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731 · Jul 2014
Pain, a Great Teacher
Elaina Jul 2014
We learn more from pain than happiness. Happiness diminishes the more we experience it. Just like a drug habit. It takes more and more of the drug to get you to your desired state of happiness.
Pain shows us how grateful we should be for all the good we have. Don't shy away from pain. Embrace it. Learn from it. There is much it can teach you.
721 · Aug 2013
Life's Sweet Ride
Elaina Aug 2013
Going no where
while reaching for everything.
Sailing through life
as if nothing and at the same time everything matters.
Ooohhh what a life.

I catch a ride on a swing
feeling the breeze in my hair
floating like a butterfly.
If I jump
will I land on my knees or
fall splat like a limp rag?

I read books like a maniac
then climb the highest boulder and proclaim
I'm the Queen of my Kingdom!
Twirl and swirl until I fall in a heap,
excited and dizzy
looking up at the moon.

Fly to the stars
on the back of a Griffin
the thrill and the rush of it all!
Next I earn three degrees
then hitch hike all through Spain.
What could be better than helping out where I stay?

Disjointed is this?
Yeah to be sure, but what do you expect when
going nowhere
while reaching for everything.
Sailing through life
as if nothing and at the same time everything matters.
Ooohhh what a sweet life.
703 · Jul 2020
Healing Sleep
Elaina Jul 2020
My sleep is healing and renewing. I wake with a smile, refreshed, happy, thankful, and energized. Eagerly taking action, living this new day.
691 · Feb 2017
Energize ~a Haiku
Elaina Feb 2017
Be the catalyst
Summon strength from deep within
Motivating all
632 · Oct 2013
Now Gone
Elaina Oct 2013
Earlier today,
my brother lost his best friend.

He knew
Is now gone.

Sadness has moved in.
Devastation has a front row seat.
Emptiness is all around.

Feels right
Everything feels wrong.

Anguished Sobbs
Heart wrentching moans

Overwhelming loss
Pure immeasurable pain.

How can I help?
What can be done?
Why did it have to be?
631 · Oct 2013
My Wish
Elaina Oct 2013
Gratitude and Happiness
A Sense of Purpose
Peace of Mind
To All
581 · Feb 2017
Elaina Feb 2017
Have none, not any.
Free's your life, your mind.
Sooths your soul, your whole being.
564 · May 2013
Hot and Dry
Elaina May 2013
You are just a tease
said the parched land to the rain
as it dries up just inches from the ground.

It's dry down here
the shriveled sage coughs out.
Can't you spare a drop?

Dark cloud floats pleasantly full
blissfully playing in the sky
as it passes through without a care in the world.

Sight unseen
the heated air snickers at them both
knowing it's the one that controls the hand.
557 · Jun 2013
The Souls Connection
Elaina Jun 2013
Come forward, enjoy
Live among timeless energy
Speaking thoughts, open and pure.

Gentle meditation serves as the backdrop
Silent yet communicating
Reaching places never touched before.

The chatter has meaning
Emptiness is warmth
And life is ready

The soul feels the connection
It's own memories awaken
Taking me home
555 · Mar 2013
Late Night ~a Haiku
Elaina Mar 2013
At last, my true home
Late night, guilt gone, freedom here
Naturally at peace
549 · Feb 2013
Dad -17s
Elaina Feb 2013
I'm not worried about you any more
You are happy and at peace
I Love my Dad so much and this is how I have felt for the last 4 years since he past away on February 11, 2009.
546 · Mar 2019
Pure Freedom ~Haiku
Elaina Mar 2019
Letting go of wants
Release all expectations
Bask in pure freedom
536 · Jan 2013
Haiku ~Leaning
Elaina Jan 2013
Comforted by warmth
Leaning onto another
The tides have been changed
513 · Oct 2016
Time.. ~a Haiku
Elaina Oct 2016
Harmonic, flowing
Endless, pure, roaming freedom
Time, unencumbered
507 · Mar 2013
On Canyon Edge
Elaina Mar 2013
I am sitting on a precipice
looking at an expanse,
that blows the mind;
where shadows play among the colors and bold shapes transform
in a blink of the eye.
A seemingly small trickle of water
glides along undeterred,
carving it's own way.

Birds fly like they are painting on canvas
while the wind blows it dry.
The occasional caw and howl,
mix with a harmonious blend of sound, surround and comfort the senses;
all while I sit here,
on canyon edge,
overwhelmed by the marvels of it all.
503 · Oct 2016
Why do we? ~10W
Elaina Oct 2016
Do we
For the profound,
to please?
Thoughts -Do we do it for others or for ourselves?
500 · Sep 2014
Lobo Howls (10w)
Elaina Sep 2014
He howls into the wind,
She bristles from the sound.
499 · Mar 2013
By the Glow
Elaina Mar 2013
The glow of a single candle,
when joined,
by the glow of multiple others,
become as one.
497 · Jul 2016
Begin Again ~a Haiku
Elaina Jul 2016
What was, is now gone.
              Begin again, start anew.
The canvas is blank.
490 · Feb 2013
Deep to the Core ~Haiku
Elaina Feb 2013
All senses amped up
Sliding through the crashing wave
Thrilled deep to the core
486 · Jun 2014
Fighting Sleep ~a Haiku
Elaina Jun 2014
Why do I do it?
Eyes heavy, mind in a fog.
Sleep, slipping away.
482 · Jun 2016
Passing ~a Haiku
Elaina Jun 2016
Passing, gone in life
Goodbye is not letting go
Forever they stay
478 · Oct 2014
For Me
Elaina Oct 2014
I like what I do,
it isn't for you.
I do it for me,
it's my special key.

Complex it's not,
and that's what I got.
As long as it's mine,
Simple is fine.

It's the meaning that matters,
emotion on platters.
To air this one's soul,
is my only goal.

This venue provides,
a place with no sides.
It's somewhere to post,
what helps me the most.

So it's time to end,
this one rhyming friend.
Say good bye to the light,
and hello nighty night.
474 · Aug 2018
Peace ~Haiku
Elaina Aug 2018
Quiet amongst noise.
Inner acceptance of self.
Nothing desired.
472 · Nov 2016
Elaina Nov 2016
Take time.
Fret less.
Be kind.
Love more.
Live and let live.
Just because....
467 · Sep 2014
jumbled thoughts
Elaina Sep 2014
That one special moment.
It's all in the sand.
Written in the folds.
Basking in the rays.
Tossed by the wind.
The vastness of it all.
A comforting silence.
Nurturing strength.
Recognition of life.
Spinning so fast, yet we don't even feel it.
Take a moment to pause.
456 · Jan 2013
Angel Window ~a Haiku
Elaina Jan 2013
Angel on window
The impression left behind
When bird kisses the glass
448 · Dec 2013
Elaina Dec 2013
53 years ago today,
the sun smiled,
a little bit longer,
and a little bit brighter,
then it did just the day before.

53 years ago today,
a breath pulled in fresh air,
eyes saw first light,
and life's spark awoke.

53 years ago today,
a quickening was felt,
deep inside, a far off soul.

53 years ago today,
you came into this world.

December 22, 2013
To the one who set this all into motion,
My Husband
445 · Jun 2014
Time ~a Haiku
Elaina Jun 2014
Holding on to time
It's pull, stronger than my grip
444 · Sep 2016
Life is....
Elaina Sep 2016
Life is.... what you give back in return for all it gives you.

I know that I could never give back enough.
440 · Feb 2014
Elaina Feb 2014
The image
of you appearing
from around the corner
that October afternoon.
You, awakened
For my husband. February 14, 2014
439 · Feb 2017
Live These Words
Elaina Feb 2017
Live life simply
Few possessions
Even fewer cares
Lightens a heavy heart.
Expectations weigh one down
Expect nothing
Gain everything
Live life simply
434 · Apr 2013
By Another
Elaina Apr 2013
A cat of the future
is born with hope
and will live forever with his Master,
in the heart of his soul he cares.
People around him
are careful with him.
He wanders back home
and goes to sleep in his nice bed.
He wakes up with a breakfast of fish and milk.
This was written by my daughter when she was in early grade school. It was written around a drawing of a cat that she did. The cat is standing up and looking right at you.

I've had it in a frame ever since she gave it to me.
429 · May 2015
Elaina May 2015
Wasn't she just born?
        Eighteen years ago.        
    Flies by so quickly.
Done with High School already?
        Yes, and I'm so proud of her.
    She's grown, matured, persevered.
Where did the time go?
        Where it always goes.
    In friends, in learning, in life.
429 · Apr 2014
Asleep -10W
Elaina Apr 2014
Curled up
    exuding contentment
  full of life
429 · Oct 2014
Made for you
Elaina Oct 2014

Infused in each fiber
Stitched with great love
Forever emanating to you....

Belief in yourself
Life filled with purpose
Abundance of strength
Nurturing comfort
Kindness to all
Encompassing joy
Thankfulness always
Given to the daughter,
A blanket made with great love.
428 · Jan 2013
Springing to Life ~a Haiku
Elaina Jan 2013
Beautiful Haiku
Seventeen sounds form message
Words springing to life
421 · Feb 2013
new -10w
Elaina Feb 2013
cascading falls
invigorating my very being
breaking long held walls
414 · Feb 2013
I Dream
Elaina Feb 2013
All alone
   by myself
   I dream;
   dream of the past
   and of times to come.
   by myself
   I listen;
   listen to my thoughts
   and feelings.
   by myself
   I laugh and I smile;
   laugh and smile as I look back on those
   crazy and wonderful times of the past.
   by myself
   I cry;
   cry for I am sad to see those times pass
   so quickly.
But then I dream
   All alone
   by myself
   I dream;
I dream of the many wonderful times ahead and how lucky I've been to have
lived those times of the past.
404 · Feb 2013
your voice -10w
Elaina Feb 2013
the whisper of your voice
in the wind
402 · Jul 2016
Elaina Jul 2016
Always smile.
Especially when you don't feel like it
when you need it
the most.
401 · Apr 2014
Smile ~a Haiku
Elaina Apr 2014
An expression from within
Bliss flowing upward
399 · Mar 2013
Me, You, and All
Elaina Mar 2013
Who am I?
The me from inside, looking out?
Or the me on the outside I'm within?
Is it I who feels?
Is it I who sees?
Am I this body,
   or am I it's guest?
Are we separate,
   or inseparably one?

Who am I?
I am that body,
   which is visible when I look out.
Separate yet still the same.
I sense, I feel, I see.
I am also water, land, and air,
  plant and animal,
  the seen and the unseen.
I am You.
There are no limits, for who I am.

Who am I?
I am me,
just like you,
connected with all.
388 · Nov 2016
Elaina Nov 2016
What did we miss?
A line in the sand?
Metal in a box?
One's life?

Nothing was missed.
We just didn't see.  
The divide that haunts us.
That won't set us free.

Coming together can unite us.
It's all for the ultimate goal.
For deep down we are all the same.
It's at the surface where we differ.
385 · Oct 2016
These Words (10w)
Elaina Oct 2016
Wrestle with these words:
That's life, just get over it.
384 · Aug 2015
My Child
Elaina Aug 2015
Holds so much of my heart, my mind, my soul. Down to the very core of my being. Filling cracks and crevices I never knew were there. So powerful. So.... not wanting it any other way.
380 · Nov 2013
It Just Is
Elaina Nov 2013
How profound it is
Settling back into life
After love is lost
363 · Apr 2013
With Wings
Elaina Apr 2013
Live your greatest hopes      
Share the best you can offer      
Let her fly with wings
361 · Nov 2014
You + Me = All
Elaina Nov 2014
I am you
You are me
We are one.... with all
361 · Feb 2013
floating within -10w
Elaina Feb 2013
I am not my body. I am borrowing this life, floating within.
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