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469 · Jan 2016
The sun will remember that your heart needs to feel it's rays upon it
468 · Jan 2017
I grew to love people too much,
I forgot how to reciprocate that love.
451 · Feb 2016
p.o.e.t.r.y 101
Dear writer/reader,

I need you to take yourself through this brief poetry lesson...

Poetry is how we give meaning to our feelings and thoughts,
It is not merely stringing words together,
But putting something out there,
That someone else can relate to
Or merely draw inspiration from.
It is a recipe for criticism,
But within reason.

So, go on and let these words be the mouthpiece for your head and heart.

Sincerely yours,
This was inspired by someone on this site who mentioned how something I had written was MEANINGLESS.
A mind that fails to develop its own interpretation of someone's words is one that is oblivious to understanding, so let's not put others down simply because we don't entirely agree with what they choose to put out on their personal pages :)
445 · Jan 2016
436 · Jan 2016
life is a journey with an unknown destination,
this isn't role play,
there is NO script to this!!
422 · Dec 2015
I became more quiet about my life
and I started enjoying it more...
416 · Jul 2016
You might never know the pain
That comes with
Waiting for love...
You might NEVER even find.
The patience on love can make one grow really weary, but it is not for the faint-hearted because of this reason.
389 · Dec 2015
Sunsets that drag on to sunrises,
My heart's full of heaviness....
That the weight can only be lifted
By the motions that lure me back to
Flirting with the idea of coitus
Only manifesting in the embodiment
Of a VG...
384 · Feb 2016
when do the tears
stop running down our faces,
and finally heal our ailing hearts?
372 · Dec 2015
blurred lines
There is a beauty in everyone
that is usually altered
by the brush
that society usually
chooses to
paint them with.
348 · Jan 2016
My fear had the worst hold over me
It almost consumed me to death...
I've been restored back to life
By deciding to simply put it beside me
That's the only way I got on with life
342 · Jan 2016
Sometimes writing is better than talking.
When a person reads what you're 'saying',
they can paint a picture of your words for themselves.

An interpretation that is tailor-made by each individual,
As opposed to utterances that can easily fall on deaf ears.
315 · Dec 2015
Anything that does not promise any progress,
be it in the long run or short term,
is really not worth my time.
The value of time is too immeasurable
for it to be wasted on
309 · Jan 2016
sometimes you need to break down to pieces,
in order to feel whole again...
294 · Dec 2015
imperfect perfection
We can't plan life,
All we can do is available for it
Borrowed from L.S. Mashifane
274 · Jan 2016
255 · Dec 2015
Writing is my drug,
I'm taking too much of it...
224 · Dec 2015
Life has to be a constant cycle
of change in order for us to
nurture our own growth
...the bad comes with the good
and it is all purely moulding us.
194 · Oct 2020
the comfort of silence
...and on the days when no words seem to find their way to you,
may your silence be the warm hug that you need.

— The End —