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By now these bitter winds should have blown me apart.
This void of emptyness I carry inside is heavy.
Time no longer moves.
It twists....
                 ...  and warps... slows...
                                                    Almost stops.

This blackhole holds the light prisoner, illuminating all the wrong I've done.
Oct 2021 · 686
Amanda Francis Oct 2021
I wonder if this is how a snake feels when it sheds its skin.
A cold blooded, fearsome creature, stretching in unrivalled freedom of its new found unprotection.
Revelling in the glorious vulnerability of being alive, growing.
Understanding how close to death and out of control it is and knowing that these moments, so heavily punctuated with danger, are what makes it feel alive at all.
Oct 2019 · 346
Happy and incomplete.
Amanda Francis Oct 2019
I feel the warmth of the winter sun on my face.
The muted sunset is glorious, in that it induces hope of a new tomorrow.
I pull my grey scarf around me tight, feel the fabric fall down my back.
The weight is like an arm that only rested there in my dreams.
Grey sand pushes up to nestle between my toes, and my feet wiggle into the loving embrace of the earth.
The wind whips the waves that come crashing down onto the rocks not too far away.
The beach is deserted with only its self for love.
Memories of young lovers laughing their sweet music and filling the air with candyfloss kisses.
But I remained.
My dust buried heart was cast in darkness when the young lover left with some other summer.
and in winter I'll remain.
Happy and incomplete.
Sep 2019 · 356
I can't write peoms.
Amanda Francis Sep 2019
I don't know how to write poetry like I don't know how to kiss you.

Our lips touch, my heart races, but my hands don't know how closely I am able to hold on to you.

If I could write poems I'd tell you how holding you close feels like finding a life jacket when you're lost at sea.

I'd tell you how your smile is the safest place I have ever known. That I've decorated the walls of my heart with your memories so I have somewhere to call home.

But I can't.

When you're around my body becomes a garden.

Butterflies dance around wildly in my stomach, through a meadow of delusion.

Vines grow and twist around my heart, in the same way that they make old ruins beautiful.

My tongue is paradise.

A thousand blooms unfurling in your sunlight, a bed of velvet soft petals with the sweetest nectar you're only too happy to devour.

You gorge away on the sweetest fruits, th nectar, you take your cuttings for ornaments. And when youre done you leave.

Darkness follows in your wake, my eyes become waterfalls, washing any colour that remained until there is only grey.

I can't kiss you. Because I know that afterwards there is a storm without parallel. I know resting my hand on your skin is no longer a silent I love you. More like a moth flying to close to the flame.

And I can't write a poem, because when you leave me, there is nothing left...
Sep 2019 · 241
Amanda Francis Sep 2019

You're **** right

You aint worth less!
Sep 2019 · 377
Old books
Amanda Francis Sep 2019
You are a mystery. A riddle without an answer.
A tounge twister I can't wrap my sense around.
I would never find the answers in between your lines.

If you were a library I could never read everybook.
Not even if I could live forever.
Not even if your library would let me in.

And yet, on the cold ground I wait. My body caves in on itself, shrinking under the shadow casts by your walls.

Your fortress. Your empire. Your kingdom.

You are everything that I love and yet I am exiled.

Your name would hang above the doors in gold, glittering like the ice crystals freezing my shattered heart together.

But here I wait. And here I'd still wait.
Even after I'd gone blind, or forgotten how to read.
Because if your library ever let me in, there is no sweeter smell than old books.
Sep 2019 · 285
Amanda Francis Sep 2019
I wish I could remember that words unspoken are sometimes more powerful.
Sep 2019 · 1.3k
Wedding vows for one
Amanda Francis Sep 2019
I sometimes wonder if you'd invite me to your wedding.
And if not why?
Would it be to spare my ghostly heart the pain?
Or to spare your rotted one the guilt?

If you did, I wonder if your blessed bride would see my fake smile  covering up the snarls of my jealous rage.
Or if to her, I would simply be as insignificant as you make me feel...
Aug 2019 · 441
No space left for sanity
Amanda Francis Aug 2019
A mood can change in the blink of an eye.
Your texts stir up like dissolving lies.
My hands shake to the beat of my thundering heart.
My blood runs cold enough to freeze the pendulum swinging in my head.
My stomach wants to be sick, its letting me know my world is upside down.
The cold sweat consumes me.
Locks me in my head with my whirling thoughts.

When i claw myself out of this madness, i ask who am i?
Who am i to be jealous over an unrequited love?
They could make you happy, surely, i just want you to be happy?

I do want you to be happy.

This love. This hurt. This friendship. This obsession.

This nothingness is leaving no space left for sanity.
Aug 2019 · 415
No space left for sanity
Amanda Francis Aug 2019
A mood can change in the blink of an eye.
I reread your text through blurry eyes.
My hands shake to the beat of my racing heart.
My blood runs cold and the red mist decends over my restraint.
The cold sweat consumes me.
Locks me in my head with my whirling thoughts.

When i claw myself out of this madness, i ask who am i?
Who am i to be jealous over an unrequited love?
They could make you happy, surely, i just want you to be happy?

This love. This hurt. This friendship. This obsession.

This nothingness is leaving no space left for sanity.
Aug 2019 · 292
A decision.
Amanda Francis Aug 2019
Today, I sat under a blue sky.
I basked in glory, golden rays caressed my skin and greek gods danced upon the pages in front of me.

Today i made a decision.

A decision that was made long ago.
Long before I woke, before i was even gifted life.

A decision as old as time itself, one forged with the intensity of a black hole.

One that burns with the fire of a thousand suns.

One that has lived a thousand lives before, remembers the tastes of wisdom. Only faintly.

One that wishes to be all it was, all that is no longer.

One that wishes to see all these eyes can see before they close one last time.

A decision that states. That sings, declares, needs, exclaims, screams and begs of me.

A decision, quite and sure as steel: this is not enough.
Aug 2019 · 368
Amanda Francis Aug 2019
In your mouth lies a graveyard of broken hearts.

Your tounge has stolen words once spoken by other tortured lovers.

Its wraps itself around them, sends them through your lips as if they themselves carry kisses.

These words you never understood. They are empty when you speak, like the only love you know how to give.

Selfish, superficial. A vacuum set to devour anyone who strays to close.

And like the nights sky, I still see your soul is littered with stars.

Ill sit in the cold and wait.
Wait for the sun to rise again, to warm your heart or envolop my own.
Being in love with your best friend is a hideous situation. Resistance is futile.
Aug 2019 · 390
Amanda Francis Aug 2019
Out of my feet i made anchors, I sunk them into the depths of me.
Carved my name into the side of my weathered and bloodied flank.
Changed the bulb in my lighthouse mind, to guide my lost soul home.
Aug 2019 · 355
Amanda Francis Aug 2019
You are not the one.
Me and you, we make no sense.


For my wasted hollowed heart, you are the only one.
Aug 2019 · 416
One day
Amanda Francis Aug 2019
One day you may love me back,
One day i may walk back into the sunshine...
Aug 2019 · 595
Toast at 3am
Amanda Francis Aug 2019
Let me feel the tremble in your body when you cry.
Ill hold you close like there is no world around us.
No star, no burning sun could dampen your light.
You're a flame that burns too bright for this earth.

Let me break my heart into a thousand pieces so i may love you with each fragment.
I can't continue with you, and i can't continue without you.

My kitchen tiles know the taste if my tears as I lay, pining for you early every morning...
Jul 2019 · 348
Amanda Francis Jul 2019
I want what I want too much.

I am what i want too little.
Jun 2019 · 251
Amanda Francis Jun 2019
And if the scars of heartbreak create a mosaic of your face.

Using binds that can't break if delusions can't shatter.

I'll look at it in the mirror, I'll note how its the only colour on my drained fragmented being.

And, I'll still see it as a masterpiece, art, beautiful.

A face that from me draws a love that knows no bounds.
Jun 2019 · 867
My love...
Amanda Francis Jun 2019
You were just another mistake to learn.
Jun 2019 · 314
Amanda Francis Jun 2019
First you fall in love...

Then you land on the jagged shards of your delusions.
Jun 2019 · 527
Amanda Francis Jun 2019
I love you is the heaviest and vastest sentence I know.

I spend my days trying to work out if im being crushed under it.

... Or drowning in it.
Jun 2019 · 507
Amanda Francis Jun 2019
Why do you want me to want you when you dont want me too?
Why do you need me when you dont want me to need you too?
Why do you make me love you when you know you'll never love me too?
Jun 2019 · 755
Amanda Francis Jun 2019
The radio taunts me again today.
Singers singing song to me, that speak to me.
Their voices angelic, some I know you'd like before you do.
All of them sing to me what I can't find the words to say to you.

Holding my head in my hands again, these headaches are getting worse.
These headaches are bruises from the merciless memories of you.
I go to the pub with you like I'm pretending alcohol is the antidote to love.
Like I think if I drink enough I won't want to wake up next to you.

Like maybe I'm hoping you'll drink to forget we're just friends, just for a while
So I could love and loose than spend my life wondering, waiting for you to want me too.
Jun 2019 · 690
Amanda Francis Jun 2019
I fear that I feel too deeply.
When I feel nothing, I feel it completely.
May 2019 · 446
Amanda Francis May 2019
Writers are the most beautiful of artists.
Complex and unique.
They make the most exquisite, beautiful jewelry.
Every word sends out ripples like water,
sometimes you can see yourself staring back.

Some turn their words into pendants shaped like hearts, and teardrops and all manner of things.
And you can hang them on your heart, or in your head and you'll never take them off.

A writer writes about their monsters, crushes them to coal and uses them to make a forge.

But I, no, a writer I am not.
My words bleed from me, half congealed from the half-dead body they spilt from.
The other half already dust because you must live before you die.
But some people die before they live.

My words, lonely, lingering, they long for more to write about than emptiness.
May 2019 · 391
The River Lethe
Amanda Francis May 2019
Today, there is a storm in my head that is viscious and threatens to drown me.
Under a moonlit sky, a thousand thousand stinging insects swarm.
Locked inside Pandora's box, the weak cries of hope are fading.
And love is sleeping in the beds of death, refusing to check the time.

The change I had to cross the river Styx has been misplaced, nor could I drink the amnesic gold of the River Lethe.
In limbo, I must think of you obsessively.
Your divine beauty, your quicksilver song, the distance that remained between us.
May 2019 · 154
Another ...
Amanda Francis May 2019
Another pang of loneliness as i make one cup of tea.
Another uncomfortable smile from someone who isnt you.
Another rain song at my window pain.
Another blanket of melancholy to hold me under.
More tears fall on my drive to work.
Another 24 hours of fill the void with shapes that dont fit.

Another beautiful dream, one more hug. I watch you smile at someone else and I know.

Ill never stop falling in love with you.
May 2019 · 634
Old poetry
Amanda Francis May 2019
I'll pluck my eyes out for there is nothing more beautiful in this world than you.
The delusions of an eccentric poet ring in my ears.

On the brink of sanity I wait, longing to see something more beautiful than you.
May 2019 · 109
Amanda Francis May 2019
Im sorry of this is offensive but made me an obsessive.
This isnt ****** but we both know *** is power and I feel powerless
Apr 2019 · 332
Let her go
Amanda Francis Apr 2019
Let her go.
You're draining the life from her.
Blood red, petals drift to the ground.
Finding stillness and turning to monochrome.

Let her go.
Slow and lazy.
Its barely there.
The world falls to stillness around her.
The inside of a glass tomb.
People will morn, maybe even you.

Let her go.
Your embrace is too strong.
You don't want her anyway, let her be free.
Controlling her doesn't fix you.
Controlling her won't make you love you.

Let her go.
She's fading to numbness.
A slow thud.
This isn't love.

**But this is loving you
Apr 2019 · 417
Can you fall out of love?
Amanda Francis Apr 2019
The heart is a useless analogy for love.
The heart is strong and unconditional.

What might be better is a ram's horn.
Twisted and lethal.

Flowers are inked into the soils that nourish loves folly.
But a crashing, crimson sea with cruel intentions would be better.

When you're around I get butterflies, butterflies feel a lot like nausea.
Like a butterfly, you change into beautiful things, but they never last long.

I swallowed swords and breathed fire, yet your names still blossoms between bared teeth.
My soul is a bruised patchwork made from your fingerprints.
Your insincerity.

If I could cut you out, I’d bronze you. I’d wear you like a necklace.
Id travel to where you came, I’d ask Satan himself for a spell to banish you.

I know now that the fire in my belly was heartburn, mistaken for passion.
I found you in the depth of my chronic headache, you’ve got me treading water in my brainwaves.
Mar 2019 · 256
Amanda Francis Mar 2019
I want to leave,
Because I want to live.

I fear that staying still, staying here.
Is to simply exist.
Mar 2019 · 419
Amanda Francis Mar 2019
When the loneliness envelops me like cold dark water, and the waves come crashing over my head.
When between tired desperate gasps for air all I can do Is release water from my mouth.
To pretend for a few seconds longer that I am able to keep my lungs safe from this storm.
When all I can feel is pain and the self-made chaos swirls in menacing clouds above my head.

I think of letting you go, of a world where contentment and nice are worn as badges.
Until I remember that no world without you in is worth waking up in at all.
So I splutter up another lungful and pray for a few more seconds with you.
Mar 2019 · 381
Amanda Francis Mar 2019
I know that you're a writer.
One day you're going to tell our story.

It's going to be the greatest love story the world has ever known.
Or the greatest, most tragic tale of loss.

Which way the pendulum swings is up to you.
Feb 2019 · 307
Amanda Francis Feb 2019
Rest assured that you are wanted.
At any given time and place.

Rest assured that yours is the only face that can soothe my soul.
Even if it is sick or sad or flawless and perfect.

Beauty is not a static state of seeing.
But more a fluid feeling that stays constant.

So, whatever you are is is exactly what I desire.
Whatever you look like is exactly what I want, need, long to see.

Amanda Francis Feb 2019
Loving you is making me crazy.
Some days all I have is a head full of maybe.
Unconditional fits in my mouth like your hand does in mine.
Alone, my hands search through your puzzles trying to find peace of mind.
Feb 2019 · 372
Amanda Francis Feb 2019
If a book can make you fall. In love with people who don't exist,

Why can't I when I love you as you wish?
Feb 2019 · 156
inside out
Amanda Francis Feb 2019
I've been pulling at my seams lately,
trying to pick up stitches god dropped.

I tied a golden thread around my tounge,
and stiched poems of innocence.

I had hoped to mend our broken parts,
oversew our rough edges together till were complete.

But, you said my confessions made you itchy.
I'm nothing you want, and what you want I'll never be.
Feb 2019 · 481
Amanda Francis Feb 2019
I have dark secrets stashed in my heart.
Not idle gossip or an unknown fact.
This secret feels more like a ball and chain.
This freedom you have given feels like a prison.
Feb 2019 · 473
Pain is courage
Amanda Francis Feb 2019
I heard that pain nourishes courage.
And that romanticised love is cancer.

I hope that this suffocating, consuming  love will devour enough of me.

Will make me sick enough to find the courage. The cure I need.

To fall out of love with you...
Feb 2019 · 317
Amanda Francis Feb 2019
Your heartbeat is my favourite sound.
I can't get the rytham of your breathing out of my head.

To be close enough to hear this song is is a dream.

I only wish I could hear it just once!
Feb 2019 · 190
Life and love
Amanda Francis Feb 2019
I never knew being in love was learning how to be your friend.

I knever knew that life was learning to hold on to the end.
Jan 2019 · 799
Blue flame
Amanda Francis Jan 2019
Loving you feels like the closest ill get to see the blue of a flame.

From the inside...
Amanda Francis Jan 2019
I used to only read factual books.
I gorged on their secrets about this world.
Fiction books only told of secrets in someone else's mind.
A glass door to a lonely fantasy world, forever closed.

But somehow I got caught up in my fantasies of you.
I read your favourite stories to understand your mind.
Now I wonder wistfully through a fictional abyss, longing for you.
And when this story comes to a close, you'll still be a glass door.

Forever closed.
Jan 2019 · 312
Rare Words
Amanda Francis Jan 2019
To me you are floccinaucinihilipilification,
and as ugly as the word too...
Jan 2019 · 213
Amanda Francis Jan 2019
'I don't want anyone to get hurt'
Your words as sharp as the knife you're twisting...
Jan 2019 · 267
Amanda Francis Jan 2019
My tongue speaks in riddles my ears can't decipher.
It twists and turns, guiding a rollercoaster of emotion.
My hands protect my head during sudden drops.
As my knees crash to the floor to beg for mercy.
Jan 2019 · 476
Loneliness: A dedication.
Amanda Francis Jan 2019
I decided to name my loneliness after you.
Then you'll always be here as if you love me too.
Jan 2019 · 807
Amanda Francis Jan 2019
There is no one I am more jealous of than your ex-girlfriend.

... Except your next one.
Jan 2019 · 190
If home was an ocean
Amanda Francis Jan 2019
This longing is like needing something I can't have.
Like a homesickness so deep it's all consuming.
If I could equate you with an ocean.
I could say my only way home was to breathe underwater.
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