But my mistakes don't seem flammable.

I don't know the true meaning of depression,
Anxiety is mostly what I have,
But itself is enough,
To make me insane, to make me laugh.

So please leave me alone,
Please leave me to my thoughts,
But I hear my anxiety bellow,
"Just give up, you don't have a chance."

I don't know which to believe,
I just end up crying,
Sometimes I just wonder,
"What would happen if I'd start dying?"
Nah, I ain't suicidal.
Feliz G Jan 2017
Don't mess up,


And when in doubt


Feliz G Jan 2017
"I'm not studying so I could get a perfect score,
I'm studying so I could at least pass."
One of my classmates asked my friend why they were studying since it's not worth it to study before exams.
Feliz G Oct 2016
Something broken, and
Something to break.
We've gotta stop dropping plates Chloie.
Feliz G Oct 2016
Countless of times,
You tend to ask,
"How much do you like me?",
I'm making sure this is the last.

"Count the stars, would you?",
And so you look up, not down,
"But it's so cloudy",
I say, "And I'm already out of town."
Feliz G Feb 2017
I dared not to repeat history,
To not repeat that life changing mistake, But different actions, same results.

I piece together this puzzle,
Oh so carefully.
From my experience in the past few months,
I've learned the things we did to fail.

But this isn't enough,
Not much information gathered.
And so, here am I walking on a similar path,
It feels like October 14th all over again.
I don't want this to end up like the 14th... not again... not him.
Feliz G Jan 2017
By a day of appearance,
We didn't even talk.
A sudden spark of inspiration flowed through me,
And so I've become your idol.
My childishness, I see,
But it's what I want to be.
Why. Does. The. Subject. Area. Supervisor. Of. Music. Have. To. Meet. My. Standards. On. The. First. Day. Of. Rehearsal. And. Now. He. Is. My. Idol. And. The. Only. Reason. I. Picked. Up. My. VIOLIN. I got his signature too on my favourite recital piece!
Feliz G Sep 2016
This empty soul of mine,
feels nothing but hate,
I see no reason to cry,
for my emotions arrived late.

I never felt anything,
I didn't want to anyway,
because I've seen what they bring,
that they can haunt you for days.

I'm just a soulless spirit,
wandering this world,
with no ability to **** this,
I won't be saying a word.
Feliz G Sep 2016
The bright smile,
That hides the depression inside
When you try to cover everything up with a smile.
Feliz G Oct 2016
When you fall into an ocean,
And you don't have anything to hold onto,
Wait till you could swim up yourself.
Feliz G Sep 2016
I feel this feeling,
that I locked deep inside,
Now that I see,
her loving tender smile.

But this unneeded feeling,
that I refused to show to her,
I have all the power,
and I have taken over.

She says that I'm cute,  
when I smile.
But truly, she doesn't know,
that I'm dying inside.
Feliz G Sep 2016
Smile, smile, smile,
It's all they want you to do,
they don't care what you feel,
they don't care what you'll do.

They just don't want your burdens,
they just dont want to understand,
lucky for me,
their carelessness I withstand.
Don't know you, don't know me
Feliz G Jan 2017
I'll shut my mouth if needed,


Leave if necessary,


I just want to make sure everyone's happy,


Without me or not.
... I talk too much... too much words... words that I shouldn't be speaking... which could cost your happiness... as well as mine...
Feliz G Nov 2016
Achieving your dreams,
Isn't an easy task,
Like escaping a labyrinth,
It will take time and all that.

It would seem impossible,
Seeing how long it would take  
Don't underestimate it,
Don't think it'll be a piece of cake.

So just study hard,
Don't give up on it,
This journey isn't over yet,
Not until you say it is.

If people pull you down,
Just rise right back up.
Show them you're not weak,
Declare to them your intent.

Hold on to your conceit,
An idea you could use,
Used to attain your dream,
Which could only done by you.

Laugh at your problems,
It's okay to run away.
It's normal to make mistakes,
There will be another day.

Walking around in circles,
Just calm down and relax,
You'll think so much better,
So just mellow out.

After all the interferences,
All the troubles you have faced,
Even now that it's the end,
You feel kind of dazed.

The star in your hand,
Is the dream you have seized,
The flower crown on your head,
Is the effort you've released.
Getting ready for the competition at school
Feliz G Oct 2016
A drop of light,
Understands the darkness, without light,
How it dwells in everyone,
Nothing's that bright,
We're just little baby birds,
Refusing to take flight,
Into the skies,
Like flying kites.

But this drop of light,
Managed to pull everyone together,
But clever,
Somehow doing it,
But never,
Did I think that this would happen,
But then there's no such thing as "forever".
Feliz G Sep 2016
I don't know you,
and you don't know me.

This isn't a game,
and we only know each other by name,
that doesn't give you the right, to tell me what to do with my life.

Leave if you want to,
I don't want to be friends, so enjoy what you have left,
'cause no one will be with you in the end.
Feliz G Feb 2017
As long as this sun shines,
As long as this heart beats,
I have my goal set,
My back against commitment.

Grasping onto truth,
Believing in what's real,
Travelling along the sidelines,
Finding people who shares the same mind.
We haven't even met each other in person, but I hope it'll work out fine in a few days!
Feliz G Jan 2017
Ran away when they chased us.
Escaped when were caught.
And when we'll get cornered,
We'll choose to fight back!
This was what happened/what will happen when we were chased at the fair by the Catchers (Jail Booth).
Feliz G Sep 2016
It's been years,
since I've heard of you,
it brings back bad memories,
of all our happy news.

I don't want to think of you,
I've already moved on,
I have new friends to care about,
to help me forget the memories that are finally gone.
Feliz G Sep 2016
Fragile as glass,
You were too good to be true,
When I thought out there,
Was someone like you.

As grace as possible,
You move very quickly,
Acting like a real leader,
And the chances of failure are unlikely.

With no physical evidence,
that someone's like you,
But since you're just fiction,
I still believe this truly anew.
Feliz G Sep 2016
Fragile as glass,
You were too good to be true,
When I thought out there,
Was someone like you.

As grace as possible,
You move very quickly,
Acting like a real leader,
And the chances of failure are unlikely.

With no physical evidence,
that someone's like you,
But since you're just fiction,
I still believe this truly anew.
Feliz G Dec 2016
Hearts, like glass, they're spread across the floor, broken.
Once you try to fix it, you get cut in the process, and you're reminded why you're hurt.
Because you've hurt someone else.
Messed up once, messed up twice, OH CRAP 5 HEARTS ACROSS THE ****** BATTLEFIELD. Well, we've messed up too many times which we cannot forget. The thing is, who's next?
Feliz G Jan 2017
Gave up in writing, lost much of interest.
Gave up in drawing, harshly discouraged.
Last chance in music, with overflowing inspiration.
...... it's complicated.......
Feliz G Feb 2017
If only I've told you
How **** you are
Then maybe this friendship
Wouldn't have gone this far.

We just grew apart,
Nowhere closer.
Why can't this friendship
Just be over?

Time to drop the past
No getting near it.
Do me a favour
And just shut it...!
What ever happened to this friendship...?! Ahaha. Best friends don't last forever, why does everybody assume that?! What even is the point of this *******? Just someone to hang out with till they find someone else, so you do the same, then repeat the cycle all over again! *******....! I.... need a break....
Feliz G Jan 2017
Taught not to mess up.
Therefore from what you have felt,
[We] humbly apologize.
"Recall your past sins"
*basically everything in 2016*
... f**k
I cried in the middle of confession, send halp.
Feliz G Oct 2016
Everyone cried,
So did I,
Nothing to be happy about,
I can't find a reason to smile.

I couldn't sleep properly,
I nearly skipped eating,
I cried myself to sleep that night,
Can't be properly breathing.

I thought all the **** would stop,
I underestimated it,
I was pressured more,
As much as last week.

I actually thought it would stop here,
I checked online,
I enjoyed what I was reading,
But immediately declined.

Where all the crap built up,
What the hell did I do wrong this time,
Nothing became better,
You're not mad? No need to lie.

Problems build up,
Waiting at the end of the bridge,
But there's a shortcut out of here,
See you at the bottom of the ledge.
i wILL sCREAM. i IS DYIng.
Welp, time to mark these dates on my calendar so it could last forever.
Feliz G Apr 2017
Remember when everything fell apart?
Where we didn't want to feel anything no more?
Well... it's repeating again.
But come on, we know how to handle this.

Same problem. Different person.
Feliz G Sep 2016
As we walk along the corridor,
I meet you along the way,
I raise my hand to greet you,
But you don't return the same.

I remember when we used to talk,
you talked like you cared,
But now that I don't meet you,
I feel like I'm just dead.
What happened?
Feliz G Nov 2016
They care,  only when you're in their borders, for once you get hurt, it will be their own fault.
When you're left to take care of yourself knowing no one else will.
Feliz G Feb 2017
I look in your direction,
And I catch you making eye contact.
I immediately turn away,
Embarrassed in thinking 'bout it.

==《 ¿ 》==

At least I let you know.
Now it's time to move on.
If you'll return,
then I know it wasn't in vain.
I-I mean... it's alright... I'm glad I was noticed... r-really glad!

.... Thank you, sir! ♡
Feliz G Mar 2017
I didn't realize how bothersome it was
To my friends I've met through you.
I hate that it's happening again...
I don't know what to do.

I just liked this feeling,
This burning passion inside.
Something I could put to good use.
Something I wouldn't want to die.

But it blinded me,
Blocked out the sounds of the outside world.
I should've paid more attention,
I should have had the past learned.

I'm sorry I let this happen,
I suppose this is how it ends.
No one else would tell me
That history's repeating again.
Inspiration backfired. History's repeating. I've become more annoying than ever before. What else would happen next??
Feliz G Sep 2016
I fooled you once before,
I know I can't fool you again,
I know you're not stupid,
And you want this to end.

If I do this to you,
I'm just trying to make you smile,
all that I'm trying to do,
is keeping you from life's many lies,

Even though I've tricked you twice,
know this please,
please know I still care,
I'll try to keep you at ease.
Look at that, a not so depressing poem... huh.
Feliz G Nov 2016
When I am left alone,
So my friend could be talked to,
It's alright,
I don't, and wont have a place there,
Hearing all that I don't need to know,
Cause I'm so different from her...
No need to say hello.
Everything's go in downhill
Feliz G Dec 2016
If doesn't care about us,
neither will we,
but I can't act like I don't care.
I really try not to care, but end up caring all over again. He doesn't care about us, only his friends, girlfriend, and his own section. So why do I still care? Maybe some things aren't just the same without him...
Feliz G Sep 2016
I don't want to see you like this,
I don't want to be the reason you say "No",
I've made you like this,
so just forget me and go.

I'm just a soul that wanders freely,
Unable to connect to the world,
How many times to I have to say it,
Just please listen to my word.

I have told you over and over again that everyone has forgotten,
So why don't you too?
My soul will just be left rotten,
No one even has a clue.

Chin up my friend,
Because I wont be returning soon,
So promise me you'll still keep your joy,
because this isn't the end for you.

No one has to remember anymore,
And no one has to know that this is true.
Feliz G Nov 2016
It's easy to move on from someone you know,
So why can't it be the same with someone you deeply care about?
*sigh* Welp, I wanna move on but I can't. I mean, I've already moved on from her, why not him?
Feliz G Oct 2016
Time moves too slow,
I don't want it that way,
But all I just wait for,
Is a long rest day.
Sem Break is almost over....
Feliz G Sep 2016
I keep trying to save me,
Constantly breaking inside,
Trying to forget,
I just can't decide.

You keep appearing,
In this empty mind of mine.
The vast dark void,
That wouldn't be able to shine.

I said I didn't know you,
But in truth I just lied,
So I could save,
This fractured soul I hide.
Feliz G Nov 2016
For thine soul needs none of thy assistance.
When you've been reading the Divine Comedy over and over and decided to have a take at Old English. I'm pretty sure I ain't doing it right
Feliz G Sep 2016
I walk along the shore,
With a jewel locket in my hand,
I saw a shining bottle,
Hidden in the sand.

I drop down on my knees,
I start digging through the the grains,
Inside the bottle, some lyrics,
Of the song of my friend in some other place.

I didn't think I'd ever get it,
My knees feeling numb,
With the freezing cold water,
This day will be blessed and loved.
Feliz G Sep 2016
You always saw the light,
Of every one of my failures,
You always find me in a jungle,
Like one little sailor.

I always laugh at your optimism,
Telling me it's alright,
Do I want to believe?
Do I want to see the light?

From out of nowhere,
You grabbed my hand,
I guess I had no choice,
Pulling me up to stand.
Feliz G Apr 2017
I tried learning how to tie a sailor's knot.
A knot that looks simple, and is.
But in my rush to learn it, it slipped my mind.

In my desperate attempts to tie these strings together, I failed.
So I tied a square knot.
I was foolish, really.

I wanted to learn a sailor's knot, a Carrick Bend.
Because it was easier to untie,
compared to a square knot.

And when it was time,
when it was needed to let go, I couldn't.
I fell in with it, fell in with the ship.

If I only I didn't rush,
rush learning it,
maybe I could've gotten out alive.
It's difficult for me to tie relationships with a sailor's knot and end up tying a square knot and getting ****** into all the pain an regret in a dead relationship.
Feliz G Sep 2016
A lovely maiden,
so elegant and creative,
But with this pure dark soul,
no one will notice.

You know how to act,
Even with this soul of hate,
No one can change this,
They won't be able to compensate.
Feliz G Oct 2016
Everyone could make you feel special,
To them, you are crucial,
To lose,
Cause you're the one they'd choose.

Don't be a fool,
This isn't some pointless duel,
It shows you how much they love you,
Anything they'd do.

So don't abandon those who care,
But life isn't fair,
Suffocate in all that isn't real,
Cause then soon they would reveal.
That you weren't anything,
The truth will sting,
You'll soon be back with them soon, don't worry,
No one right now is in a hurry.

As long as you stay put,
No one's a crook,
You're love will find you,
You'll just have to wait for a few,

Feliz G Jan 2017
My dearest,
My love,
I know you're nothing without me,
And so I've chosen to accept what I have.


You and you're conditions,
I've learned to accept them too,
Surprises, as well,
I've decided to learn you.


My dearest,
My love,
Please don't leave me,
I can't cope without feeling what you've showed.
Pls **** me, I ain't tagging this as love, cause it isnt. It's about my dearest Anxiety, whom I've learned to accept. Whom I cannot abandon. Who won't let go of me.
Feliz G Feb 2017
If I had never met you,
Would've everything been okay?


If I never sent you that note,
Would I have never felt that way?


Maybe it's for the very best
If we never met each other.


I know this is really stupid,
And I'm sorry I'm a bother.


Maybe this would've gone better,
If I never wrote that letter.
"Who even asks someone if they're okay when they're clearly crying?!"
"You nearly told him to "*******" when he asked!"
"Shut up, Elise!"
.... I'm talking to myself again....
Feliz G Nov 2016
You don't know how much it hurt me,
I suppose you were misled.
I've been waiting all day to tell you,
Only to hear what you misinterpret what I said.

Pathetic, you think you knew what I meant,
You thought you saw through my smile,
What did you think of me?
Some irresponsible Middle school child?

Sorry for bothering you,
I only wasted your time,
I'm not capable of complementing
People who aren't like mine.
Whenever I try to complement a teacher, since they all look so fricking nice, they all think I'm doing it for a dare. *sigh*
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