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Sameer Denzi Dec 2018
God once asked his faithful servants
a perplexing question:
“Who will lend me a Beautiful Loan
Which I will double
And multiply many times?”

The servants looked hither and thither
and at each other in puzzlement:
“What could we possibly lend to The Creator
Of mankind and of the unseen
Of the Earth and of the Heavens
And everything in between?”

But one among them wept in tranquil delight
For he understood what was being asked:
It is the act of giving without expectation
From ones material wealth,
From ones precious time,
From ones accrued knowledge,
To alleviate the suffering of others
Sameer Denzi Dec 2018
When asked
why she did not marry
the Duke of Westminster?

Coco Chanel replied:
There have been many
"Duchesses of Westminster,"
But there is only one
Coco Chanel
Sameer Denzi Nov 2014
Poets of old sang of a garden so beautiful
Even time stops there to stand and stare
Its crystal springs will invigorate souls
Its fruits of nectar will sensually soothe
Its shades will induce a blissful sleep
Its flowers bloom to an infinite hue

To find this elusive garden so beautiful
A treacherous trek one must undertake
On unmarked trails and crumpling bridges
With blistered soles and grumbling stomachs
Short-cuts there are, but who knows to where
For no one's come back or reached the other end

Trek past meadows, valleys, fiords and peaks
Their beauty will compel you to stand and stare
The trees will call you to their fruits and shade
Tired limbs will beg you to rest and rejuvenate
So tarry a while, to enjoy the fruits and views
But tarry too long and you'll forget the way...

To that Garden ever so beautiful
Life is a poor imitation of reality
Poem dedicated to 'Born'
Sameer Denzi Jul 2014
When was the last time you gave her a rose
For no reason other than being beautiful
When was the last you gave her a kiss
Without expecting something in return
When was the last time you held her hand
To let her know that you'll always be there
When was the last time you caressed her skin
To make her feel like the woman that she is
When was the last time you made love to her
As though it may be your last time together
When was the last time you warmly embraced
To let her know how much she's worth
When was the last time you made her blush
With a compliment worthy of the jewel that she is
Take this heed from an experienced fool :)
Sameer Denzi Dec 2018
Light and Darkness
Most of us assume
Are equal and opposites.

But In reality,
Light and darkness are opposites
but they are not equal.
Light is a physical entity
While darkness in the mere
Absence of light.

Love and hate are opposites
but they are not equal.
Love is real
While hate can only exist
in the absence of Love.

Truth and falsehood are opposites
But they are not equal.
Truth is a fact
While falsehood is
The omission of the truth.

Love and Truth are
the essence of the Divine.
Hatred and falsehood
are the absence of the Divine.
Sameer Denzi Dec 2014
Have you not seen...

The twinkling stars like glittering gems
Guiding voyagers, inspiring philosophers
The sublime horizon at dawn and dusk
Blackish blue, Pink and tangerine hues
The majestic mountains like titans stand
With crowns of white, an awesome sight
The mighty river, the great life giver
Meandering her way to a briny abyss
The endless ocean; its blue horizons
Of abundant bounty; of great voyages
The blooming meadows where cattle graze
Where maidens play; where poets gaze

Do these wonders not make you ponder -
Can such beauty exist, without an Artist?
Can a poem ever exist, without a poet?
Sameer Denzi Sep 2015
Nothing is the cost
To utter a word.
If the wrong word is uttered,
At the wrong time,
Great might be the cost
Of that word.
Speaking from experience of course :)
Sameer Denzi Aug 2014
We seem to be going round and round
In a game of hatred and violence
Who started it, how will it end
What’s the score my foe?

When our own die
We lament with great intensity
When 'the other' dies
We snicker with great hypocrisy

When will we realise it's all been rigged
For the benefit of a few crooked men
Why do we hate and bleed for them?

When will we realise that we all bleed red
Its only skin deep, our creed and colour
When will we learn to cry for the other?
The story of our age... of the tail wagging the dog.
Sameer Denzi Sep 2018
A great poet once wrote:

"There are many precious
Jewels in this world
But none is more precious
than a woman's blush
Sameer Denzi Oct 2014
Your 'Top TRP' news team has just learnt that
A consortium of fanatics and hypocrites now claim
That the proprietorship of 'God' is now with them
And will spew hatred on anyone disobeying them.

Our unnameable “reliable” sources tell us that
Anyone desiring to worship 'God' “more perfectly,”
Henceforth, must follow their rules quite strictly
Or floggings will be handed out quite promptly.

Our brave insider informants have divulged that
At last have awaken our pious priests and scholars
To discuss these “disturbing new developments;”
But they're upset most about lost revenue streams.

The atheists were seen rejoicing and saying that
There is no need any more, “for us to self-promote
While our competitors repeatedly self-mutilate.”

But have they forgotten, Stalin also preached hate?

Our unquestionably reliable survey tells us that
We are angry, sad, glad, disgusted and also clueless
In roughly equal measure. But most are just curious:
“How all this bla-bla will effect commodity prices?”

There was however, an 'odd' man who said that
God is Love and God does not hate. Will turn to rust
He who chooses hate. *“Not in someone's deep pocket
Will I find God. But God I'll find, always in my heart.”
A plague that has infected religions past and religions present.
Sameer Denzi Jul 2014
When I witness a child
being blown to shreds
by a smart bomb sent
by the superior race

How do I justify it?

What crime can I accuse it of
What ill fate can I blame it on
What scripture can I quote from
What politics is it guilty of

How do I dehumanise it
How do I make it impersonal
How do I wash my conscience of its blood
How do I prevent myself from asking...

Would I be indifferent if it was my child?
Viva Gaza
"the superior race" does not apply to a race of people, but to those who believe themselves to be superior
Sameer Denzi Jul 2014
Dark clouds are gathering ominously above
They cast a murky hue into the air around
Infusing into the heart a seance of gloom
They threaten to unleash torrents of rage
Mercilessly they’ll shread all they confront

Will my roots stay true against their rage
Or will I give in to their relentless pull
Will I remember that torrents don't last
Once the clouds have spent their load
Will I remember that beyond the clouds
Is the shining sun with all her warmth
Will I remember that the clouds will part
For the bluest of skies, bright and calm
Don't be among those swept away by the torrents of rage.
Sameer Denzi Aug 2017
Dark clouds are gathering ominously above
They cast a murky hue into the air around
Infusing into the heart a sensce of gloom
They threaten to unleash torrents of rage
Mercilessly shredding those in their path.

Will my roots stay true against their rage
Or will I give in to their relentless pull
Will I remember that torrents don't last
Once the clouds have spent their load
Will I remember that beyond the clouds
Is the shining sun with all her warmth
Will I remember that the clouds will part
For the bluest of skies, bright and calm
Reposting this poem as it seems to become more relevant each day
Sameer Denzi Nov 2014
Like in a ballet of Bolshoi
She dances round and round
Lost in a galaxy of glittering stars

Like a shaman by a feverish fire
She goes round and round
The sun for her warmth and glow

Like a smitten little puppy
The moon goes round and round
Her for love and in utter devotion

But in the midst of it all

Like a whirling dervish
She spins round and round
In a dance of venerating trance

To the Grand Choreographer;
Never seen, but always conducting
In response to Born's challenge... but not exactly :) I'm afraid I can only go where my inspiration takes me.
Sameer Denzi May 2014
The Creator is the creator of all things,
He's even the creator of false gods.
These gods come in myriad shapes,
We see them around and within us....

In celestial things, that astound us,
Or on Earth, in nature's creatures,
Or in stones, sculpted by hands,
Or in gold, whose lustre blinds,

Or in superstitions, just invented,
Or in some rituals, quite perverted,
Or in mere mortals; merely elevated,
Or in some cult; hypocrisy infested,

Or it may be our desire, always craving,
Or it may be our fear, always curbing,
Or It may be our ego; always exacting,
Or it may be our fancy, never ending.

Why do we seek these gods so false?
'Cause trust we lack, in Him who provides for all,
'Cause our destiny, we seek to control, above all.

Why did He create these gods so false?
'Cause of darkness, we learn to appreciate the light,
'Cause of falseness, we learn to appreciate His Might.
The Truth is one... false is everything else.
Sameer Denzi May 2014
Why fear death, for your death is certain,
Why fear the unknown, for your fate is known,
Why fear the dark, for the light is within,
Why fear ignominy, for your ego's a prison.

Overcome your fears and you will be liberated,
Love without constraints and you will be exhilarated,
Submit to The Supreme Will and you will be exalted.
Fear not, instead be free
Sameer Denzi Jun 2016
I have a guru who comes to me from time to time
To teach me things I tend to forget.
Once he appeared as a wrinkled old coolie
Who carried my bag into a crowded train.
I gave him a generous fee which he did not count
And left, as I sat there feeling quite self-righteous.
Moments later, he returned jostling through the crowd
Teary eyed and hands joined to inquire in silence -
If I had made a mistake
Or if there was something else he could do?
For I had paid him far more than what was due.
In an instant I shrunk to the size of an ant
In front of this giant of a nobleman.
Sameer Denzi Aug 2016
There was once a jolly old lady, who loved her life,
She'd seen much in life and loved to brag about it.
One day the doctor said “You have terminal cancer!
Not much to do but say your goodbyes forever”

This lady loved her life and would not concede,
So she searched near and far to find a cure.
With great difficulty she found a man who mixed
Some herbs that killed her encroaching death.

Restored to her vibrant self, she began to boast:
“I snatched my life from the very jaws of death!”
Not soon after, on her way to boast to a friend
In her car; an accident! And she was very **dead!
Sameer Denzi Jul 2014
I have searched for your face tirelessly everywhere.
Though I've failed in my quest, I know you're there...
I have seen your beauty in the full-moon's glow.
I have seen your immensity in the celestial flow.
I have seen your precision in an atoms procession.
I have seen your passion in a poets obsession.
I have seen your bounty when a rain rejuvenates.
I have seen your mercy when a seedling germinates.
I have seen your restrain when injustice prevailed.
I have seen your wrath on great cities razed.
Though I've seen you not, I've seen your essence,
I have felt your love and your nurturing presence.
Seek it... and its secret will unravel before you.
Sameer Denzi Jun 2016
Click, click… how many ‘likes’ have I got?
Does it really matter when the day is done?
How long can it inflate my ego?
How big a number will it take?

Is it not better, that I be not bitter
If I get just one ‘like’?
Is it not better, if the one ‘like’ I get
is moved for the better?
Sameer Denzi Nov 2014
I wished you could've met my beloved
Mary-jo-anna while she still lived among us
Imparting on us her wisdom and wondrous ways

Her eyes could see through any secretive soul
Her fragrance would soothe any pensive nerve
She'd make every meal a gastronomical delight
Her embrace would cradle me to a blissful sleep
Her mind could cure the most torturous disease
She'd make every tune a sensuous delight.

Life was wonderful for us indeed
When Mary-jo-anna was still among us
Imparting on us her wisdom and wondrous ways

But she fell foul foul eventually, of our Big Brother
For she showed the people his hypocritical ways
Exasperated! he conspired with the village elders
To drive her away, with lies about her “devious ways”

She's now an exile among the sages, hidden away
Imparting on them her wisdom and wondrous ways
While our village degrades to hatred and hypocrisy
Under the thumb of Big Brother's oppressive ways

The people are awakening to what they have done
And long to have Mary-jo-anna among us again
Free among her people and free from ridicule
To impart on us her wisdom and wondrous ways
Poem dedicated to Pradip Chattopadhyay for his many kind words.
Sameer Denzi Sep 2016
Have you seen the Master Magician around lately?
He who shows you a mirror with his right hand
While he picks your pocket with his left hand
He whose tongue tells you tales of a bogeyman
As his eyes induce you to part with your keys
He who wears the most beautiful of masks
To hide the psychopath that lurks within

Have you seen this Master Magician around lately?
He who will empty your pockets and ask for more
He who will become the master of your home
He who will convince you: *“its all for your own good!”
Sameer Denzi Aug 2014
The perpetual fair at my little village
Is a sight to behold for one and all.
Vendors come from near and far
To sell their enchanting wares to all.

One is selling salvation guaranteed
for all of eternity with no toil at all.
Another sells you virtual reality
To escape from your daily slavery.
While another sells you eternal youth
So you can always indulge your vanity.
There's one selling grandiose schemes
On how one day you can bathe in gold.
Such are the vendors at our village fair
Selling such great wares to one and all.

But when a man arrived at our great fair
Giving 'common sense' free to one and all,
He was ridiculed by all for being a fool
and threw his ware as far as they could.
What good can come form this”, they said,
its worth so little that he's giving it away
If common sense wasn't so "common" maybe we'd value it a little bit more.
Sameer Denzi Feb 2018
There once were a group of flies
They wished to hunt for filth no more
They wished to hunt for the light instead
Like the regal moths during the night

So they went to the queen of the moths
And said: “We're no lesser than your moths
So please permit us to look for the light

The queen was amused, and said to the flies
Go forth then, like my moths, to find the light

The flies went forth with great delight
And with eagerness they found many lights
and returned to the queen to report their finds.
But they found no moths were waiting there

We’ve outdone the moths!” they said in delight.
We’ve found the light, while they're lost in the dark
The Queen was amused and said to the flies:
Those who only 'look' for the light, return to me,
Those who truly love the light, are consumed by it.
My take on an old mystic fable.
Sameer Denzi Jul 2014
When I fee I'm rich, I see someone richer.
When I feel I'm poor, I see someone poorer.
When I feel I'm a poet, I read a real rhymer.
When I feel like an idiot, I look in the mirror.
When I am cheerful: “enjoy it, while it lasts.”
When I am cheerless: “bare it, it will not last.”
There's never a bad time for introspection
Sameer Denzi May 2015
It was a day in the village, like any other day
The sun was bright, the ground was baked.
A man came wandering down the dusty way -
His face was wrinkled, his clothes were soiled,
And under the big banyan tree he sat himself.
Seduced by the shade and weighed by fatigue
He fell fast asleep, with his hunger growling.
A farmer passing by felt pity for the man,
And left him a portion of his noon-day bread.

As the farmer dug deep, later on that day,
His barren field would yield a *** of gold!
In delirious disbelief, he took it to his wife.
The word spread like fire: near, far and wide.
A crowd soon gathered to envy and inquire -
“What did you do dear man, to deserve the ***?”
Thinking back to the events that day, he said -
“I gave an old man under the tree my bread.”
“He must be a wandering wizard!” they said.

The man awoke to see the bread, later that day.
Thankful and pleased he began to eat it away.
Soon it was gone, but his hunger still lingered
And it growled in anger  - “give me more bread!”
Just then he saw a mob approaching ominously;
“They'll lynch me, for they think I stole the bread!”
The mob duly arrived, but carrying more bread.
They jostled each other to solicit the old man -
*“Take my bread and give me a *** of gold instead!”
What happened?
Sameer Denzi Nov 2015
When 'the few' get more and even more
When 'the more' get less and even less
Until all that's left is just 'not enough!'

When the law becomes brazenly unjust
When the poor are trampled underfoot
Until “justice!” becomes hallowed text

When Free-thought is replaced by bigotry
When dissenters are silenced violently
Until 'liberation!' is whispered angrily

When enough there are with “nothing to loose”
It is then that a revolution becomes possible
It is then that a revolution becomes inevitable
Proof I was awake in my History class :)
Sameer Denzi Nov 2018
Some bow down in prayer frequently
But all they get is tired
Some indulge in fasting punctually
But all they get is hungry
Some go on a pilgrimage repeatedly
But all they get are selfies
Some donate generously to charity
But all they get is vanity
Some read the scriptures literally
And all they get are 'dos' and 'don'ts'
Sameer Denzi Jun 2014
Why do artists **** their arts?
Journalists obey corporate bosses.
Doctors peddle drugs for status.
Lawyers work for robber barons.
Bankers' havens for barons' taxes.
Kings start wars for hefty profits.

Charity's done for the sake of publicity.
Vanity today is a thriving industry.
Shopping's done with borrowed money.
Bankruptcy levels; not seen in history.
From hazardous things; profits aplenty.
Poisoned wells we leave our progeny.

These lunacies have a common cause,
To win 'the rat race'; at any **** rate,
Even earthly mother, we brutally ****!
How much is enough, to be content?
Pharaoh's wealth was greater than most,
But while he drowned, it saved him not.

Instead, strive for a righteous life,
Bonded to mother, free from desire.
For we're not islands, or rats in a race.
And when we stand on Judgement Day,
Our wealth that day will have no say,
Our deeds that day will lead the way.
Sameer Denzi Jun 2015
Maybe they feared a revolution
Or maybe it was just chauvinism
But for whatever reason
They would not let his voice be heard
By the suffering masses
Of the decaying metropolis

But his voice was heard somehow
In a land far far away
Where everything was seen in black and white
But the people longed for the rainbow's delight

His haunting voice filled their void
His piercing lyrics became their spear
His aura became their guiding light

Like a miracle unexpected
A revolution occurred
And the rainbow emerged

The Sugar Man still drifted unheard
In his grey urban wilderness
A case of real-life being stranger than fiction.
Inspired by the real-life story of Sixto "Sugar Man" Rodriguez. See "Searching for Sugar Man" and you'll know what I mean. Truly inspiring. Truly Amazing.
Sameer Denzi Dec 2016
A man once came to a teacher of great renown
And asked…
“What is the greatest function of a teacher?”
To which the teacher replied…
“To Motivate”
“But surely” the man replied...
“The greatest function of a teacher must be to teach!”
To which the teacher replied…
*“If I only teach them all that I know,
Then they will only learn all that I know,
And think they have learnt all there is to know.
But if I motivate them to seek knowledge,
Then they will learn all that I know,
And still thirst for more; much more than all I know.”
An old fable I read in a book
Sameer Denzi Sep 2014
From my perch that's high above
I survey the vastness that's below;
The great sprawling urban “utopia”
Tis a jungle with no hint of nature.

I see a maze of concrete and asphalt,
Neons and walls of synthetic colour.
I see a great haze of smoke and dust
Kicked up by them migrating hordes.

Built by and for the human master,
All other species are mere scavengers.
Here we are supreme and defy nature
Now that we are at evolutionary peak.

But then I spot a strange anomaly
On the roof of a derelict structure.
Weeds grow roots into its fissures,
Year by year they go more deeper

Is this a sign, I begin to ponder,
Of greater reversals yet to come,
When “utopian” bubble finally bursts
Under the weight of our arrogance?
If you don't learn from the past, you are condemned to repeat it.... like all the civilisations past.
Sameer Denzi May 2014
In the midst of darkness,
The Straight Path is true, illuminated, blissful.
Realm of the temptress,
The darkness is deceptive, mysterious, sensual.
Strong are her temptations,
To explore the forbidden, as curiosity weakens the will.
So to loose ones bearings
In these alleys of darkness, is not a failure of the soul.
Its in our nature, this weakness,
For our curiosity is a magnet to mystery, even those foul.
But to revert from this darkness,
To the illuminated path, is indeed a triumph of the will.
Let your imagination be you guide.
Sameer Denzi Oct 2014
I am on a voyage to somewhere far
On a meagre boat, on an ocean vast
The water is calm but deep and murky
The day is pleasant but passes slowly

From here and there, and near and far
The mortals on board are a motley lot
Most are calm and pass time patiently
But few count every second covetously
Like birds of a feather, they came together
To cajole the captain to go even faster
“By wind and current our speed is good”
To the deaf and dumb the capt'n preached

“We know better” they arrogantly said
And rallied all others to back their deed
Most kept quiet, but a few did concur
“Captain go faster, or we'll take over!”

The ruckus got louder and over heated
I closed my eyes and my ears I covered
“I'm above all this!, it doesn't concern me”
And escaped to a world of make-believe

But not long after, I was getting quite wet
I was sinking, I saw, along with the rest
*“If only I hadn't been such a **** coward,
If only I had made a stand, If only I had....
HMS Earth
Sameer Denzi Jan 2017
Unproven theories boss over Science
Science has become the new religion
Religion has become a hub for hypocrites
Hypocrites want to become our leaders
Our leaders want to pillage our land
Our land is stripped bare of its wealth
Wealth is now worth more that people
People are abandoning their intelligence
Intelligence is now becoming artificial
Artificial is sold as though from Nature
Nature for most is ‘as seen’ on television
Television encloses our new reality
Reality thus, has become devoid of Passion
Passion that we need to find the truth
The truth about ‘what is’, and ‘what is not’.
Sameer Denzi Jul 2014
A woman in heaven caused the fall of man,
Even though the apple was plucked by her man.
A woman in Troy caused a ****** old war,
Brave men fought for the honour of possessing her.
A woman in Judea gave birth to a baby boy,
Whose tongue caused upheavals that's felt to this day.

A woman in a bikini is a poster for her own liberation,
While in a burka she is a symbol of her own oppression.
She must be the cause of her own sexploitations,
For her assets fulfil the ogling market's expectations.

When she's *****, it must be her fault in some way,
For as she passes by, her brethren look the other way.
A young woman is responsible for her own lynching,
If she dishonours her brethren for her lover's calling.
As a child she is the cause of her own infanticide,
For she is the bearer of ill-omens and misfortune.

Has anyone ever asked her if she wants to be a poster,
Or a commodity, or a bearer of their burden and slander?
Beware how you treat her, for she is above all a mother,
Whose hands may cradle the next saint, thief or ******.
Injustice against women is sure-sign of moral and intellectual bankruptcy.

— The End —