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HTR Stevens Jan 2018
Close our eyes; sleep…dream…know what is in store,
As we pass in death out of this life’s door;
Just know that all our sorrows are no more;
Lay down all burdens, ev’n the clothes we wore.

Out there, to which this life is but a dream;
In that waking, we forget all our cares;
Blissful peace and ecstasy rule supreme;
Sadness, fear and worries are past affairs.

Inhibitions gone, there’s no tomorrow…
A child just thinks of the immediate “now”;
The future is not for us to borrow;
A fresh start: Every slate is white as snow.

A child, at last, in Never-Never Land…
Joy in an ancient tireless timelessness;
Following the footsteps of the God Pan;
A child to stay – forever and ageless.
HTR Stevens Dec 2018
Billy Whizz!
Billy Whizz!
How fast you run!
You climb the mountains…
You cross the plains…
And when you’re done,
You do it all over again!
HTR Stevens Oct 2018
‘Tis love at first sight
When I see you
In the bright moonlight.
None is like you:
Your bright blue eyes
Shining like gold
Under the lighted sky.
Tightly we hold,
I look deep at you,
Sweet as a rose
In the bright moonlight,
Here I propose.
HTR Stevens Apr 2019
It is not you I really need;
Riches and fame are what you seek.
Person who loves in order to gain fame,
Which is the thing that wipes out a good name!

See if what I have written is true;
Think it over and be more careful.
I love _ _ more than you;
Thank you, good-day and adieu!
HTR Stevens Mar 2020
"Just one tick to the grave",
Says the heart to the head.
"You must be very brave
As you lay on your bed.
Wait for the end to come
When you have had enough.
Feel not any alarm -
Laugh out loud, call its bluff.
The night will soon be gone -
The sun again will rise.
When the heart feels reborn,
The earth is paradise".
HTR Stevens Oct 2018
Many legends down ages retold.
Lanterns! Lanterns! For children to hold.
Buy some lanterns for your little ones:
One for your daughters, one for your sons!
When by darkness the world is enfold,
Little children enact tales of old.
How prettily the candle will dance,
In such a way your child to entrance!
How daintily his/her little hand will
Try not to shake, and to keep it still!
Buy lanterns! Make the world gay with light:
Red light, green light, blue light – bright at night!
HTR Stevens Apr 2018
Beneath the sun I always roam
A happy lark – o so free!
The spacious sky my native home –
My comfy perch up a tree!

Every morning wake up with me,
To greet the bright morning dew!
Take a light stroll across the lea,
Hear my chirpy song to you!

The wild cold wind does call to me –
Its many arms me enfold…
The blue sky offers liberty,
Of more worth than shining gold!
HTR Stevens Feb 2018
Alas my love, I find thee cold
Despite that, thou attract me so.
How often my thoughts dwell on thee!
Tho’ thou would have the contrary.

‘Tis not thy eyes that attract me
For they’re as cold as ice can be
The more they darken, on me frown
For thy love I’ll exchange my crown.

I am no Empress with a crown:
I rule no Kingdom nor a town;
But am Empress of O my heart;
If thou love me, Emperor thou art.

Come then, my love, and make me thine;
I’ll set before thee food and wine
I’ll be thy lady virtuous true
At the church let us say “I do”.
HTR Stevens Sep 2020
I wish I'd never been born,
Born to see this suffering world:
As in the power of a thorn -
Huge, invisible, and cruel!
But let's not come here and go,
As though we have never been;
And let it be left in woe
Though we have come, heard, and seen!
Let us do our very best,
That our life is not in vain;
Let's strive and go through the test,
Let this world be freed from pain!
HTR Stevens Jun 2019
Let the Gods be my wonder, be my light!
All things around me like fireworks ignite:
Just to see the world aglow in my sight,
Beautiful – like luminous paint, and bright!
Just one last time before it’s time to go:
I want our planet earth to be “just so”.
I want to see the lovely world unfold…
All nature is not to be picked and sold!
Spell not the word “evil” backwards for “live”;
Take not from the earth for all it can give!
Man on this planet is a one-off breed,
Motivated not by need but sheer greed.
Soon Mother Earth will shed us off like skin;
More power to her elbow – for her to win!
HTR Stevens Sep 2018
Life is lik’n to lightning;
Like the mist it does pass;
Oh! What is life – this thing
That can ne’er for long last?

See the clouds near heaven;
See the dewdrops – like glass
Life is shattered, broken;
Oh! Life does go by fast!

Life, like the rose, a flower,
Quickly withers and fades;
Dries as passeth each hour;
The soul to heav’n or hades.

See the flick'ring candle,
Watch it splutter and cough.
Life, o thou brief candle,
At old age do not scoff!

Yet, ere life dims away,
Ere our souls to God go,
Make the best of our day,
Make a friend of our foe.
HTR Stevens Nov 2019
Life is like an onion:
As each layer you peel,
You seek true reunion -
Closer with the real you.

Each life kills or cures you
From life's infernal ills.
Every man pays his due
Just as we do our bills.

Each man judges himself.
As he stares in the pool,
He thinks he sees an elf
Holding his worn out tool!

Every life should reveal
The nature of that soul...
We may try to conceal
How far we've yet to go.

We may lie to others...
But to ourselves be true!
Let's not judge our brothers!
Be mindful what we do.
HTR Stevens Aug 2018
Blessed is he who has a guiding friend:
To walk with him till life’s rough journey ends;
To share his sorrows and to share his joys;
‘Midst this strange world’s noise – this familiar voice
Cheers his faint heart when he is feeling low;
Stands by him tho’ the world counts him a foe;
Laughs with him when his youthful spirit soars;
Loves him for what he is with all his flaws;
Blessed are these two –who walk hand in hand;
The road is less rough – to the promised land.
HTR Stevens Aug 2020
Be soft in words;
Be gentle in deeds;
Be glad like birds;
God'll supply your needs.

Let hatred go
As soon as it comes:
Forgive your foe
As do say the psalms.

Look for wisdom:
Learn to love nature;
It is freedom:
Freedom in picture.
HTR Stevens Feb 2018
Change me into a snowflake,
Dancing lightly in the wind!
Change me into a snowflake,
Thro’ the misty air I’ll spin!

How exquisite and fluffy,
Soft and delicate it is!
Does no one e’er feel pity
To see it flat aft its bliss?

White and fluffy, soft and light;
I will watch you forever –
I’ll dance with you thro’ the night!
And love you as my sister.

Let me dance with you tonight,
Tho’ I’ll be dead hereafter;
Kiss me, I will take the flight,
Little snowflake forever!
HTR Stevens Mar 2020
For a few weeks there is now a lock-down:
In my dreams I am wand'rin 'round the town,
Visiting places I've not seen before,
Now that I am behind a bolted-door.
To every beauty spot my mind will float,
Oft-times in my imaginary boat.
Where'er I go is colourful and bright -
My mind's eye has given me supersight.
HTR Stevens Sep 2018
Why should the sun ever set,
Our youthful numbers count each day;
Tell us things we fain forget –
On the path we’ve run throw a ray,
Revealing tasks we have done
Which measure not to our lost time
Wasted in fools’ blissful fun
When wit and strength are in their prime?
HTR Stevens May 2018
Gentle as the Spring-time breeze
Kissing the green leaves on trees,
Warm as the bright morning sun
Smiling aft the night is done,
Came my love, in a mysterious way –
Disposition between grave and gay.

Strange! Two people – worlds apart
Born to meet by Divine Art…
Who can tell what lies ahead?
The unknown makes me afraid…
HTR Stevens Mar 2018
Many new toys have I…
The universe is my playpen.
Ideas fall from the sky…
I ask not how or who, but when.
HTR Stevens May 2020
Like smoke it comes towards me a-sailing,
Moving slowly through the cold, silent air;
It covers me - I cannot see a thing;
I stretch forth my hand - but feel nothing there.
HTR Stevens Mar 2018
All things in this world are vain!
All things that we try to gain!
Pearls and gold, cities and crown, all must
Stay behind, when we return to dust!

Have we drunk the wine of power?
Have we seen our finest hour?
Aft we have gained all this stuff,
Do we meet a cruel rebuff?

Look ye, all men, great and small;
See ye all these white brick walls?
Remain but these smooth grey stones
Beneath which are dead men’s bones…

Look ye, and fear, death takes all!
Death hath come from ‘Adam’s fall’;
In this world, we may rule all,
All but death – life’s bitter gall!

Inside houses we may be,
And think from death we are free?
Sadly…into houses death will creep
Right across the room to where we sleep!
HTR Stevens Aug 2018
How cool and sweet the air I drank,
Standing beneath the starry sky;
As I stroll’d the starlit bank,
I saw my Fairy Queen float nigh.

She shew’d me petals for my bed,
A long grass for my easy-chair;
Mushrooms for umbrella or shade
Should rain pelt down from Anywhere.

She gave me May dew for my thirst,
Nectar sips to sweeten my lips;
She shew’d me jasmines, bloom’d and burst,
Whilst light-foot’d fairies round us tripp’d.

Not until I heard the church-bell
Strike with delight the morning hour,
Did I hear a thud as I fell
Off the red petals of a flower.

None was in sight when I came round;
A small red flower stood by my side.
Not a stir was heard, not a sound;
My Fairy Queen had gone to hide.
HTR Stevens Apr 2019
If my house be but a garden,
I’ll love it more than gold;
I’ll make it pretty like Eden,
One you’ll smile to behold.

The sun shall rise in the morning;
The moon shall shine by night
And dewdrops shall be adorning
The wonders in your sight.

The flowers shall dance in harmony
With playful butterflies,
And songs like those in Italy
Shall flood the evening skies!

I will make it look like Eden;
I’ll hear the wild bird’s call.
Oh, if I have but a garden,
I’ll need no house at all!
HTR Stevens Oct 2019
My homeland when this day I see,
Looks like a fairyland to me;
With its bright and dazzling lights,
Shining everywhere at night.
Beautiful my homeland fore’er shall be;
May its fairy-lights shine eternally;
Increase may its fame and glory,
As is now my country’s story.
Higher and higher its buildings grow;
How changed it is from eight years ago!
Vegetable-fields are many,
They’re grown instead of padi.
Many too are cars, tramcars, and buses –
They drive carefully for life is precious.
Streets, houses, things and all,
Are not the same anymore.
HTR Stevens Dec 2018
Her tongue was silent, and her lips were still;
She lay on a flowery bed, pale and chill.
Her eyes were closed, by her was a rose;
A girl of whom I could no more boast.
The snow was pelting, in the still of night;
The wind was roaring, whilst her soul took flight.
The thunder rumbling, the lightning sparkling –
Revealing her face placid, unwailing.
I could not leave her, and the night dragged on;
I heard my soul sighing – my love was gone.
HTR Stevens Mar 2020
I am a little superpower:
Small but strong,
Tough like Kong;
I double triple by the hour.
Breathe me in, while I float about...
Seriously, I can wipe you out!
HTR Stevens Jul 2019
Never is the sky always bright,
Without dark clouds that bring the rain;
And never is life all delight,
Without suffering, sorrow or pain.

I know not how I’m to thank you
For everything that you’ve taught me;
You regard me as I the dew
Altho’ I love you most keenly.

Oh! Give me the key to your heart;
Oh! Tell me how you can be moved;
Or teach me how to make a start;
Whisper how I should my love prove.

Oftimes on you I contemplate:
A statue towering sky high –
Thro’ marble naught can penetrate;
Its inmost thoughts none can espy.
HTR Stevens Mar 2019
No one was like you
When I saw your face;
No one was like you
Oh, how my heart raced.

You never knew
When I looked into your face;
My love grew for you
As I took every pace.

Now I think of you
My heart aches with pain;
When I try to forget you
Nothing do I gain.

I cannot forget you
Every night I weep;
I always think about you
Before I fall asleep.

I have never loved
Anyone so much;
Do you deserve
The place in my heart?

Each time I see you
I fear you are deceived;
Tho’ I appear happy
My heart is filled with grief!

Each word I have written
Is not only for rhyme;
It is truth and imagination-
Is that such a crime?
HTR Stevens Jun 2018
It is raining in my heart,
‘Cos you are going away.
Will we always be apart?
My world has gone sad and grey.

Will you be back when I lite
Your little candle for you?
My soul will always burn bright,
When I am expecting you.

All the happy times we shared,
Will we always remember?
Everything we feared and dared,
January to December?

Will you be back by and by?
To our memories I cling.
I am sad, I want to cry;
To me you are everything.

Why are the stars still shining,
When it’s time to say ‘good-bye’?
Inside my heart is crying,
Even tho’ my eyes are dry.

Hope I have not let you down,
In ways that I do not know.
Time slipped by without a sound;
Now it’s time for you to go.

Will we be back together,
As this journey of mine ends?
Hearts as light as a feather,
We who are closer than friends?

Will we meet on the rainbow,
Hanging our tears out to dry?
With our faces all aglow,
And from our ******* not a sigh?

On earth we come together,
And from earth we then depart;
Storms and hardships we weather;
Enemies tear us apart.

Those with whom we wine and dine,
When enemies they become,
Is it the end of the line?
Should we not ourselves disarm?

They who know us just too well
Targeting our weaker link;
We must have a way to tell,
How in quicksand not to sink.

Good-bye, now, my precious friend;
We’ll meet on the other side...
This is not really the end;
Some things fate cannot decide.
HTR Stevens May 2018
Old Mr. Goon,
Heard the ringing phone;
He called for his wife,
Inside a bee-hive,
For fear of the moon.

Auntie Susan,
Likes some fun;
She takes me
Out to sea
On a bun.

John puts a fish
Into a dish
But it jumps about
And keeps calling out:
“Oh…! I am finished!”
HTR Stevens Jan 2022
Somewhere, my love, I heard the rustling leaves,
The songs of birds,
My mind their music perceived.
Oh somewhere still! the silent call of God
Midst all the noise,
"Come, follow me!" called my Lord.
Follow the Lord! He guides you to the best,
Follow him on
Till you reach the place of Rest.

Somewhere, I heard the laughter of the flowers,
Gentle their words,
Lingered they on, many hours.
Oh somewhere still! the silent call of God
Midst all the noise,
"Come, follow me!" called my Lord.
Follow the Lord! He guides you to the best,
Follow Him on
Till you reach the Place of Rest
A poem I found, that I had written many years ago as a teenager...
HTR Stevens Jun 2018
I hear the lark
Singing yon on a tree,
Day after day,
Oh so very care-free!
How I wish I’m one;
I’ll fly o’er the sea!
Early each morning
Can you then hear me.
How I wish I can sing
As gaily as it can;
Oh, such a tiny thing,
But yet can be my friend!
***** its little head –
Greets me with a chirp –
Asks me for some bread –
In the water dips.
Fresh as a daisy –
Sweeter than pie;
Who is so merry?
Not even I!
Early in the morning,
I wake with the lark;
Hear it sweetly singing
Upon its usual mark.
HTR Stevens Jan 2018
How often we harken to the common voice
We want to be counted as one of the boys
It is a case of the blind leading the blind
As out of a maze our way we try to find.

We fear to be considered the odd one out
Our views differ, conventions we dare not flout
Why do we always have to follow the crowd
And be afraid to voice our ideas aloud?

No longer dumb driven cattle do we need
In each of us Truth is like a tiny seed
Truth is there even if no one takes its side
All it takes is one lone voice to change the tide.

Sometime, somewhere, someone has to take the lead
Fearless of foes, to accomplish a great deed
Fear not to stand up for what you know is true
Truth must conquer, even if it breaks the rule.
HTR Stevens Jan 2018
From one source we came
To one source depart
Every burning flame
Of Nature a part.

Each in his own way
Strives towards a goal
Hoping that he’ll play
Perfectly his role.

Life is illusion
Man should stop to think
Within creation
He is just a link.

“God” is just a force
Without form or name
That’s the Great Light Source
From which all life came.
HTR Stevens Dec 2018
Secretly I admire you, nought do I declare.
Your mind is like morning dew – sparkling bright and rare.
Beauty does but strike the eye: Wisdom wins the soul.
In your brain I can espy things worth more than gold.
HTR Stevens Jan 2018
Everyone has a shadow;
You know what I’m talking about?
They’re not the ones that follow
Us where’er we go – in and out.

Shadows no one wants to know;
Denying them ev’n to ourselves.
In us they fester and grow,
Hidden deep where we fear to delve.

We blame the poor old devil
For the bad things we want to do.
Where we recognise evil,
We look for a scapegoat…guess who?

Shadows to haunt us by night;
In each of us a Mr. Hyde!
Dreams of demons we can’t fight;
Within each of us they reside.

We must face our weaker side;
Master the animal within!
We ourselves have to decide
If our better selves are to win.
HTR Stevens Dec 2018
You are our little sunshine –
Your colours in the rain.
You are your daddy’s and mine –
Our happiness and pain.
Wherever there’s a dark cloud –
You come out with a smile.
You’ve always made us feel proud –
You progress mile by mile.
You make our little rainbows –
You throw out little rays,
Even when it rains or snows –
During the wintry days.
HTR Stevens Jul 2018
As the sun sets in the West,
Set your mind at peaceful rest;
All ill-feelings of the day,
Let the wind blow far away!

Calm your anger, be at rest;
Tho’ difficult, do your best.
Let anger set with the sun;
Forgive the wrong, for it’s done.
HTR Stevens Mar 2018
When I get a buzz in my bonnet
I am glad it is not a hornet
But an inspiration so intense
That I have to write it down, condensed.
HTR Stevens Sep 2018
To the rankers shall I call:
“Pride goeth before a fall - !
Do not think yourself too smart,
And end up pulling a cart!”
HTR Stevens Oct 2018
Ask me not why I love you,
Or love will lose its charm;
As a dog which wags its tail,
So does pure love disarm.
Pure love knows no limit -
Asks not why, how, or where;
No man understands it,
Tho’ it is everywhere.
HTR Stevens Oct 2018
Midnight Queen! Midnight Queen! How I grieve for thee.
Alas! That thou in thy garment white,
Should but show thy splendour for a night,
And then sink back into earth away from me!
Alas! Thy beauty once shown departs forever,
Tho’ it remains in the human mind,
As visions may eternally shine,
Thy sad departure remains also in mind!

This is life! This is life! A glimpse of splendour,
Like the fragrance of flowers blown away,
Life passes after a glorious day;
Life comes but once and then departs forever!
HTR Stevens Feb 2018
Like a drop in the ocean,
Like a grain of sand,
So is the comparison
Of the world to man.

A golden ray from the sun,
A leaf from a tree,
As joy to a child means fun
I wish to be free.

A poet can’t do justice
Just with words alone
Describing an inner peace
That has quickly flown.

What is Truth – that we all seek?
The answer – who knows?
Where there’s the strong, there’s the weak;
Only a fool crows.

Where there is good, there’s evil;
Where there’s wrong, there’s right;
Our minds create the devil
Whom we fear to fight.

The world is a looking-glass:
Reflections of life;
To be enlightened we must
Give up worldly strife.

Who has stepped out of our world
Tho’ still within it?
The Truth is universal
When the fire is lit.

Our eyes to nature open:
All are relative;
We spy a glimpse of heaven
As each day we live.
HTR Stevens Sep 2018
Ah, ‘rocks’ of the sea
   Thou rise high!
   Blue art thou,
   So is the sky.
   Rise and sink,
   Is all you do.
   Blue as ink,
   Lovely blue.

Ah, thou ‘white horses’,
   Now I see thee!
   Written about by poets
   Over a century.
   Rush forward together
   As in war.
   Rise again, my brothers,
   When you fall.

Ah, thou dazzling 'stars’,
   In the waters blue.
   My eyes you dazzle,
   With the help of who?
   Like silver you shine,
   As well as gold.
   When the weather’s fine,
   ‘Stars’ I behold!

Ah, thou wide blue sea,
   Thou possess all these;
   King of Military,
   Are you not pleased?
HTR Stevens Apr 2018
Life is sweeter than a flower,
Tho’ silently goes like dew;
So make good use of each hour;
Show the best that is in you.

Show a face of sunshine cheer,
A smile on a tender face;
Show your courage, show no fear;
Show the best in human race.
HTR Stevens Aug 2018
They used to say “yes” or “no”
And you would know where to go.
Now life is complicated, they say they don’t know
Fearful of mistakes, everyone is vague and slow.
They just look up at the sky…(where the info “cloud” is?)
Not looking you in the eye.
Of most things everyone seems so unsure.
The answer to most questions is “e…er…e-er…”
If you can, you will look it up online:
However, there is no Sat-Nav or sign;
“Answers” pop up from every direction…
Follow your nose at your own discretion!
Interpret it at your own risk…
Everything is just hit and miss!
Hours later, forgetting what you are looking for –
Each person, his own expert (according to the law…),
You feel tired and completely drained,
Like a Dalek has sizzled your brain.
Your initial enthusiasm is gone and energy, too.
All you can whisper, weakly, are two meaningless words, “Boo…hoo…!”
HTR Stevens Sep 2018
When they see you and guy a-walking,
They call it courtship;
When they see you and a guy a-talking,
They pass knowing smiles and well-meaning quips.

When both of you are a-quarrelling,
They say that the rough must come with the smooth;
Before long, one is a-sorrowing –
Not for the row (as they think) but over a lost tooth.

And then both of you stop seeing each other,
They think it such an unpardonable crime;
All that time trying to bring you together…
‘Tis a shame the wedding bells are ne’er to chime.
HTR Stevens Feb 2018
What’s this that all around us we see…?
People strange but strangers cannot be!

The thief sows not, but consents to reap;
The watchman falls a victim to sleep.
The comforter, brings tears, not relief;
The youth, by glamour is oft deceived.
The gossip, loses in frank debate;
The punctual, cannot help being late.
The wise, in his proud conceit turns fool;
The taught, oft seems to be more unschool’d.
The tactful, by silence, oft does hurt;
The polite, being civil, sounds curt.
He loses who speculates to gain;
He thinks himself fit who is insane.

But then, who are we, others to judge,
When we, ourselves, may be among such?
HTR Stevens Aug 2018
A bed of roses has many a thorn;
Pain, hardships and suff’ring are of earth born.
Life is not a road that runs smooth and straight;
They on whom we shower love may return hate.
Life has many a wild and worthless dream;
Yet, how many a low thing we esteem!
Power and all fade with the breaking dawn;
And with them all bright prospects are withdrawn.
Farewell to thee, o sweet and fragrant flower;
Power and Beauty take leave at Death’s hour.
Howe’er great or grand to men thou may be,
When Death looms o’erhead, no man can save thee.
Fare-thee-well, dear reader, be brave at heart;
Fight the good fight, then with a smile depart.
HTR Stevens Jul 2018
As we move into space age,
Man his power to prove,
Mother Nature in a rage,
Mountains start to move.

Freak weather: hailstones in spring,
Heatwaves in winter;
Pity every living thing,
And flowers that wither.
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