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11.1k · Apr 2018
sunflower soul
sankavi Apr 2018
sometimes you want to give up
the thoughts fill up your beautiful sunflower soul
you begin to think is it really worth it
you let the voices in
"you're worthless"
"stop trying"
"you're fat"
"you're ugly"
the voices begin to chant
you slowly give up
you stop swimming in your pool of thoughts
you drown

but then the water slowly begins to disappear
the voices begin to fade
the demons leave your head
and your sunflower soul becomes whole again
you can do this
6.1k · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
id plant sunflowers all over my body
if thats what it took me to be happy
if thats what it took me to be beautiful
4.9k · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
They say it's chemistry when you find someone who makes you feel how you want to feel
Imagine my surprise
when you were able to make me feel
what I thought was lost in me
4.3k · Oct 2019
sankavi Oct 2019
i went to my first concert
it was the best thing ive ever been to
everyone was so alive
i felt so alive
it was all such an "in the moment" experience


i wish life was a concert
3.7k · Jun 2018
broken promises
sankavi Jun 2018
to our promise, im still holding
only to find out you're already moving on
we made a promise we'd always love each other no matter what. im not letting go. why did you?
3.4k · Aug 2018
sankavi Aug 2018
it's the small things that make me the happiest
see a bumblebee helping the flowers grow
running through an empty green field
a new song that gives me the chills
deep 2 a.m talks with him
seeing a huge smile on the faces of those I love
watching a sunflower grow
looking at the stars at 3 a.m
watching the sunrise as the birds sing their songs

all these things make me so happy
happier than any amount of money could bring to me
3.2k · Aug 2018
help me <pt.2>
sankavi Aug 2018
I lock myself into a room
I fall to the ground
I can't breathe
I cant see
   everything is
my tears cover my eyes
I don't know why
but these panic attacks won't stop coming
and I don't know why

am I overthinking too much again?
has my depression come back?
am I all alone again?
do I miss him too much?
2.4k · Apr 2018
took you for granted
sankavi Apr 2018
Being in a relationship can be so complicated.
I'd assume that's why I'm not in them most often.
But this boy was sweet, and I had liked him a bit.
So I gave it a go, even though I hadn't dated
he would be my first
And to be honest, I had no idea what I was doing.
What am I supposed to do, act, say?  

And maybe I was the one who caused us to fall to ruin.
Maybe it was my lack of knowlege or experience
that led to our downfall.
You were fine. But I was not.
You wanted to hold hands, to hug, snuggle, and kiss.
I didn't feel so comfortable with all of those.

Although I liked talking to you
and i was so happy with you
i didn't feel it lasting
it didn't feel like you loved me whole
you were the only one to understand me
but my friends didn't let me love you

So then I had a thought,
It would only be logical to end this,
our relationship.
What was the point in continuing
if I knew it was inevitablly going to end.

my friend has often told me that
i'm the "emotionally attached" one.
i rely on my feelings.
and i think there is truth to that.
and i felt this slowly ending
it wasn't going to last
maybe that was my fault though

So I ended it. And i asked to still be friends.
That's fine with me. Friends is good.
But I've noticed since then,
you haven't paid me no mind.
Haven't talked to me in particular,
or directly to me at all.
I saw you, but you were distant. You still are.
You talked with any girl but me.

And it's hard to just suddenly get used to that.
One day we talked before and after school
during every single class
You always made the effort to talk to me,
to hold me
to hug me
to comfort me
you knew when i wasn't okay
or when i needed you
or when i lied saying i was "fine"

Then the next day, you were gone.
I knew you were there
i saw you every day
It's like the phrase "so close, yet so far away"
That seems the perfect description for it.
Because you were right there,
where I could walk up and talk to you,
but you turned around, and walked away.

I see you talk to others and I wonder,
Does he not miss me at all?
Am I so easy to replace with just another girl?
Do I hold no signifigance whatsoever?
And I begin to realize, I miss you.
I miss how large your hand was and
that it practically swallowed mine.
I miss being able to lean against you
and aimlessly doze off.
I miss your humor and the
small compliments you'd always give me.
No boy had ever spoke so sweetly to me before.

It's not that I feel we should get back together.
i'm over you
we're done
maybe i'd still come back to you?
i'm not quite sure
But I'm still not happy now that it ended,
and aprubtly at that.
I just wish you would talk to me.
Say something. Anything.
Walk next to me
hug me
just text me
make me feel like i'm something
rather than the girl who can be so easily replaced  
Look into my eyes with yours,
as if you could speak that way.
I just wish you wouldn't ignore
my presence completely.

And it's now that I finally realize,

I took you for granted.

I'm sorry.
im sorry
2.2k · Aug 2018
sankavi Aug 2018
you always seem to make me feel better
even when you don't know I'm not okay
2.1k · Aug 2018
my poetry
sankavi Aug 2018
Anything can
look like a poem
and sound philosophical
simply by moving
the words on
different lines.

Am I doing it right?
Is this

I think I am trying.
Really, I am
I go back and change the order
and I break lines
where it sounds right
But it does not take me long.
Not at all.

I try to be
and call it natural rhythm.
Instinct and style taking over
I alternate between
agonizing every detail
like When to Capitalize
and publishing free form poems without looking over them twice.

How is writing supposed to feel?
Should I labor?
or should it flow?
Or do I get to decide?

I think the things I talk of
mean something
at least.

But am I just

fooling myself into thinking that
using common poetry formats
somehow makes my work worthwhile?
2.1k · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
i feel numb
there was a time i didn't
when you were there
you helped me feel
then you left
i feel numb again
2.1k · Aug 2018
trust me on this
sankavi Aug 2018
you are amazing
in every single way possible

you are different
and that's okay I like different
and I wouldn't like you if you were like the others

you are worth it
you are worth the work
you are worth the pain
you're worth it

you are enough
you don't have to try any harder than you already do
I know you’re trying your hardest
you're enough

you matter
and don't ever think you don't
you matter to me
your family and your friends
you matter so much

you make a difference
my life would be so much worse if it wasn't for you
you make me smile
you make me feel better when I'm not okay

you are not a burden
i enjoy talking to you
you've become a part of my day

can you please just trust me on this
you're amazing
worth it
you matter
and you make a difference
get it in your head
it hurts that you don't see yourself the way I see you
this ones for you, you know who you are <3
2.0k · Aug 2018
so there's this boy
sankavi Aug 2018
so there's this boy
and he makes me feel

for someone who felt numb for so long
feeling is nice

he makes me feel happy
like how sitting next to a fire, drinking tea, and reading poetry makes me feel

he makes me feel like a beautiful sunflower
he makes me feel like I'm actually worth something
he makes me feel like I'm enough

but with all the beauty he brings to my soul
he also makes my soul fear

fear of him leaving
fear of when he goes he'll leave me to feel numb all over again
I can't let that happened
I'm scared to lose him
I'm scared to let him in
1.8k · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
i look at my skateboard
down at the ground
i close my eyes
and roll down the hill
getting faster and faster
until i hit flat ground
i open my eyes

when i roll down the hill
i feel free
the breeze hitting my face
my hair blows in the wind
the sun on my skin
its all too good

i feel at home
like a belong
thank you to my
1.6k · Jul 2018
just... thank you
sankavi Jul 2018
thank you to the ones who have been there for me
at my darkest times
when I had no one else

thank you to the ones who were kind enough to let me in
and let me help you

thank you to the ones who brought a smile to my lonely days
the ones who always knew what to say

thank you to the ones who weren't fake
to the people who actually loved me
to the people who actually cared

thank you to the ones who left
I realize I never needed you to survive
and you were just a chapter of my life

and finally, thank you to me
for not giving up
for believing in yourself
thank you...
1.1k · Feb 2021
help me help you?
sankavi Feb 2021
I could never say no to you
I do whatever you ask of me
never asking myself, "would this make me happy?"
it will always be "this will make him happy."

I've always done everything to please you
from the way I talk and dress
to the way i act, and the shows I watch
even the music I listen to
not even on purpose

subconsciously I have become the person that could make you happy
the person you could rely on and trust
the person you could love

I've done everything I can to receive your validation, your approval, your love

but no matter what I do,
why isn't anything enough?
what can I do to be better?
what can I do for you to love me?
1.1k · Feb 2019
dear best friend
sankavi Feb 2019
thank you to my bestfriend
the one whos always there for me
the one who i can always rely on
      for a shoulder to cry on
the one who i share every happy moment with
the one who i share every soul crushingly sad moment with
the one who i look forward to seeing when i wake up
the one who gives me the motivation to do anything
the one who is keeping me alive
thank you
i dont know what id do without you
i love you deanna bumb bucket
1.1k · Aug 2018
sankavi Aug 2018
I know you can't promise to stay forever
but promise
you'll stay for a really long time?
1.1k · Jun 2018
left me in fire
sankavi Jun 2018
There's something missing in my life.
I can feel the overpowering ache in my chest.
Numbing only around you,
But I long for so much more.
Your smile warms my heart,
And your hands heal my scars.
Your lips kiss my soul,
And speak with it so calmly.
Taking away my pain,
Giving me more than I've hoped for.
Your perfection is calling my name,
And luring me in deeper.
I never lasted a chance,
I was gone from that first smile.
And that very first kiss,
Swept me too far off my feet.
But your arms are my safe haven,
And I'll sleep in then every night.

but one day you left
and you threw me in fire
all alone i stay there
1.0k · Jul 2018
its just so sad.
sankavi Jul 2018
it's just so sad
he's different
                but all he wants is to fit in
he's funny
                but he thinks his jokes are annoying
he's friendly
                but he thinks no one really wants to be friends with him
he's cute
                but he thinks he's not
he's amazing
                but he doesn't believe that
                he doesn't believe that he's worth it
                he doesn't believe something good will ever happen to him
it's just so sad
1.0k · Feb 2021
my love for you
sankavi Feb 2021
i don't understand my love for you

sometimes i love you as a bee does honey
but other times i love you as if I am fire and you are a huge tide destined to put me out

sometimes my love for you is pure, all i wish for is you to be happy
and other times my love for you is full of hate and anger

sometimes i hate you more than i love you
and in a matter of seconds, I love you more than I've loved anything else

my love for you is chaos, toxic, and unfulfilling
our love is bound to end in bright red, orange, and blue flames that will consume every bit of us

but until the end, my love for you will burn
989 · May 2018
bad friend
sankavi May 2018
Two faced.
Smile at me, act like everything is fine.
Turn around and tell them how much you hate me when i'm not there.
back stabber.
I'm sorry I was never enough for you.
I'm sorry i'm cold.
but you doing this to me has only made everything worse.
When you begged me to stop cutting, I never imagined you'd be the reason that I would tear my skin to shreds.
sankavi Dec 2018
hi, guess what i'm listening to country music right now
and i cant text you because my parents took my phone and laptop:(
so ill just write this and you can read it later
i love you

i just ran dowstairs amd almost tripped and died
but its like all good
i had to get my chocolate milk
imma watch cat videos until im tired

okay well i lied
i started watching horror movie trailers and now im scared
im still listening to country
im soo bored

jeez my parents just came home because they forgot their keys for something and somehow noticed i was up and gave me sleeping pills
so i kinda wanna die but its all good
i just listened to the song H.O.L.Y and now 16 is playing
not a bad song

i was thinking about how you always say opposites attract
and like thats not wrong because we're really different people
but like i was thinking about it
and i think i kinda get it now
we're opposite, or at least we were before we started dating but we kinda tried to like the stuff the other person likes
like i wouldve never started listening to country if it wasnt for you
and you probably wouldnt have tried listening to the music i like
and you probably wouldnt have tried to write poetry
so like i think thats why people say opposites attract, because we show eachother new stuuf and like idk

well i just remembered i have a health test tomorrow so i should probably study but i cant do that tomorrow in the morning or later

ughhhh im still not tired
oh guess what?
i love you soooooooo much
and youre amazing and great and one of my favourite people

okay well the pills are really kicking in now
so goodnight
i love you
957 · Feb 2021
sankavi Feb 2021
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
i know you dont
909 · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018

When you call me these things I melt and I don’t know how to take it because I’m used to

897 · Apr 2018
once upon a time
sankavi Apr 2018
and so the story begin
two young children falling in love
only she doesnt know...
he doesnt love her

two young children falling in love
only so one can be left

the story begins with love
but it never ends with love
who said there was always a happy ending
886 · Apr 2018
I promise
sankavi Apr 2018
Can I just say
All those broken promises really do hurt my soul.
I wish you didn’t say those things.
“I promise I will always love you”
“I promise I’ll always be there for you”
“I promise you’re the only one”
“I promise I’ll never love anyone more than you”
“I promise...”
“I promise...”
“I promise...”
all those promises you made
I believed you
Then slowly you broke them all
Funny thing is
I still trust every promise you make
865 · Feb 2021
love hurts
sankavi Feb 2021
i don't know how im supposed to stop loving you
every time you hurt me i love you more
when you ignore me i love you more
when you talk to me i love you more
you smile and i love you more
i think of you and your beautiful eyes and i love you more
i need to stop loving you
tell me how
sankavi Apr 2018
i need you
my heart beats for you
every second i fall for you again
and again
and again
and again
i never stop falling for you

you mean so much to me
you mean the world to me
be mine
just be mine

i get butterflies when i see you
or hear your voice
or even your name
i get shivers down my spine from the thought of you
the good kind of shivers

i want to see you everyday
i want to be with you all the time
and after spending hours with you
the second you go
i miss you

youre the reason im up all night
and the reason i get up in the morning
i need you in my life

so please
whatever you do
just don't go

855 · Apr 2018
letting go
sankavi Apr 2018
why is it so hard to let go
when you were never truly mine
853 · Feb 2021
i still love u
sankavi Feb 2021
I wake up in the middle of the night at 4 am to check if you've texted me
812 · Apr 2020
i wish i didn't love you
sankavi Apr 2020
I hate you, I hate you so ******* much
but somehow,
you're the only person who can make me smile so bright
the only person who I can just sit there quietly on call with
the only person who's jokes I actually find funny
I hate you so **** much, but somewhere along the lines I started loving you too and I really,
really wish I didn't
800 · Jul 2020
sankavi Jul 2020
I do not like you
I do not love you
I am addicted to you

no not like "you're so cute I want to be with you forever" kind of sweet innocent addiction
no, not at all

******, you are like ****** to me

when I am with you I feel warm, fuzzy, euphoric.
without, I am throwing up, dizzy, unable to get myself out of bed

I get over you, I don't see you for days, weeks, months

I'm clean.

though I'm clean now, you are still always on my mind.

you are not good for me
you are killing me
yet still
I need you so bad

795 · Jun 2018
sankavi Jun 2018
dear best friend,
thank you to the one who made my depressing life 10 times better
to the one who'd always listen to my endless rants
to the one who always understood me
to the one that i can talk to about anything
to the one that became my best friend in less than a week
to the one who accepted me
thank you Deanna

dear ex-best friend,
thank you to the one who stabbed my back and taught me i shouldnt trust everyone
to the one who made me let go the one i loved
to the one who attempted to change me
to the one who never loved me for me
to the one one who ripped everything away from me
to the one that i hate
thank you ava
785 · Feb 2021
the perfect person
sankavi Feb 2021
even if I found the perfect person
someone who cared endlessly
showed me how much they loved me every single day
put time and effort into everything I loved
and overall just the perfect partner

I would still choose you
and that's my problem

I keep choosing you
when you've never chosen me
773 · Aug 2018
help me
sankavi Aug 2018
Am I healthy?
Me, the girl who stays up
Until 5:00 in the morning every day
Eats one square meal a day
The girl who can't help but feel
Like she was a mistake
Like she is alone
Like she isn't worth it
Like she was a mistake
A screwup
The girl who is plagued with anxiety
Every second of every day
Resulting in a stomach upset
And a head aching
The girl who had a panic attack
over nothing
but just the thought of existing

Am I healthy?
Say the people who gave me life
telling me I'm just overreacting
"you're fine" they say

I am so tired, every single day
I just want to live again
717 · Feb 2019
dear mother
sankavi Feb 2019
I'll grow up and be the women you said I never ever could be.
I really hope that when I do
you'll be able to find it in you
to be happy
and proud of me.
696 · Feb 2021
sankavi Feb 2021
you make me feel alive/you make me want to die
689 · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
who knew you'd be the source to all my problems
anorexia is not okay and never should be. if your going through an eating disorder im always here to help. you can dm me on ig- _.sankavi._ or snap me- sankavi137 and if you dont want to do that i want you to know your are beautiful no matter what your shape or size is. you are beautiful no matter what mistakes you have made in the past. you are beautiful no matter what people say. i love you all and youre all beautiful.
687 · Jul 2018
sankavi Jul 2018
and everytime i think of him
i break a little bit
because he loves her
and i love him
687 · Jan 2019
here's to the fucking world
sankavi Jan 2019
here's to the friends ive lost
over stupid lies
and silly games

here's to the lovers long gone
in autumns haze
never to come back

here's to the family
who was never truly mine
just people who brought me to life

here's to me
who's never able to make myself happy
always dependent on someone else
who I'm too scared to let in

here's to the whole ******* world
the world that was supposed to bring me joy and comfort
instead leaving me in a place full of hate and loneliness

stabbed by the friends and people I love
the world is beautiful like a vibrant red rose
but every rose has its thorns
667 · Dec 2019
you give me butterflies :)
sankavi Dec 2019
i remember that feeling i got when my eyes locked with yours '
the feel of my stomach filling with butterflies
that feeling that makes me feel all those at once

i remember that feeling
and i don't think i can ever forget
643 · Feb 2021
bad timing
sankavi Feb 2021
she had so much love to give
he was not ready to be loved
639 · Apr 2018
the sun & the moon
sankavi Apr 2018
i loved you
i really did
i couldnt love you
i wasnt allowed to love you
i tried to make you understand
now youre gone
i cant move on
- i tried
everyone should be allowed to love who they want too bad i wasnt
630 · Apr 2018
I hurt someone I love
sankavi Apr 2018
The most painful thing in the world
Is hurting someone you love
Something even more pain
Being forced to hurt someone you love

Having people breathing down your neck
Looking over your shoulder
Just to make sure you hurt the person you love
Even when you don’t want to

If there’s someone like this I swear to god I will punch them
People like this ruin love
Ruin friendships
Ruin lives

I hate people like them
616 · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
what is trust?
is it someone you can talk to without them repeating the words you whispered

is that trust?
or is that just someone who knows how to keep their mouth shut

i know a lot of people who wont spread my darkest secrets
but i still don't "trust" them

what is trust

think about it
597 · Dec 2018
i'm happy you exist
sankavi Dec 2018
when I first fell for you
i didn't think id fall so hard
"its just a crush"
or so I thought

I liked you
but you liked someone else

a year has gone by and now I'm in love with you
but little did I know
you were in love with me too

I love you
590 · Sep 2018
commitment issues
sankavi Sep 2018
I want you in my life
but I don't want to be committed to you
I'm scared to be committed to you
because one-day ill fall in love and you'll be gone

people always leave
its inevitable
what's the point of committing to someone you know wont be there forever
sankavi Apr 2018
and at that moment
i looked at you
and i froze
i looked at your dark brown eyes
and i didn't know how to speak
i looked at your smile
and i couldn't breathe
i heard your voice
and i was lost

i was lost in you
suddenly i didn't know where i was
or who was with me

i just knew i was there
with you
and thats all that mattered

it was all about you
sankavi Feb 2021
as the music plays loudly in the room I had made into my home
I put my phone down and get out of bed
as my feet hit the cold, creeky winter floors
I begin to feel this rush of pure joy
the music makes me jump up and down, throwing my arms around wherever it feels right
I do not know how to dance but I listen to the way the music moves me
at this moment I do not think about the boy who doesn't love me or my mother who so desperately wants to leave this dreadful planet
at this moment my head is empty, no thoughts that could bring me down
suddenly, the song ends
I stop dancing and crawl back into my bed
what a joyful moment that was

until that song plays once more...
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