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12.3k · Feb 2016
Look of Disappointment
np Feb 2016
That look,
that look you're giving me,
i could tell what it is from a mile away.
You aren't mad, no. You're disappointed.
That look,
that look you're giving me
with your eyes darkened and the corners of your mouth twitching down.
You aren't sad, no. You're disappointed.
That look,
that look you're giving me,
like i just stained your favorite sweater
the one that fits you just right.
You aren't remorseful, no. You're disappointed.
That feeling,
that feeling I get when you give me the look.
It's a punch in the gut.
A loss of trust.
A trembling, constant worry.
I'm not disappointed, No.
I'm the disappointment.

6.8k · Mar 2018
np Mar 2018
give me a kiss
like it could be your
last one.
“hold on”
you say,
as you quickly down your
cold one.
make love to me
under the light
of the stars,
under the light
of the bars.
look in your eyes
with a caring gaze,
all i get back
is a drunken haze.

4.9k · Jan 2015
Your spark
np Jan 2015
You were just a spark.
Your flame not yet ignited.
Then he came into your life.
This boy,
he ignited you.
Your spark now a burning flame.
His smile lit it up with admiration.
His laugh made it flicker with excitement.
And his jokes made it roar with passion.
Soon enough he was your spark,
your flame,
your burn.
He engulfed you with fire,
he was your fire.
Little did you know that one day he would cause your flame to become dim.
He would feed your fire not with love,
but with hate.
And soon he was just a boy again.
And soon you were just a spark again.
waiting to be set on fire once more.

3.0k · Nov 2020
np Nov 2020
I am

tired of not being respected,
tired of being taken advantage of,
tired of being told what to do,
tired of being accused,
tired of always being wrong,
tired of silent conversations for hours on end,
tired of wondering why i’m not good enough,
tired of apologizing for things that aren’t my fault,
tired of your twisting of words,
tired of your apathy,
tired of your ruthless blunt comments,
tired of missing your hot touch on my bare skin,
tired of wishing you cared,
tired of trying so hard for someone who doesn’t give a **** in return,
tired of analyzing my every move for your “peace of mind”,
tired of jumping through hoops to impress you only to realize you arent at the show,
tired of being on the brink of saying goodbye only for you to win me right back with one of your dazzling smiles and gentle hugs,
tired of being spoken down to,
tired of feeling small,
tired of hiding parts of me that are too loud for you,
tired of frowning when i could be smiling,
tired of sobbing when could be laughing,
tired of hating myself when i could be loving myself.
i’m so **** tired.
i’m so ******* tired.

tired of being tired.
#tired #yawn #breakup #relationships #love #hate #trust #loving
2.8k · Jan 2018
np Jan 2018
love comes in various forms;

It can be found in the smile that spreads across your face at the thought of him,

It can be seen in the vibrant red roses that show beautifully in a vase,

It can be made between people after years..or minutes of knowing each other

It can make you feel like you’re walking on air,

or being shoved to the ground.

it can be seen between a man and a woman,

or by people of the same ***.

love comes is various forms,

and it cannot be ignored.

1.9k · Oct 2018
fear of feeling?
np Oct 2018
maybe it’s just me.
maybe, it’s just my way of finding an out,
an out because

I’m afraid.

afraid that my delicate heart,
that’s being held in his


is going to break.

break beyond repair.
and then,
I will have no one
I will have nothing.
for the broken pieces of me
that were once so alive
for him
I always manage to convince myself out of having feelings for someone, no matter the severity of those feelings. I don't know why I do it, sometimes my heart has a mind of its own
1.9k · Jan 2018
just a memory
np Jan 2018
i can still feel your touch,
your soft hands grabbed my face and i was quickly intoxicated with your scent.
i can still taste your lips,
the fresh mint that feverishly entered my mouth without hesitation.
i can still hear your laugh,
it roared as you threw your head back in blithe.
i still feel the distance,
the way you shut me out, unconcerned of how it would affect me.

i long to feel your touch

to taste your lips

to hear your laugh

just once more

but now,
you’re just a memory.

1.7k · Feb 2020
sister, sister
np Feb 2020
our relationship took a quick turn for the worst
the corner was too sharp, we overcorrected-
barely surviving, holding on by a thread.
mom says we'll be okay, fighting is just what sisters do...
and I believed her
the first couple dozen times that is,
until it started to become repetitive and meaningless.

a fight about taking each others clothes,
"it's just what sisters do".

an argument about me being too sensitive and taking everything too personally,
"it's just what sisters do"

a screaming match about our lives and how vastly different they are,

how distanced

we are,

how there will always be a divide,
(you blame this on age)

but 10 years between us
shouldn't hurt

this much.

now I expect the endless bashing of my sensitivity and my emotionally driven mind

I don't bat an eye at the jealousy ridden remarks thrown in my face,

and though I can't count on you,

I can surely count on you putting me down

and holding me there until it hurts

and I let you,


that's just what sisters do...

Sad because I have a **** relationship with my sister. I wish it could be different.
our relationship flourished for a while as we both grew into adulthood, but she lets jealousy and lack of confidence get between us. This isn't what sisters should do.
1.7k · Jan 2018
np Jan 2018
my heart races for you,
it goes the extra mile for you,
it passes the finish line for you,
it does all these things for you
and you aren’t even there to cheer it on from the crowd
1.6k · Feb 2021
np Feb 2021
ashley is dimples and bangs
she is freckles scattered from cheek to cheek,
the sun never failing to show her love.
ashley is shy smiles paired with fiddling hands one moment,
a wheezy laugh with an arm clutching her aching stomach the next.
ashley is a fixer.
she’s like an addict looking for their
next head rush,
instead of tracking down drugs,
she tracks down projects.
people who are hurting,
drains that aren’t draining,
hearts that are breaking.
doing anything
in her power to mend what she can.
she will put the hurting minds at ease with words of affirmation,
she will fearlessly rid the drain of the ball of hair the size of a small animal,
and she will piece together the breaking hearts
with the tape that is holding her own broken heart intact.
ashley is strong.
unaware of her own strength,
and often forgetting that she’s been to the darkest places and back.
she is patient.
knowing that sometimes you have to endure the bad
to later revel in the good.
she is compassionate.
giving out more love than she receives and willingly doing it again the next day.
ashley is
She will sit with you in the dark when you are unable to find the bright side of things
She will validate the feelings that you thought no one would care or dare to comprehend.
She will walk into your life and leave a footprint on your heart,
making it absolutely impossible to remember what life was like without her.
She will change your life without even trying, without even realizing.
and yes, change can be scary,
but things are never as scary as they seem
when you’ve got a best friend
like ashley.
1.6k · Oct 2018
np Oct 2018
soft grip of her waist

lips close to her ear

she knows you’ll say


what she wants to hear
1.6k · Oct 2018
"only if you impress me"
np Oct 2018
if my brilliant mind
is not enough for you,
than you are simply
not worth impressing.
boy please...
1.4k · Jul 2021
maybe, just maybe
np Jul 2021
“maybe this time it’ll be different”
“maybe we can work things out”
“maybe you won’t get hurt”
“maybe you won’t catch feelings”
“maybe you can control the growing feelings and turn them off”
“maybe he’s better as a friend”
“maybe you won’t have *** again”
“maybe this time around he won’t randomly kiss your face goodbye, leaving you wondering what it meant and wanting more all at once”
“maybe this time he won’t tell you he loves you when you’re ******* for the third time that day”
“maybe this time he’ll stop talking to other girls”
“maybe this time he’ll hide the other girls better”
“maybe this time he’ll hurt you enough to stay away”
“maybe this time you should just stay away”
i’ve realized that the word “maybe” has made its bed within my head and is living there rent free,
all because i cant seem to break free,
from you.
1.3k · Feb 2016
np Feb 2016
You say you're sorry
Sorry for taking advantage of my kindness once again.
Sorry for ruining our chances at being close like we were.
Sorry for pushing us farther and farther apart.
When will you realize sorry doesn't heal everything.
It's not the tape you easily put on a rip in a paper,
its not the needle and thread you used to patch up your torn shirt,
its not the band aid you put on your open wound.
Because soon enough,
the tape dries
the thread loosens
and the band aid falls off
But don't worry, you can always say sorry.
By now sorry has probably set up a tent on your tongue, it seems to be the only thing coming out of your mouth.
When will you realize sorry doesn't heal everything.
It  isn't supposed to last a couple of weeks.
The more you say it, the less meaning it has.
I wont be around to wait for you to figure any of this out.

1.1k · Oct 2018
np Oct 2018
my feelings are so deep,
so strong
for you.
your feelings are so weak,
it feels wrong
with you.
I turn the other cheek,
I spent so long
on you.
my heart,
once warm, now bleak
no longer belongs
to you.

why do you love to mess with my head
861 · Sep 2019
just let go.
np Sep 2019
we’re on the side of the cliff right now
you and i
one of us is about to jump and create a forever distance between us
i used to think you would be the one leaving me on the edge of the cliff at the end
but the constant drama, bad talking and hurt that you’ve intentionally caused has not just guided me over the edge
but pushed me over the edge
I fought so hard for you
I wanted to fix things with you
But my arms are getting tired
My fingers are starting to ache
I can’t hang around for much longer
I’m exhausted
I’m ready to let go
I’m letting go.
678 · Mar 2018
np Mar 2018
late night
dark room
quiet house
mind on you

621 · Feb 2019
take a shot
np Feb 2019

this time
you can take
the heat.

probably not,
prepare for
470 · Sep 2019
gradual acceptance
np Sep 2019
I did it
I regret it
I owned up to it
I apologized for it
and apologized for it
Apologized for it again
What more do you want from me?
What more do you need from me?
What else is there to say?
What else is there to do?
What else can I do?
I won’t apologize
I owned up to it
Regret nothing
I did it.
435 · May 2019
high, how are you?
np May 2019
i blow the smoke out

along with my worries for the night

i feel my eyes get heavy

i feel my body getting light

see my veins protruding under my skin

hear my heart pounding aggressively within

my stomach yearns for hot food

the music puts me in a good mood

i feel a roller coaster in my head

before i know it I'm in bed
434 · May 2019
d8ing in 2019
np May 2019
do people even go on dates anymore?
is it really a thing people still do?
yeah I'll go hang out with a guy,
but when does hanging out cross over into the date territory?
everyone is all about "Netflix and chilling"
what happened to going out to see a movie?
telling a guy about yourself is possibly the worst part
you feel like you're handing him an enormously long book
they are willingly taking part in reading it
but they start to instantly regret it as they do
often finding themselves getting bored
or growing tired of the content.
now, this isnt the case with all of them,
just most of them.
maybe one day there will be one
that doesn't start the conversation off with
"that *** is lookin' great"
maybe one day there will be one
that doesn't invite me over only at times that are
far too late
maybe one day there will be one
that wants to ask me
on a date.
dating culture in 2019 is absolute trash. TRY and convince me otherwise.
417 · Dec 2020
np Dec 2020
you were like a drug i couldn't seem to get enough of.
each touch,
each kiss,
each sweet nothing you whispered in my ear,
was a way for me to get "my fix",
a way to feed my growing addiction.
you recognized this control you had over me early on,
quick to provide a re-up when you saw me coming down from the high
loving the power so much that it became your drug of choice
but it wasn't enough.
my fixation,
my dependency,
my incessant need,
it wasn't enough for you
so you took on the role of my enabler
pushing the limits of my tolerance so far i **** near overdosed
the addiction started to take its toll
your touch became rough and cold.
your kisses, scarce.
and you whispered
nothing sweet
into my ear.
but this didn't matter,
I was hooked, and you were in control.
I tried to quit,
I tried to walk away,
I tried to listen to the desperate pleas that came from
my family; telling me to come back to them.
my friends; telling me they miss me.
myself; knowing I wasn't the same.
but as my blurred vision started to clear,
your face came into focus
and your touch softened
your kisses covered the scars that you created,
and the sweet nothings you whispered in my ear were enough to make me relapse
and again,
and again.
and you had control
and again,
and again.

np May 2019
"im not okay with it"
you tell me
and i feel my heart
sink a little.
the feelings i've built for him
creep away a little.
my foggy head
tries to clear a little.
how is it that your words
make me feel so little?
one of those cases where the cliche "the heart wants what the heart wants" hits far too close to home
370 · Oct 2018
it’s in your court
np Oct 2018
you’ve wanted it for so long

well here it is

being handed to you

it’s in your hands now

you’ve got the power

the control

you’ve wanted it for so long

you’ve dreamt of the day you’d get it

your heart would pound at the thought of

you’ve longed



what it would be like

to finally feel it


you’ve wanted it for so long

and here it is

in your hands

what will you do with it?
266 · Dec 2020
or is it just me?
np Dec 2020
do you lay awake at night
completely restless
thinking of me
like i do you?

do you wonder if i lay alone
or have the heat of someone else keeping me warm,
keeping me company?
do you think about the nights we spent talking rather than sleeping
knowing **** well we both had to work at the crack *** of dawn the next day?
do you think about our kisses,
the ones you insisted came in threes,
and wish you could have just one more
just to remember the feeling that came along with them?
do you think about the time where we went wrong?
where you went wrong?
do you think about the words you spit into my face,
the words you knew would sear my heart that never ceased to beat for you?

do you think about me and get angry knowing i left?
do you think about me and get sad knowing you lost me?

do you even care?
did you ever care at all?
or is it just me?
or was it just me?

i cant help but wonder these things
as i lay awake at night
completely restless
thinking of you.

198 · Sep 2019
np Sep 2019
i want you
but i can’t have you
because if i have you
i hurt her
132 · Nov 2020
just friends.
np Nov 2020
just friends.
how does that work when our relationship started so casually?
do we just pretend we didn’t stay up all night together, high out of our minds, telling random childhood stories?
do we just forget about the flirtatious comments that we always made to each other?
do we just ignore the tension that can be felt just from the brush of our hands?
do we bury the chemistry that erupts when we’re with each other?
how do i just erase the time we spent together?
how do i ignore the love i have for you?
how do i just not care?
how do i stop caring?
how do i stop thinking about you?
how do you do this?
how do you build someone up for so long, yet tear them down at the same time?
how do you fill someone with so much hope knowing you had different, dreadful plans for the outcome?
how do you know exactly what to say to win me back, to make me think you changed?
how do you invite someone in only to shut them out right as they reached the door?
i don’t know how you do it.

what i do know is we can’t be just friends,

because we just can’t be friends at all.

— The End —