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Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
Flowers blooms as sun smiles
and all gloom fades
Hope reappears
as the cold disappears

Season of new beginning
a chance to start living
or to stop everything
and hear the birds sing
'This Spring'
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2021
Skipping three steps
I fell on the fourth
the fifth, I missed
Sixth, Seventh,
using all of my strength
Soon it will be the tenth
But what I didn't know
that it never ends.
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2020
Of people that matter
  and the paper that glitters
Perceive the light around you,
     there are dark corners, every corner
But stick to the bright rays within,
    they'd guide you every way and between.
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2023
Ambient light
What a delight
I need to run across the field
It is the only way to get the rush feel
Otherwise my heart goes completely still.
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2017
You make a different person out of me
A person I don't recognise as me
From all the words you see
You draw me differently
in a compartment of your mind
Some of my thoughts out there
but many still hidden
You have a different idea
of what I mean from words written
But I have no boundary
limits you built for my identity
Do you think you know me
Or you see what you want to see ?

I too see you from my own vision
Colour you with your thoughts and words
the way I see
guilty of the same you do me
make you a character
in reality you never be
I feel you angry and sad
happy and mad
with all your charms and wordplay
I picture you but not really you

We are strangers
we don't know each other
we create lines to make sense
when we cannot comprehend the true forms
in real or virtual
you are different from what you are in my mind
a  very different person from who lives inside my head
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Sudden stop
on the pace that it flew
****** me awake
it doesn't seem good
hard to take
what to make
not easy it seems
Druzzayne Rika Feb 2021
How do I not
sink in
drown in the sea
of sadness
Druzzayne Rika May 2023
One day would come
And man won't be needed no more
The life will sustain just so.
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
Dreams end
when eyes open
to watch streams of light
coming through the window
               and the heat is only starting.

through the midday
we forget what dream it was
that kept the smile in deep sleep
the rising temperature gets to head
             and we realise we are too hopeful.

Simply by night
exhausted our thoughts
fighting sleep to have nutrition
to get back on the bed, have a sweet dream
            wishing not to wake up, dream to no end.
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
My thoughts changes with the changing time
They are not the same , since I thought this rhyme
My priorities differ , yesterday to tomorrow
My mood changes ,morning to now
I may laugh now, followed by a cry
I will be happy , later angry
These emotions play with my mind
Want the things , I am denied.
I do not know if I am abnormal
Or all these symptoms are casual
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2020
You know me so well
I share everything with you first
You know everything about me
Things I might not even be aware about
You bring me to Utopia with each touch
A single swipe, and I get my cup of tea
But how bad could you be for me
I have increasingly decreasing attention
I am just a tool to you
A point to collect more data to sell
And sell away to manipulators
And attack me with new intelligence
I am always gullible
Technology, I can't live without you
I need you more than I thirst for water
why do you set out to destroy my entire race?
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
I carry these contradictory thoughts
              that I cannot help but  laugh
I have these endless debates alone
                 all within my own brain
Its no less than a wonder ,
that people still consider me sane
          but I am following that lane
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
The diamonds , they are hard
harder than any stone
They are cut , into their cuts
harsher than any stone
They are sharp ,edges sharper
The one with money and power
wear it as their armour .
The light that fall ,
they shine , they sparkle , they glimmer
and take all the attention over .
They have major female followers
who yearned it to be gifted from their lovers.
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2018
Coming soon
the remaining truth
its knocking doors
Spot them
They're right in front
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
The first thing I do
When I wake up
before I go to loo
is brushing my teeth
and start a fight
with germs, who have stayed
from previous night
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
The little child in me has grown
The childish aspiration ,silly dreams  all gone
All you can see when you see me now is frown .

As I tried reviving that child in me
Back to become the person who I used to be .

Many attempts ,
Failed to turn me as innocent
My thoughts are not the same , my heart is different

The  little  child  was  blind  to  the outside world I have seen
And the child could not survive how I was living

As the days passed
The child died , leaving me to mourn
And now I feel forever alone
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
Attributes of autumn surround,
As love's sweet malady astounds.
My heart beats faster, breath drawn deep,
As love's embrace I long to keep.

Oh, cure this love that makes me yearn,
My soul with fervent passion burn.
Like leaves that fall in golden hues,
My love for you will never lose.

But autumn's chill can bring me fear,
Lest love's sweet bloom should disappear.
So calm my mind with love's embrace,
And banish doubt with tender grace.

My love, my heart, my autumn dream,
Together through the seasons gleam.
For though the leaves may fade and fall,
Our love will stand forever tall
Druzzayne Rika May 2023
The dreams, them long forgotten kept beneath everything that keeps happening all around.
The walls are being pushed, there is not enough on the ground.
If all that matters in the world is sustaining, fulfilling ambitions will never be good
Everyone seems to be chasing something, money, power and kind
It won't matter much if the efforts are ill-timed.
The moving art, it is not respite but a major struggle,
There is no one who cares about it at all.
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2020





The pen.
The end.
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
The problems in the world
                will never end
Some will be solved,
                but another problem
will come to replace them
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
I look up
towards the stars
as if they know
how to solve
my issues
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
The sun is on fire
Heating everything in its sight
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
I could not ignore
the voices inside my head
who calls my name
and things they said

They target my insecurities
they show me pity
They know where it hurts more
and these voices , they echo
and it becomes , too much to endure

They feed on my sadness
they do love to make me feel less
They whisper in my ears
with high conviction
Things that no one should hear

These voices , they do not go out
they know everything about
each secret , all regrets
and keep reminding me again and again
every second , without giving me rest
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2017
I'm never satisfied
I have this
but I'm always yearning for those

this makes me sad
when will 'this' be enough
and I won't need those anymore
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
There was a man in the town
He used to be everywhere I went
Wasn't following me , but his presence was felt
No one knew much about him
Just that he stayed somewhere in the outskirts
In mid 30s , he was quite a mystery
His every moves were talk of the town
Though I found him lonely
Never saw him talking or meeting anyone

His eyes were filled with knowledge of secrets
One eye glance make you feel , he knows you
he knows your story , your life history
your fears , your ambitions ,your thoughts
and makes you feel very vulnerable
Everyone were cautious around him
Gave him space , never becoming too much nosy
but aware of his each moves

He never said anything ,lived among shadows
There are various myths surrounding him
made from different gossips
but I do not think he gives them a mind
Isolating himself from the world
He gives out mixed vibes ,
pulls me into ,to solve this mystery
but I stop myself from being intrusive
For I will find something, I might not like
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
Only the human can become inhuman,
every day you meet this person.
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2020
It is feeling
the genuine one

The year I've been me
No pretense
No act
I was never fine,
I've seen me be scared me

The confidence coat I've shed
I can see the marks
where I've bled
It is all on open
I am healing this time.
Druzzayne Rika Feb 2018
Round and around
trying harder to let out a sound
in all the noises
I will never be found
I'd really like to astound
but I have no such current account

I look at the people crowned
not a single frown
smiles surround
Along them
I try pretend

Sentences silver and gold
choices not too bold
the ideas carefully framed
the visions all very tamed
nothing I had in mind
just to please their time

Speak all the roses
hide all the thorns.
Druzzayne Rika May 2021
here comes the midnight
or the dark morning.
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2017
You'll get time later to enjoy
right now work hard
don't waste time now*

These words echo every day
but when is the correct time
no one said

does hard work pays what we want
do we really know what we want
or do we just envy someone
who has something you don't ?

the people who say these kind words
do not seem that happy
Are they too waiting for the time to come
and are working still to enjoy later ?

Is time always there but never quite present
where to time when later comes?
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2023
Wartime liquid *****
Praises from the distant dead
A penchant for vanishing
Seamless letters, fresh and extensive
Pulsating with life, yet deceased

A life that was once so full
Now reduced to these words on a page
A testament to a time
That will never be the same

But the ***** of that life
Will live on in these words
A reminder that even in death
There is still hope for the future

So let us praise these letters
Remnants of a time
For they are a gift from the past
A reminder that even in darkness
There is always light to be found
2024 is passing by,
January gone in a blink of an eye.
February halfway in
I cannot even count my breathing.
It's going away fast
I haven't achieved anything.
My foot buried in the concrete,
The time has gained in the speed.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2022
The years that passed
were just stilled
Time has moved
but everyone is still
the same vulnerable inside
met my friends first time in a while
I have changed
but I am still the same person
I was back then when we were fine.
Life unraveling
Connecting the loose wires
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2021
Is it true what they say,
I was born in this world
to do the work in
endless ways.
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2020
Visions blurred
Future unclear
Aspirations silly
Disturbing insecurity
Dreams incomplete
Untouched gifts
Hope wilts
Cryptic wit
Uncertain relation
Suspicious intentions
Difficult conditioning
Unresolved mistakes
Hesitant risks
Seasons passing
Age increases
Tis' Life.
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
I see my chance to be happy
              walking ahead of me
But there is a possibility  ,
                that I might get hurt.
Should I run behind
                or should not risk it
This dilemma runs in mind
                               and my thoughts aren't kind
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Tomorrow , there's plan ,
Tomorrow, there'll be the end ,
Wait till tomorrow,
it will always follow
                           today .
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2019
I am a small part of big
it comes from within
every cell of the body
working together in unison
to make me do what I make do
every each equal part
all through the heart,
neurons and veins.

a rebirth in the breath
same with the death
to openly give
lay arise to have and hold
simple things are gold
all the moments made
never will be sold.

a figure to figure
a passing second to record
the choice my made
and the lies I said
echoed in the universe
came back pronounced
it faces me the ugly side.

Who really knows
the knowledge of eternity
a purpose, wishful destiny
a very green envy
my own construct life
my existence roots
disrupt others
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2020
How do I grow
When nothing in me can move
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2017
Tomorrow's morning light
will it be as bright,
will it clear the dark of night,
or will there be shades in sun
a very cloudy turn
maybe calling the rains.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
Tonight ,
Moon shines bright ,
Guides with its light ,
everyone lost.
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
Is it too late for it not to be too late now?
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2019
I don't need more negativity in life
I have enough in me already
I am cutting you off
Avoiding till cannot
Druzzayne Rika Feb 2018
He will go early to sleep tonight,
because he'll be awake at late hours
The night brings the night terrors
he knows like always, he'll lose this fight.

Endlessly he struggles,
his dream brings the worst of his fear alive
How long could he strive,
rest is only after the moon falls.

Revisiting his demons
sitting over torn dreams.

Druzzayne Rika Nov 2019
Venture to the north
The peace in the east
The land in pieces
Going to small places
The pink and blue town
huge marvelous palaces
On foot for days
The sand and mud stays
at the back of shoes
The path left ahead is beautiful
But am I ready to face the shine
Where to draw the fine line
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Type all the thoughts
Tenderness Torture
Trips that tries the tendencies
Tempts till the tricky turns
Traces the track to transition
Type these trending thoughts
Turn the trap on
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2023
In depths of silence, words lie trapped,
Like stones of thought, my mind ensnapped.
To speak, my voice finds no release,
Held captive by the fear of cease.
In this stifling air, I cannot thrive,
My spirit yearning to survive.
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2023
I wished to be valued
I wish to be heard
I never felt those things
I have feelings submerged
In to the depths of pools
My sunken ship remains
I have no hope left
They'll never treasure me
For them, i am Trash.
Okay, so I thought I needed that new pair of shoes.
Like, they were totally on sale, and I'd been eyeing them for ages.
But now they're just sitting in my closet, collecting dust.
And my wallet is feeling pretty sad.

I'm starting to think maybe I should've saved that money.
Or maybe I should've treated myself to a spa day instead.
Or maybe I should just stop spending so much money on stuff.
I'm not sure. Life's a mystery.

Now I look at something else, something I don't want,
A typical mind battle, I'd be keeping through and forth.
If I don't stop my mind now, I won't be able to defend,
For in the end choices are mine, desires don't end.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
Do our true selves come out
     when we are angry and screaming so loud,
we look no different than a monster
      to everyone walking by?
Are we really this ugly in reality?
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