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Jan 2022 · 4.5k
Just Grace Jan 2022
Lay rest your flashing glaze of wishes
Down received for a moment
Breathy bow lifts to hold
and waver across few measures
Sienna and topaz
Sienna and topaz
Singe and simmer
Shine and glimmer against
All the thoughts born and dead

What makes you eager to rise
If it is not sensing gone away stories
or nursing the aches that lunge through anywhere else but here
While you replay and delay all creation
the blossoming goes unseen

She, the maiden is reigning
Une palais à remplir
Une palais à remplir
where she is her own queen
Her oceans made of no time channel open mouths
flooding its spill

She waded into The archer
Downed in his own vessel he mistook himself the pilot of

He, marooned in the surrender of damp and fertile places
where in Death he is still recovering
Soldiering and sullen
Soldiering and sullen
He is choking, and can not stop to see or savor the blossoms rising from his own till
Jan 2022 · 4.1k
Dusk from the hammock
Just Grace Jan 2022
First star channels
     a hymn from a hammock

Leave a trail for me
     in the new grass
     I will weave back around it
as I trace the code of our pasts

I will glide back through
Like two snakes

Each print of my feet
     a press on fresh cells
Merges me with you back
          seeping to the soils

Keep speaking to me through the fire through the clouds
through the first body of light in a quickly darkening sky

In that space, we deny
all that is fear from dying

From here, there’s only “feel”
And from everywhere,  is “Love”

Jan 2022 · 2.0k
The Return
Just Grace Jan 2022
dancing in the kitchen
in pajamas

Jazz on while
the third downpour before
the end of the year
strips the buckeye of all its yellowed leaves

a well watered body
worked with the waves
and the strange freshness
of just a little water up the nose

throwing your hair
when tea sounds like the best idea during a storm
And finding your favorite cup in front after opening the cupboards

planetary bounty saying
“It’s your turn”

It’s when
all the kings unite
and rejoice for poppies in full bloom
Innocent, and dangerous

Oui, je m’aime
Oui, moi même,

en fait…
Mar 2021 · 1.5k
lies not forgotten
Just Grace Mar 2021
We give a little bit
then before long
she hears your song
telling you place

to fare belonging
to wear those longings
on your shoulders

now you'll find (you'll find, you'll find harmony)
who shares your carry
pray that you embrace them
pray that you don't waste them

give that give that give that (harmony)
give that place love
give that all that you got
love it all
embrace your falls
you're not lonely because
I see you here
Scribbles found in notebook, remembering it as an impulsive mind-dump. Found myself impressed by this reflection, as it was found later during a hardship and now finding them comforting.
Feb 2021 · 2.4k
Just Grace Feb 2021
Rushes that come with risk:
some, get that with money
some, with the market
coming out the other end somehow exponentially
better off

For me
the buoyant thoughts
of all the possibilities open
coming out the other side
I do by gambling
by tossing in intrepid
by bluffing
by raising
is the life worth gambling for
is the life I worth living

The Fearful, step aside
there are tides I need to ride
Jan 2021 · 656
Just Grace Jan 2021
The day I understand what it feels like
to love,
embracing “empty”
as I do “empathy,”

when "compassion" breathes among
those who embody that space with "passion,"

that a dream realized can also mean
something else doesn't have to die,

will I welcome such miracle?
Jan 2021 · 864
Mother Ocean
Just Grace Jan 2021
Water longed and gasped at the sunset colors above her
lapping them up in her mists and rolling waves
she took these tumbling breaths to exhale the palette across the bare sands, persuading them over and over again through time
till they too tumbled as grains in the radiant slurry

"There now, Earth and Sky. This is how we are One."
Nov 2020 · 2.7k
Loud Silences
Just Grace Nov 2020
They said

her tongue is too big
for a pretty little mouth like that

They wanted to cut it
as if it will give me more freedom
Change my mind
Liberate my sleep

Then they said
tape your mouth shut
Rip it from your lips then
remember that sting every morning when you wake
Build up that grainy residue
So that no amount of scrubbing away will change anything

That raspy, hazy din of voice–
It’s not mine anymore when you let it invade your comfort

Whose grating is it then

when I bend and it works
Your move
then it just doesn’t?

I’ll rest in my autumn warmth
wait for the drowning of winter
then after
I will warn you of Spring
Oct 2020 · 1.6k
The Wave
Just Grace Oct 2020
I’d like to think that your ways
are the air, the winds.
I am the water you can move, and carry mists of me with you,
though brief and fleeting
though you can’t see me there sometimes,
I am felt in you. I am breathed through you.
When you’re heavy with me, you are the fog.
When I’m heavy with you, I am the breaks of surf
smeared out on the sands.
we make a rip curl,
burrowing under me
by some unearthly gravitational force.
I swell and mix with you.
We fight for the top till
we must fall over the apex
and break over the earth,
crashing down
again and again.
Until there is no more moon
there is no separating us,
as much as they try.
The sea of our stories
will be played in by the ages
of Children and their children.
From our ritual they may find sanctuary
So long as our ritual exists
Oct 2020 · 306
Just Grace Oct 2020
All my desires
they saturate me like
a towel wrung out too many times
drowning in unknown "solutions"
my heart twisted limp to the point where
the water just flows over me

It tells me that
what’s left to do is the ***** work
the clean up
the kind that might even leave
an even bigger mess

there is hope that
with a shrug and a smug grin
and a passionate rage
someone is brave enough to tear
this place of pain down
burn through the house of empty dreams
and lofty, stubborn hopes
Oct 2020 · 352
Autumn Morning Message
Just Grace Oct 2020
I rise
I feel
I am perseverant
I am not alone
I am fertile with potential
I seek and engage
I love
I respect my body
I respect my health
I do this so I can serve the best way I can
I let go
I understand the present
I let myself hurt so I can let myself grow
I breathe
I let it all be
and so it all is
Sep 2020 · 749
Nightshade Soup
Just Grace Sep 2020
I felt it then
like I feel it now

There was a dead end sign
at that moment I peered into our future

We tried to give space
Then that choice was taken away
One more chance to prove we can survive
locked down together

So we took my family land
We tilled that soil
Built distractions
Illusions and dreams

The peppers and tomatoes
that I now harvest
I prepare them alone
The nightshades
the itch
now taint my tears
and pink-stain my cheeks
where they have streamed
Aug 2020 · 3.5k
Just Grace Aug 2020
take sips sip sips
tumble down the flowers
bundled in white towels at
my rose hips
from raised graves
velvet hearse
sandstone paves
push away stones along way

change patterns
break the consonance
act-like defiance
it's harder than we thought
get back to the tower
don't choke on the pink powder
before I get there

complex lush
doesn't need any soldiers
off horse, of course
only I reside in these gardens
part my own lawns to my great gates
a dosed beast waits
and I must return
based off of a dream
Just Grace Jul 2020
I know you know real pain
I know this will not make you cry
I know in the end, you will not see me

And I will never get to hold you
as the child you never got to be
Nor will I ever really be the goddess  
as a mother I feel destined to become
in your presence
Jul 2020 · 468
Just Grace Jul 2020
There is a level of pain
that comes with shame
that I never knew before

I wish there was a way
to let all the good potential
love without fear

We are lost
if we are not brave
Jul 2020 · 407
Just Grace Jul 2020
I like that
I’m no longer a fantasy
in someone else’s eyes
Not a niche
last item to tick
On an oppressive
list of things to conquer

Instead I am primal
But not of any known animal
Not untamed
But a wild refinement
As a spectrum
Melded as a prism
Not just a lens 

artificial insemination
artful intention
When death is mainstream
is a fetish
Jul 2020 · 702
Just Grace Jul 2020
I’ll let you be my prism
I’ll be your muse
Don’t you ever forget
I’ll always love you

I don’t know why they say
“Be careful, they are just words”
What if
Words are all I want from you
Master of mined legends
In this time and place we can no longer be close
I am happy in the company
Of such beautiful words

Vibrantly hazy
soothingly distructive
The inner one
Leaving traces are the best ways
to find your way home
Jul 2020 · 1.1k
Just Grace Jul 2020
The texture of
My lips

Slur the notes
That drape my hips

Across my midline

Look for us
Jul 2020 · 783
Just Grace Jul 2020
Doesn’t have to be a bad word
Doesn’t have to mean “empty”
And “missing”

When I listen
It means there is a container
Wrapped tight
And taut in something warm
The hide of a once wild
and free animal
is now a fate reverberated
as another passionate, wild being
Strikes it
Sparks the potential aflame
Into a sprout of a heartbeat

Or it is
The fog
Once aimless and reaching
Until it finds a lighthouse
Its beam also reaching for it
So when light strikes the micro droplets
Each effervescent molecule
Is lit in the turn of the path
In each passing round
An orchestra plays

That is the word
To me
contemplation of the quality of a sound sample while producing a song
Jul 2020 · 524
Just Grace Jul 2020
Tinkered lullaby
Pastel my waking life
Love notes, in melodies
Score my nights
Loop endlessly
Delicate feathers
Primal heartbeats
Serenade me into insanity  

You set the tempo
I lay the drums
You do that bittersweet color
My voice will ache, though
Catch it, mood-layer
Send it
Repeat, player

Green room,  your living room
Headphones, lie on the floor
Give me your most beautiful dystopia
Inspire me, please show me more

I can’t see you, so join me in the liminal place
Melancholy, ache
Love me through the waves
Plush vibration, touch my face
Float me through your dream
Whichever path it paves

When it crests over
Your eyes are the conductor
Make my skin reach, my body rise
with the orchestra swells
We haunt and torture
Layer upon layer
I’ll never truly sleep

I'll look for you
You'll look for me
Then I hope we land.
Jul 2020 · 460
Just Grace Jul 2020
Read to me
the story of the sun
and how our first lovers
were the stars

Your mind beams penetrate me
radiate my cells
pump my blood

I'd swim in my hair
like you do

Some melodies
don’t need a literal space, you see
world traveler,
you don’t know this place

I like that
you can’t give me an animal
intercepted patterns
unchartered moments
primally coded
in me and you
Don’t be afraid
Whatever happens
it’s only Love

— The End —