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13.0k · Jan 2016
strength of a woman
she chooses to remain beautiful,
although life has scarred her so horrifically inside...

...a phenomenal woman she is ❤
This is a post originally written by Sicelo Reginald Kubheka.
3.1k · Dec 2015
t.r.i.n.i.t.y [5w]
2.7k · Dec 2015
2.4k · Mar 2016
I see life in grey,
Where black does not stand alone without white,
Where the melanin of my skin does not factor as to how society sees me,
Where Mother’s language that rolls from my tongue is never labeled.

The only struggle I should face is between the relationships
I try to mount
...between pen and paper
…between my head and my heart.
Where common sense should trump any and every stereotype,
Where the only thing foreign is the knowledge I am yet to acquire,
Or the journeys I am yet to trudge upon.

Borne of the soil that bears some of the greatest fruits,
I am one of Her many blessings,
An Afrikan princess that is still rising to her majestic throne,
That seeks to reign over a land united
Behind the death of the rainbow;
The rebirth of decolonialism.
And casts all children of the corn of these chains,
Golden bronze bonds
That continue to enslave the people of true liberty, and prosperity.
The liberty that ascertains that no man shall ever be consumed
By their hunger for superiority.


I AM because WE ARE!
This is a collaborative effort between myself and @NuBlaccSoul which is to commemorate Human Rights Day (21 March)
2.0k · Jan 2016
my mantra...[3w]
Listen to Things
More often than Beings
Hear the voice of fire
Hear the voice of water
Listen in the wind
To the sigh of the bush
This is the ancestors breathing
Those who are dead are not ever gone
They are in the darkness that grows lighter

And in the darkness that grows darker
The dead are not down in the earth
They are in the trembling of the trees
In the groaning of the woods
In the water that runs
In the water that sleeps
They are in the hut,
They are in the crowd

**The dead are not dead.
An excerpt by Birago Diop
which can be found in the African Philosophy Reader (Coetzee & Roux 2003: 723)
1.7k · Jan 2016
the writer's curse
writing can sometimes be a curse,
as much as it is a gift
it is beautiful to move people with your words,
it can also be quite devastating
when you can't even string words together
in order to bring comfort to a heart that is breaking
right before your eyes

1.6k · Jan 2016
The only peace we can ever afford ourselves is from within...
The moment you start speaking things into existence,
The sooner you can find that peace
1.5k · Mar 2016
Dear Woman
The strength bestowed upon us can turn into a heavy burden,
One which our scrawny shoulders sometimes can't carry,
Or our tired backs from entering the journey of womanhood,
Or even our bruised and battered souls that continue to brave on along this path of emotional, mental and even physical scaring we live to bear.

Maybe being a woman means I'm supposed to be inferior to my other half,
Or bowing to him as if he had turned into a humanly form of a deity that I am supposed to worship.

I am a person,
I am that face society either frowns or smiles upon,
I break,
I soldier on,
I cry,
I laugh...
and boy, is it quite an interesting journey of self-realisation.

But at the end of the day,
I want to raise my voice to the sound of jubilance,
Not to news of someone getting *****;
a girl not going to school because she is not 'smart enough';
a cry from the brutality at the hands of another;
another statistic telling us the measure of a woman, when compared to a man;
another dream dying because your belief in yourself and the capabilities you possess has become a distortion of what everyone believes to be 'right/wrong'

You'll be given varying descriptions,
And that's okay...

1.5k · Feb 2016
Life [4w]
Your race,
Your pace!
This is the best way to sum up your life, at any given point. You're not competing with anyone, you're not doing what everyone else is doing...
You are running your own race and only you can determine how long it should take for you to reach the finish line...if there is even one.
1.5k · Jan 2016
Sit quietly in the emptiness of your thoughts,
Let your heart be carried by the wind.
1.4k · May 2016
To Feel
Life is lived to it's fullest,
When you can still *FEEL
I am no longer master of my time
Master of these greynesses of time
What flowers can I weave for Emmett Till

the child whose soul in mine
lies bleeding....

I die alone from pride
I leave to Emmett Till his death
from horror at myself
An excerpt written by Tchikaya U'Tamsi (Congo), which can be found in the African Philosophy Reader (Coetzee & Roux 2003: 725).

This piece reflects on the brutal death of Emmett Till, who passed away at the age of 14, at the hands of white brutality in a time where negritude and negation was still very rife in America.
1.2k · Jan 2017
Poetry Tuesday [8w]
what I write,
to understand my
thoughts & feelings.
The key to understanding most poets is to read what they have written, with the intention to gain an understanding into what is playing out in their mental space.
1.2k · Jan 2017
Nothing that happens in life
is by mistake or default,
It is a conscious decision
that one chooses to endure
(whether good or bad)
and regardless of the outcome,
Always look forward to the fact
that there is always something
that is meant to come of it.
1.2k · Dec 2015
live [3w]
1.2k · May 2016
When the mind is too conflicted,
A war between pen and paper shall suffice
1.1k · Jan 2017
before the world swallows you whole,
leaving you barely able to exhale all that continues to weigh you down,
or inhale all that is destined to cast away your inner conflictions.

1.1k · Sep 2016
Peace Of Mind [10w]
1.1k · Apr 2017
Realities of Love
Those who are faithless
know the pleasures of love;
it is the faithful
who know love's tragedies.
A quote from Oscar Wilde.
1.0k · Apr 2016
Serenity [3w]
Sit in Silence
Sometimes, you get to make sense of your life and the world around you when the world is congested with silence.
966 · Aug 2016
Emotional Death [5w]
874 · Jun 2016
Something about death always turns into an emotional journey through all and any memories you've had with someone throughout your lives,
Going through the penetrating pain of how you can't not let go when the time comes,
There's no mental preparation for what life without a person you've grown to treasure in your life turns out to be.

That's true,
No preparation,
NONE whatsoever!!!

It is an inevitable part of our lives
that ultimately comes out to greet us
and at that point we really have to smile and wave,
irrespective of our energy levels
A collaboration between Khayalabo Ngudu ThePoet and Nonkululeko Anicia Khumalo describing death.
870 · Jan 2016
856 · Dec 2015
comfort zone
"A comfort zone
is a beautiful place,
but nothing ever grows there..."
847 · Feb 2018
You wouldn't just leave,
that was never gonna be enough for you.

You wanted to drag my soul through the pits of misery,
have it's beauty carved on glass...
...because you knew just how easily it could break.

You wanted to take every part of me there was to take,
just so you could rip me to shreds...
...leaving me in pieces
that could never mend.

Little did you know that I was already detached from my being...
...the moment you thought you were becoming one with it.

That I was so estranged from the person you knew...
...because I was already becoming someone you would never get to know.

You took all there was to take,
not because you had that power over me,
but rather
because I gave up what was no longer necessary for my existence.
The beauty of pain is often found in acknowledging its lesson(s).
829 · Jul 2017
825 · Sep 2016
Writing [7w]
808 · Mar 2016
Confidence is found from self-awareness,
The more you discover yourself,
The more love you devote to your self-worth.
776 · Aug 2016
Knowing [10w]
The constant hunger for knowledge is rather insatiable.
768 · Dec 2015
sitting on the porch just waiting to see one more glimpse of you
I should've known then I was a fool to believe
you'd ever want me too
this silly girl gave in to her heart
I should've listened to my head and now I'm left here alone
just thinking about everything my daddy said cause you're a heartbreaker
a soul taker
no one [will] hold you down
so take what you want and then take all the rest 'cause this girl is headin' out of town
a summer sun was beatin' down the day your eyes met mine
I was mesmerised by the smile on your lips
didn't know how sweet they could laugh
every touch
every moment in time
you caused every sigh and now left here alone thinking I should have seen
I should've seen you'd make me cry cause you're a heartbreaker
a soul taker
no one will hold you down
so take what you want and then take all the rest 'cause this girl is headin' out of town
one day I know I'll be moving on but I fear you'll always be right there holdin' a piece of my heart that will never belong to me and I'll live my life on reasons to smile
so everyone will always think that you didn't shake me and totally break me
they'll never know
I'll never be free cause you're a heartbreaker
a soul taker
no one [will] hold you down
so take what you want and then take all the rest 'cause this girl is gettin' away from you heartbreaker
you soul taker
I'll never be the same you took what you want and I gave it away and now I'm left here standing in the rain
One of my favourite poems by one of my favourite poets...
748 · Dec 2015
I write so that my brain can exhale...

When the voice of justice is silent, evil will always triumph...
700 · May 2016
I am the embodiment of a goddess,
The picture that is too perfect to pass as
Yet too imperfect to be brushed aside as

I am the strength that resides deep in the
cavity of my heart,
That carries the toughest emotional burdens,
Yet still retains a smile on my face.

I am the story that can never be put down in words,
With many having a lot to dictate about my life,
Yet leaving me no room to live it out as I

I am that woman society carries on to shun upon,
Unaware of how the world's oyster has
multitudes of people
Who are still waiting to marvel upon.

This is my journey,
It is not limited to pictures,
It is not limited by the words left unspoken,
It is not limited to what;
could have;
would have,
or even;
should have

It is constantly moving on a path of self-
Where self-love is the food that feeds my soul,
Where self-awareness is what adds to the
sparkle in my eyes,
Where self-reliance is the backbone on which I shall forever stand on.

This is who I am,
This is what my life entails,
And the best part is that-
I am living it!
Words to a dear friend, because sometimes we need to remind them that they always matter, no matter how many kicks life may throw at them.
696 · May 2016
You can find yourself so far,
even with the smallest thing...

Just listen to the communications of the universe.

They convey messages all around you,
just find your balance...
and you'll be alright!
694 · Jan 2017
i'm Reading
but I'm just not
674 · Dec 2015
fate never lies
Go with your gut,
if you don't,

Fate never lies
658 · Apr 2016
I never plan to wake up,
I just decide to!
656 · Dec 2015
Constantly having your face buried in eating food,
To even stop to catch a glimpse of the pain on the faces of those around you
653 · Apr 2016
all that one needs is a friendly face
that they haven't seen in a while
to remind them of
how much there is
to value in life.
643 · Jan 2017
Untitled [8w]
Our bodies repeat
the rhythm of the moon
An extract from Paulo Coehlo's "By The River Piedra I Sat And Wept"
609 · Jan 2017
Writer's Dilemma
I have too many words in my head,
if I don't write them down,
I lose a piece of myself....
577 · Dec 2015
the only insanity known to me,
happens to be
564 · Jan 2017
It is always in one's silence,
that all is usually revealed for you to see.

Silence is not deafening,
it speaks volumes
that can only be heard
by an attentive soul.
532 · Oct 2020
The fall of ascension
Sometimes a fall
is the universe's way of telling you
that you aren't grounding yourself enough,
that all you need
is to centre yourself
against the earth
in order for a balance
to find its way to you.

we put up the worst fights
when we fall,
simply because
we assume it is belittling,
in rushing to get back on our feet,
we miss the lessons
of the significance behind that fall...

Time is often most telling
in the most unorthodox ways,
so when you fall,
allow your rise to be at a pace
where you know that
your feet will help you stand firm.
532 · Dec 2015
life lesson
I don't disappoint people,
I just take them through lessons on why they should never have their hopes raised too high.
515 · Oct 2020
unspoken words
it is leaving our words unspoken
that has our throats feeling choked,
it is at this point in time
when setting your words free
may be the only means
to setting yourself
513 · Dec 2015
The truth is,
Nobody wants to be alone.
The reality is,
There are people who deserve to be.
506 · Feb 2016
NO human creature can give orders to love
A thought by George Sand, a French author.
480 · Feb 2016
There's no better time to reflect on your life,
Than at the exact time you were born.
Being brought into the world is a gift no-one can ever take from you,
Because each year serves as a reminder of why you have reason to celebrate the gift of life ❤
Time of birth, 24years ago on this day, 12/02
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