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I desperately hold on to
The remnants of my youth
As late autumn dying leaves
Getting older is such a scary thought...
Hold my beer
While I get some whisky
And become a stranger to
Everyone I've ever known
I swear to God I'll never drink again...
I should've been a better friend
I should've been there for you
I should've known better...
But as much as it pains me
To admit such terrible truth
You know I've always been
The narcissistic type
And had to make it
All about me
One of the hardests confessions I've ever made...
You buried me
Half the world away
And a lifetime ago

Yet you find me
In your every daydream
In every foreign touch
In every what if...

But never quite
How haunting is that?
When our eyes met
And our hands touched
It was inevitable that
Our bodies would
Soon follow
You were as irresistable as ice cream on a summer day...
I don't want to stay
On autopilot anymore
I wanna go home with a
Bouquet of wild flowers
Cook your favorite meal
And dance with you to
A Chet Baker song on
Our balcony by the
Light of the stars
I want to be here with my body and soul
The only thing worse
Than pulling the trigger
Is spending your entire Life
With a barrel on your mouth
Just waiting for that 'bang'
P.s. This is not a poem about suicide. It's about expectations. About living with a heavy burden and never being able to set free of it.
Empires have fallen
For a beauty lesser
Than yours
Helen of Troy would pale by your side
Yesterday I took
A day off and drove
All the way to Berlin
A seven hours roadtrip
(Which I made in four)
Like the ones I used to do
Back when we were young
Just because you said that
There'd be some party and
It'd be cool if I showed up

Yesterday I walked
In the pouring rain
Around the Tiergarten
Like we did so many times
Because you were having
A tough day and wanted
To talk about it

Yesterday I've had
Some coffee in our old
Place in Prenzlauer Berg
And I swear that for a
Moment I could glance
Across that familiar table
Your emerald green eyes
And the wild flames of
Your red hair

I know it's kind of stupid
Keep coming to this place
Now that you're happily
Married and with children
Living half the world away
In America

But those memories are
The closest I'll ever be
Of seeing you again
And for that Berlin
Will forever have
A special place
In my heart
Every street is such a vivid reminder of you
I often think about
How he took you to
That filthy motel and
Made you bleed just
So that he wouldn't
One of my best friends got pregnant when she was a teenager. She was very scared, but wanted the child anyway. Yet her ******* boyfriend (the father) took her to a motel and made her do an abortion.
She never recovered and took her life within a year... no woman should be forced to do an abortion. Just as any woman should be forbidden to do one.
I'm afraid of failure
Of becoming a burden
But above all, I'm afraid
Of hurting the ones I love
And ending up alone...

Yet I'm here, I've shown
In the face of my demons
And screamed at them
That they'll never take
The very best of me

So I may not be fearless
I'm quite fine with that
For I'm brave
I never regarded myself as the courageous type... until the day I realized that being brave doesn't mean being fearless. Being brave means facing your fears in order to do what you must.
It's such a lovely combo
The warmth of your legs
Paired with the frost
On your heart
You're the whole package
Not entirely sure
What's more toxic
You, me or cyanide
I guess I'll have a shot of cyanide, please...
It'll all work out
It'll all work out
It'll all work out

These are the words
I've been repeating
To myself nonstop for
The past few months
Like a compulsive

But I'm not sure
Of them anymore
To be honest I'm not
Quite sure of anything
These days other than
Death and taxes
A piece about anxiety... plus, I'm a tax auditor, so a little joke about work as well.
Today I've just laid
In my bed the entire day
Feeling absolutely numb
And that's what scares
Me the most...

I don't wanna go down
That road again
Every word feels off... everything feels off. But I kinda needed to write it anyway.
Perhaps we weren't
Fated to much more
Than disaster
Such a lovely trainwreck...
Was it true anything you said?
Or that mess was all about
Getting back at your ex?
Placing me on your bed
And then shutting me out
After a meaningless night of ***?
Sometimes I still wonder what it meant...
Of all the people
That fate stole away
You're the one I'll
Miss the most...
I wish you have a beautiful life!
My body is broken
But doesn't really matter
How badly beat up I get
My soul still wants
To pick a fight

I guess us fighters
Are just made like that
We never really know
When and how to quit
We're too **** tough
For our own good

We just want that fire
So we keep pushing
On and forward
Forward and on
Wonder where it'll lead us...
My body is broken
But doesn't really matter
How badly beat up I get
My soul still wants
To pick a fight

I guess us fighters
Are just made like that
We never really know
When and how to quit
We're too **** tough
For our own good

We just want that fire
So we keep pushing
On and forward
Forward and on
A repost of a piece that I wrote last september, while trying to shake myself off a depressive episode... couldn't be more appropriate: I'm fighting really hard right now.
I craved for more for
As long as I remember
Tailor-made Italian suit
A brand new sports car
That penthouse with a
Postcard city view

So I sold my soul for it
Gave away my innocence
Scarred my mental health
Lost my very joie de vivre
In the process of chasing
Those shinny promises

But now that I got there
I realize that I fought for
No more than fool's gold
Useless junk that'll never
Fill the void that is to exist
Being a broken thing
Hope the future brings some perspective...
I can count the
Freckles on your face
While your fingers can
Follow the pattern of the
Slashes on my back
I'm afraid you may take a while, though...
My friends used
To always be around
Good times, bad times
It didn't really matter
Every day was a new
Exciting adventure

Fast forward 10 years
Our group is scattered
All over the world and
We've become merely
Memoirs to reminisce
On my insomnia nights
Realized I don't have any friend left. Did my depression took the best of me? Did I become that dull? Or that's just how being a grown up supposed to be? I really couldn't say...
I never felt more alone.
If filling the gap
Between the man I am
And the one you deserve
Isn't enough reason to
Get up in the morning
Then I don't know
What ever will
I like to think I'll get there...
You had every right to leave
But not without saying
I needed some closure...
I've given up religion
After every church said
There's a special place
For people like me
Just for trying to
Make my pain
Go away
My father beat me up pretty badly for as long as I can remember... when I was fifteen I said no more and gave him a little of what he deserved - and got kicked out of his house for it. That same week my first girlfriend dumped me.
It was just too much for a teen to handle without proper help and it seemed like that despair would stay forever. So I went to 3 different drug stores and bought every pain killer I could get my hands into... and took them all at once. I was so lucky my system rejected them and made me throw up.
So that's why I cut the cord from church... isn't God love? Isn't God forgiveness? Or am I doomed almost from the start?
I like to think not... I like to think that's no more than an earthly claim.
I long for home
Though I'm not sure
Where home is anymore
It's exhausting not knowing where you belong...
It's as sad as it gets...
To behold the world out there
Bursting with magnificent colours
While I'm comfortably stuck
On the other side of the glass
Drowning in my own inertia
A few words about getting older. About everyday struggles and how futile they seem. Maybe society is just built to glue us to the ground... or maybe there's just something wrong with me.
We cut one another
Down to the very flesh
While we miss each other
Deep inside our bones

Isn’t that ironic?
Why do we tend to hurt the ones we love (and vice versa)?
I don't want
To be forgiven
I wanna walk to
That graveyard by
The black forest
Kiss Myrtha and
Dance with the
Willis until
I'm dead
Based on the ballet 'Giselle'... and in my current state of mind.
Life feels like
Carrying a piano
While walking on
A tightrope
It's hard being strong without losing balance...
You say I'm insane for
Driving my brand new cabrio
With its roof wide open
In the pouring rain
But have you ever tried?
Who needs that new car smell anyway...?
You make me wanna
Buy a classic motorcycle
Quit my boring corporate job
And move to the Italian alps

You make me wanna stop
Piling up wasted days
And start living
And I'll always love you for this - even if it's nothing but a dream.
Today I took
The long way home
Added a few extra miles
To my beat up VW while
Listening to some oldies
And watching the sun rays
Gently finding their way
Through the trees before
Fading in the horizon

Today I took
The time to see past the
Darkness I was plunged in
To appreciate there's beauty
In the perpetual changes of life
For most things might never
Be as they once were
But what matters
Will remain...
Almost forgot how beautiful life can be...
You always beat me
At every game we played
So when I broke your heart
It was only natural that
You'd shatter mine
Timing couldn't be any worse
We were living in a makeshift flat
While barely making ends meet
But we always wanted a baby
So we were thrilled anyway

Yet life had other plans
Of loss and unbearable pain
As it does over and over again
My wife got pregnant and ended up having a miscarriage late 2023. It's a little over a year now, but it hurts like it happened just yesterday.
Mind over body
Is what they tell me
Yet I can't help to feel
That's just placing
A broken thing
Over another
I feel so exhausted lately... in every single way. Hopefully it shall pass.
In another dimension
Galaxies away from here
Would it matter?
What if?
Lately I've been feeling
Disconnected from the world
It seems such a dreadful place
It feels far away from home

So I come to my safe haven
Read and write for hours
Write and read some more
And I know I'm not alone

For I get to see each of you
The outcasts, the weirdos
The misfits, the poets...
But above all, the kind

My little beacons of hope...
My people
It doesn't matter that english is my third language and my poetry *****... you always make me feel special. Just wanted you to know how amazing you are too!
Follow the North Star
Until you can reach
The northern lights
There we'll dance
With the spirits of old
And know that we
Found a place
To call home
I never had a chance to see the northern lights... what a sight they must be.
Only you can take
Me out of bed and
Get me through the
Dullness of my day
Only you can give me
Energy enough to keep
All those intrusive
Thoughts at bay

No need for sugar
No need for cream
I like you dark
Bitter and true
I believe we make
Such a perfect team
When we're together
I never feel blue

So call it love
Call it addiction
I couldn't care less
If I have a cup of
Hot strong coffee
I won't fade to stress
Just one cup will be fine... or maybe twenty.
Wrap your legs around me
And let me fade into you
Until our souls
Become one
Such sweet embrace...
Orange man says
There’s a special people
The ones chosen by God
While everyone else might
Just disappear abroad

Not pleased merely
By casting every race
Deemed inferior away
He now threatens them
With Guantanamo bay

But orange man can’t really
Mean any of this nonsense
At least I hope that’s true
Mustache man was a joke
Until it was far overdue
The similarity of speeches is frightening. If you're a fan of orange man, for all of our sakes, I REALLY hope you're right and that's no more than cheap talk...
Tell me, my dear
Do you really hate me?
Or are you just mad that
I opened the Pandora's
Box inside your head?
God knows what you'll find there...
With flour, you can make dough
With tomatoes, you can make sauce
But top them with cheese
And add a little heat
And you can make magic
There's food, there's great food, and then there's pizza.
I could never write
Anything remotely
As flawless as you do
So I'll fake it until
Someday I can find
Beauty in words too
It's hard not to feel like a fraud among such amazing writers here at hepo.
Gazes magnetically meet
Across the crowded room
A slight touch of hands as we
Pass through the hallway
I steal a kiss when
No one's around

P.s. no one can know
About a girl I hurt a lifetime ago...
I used to be bold and fearless
Annoyingly self assured
Daydreaming about greatness
Telling everyone about how
Someday I'd rule the world.

Those days are long gone
Making me feel like a hollow shell
A mere shadow of my former self
And life became all about
Playing a role I simply can't fit
Fooling everyone...
But me
Will this anguish and emptiness ever go away?
How I deeply wish that
You could see yourself
The way I do
For it's quite a view
To my wife... how can a person so beautiful have such a terrible self esteem?
Can we ever be friends?
Or is our weird collection
Of unfinished business
Far beyond repair?
Could a thing so broken somehow work?
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