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30.8k · Sep 2013
The Road
Elaina Sep 2013
Sending me down the road
Mom said don't worry, you'll do fine
Work hard
Work honest
Be kind

The road lead me to my home
I worked hard
Worked honest
Was kind

Just as I was told, I found
Hard work moves you forward
Honesty is a must
Kindness is a friend to all
16.2k · Dec 2013
The Journey Home
Elaina Dec 2013
I find myself standing alone in the barren valley. The wind is cold, it burns my nose. I feel it moving my hair. Shivers run though me. The smell it brings tells me that snow is not far off.

Looking in the distance, clouds cover the mountain. It's where I must go. A new home lies beyond the tall peaks. It's calling me. Why did it send it's message now?

It's hard to explain this pull it has over me. I must get there. It's where I belong. Where I am supposed to be. Moving forward I keep my focus. Determined to survive.

It's warmer now. I feel the heat of the sun. The brightness of the day has replaced the gray of the dawn. Others are making themselves known.

I see the tall grass move against the wind. Rabbit moves leaving a trail of dust. The shadow of a hawk passes to the left as it chases after it's intended meal.

Soon I must eat. Looking around I see the dew covered tips of tender new shoots. Putting my head down I breathe in the scent of the earth, knowing that she will always provide.

Walking again I pleasure in the warmth of the sun.

Looking up, the peaks are throwing their shadow over me. I begin the climb. Steady I go, feeling more and more sure of my path. The path that guides me home, and the path that guides my soul.

The higher I climb, the colder it gets. Patches of white snow appear. The clouds of my breath fade into the space in front of me. Onward I push, my goal is true, to reach the other side.

The more I struggle, the more I want this, need this. Placing one foot in front of another I make my way.

To the right, I see not far off, a overhang. A place of shelter for the night. The daylight is gone and rest is calling. When the sun rises next, my journey will take me deeper into the mountain, nearer to my home.

Late into the night, stars appear. Brilliant lights such as I have never seen. The air feels new, so cold and crisp. It tells me that new beginnings are here. I sleep knowing all is well.

The morning sun brings relief from the cold. As I travel onward, it's warmth on the snow provides water to quench my thirst.

The trees are gone now. The rugged mountainside holds little in it's rocky soil. Life is scarce. This only serves to increase my drive to get home. Soon, very soon, I will be there.

The sun that brought warmth earlier has crossed over the peaks. Cold is settling in, but I can see the end of the rise. In a very short time I will be in sight of my new home.

My soul is singing. Far off in the distance, I look down on a flock of birds winging effortlessly through the air. Light from the late afternoon sun is dancing off the winding river, and a heard of Buffalo graze freely among the grasses.

At last, I step down from the mountain. The overwhelming drive that guided me, has lead me home. Everywhere I look, I see what brought me here. Tears form. I am more than blessed. I am... complete.
The original running title was 'Come back for more, or is this the end?: January 15, 13, 8, 5e, 1. December 31x2, 29, 14, 9, 8'.
8.8k · Jan 2013
Practice Patience ~Haiku
Elaina Jan 2013
Waiting. Time stands still.
The world slows down, why is that?
To practice patience
6.7k · Jan 2013
Cradling the Sun -Haiku
Elaina Jan 2013
Just imagine, me,
between the earth and the sky,
cradling the sun
This was written after seeing the evening sun low in the horizon......
6.3k · Aug 2014
My Cat's Toy, It
Elaina Aug 2014
(In my talking to the cat voice)

Where is It?
Go find It.
There It is!
Go get It.
Bring It to me.
Let's play with It.
There It goes!
What did you do with It?
5.6k · Mar 2017
Thank You
Elaina Mar 2017
Two words
8 letters
Seemingly not much
But they contain everything.
I will always be
For your help
Your support
Your friendship.
Always know
How great you are.
Feel it
Own it.
You are so caring
So good at what you do
Who you are.
Never ever
Let another's
Poor words
Change who you are.
4.5k · Oct 2016
Plants ~Haiku
Elaina Oct 2016
I know you feel
Intelligence flows within
Thanks be unto you
4.0k · Oct 2016
Elaina Oct 2016
The mix of life.
For most,
you don't get what you want without feeling anxious, nervous,
and excited.
These feelings
help make the achievement
of what you want
even sweeter.
3.7k · Nov 2016
In Gratitude
Elaina Nov 2016
All my yesterdays
have led to my today.
Today is nothing
without them.
For my sister who is being Baptized today,
November 19, 2016.
3.2k · Feb 2013
Unwavering Faith ~Haiku
Elaina Feb 2013
the mantus, praying
prayer in life. prayer in death. home.
unwavering faith
3.1k · Oct 2016
Hot Air Balloons ~Haiku
Elaina Oct 2016
The awe of it all
Globes, glowing in the dark sky
Takes your breath away
The feeling of watching hundreds of hot air balloons add their magic to the dark sky. Incredible sight to see.
2.9k · Dec 2017
Recognition ~Haiku
Elaina Dec 2017
It's been a while
Life's been good, been kind, been blessed
Immense gratitude
Words with meaning.
2.9k · Feb 2016
Awaken ~a Haiku
Elaina Feb 2016
Awaken, smile
Wings soar, peaceful welling heart
Smile, awaken
2.9k · Mar 2017
Eyes Love Life ~Haiku
Elaina Mar 2017
Look into my eyes
Notice only depth of love
Gratitude for life
2.8k · Aug 2016
Bird Over Water ~a Haiku
Elaina Aug 2016
Majestic in flight
Soaring over the water
Shadow glides below
2.6k · Jan 2014
May all these be yours
Elaina Jan 2014
Smiles, Happiness and Love
Gratitude and Giving
Confidence and Integrity
Motivation and Inner Strength
Purpose and Peace of Mind

Kindness, Gratitude, and Giving
Smiles, Joy, and Love
Confidence, Integrity, and Ambition
Inner Strength, Purpose, and Peace of Mind

Kindness, Gratitude, Service, and Giving
Smiles, Happiness, Joy, and Love
Confidence, Integrity, Ambition, and Achievement
Inner Strength, Purpose, Right Action, and Peace of Mind
May all these be yours, each and every day in 2014 and beyond.
2.5k · Feb 2013
Harmony Dance ~a Haiku
Elaina Feb 2013
The sun rays touching
Ocean waves reach up to greet
In harmony dance
1.9k · Oct 2016
Thankful Prayer
Elaina Oct 2016
One with all



Perfect knowledge
Right action

No harm

Forever grateful
Always thankful

Each morning
1.8k · Oct 2013
True Fulfillment
Elaina Oct 2013
To realize true fulfillment,
opposites must meet.

        Love and hate.

To realize true fulfillment,
opposites must meet.

        Sorrow and happiness.

To realize true fulfillment,
opposites must meet.

        Contentment and anger.

To realize true fulfillment,
opposites must meet.

        Disharmony and peace.

To realize true fulfillment,
opposites must meet.
1.7k · Oct 2023
Rejuvenating Sleep
Elaina Oct 2023
My sleep is healing and renewing.    
            Slumbering contently,
I am wrapped, in peaceful comfort
               and divine safety.
         Every part of my being....
  is rejuvenating and preparing me,
                 for the glorious,
                       new day.
Each night in preparation for the day to come.
1.6k · May 2013
Elaina May 2013
I am in charge of my own feelings.
I can make or break them.
I choose to make them sing happiness!
1.6k · Jun 2016
Hidden Smile ~a Haiku
Elaina Jun 2016
Seen from ground below
Under flower's downward gaze
Hidden smile grows
1.5k · Jan 2013
Painting on Canvas -a Haiku
Elaina Jan 2013
Wind shapes open land
Carving its own signature
Painting on canvas
1.5k · Jan 2014
Entwined ~a Haiku
Elaina Jan 2014
Traveling through lives
knowing, yearning, eager. One
Our two souls entwined
1.5k · Apr 2017
Writing Poems ~Haiku
Elaina Apr 2017
Favorite is Haiku
The classic five, seven, five
A thoughtful challenge
1.4k · Jan 2013
Haiku ~Breathing
Elaina Jan 2013
Breathing in welcome
Nourishing body, mind, soul
Breathing out thank you
1.4k · Mar 2013
Elaina Mar 2013
This is the place
Where thoughts are expressed
Open and out there
Baring the soul
Judgment withheld
Individuality embraced
1.4k · Oct 2013
Elaina Oct 2013
It's a laundry list of problems.
Nothing that someone hasn't had before.

Except now they are mine.

Why is this laundry mine by the way?
I didn't ask for it.

I'd rather have a nice vacation.

Do you think I can take them to the cleaners?
Maybe speedy express would work.

Can't hurt to try.

The pile just grows bigger and bigger.
What if I washed some things together?

Will one of them bleed?

Maybe it can hurt if I try.
How will I know?

Anyone out there?
1.4k · Jan 2013
Heart of My Soul ~a Haiku
Elaina Jan 2013
A priceless treasure
Deep in the heart of my soul
You are that to me
Elaina Nov 2016
It's just a game, right?
Nope, strong memories, binding love.
Long shared emotions.
For those who know, no explanation is needed.
It's a life time of
1.3k · Jul 2016
This is Freedom
Elaina Jul 2016
While existing behind the bars of hate, fright, and constraint,
living mindfully amidst the chaos.
1.3k · Feb 2013
dreams last memory ~Haiku
Elaina Feb 2013
waking up from sleep
catching last memory of dreams
then **** they are gone
1.2k · Sep 2015
Elaina Sep 2015
this peace fills me.
I'm calm,
1.1k · Oct 2023
dragonfly ~haiku
Elaina Oct 2023
colorful winged flight
silenced at its end of life
dragonfly graced us
thank you dragonfly....
Elaina Oct 2016
....the ant.
Determined, hard working.
I learn from you.

....the bird.
Nurturing, driven.
I learn from you.

....the fish.
Independent, yet moves in unison with others.
I learn from you.

....the horse.
Strong, immense stamina.
I learn from you.

....the dog.
Loyal, comforting.
I learn from you.

....the plant.
Unselfish, protective.
I learn from you.

....the mountain.
Steadfast, yet evolving.
I learn from you.

Look around,
no matter the source,
I learn from all.
1.1k · Feb 2013
By My Side -a Haiku
Elaina Feb 2013
Just like sails unfurled
Holding steadfast in the wind
You are by my side
1.0k · Apr 2017
Origins ~Haiku
Elaina Apr 2017
Beyond the heavens
Among the cold and dark void
Is where I began
1.0k · Mar 2019
Embrace Emptiness ~Haiku
Elaina Mar 2019
Feel the emptiness.
Embrace the still, calm, presence.
Let this become you.
1.0k · Oct 2016
Tell Myself ~double Haiku
Elaina Oct 2016
Can't it just be fun?
Does there have to be meaning?
Keep it simple please.

You're the vehicle.
Don't struggle with what to write.
Just let the words flow.
1.0k · Jul 2013
Elaina Jul 2013
I have come to the realization that whether you are feeling good or bad,
as long as you are feeling,
having emotion about the feeling,
you have an opportunity to experience the opposite emotion.
But if you are without true feeling,
without emotion,
you have no basis for the opposite emotion.
Good would not represent or feel good if you didn’t have bad to compare it to.
And the same holds true for the bad.
The bad could not represent bad if you didn’t have good to compare it to.
Name any emotion,
the truth is just the same.
So are you crying?
If yes, there’s hope.
You are feeling emotion.
Otherwise why would you cry if the sadness was normal?
Elaina Apr 2017
I am the winds whistling in the red canyon.
I am the whites of the hard-boiled egg.
I am the pupil in the eye of the fly.
I am the time moving slowly.
I am the depths of Earth.
I am the fur of the cat.
I am ink on paper.
I am a vine.
I am.
I am a vine.
I am ink on paper.
I am the fur of the cat.
I am the depths of Earth.
I am the time moving slowly.
I am the pupil in the eye of the fly.
I am the whites of the hard-boiled egg.
I am the winds whistling in the red canyon.

You see I am alive, I am alive.

I stand in good relation to all living things.
I stand in good relation to my friends.
I stand in good relation to my family.
You see I am alive, I am alive.
This was written by my daughter Danielle when she was in Middle School. A knowing soul.
906 · Apr 2013
Elaina Apr 2013


847 · Sep 2013
Lost now
Elaina Sep 2013
I saw my brother
A life now gone
Alone on the road
Not my blood brother
My one with all life brother

My brother had been hit
Or maybe just fell
Where was he going
Who did he leave behind
Is someone grieving

Lost now to those who knew him
But not lost to me
I noticed
I cared
845 · Oct 2014
Elaina Oct 2014
Relationships and material items can be gone at any moment. It's what one learns that lasts a lifetime. Learn much, learn well.
839 · Jan 2017
Desert Night Snow ~a Haiku
Elaina Jan 2017
Seldom seen beauty
Crisp night air, strangely bright, calm
Silent snow falling
830 · Apr 2013
Elaina Apr 2013
I Thank You Haiku
You have become a great friend
A peaceful practice
824 · Dec 2016
I Radiate
Elaina Dec 2016
I radiate Blessings
I radiate Kindness
I radiate Gratitude
The me I strive to be.
The me I hope I am.
The me I want to be.
For All
To All
801 · Jul 2020
Healing Sleep
Elaina Jul 2020
My sleep is healing and renewing. I wake with a smile, refreshed, happy, thankful, and energized. Eagerly taking action, living this new day.
800 · Dec 2013
A Great Man
Elaina Dec 2013
Nelson Mandela
Champion of equality
A beacon of peace
774 · Feb 2017
Experiences ~a Haiku
Elaina Feb 2017
Compressed into life
Lived each day, gone in a flash
Oh where did time go
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