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Feliz G Feb 2017
I pick up pen and paper,
thinking of something to write,
Friends? Nah.
Family? Pfft, yeah right....

Well it isn't my fault, now is it?
It wasn't my choice to turn away from this beautiful weather.
Just give up the pen, drop the paper,
I don't think you'll be needing them any longer.
It isn't my fault, not mine, but yours.
Feliz G Feb 2017
I sit by the ocean,
The swaying, endless water.
It used to be so nice here,
But it don't know why I even bother.

I think to jump into it,
People telling me not to give in.
But to me, my perspective,
This is where it all begins.
I'm not at all ready.
Feliz G Nov 2016
I'm okay,
You're okay,
Nobody's okay,
Me trying to get my **** together
Feliz G Aug 2020
She wrote about other people, yes,
but she never wrote for anyone else but her.
She felt alone, I must admit,
but I refuse to take responsibility.

She's on her own.
She may be me, but her problems aren't mine.
Feliz G Apr 2017
How much I cared.
I've met you only for a short time.
I'm sorry for her behavior, I'm sorry for mine.

And I don't think we'll meet anymore.
You'll move away,
I know that as a fact.
But as long as you're happy.

As long as you're with her.
Thank you, I've enjoyed the time you've been here. The times you'd care for us, but now it's over, you've got her now. Please take care of her.
Feliz G Apr 2017
Madaming taon ay nakalipas.
Madaming litrato natakpan.
Bakit hindi mo pa nakakalimutan?
What even am I doing with my summer break really?
Feliz G Sep 2016
People are like paper,
They could be decorative,
They can have one layer,
But be highly sensitive.

You could obtain many papers,
But you could lose a few,
You might accidentally ruin them,
And they might change hue.

Someone could steal them,
Then you'd lose some more,
You wouldn't be able to get them back,
And the rest you'd just store.
Feliz G Sep 2016
I don't want to see you,
but sometimes I don't have a choice,
walking past you time and time again,
I don't even want to rejoice.

You're supposed to be in the past,
Why do we meet again?
It's saddening for me to remember,
all that we did back then.
Feliz G Jan 2017
Tell me it's alright,
Please don't let go.
You're the only one I talk to,
Now I'm all left alone.
With these thougts I'm with,
Terrifying me, left and right.
I tried calming them, with little words,
But ended up arguing.
I'm not the best at pep talk, sorry...
What happens when you give me time to give myself pep talk and I end up arguing with myself which ends up becoming the opposite and I start stating everything bad that has a possibility of happening.
Feliz G Nov 2016
Please hurry and speak,
I'm already terrified,
I wont know what I'll do,
I just want to set this aside....

Please don't hurt me...
Ask questions I can answer,
It'll be useless to ask me
Questions where I have no power.

Please don't shout at me,
I'm already tired of crying,
I didn't want to come and talk,
But I'm already trying.
Looks like this is how it's gonna end...
Death by Art Teacher...
Ha... sounds like a pathetic death....
Feliz G Apr 2017
Can't everything just go back to where they belong?
Back to where nothing was ever wrong.
I've cared for too long,
now I can no longer hear your song.
I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one who hasn't moved on yet.
Feliz G Sep 2016
I've been with you for years till this day.

Now I've forgotten if you're my friend,
I've forgotten if you cared,
because I know I don't and I never will,
and I'm not scared.
I've never had friends for more than a year.... I think
Feliz G Sep 2016
Practice makes perfect,
But nobody's perfect,
So why practice?
Legit sayings from my teacher.
Feliz G Jan 2017
I'm still here,
waiting for your reply.
It's been months, hasn't it?
This conversation's never gonna die.
This tension's killing me, can't I just tell you already?
Feliz G Oct 2016
I check the dark halls,
There's no one there,
I pull myself together,
These ghosts are giving me a scare.

They heard my footsteps,
They followed behind me,
My heart pumped faster
As I ran quickly.

I hid in a room,
Which I know they wouldn't find,
But I felt a hand on my shoulder,
I was soon out of my mind.

Interesting prompts......
Feliz G Sep 2017
I'm tired of the same story.
I've tried to talk,
I've tried to convince,
I've tried show them they're wrong.

They won't listen.
Feliz G Sep 2017
I'll save you from your fears.
I'll save you from your tears.
I'll save you from your troubles,
But can I ask you to save me?
I love you Chelsea, I hope you know that.
Feliz G Jan 2017
Self-confident, you say, is what I need to be,
But it's what that caused this catastrophe.
Open you're eyes, tell me what you see,
Whoops, you messed up, look what you did to me.
Gosh, self-confidence surely helped me throughout the year! Making friends, earning trust, it's just the best! Maybe better if I would shut up!
Feliz G Jan 2017
Take a deep breath and let it go,
It's time to take this show on the road.
Feliz G Sep 2016
Don't turn to me,
when you want someone to talk to,
because you never knew me,
and I never knew you.

We don't have anything in common now that years have passed,
I've flown in my life, and so have I crashed.

I don't know much about you anymore, so don't come to me,
remember I'm just a stranger,
and forgetting you was all I need.
Feliz G Jun 2017
It has been a year since we both met,
don't you remember?
Your twinkling eyes and lovely voice
is all that made it better.

I've seen you come and gone,
I then lost you to society's poison.
I'm sorry,
but our friendship's cold, hard, and frozen.
Feliz G Mar 2017
I've gotta be careful in what I say,
Since you'll be here for just a few days.
I don't know why I care so much.
But like a snowflake, no need to be touched.

As cold, as dark as winter night,
I always lose you from my sight.
This place's confusing me with it's madness.
There is overflowing sadness.

I don't get how I'll survive this,
They're messing with my consciousness.
But I'll do it all for one thing.
Not much more madness can this bring.

The only reason I stay here,
The place where there are only tears,
Is all because of you.
Thank you.
Feliz G Apr 2017
You told me I'm ready, but I'm panicking.
You told me it's okay, but I'm not sure.
You told me you're proud, but I don't believe you.
Now it's time to step on stage, forgive me if I don't meet your expectations.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Feliz G Sep 2016
Leaving your lovely comments,
written in red,
seems so intimidating,
until it is read.

Lying to others,
so we don't get in trouble,
being a bad influence,
but keeps us from being rubble.

Giving your support,
so the teams will have envy,
and working together as a team,
we still winning competitions, greatly.
What kind of teachers do we have at this school?!
Feliz G Sep 2016
I cry aloud,
as these tears fall to the floor,
being able to be heard,
from the other side of the door.

But I stop immediately,
hearing that,
their constantly calling me,
an annoying brat.

But they don't know anything,
but I stop anyway,
standing up once more,
telling myself, "I'm not okay."
Feliz G Sep 2016
I always thought we were friends,
just say the word and I'll leave,
don't make me suffer,
in all the lies I believed.
Feliz G Sep 2016
I always wondered,
why I walked behind,
ever since we met this new person,
I never walked beside.

Years have passed,
and I'm still here,
when I try to find you,
you'll try to avoid me.

Seeing you with your friends,
just makes me want to cry,
finding no purpose,
I don't want to be mortified.
We're all third wheelers here
Feliz G Sep 2016
I know nothing matters,
I know I won't see the light,
I'll just stand up from my seat,
And I'll give up the fight.

They try to bring me back,
Telling me not to give up,
I wonder why they're optimistic,
Their mouth I cannot shut.

I want to slap some sense into them,
We're all gonna die someday,
Why need friends?
They can't be with us anyway.

In the end,
We're all alone,
Without some company,
Everything I'll disown.
Feliz G Sep 2016
You said we were going to be friends, best friends,

But after every lie,
it just makes me want to forget,
what we've been through,
all that you've promised me,
everything you've told me.
Feliz G Dec 2016
I forgot the time
I enjoyed talking to you everyday,
I don't understand why I care.

It's Over
When you're trying to move on but ya' got new Poetry Magnets
Feliz G Feb 2017
With one look he gives me,
Everything falls apart.
Why can't we just rewind this...
All the way back from the start....?
Really, really complicated
Feliz G Dec 2016
Sometimes I realize,

That one day you'll leave me,

Leaving me cold,

Without your warm hand.

==《 ♡ 》==

Stuck clueless in this complex world,

Not knowing how to respond,

And here I am stuck clueless, once more.

… help me, my mentor…
"Mentor, what should I do...?", you turn around to ask your mentor, only to remember they're with you no more. I've just read a fanfic containing the words,
*You can't be my mentor forever*
Feliz G Dec 2016
No thanks.
I'll just stay here,
regretting all that I've done.
****** up once more, with our Advisor and PE teacher. Lovely students we are, aren't we? Although, that isn't the only event to regret, hey, C.B and I will even celebrate on Wednesday, a wonderful 14th.
Feliz G May 2017
It always seems like I ignore you,
It seems like I don't care.
I hate you so much,
but I know I don't at all...

I don't know what's the problem.
You did nothing wrong.
Don't let me believe anything I say.
It's just the voices in my head...
They're telling me you won't care, and I'm starting to believe them.
Feliz G Jan 2017
Wake me when the sun shines,
The dark has taken over.
The luminous stars, so little light.
There is no way to stop the night.


Even if you try,
The meanest demon
Will always take flight.
Casting you off, in a cloudy, starless midnight.


No way to make a light source.
Darkness engulfing you,
You're losing sight,
Saying goodbye, to the non-existent daylight.


... sigh...
Feliz G Feb 2017
Meaningless lines on my wrist,
I suppose is what you'd think.
Foolish, these markings mean much more than "immaturity",
A lot more, if you cared to listen.
If only you took a step back to look at the bigger picture.
It speaks a lot, doesn't it?
You're just afraid of what you don't understand.
Fun to walk around with lines on your wrist, says the things you can't say.
Feliz G Apr 2017
You're no where in my sights!!
You said you would return,
turns out it's a lie.

You remind me of what happened,
back in those days
where you still cared for us.
Oh what a shame...

Too bad you're so "busy".
Too busy with our enemies!!
You left us too many times....
just so them you could see...
Are you even part of 'our' family anymore??
Feliz G Sep 2016
You get closer and closer,
After all the things I've done,
When I've already hurt,
You and everyone.

This isn't funny,
Beause I don't get it,
Why do you protect me,
When I've always been zilch?

Don't say that I've been something,
I don't want to believe it's true,
All I wanted to be,
Is to be someone, like all of you.
Feliz G Mar 2017
I don't get why you blame me,
You didn't tell me from the start.
Because of your hesitation,
You let everything fall apart.
Welp, I guess it's that easy to gain and lose friends. I really enjoy things falling apart~! Especially if it's relationships, even if they aren't mine
Feliz G Jun 2017
It's worse than I imagined.
Much worse that what I thought of it before.
But you've changed. It's too late.
I've lost everything thing I could ask for.
Chloie, why? I never even questioned you. So why are you questioning me?
Feliz G Sep 2017
Your song,

Can you hear it?

Your eyes,

A sparkle.

The melody of a twinkling star.

Your smile,

A shine.

The lyric of a moonlit river.

Your hair,

A softness.

The whisper in the wind.

Your song,

Can you hear it?
Oh Chelsea, dear Chelsea, will I be able to make you mine? A rebirth of a heartbreak, is what this is.

— The End —