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Crandall Branch Nov 2018
I peered into the bin
I saw
Foul Creations

and at the top... One shining leaf of leetuce
I saw it for what it was: A Miracle of the Lord

I plucked the leetuce out of the bin
And handed it to an unsuspecting fellow

Little did he know he was about to be blessed with God’s leetuce

He ate the leetuce
And ascended to Heaven
a thought on religion...
sorry i have been so inactive, this moment affected me so deeply and i needed some time to reflect
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
e v e r y o n e  a l w a y s  s a y s  " l i v e  l a u g h  l o v e "

b u t  w h y  d o e s  n o  o n e  e v e r  s a y

" d i e  c r y  h a t e "

i  g u e s s  t h i s  i s  j u s t  a  c r u e l  w o r l d
please comment and feedback below! thanks :)
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
they say there are so many fish
in the sea
but where is the one for me?

the ocean, salty like my tears
because she swam away from me

and left me at the bottom,
in the dark and cold

they say i must be bold
but how can i, without my love

there may be many fish,
but she
is a dolphin
please comment and feedback below! thanks :)
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
last night i dreamed of you
over the moon with happiness
viewing your beautiful hair
egregiously falling in curls

i love you so much baby
so much more than you could ever imagine

love is life
i know this for a fact
finding love in the strangest places
eggs remind me of you
acrostic poem
please comment and feedback below! thanks :)
Crandall Branch Feb 2018
your love tastes like sweetness
your lips also taste like sweetness,

did you put a magic speel on me
because i am enchanted by you
and you're beauty

when you kissed me
your kiss was like a love potion

but i am worried that you will leave me
i am worried that your love
is poison.
Let me know what yuo think in the comments :) XOXO Crandall
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
My skin crawls.
Like an ant on a leaf
Or an ant on a log

Why does skin crawl?
Those are the kinds of questions that can never be answered.
But suddenly

When you come near

I have no quesitons. And only answers.
And only one answer.
Which is:
please comment and feedback below! thanks :)
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
eliminated from an entire society

the professor (sly swine)
can’t trust anyone but himself
obscure texts made no sense to me

lazy 0s and 9s - so many distractions
people ought to be happy (missing context)
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
i love you baby
when you are near me my soul doubles
just like 4*2=8

without you a huge part of my life would be subratred
like when 8-5=2

when we are divided i feel so sad
like when a million/100=100

and when you add our love into the mix
i become infinite
just like 1+ infinity = infinity +1
a little love peom and i love math :)
please leave feedback and comments below
Crandall Branch Dec 2017
See the hiccuping of the boy,
I think he's angry at the joy.

He finds it hard to see the plant,
Overshadowed by the big ant.

Who is that dreaming near the cheese?
I think she'd like to eat the disease.

She is but a deep child,
Admired as she sits upon a wilde.

Her fascintating car is just a fish,
It needs no gas, it runs on dish.

She's not alone she brings an administration,
a pet buddy, and lots of information.

The buddy likes to chase a heartbreak,
Especially one that's in the cake.

The boy shudders at the creamy eye
He want to leave but she wants the lie.
trying something knew  :) inspired by Sheakspear! let me know if you like it and plese leave feedback below.
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
steamy scent of sugary sweet syrup
wafting aroma of waiting wafflies
a mountain of fruit
towers of grape, rolling bouncing

why is that peepole do not want breakfast
the most important meal of the day
energy for the day (and the night)

Little Monkey, why do you not see that you need this energy
to keep up with me and my fast pased life
i know that it can be hard, my Darling o’ Mine
but just try and we will happie
please leave feedback and comments below :)
Crandall Branch Jun 2019
my sneses are in overdrive
like a car driving over a big sped bump

i look to the left
outlines of claking clikers await me

i look to the rite
there bulgig eyes dare me to make the fist move

i like to wisper sweet nothing's into they're ears
like "mr claker yuo are so powerful" or "scutle away with me to ******"

but then i had the truly terible reelisation
they doo not have ears...
hello this has bean a long time since i wrote on hear i was so busy with my crab s and then my love for them sparked the inspirateen for this peom please like comment and suscribe
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
I toss
Around in bed
Wish I
Then suddenly
Waking up in a
Cold Sweat
Dark room
Can’t perceive the
Wants to
Go to the bathroom
What about
the hand
About to grab me if I do?
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
pitter patter* go my feet as I walk over to visit my *****

swish swish go their lithe bodies as they waddle over to meet me

chomp chomp go their dextrous mouths as they consume the food i tossed into their tank

click clack go their sharp claws as they pinch everything they see

ouch yikes goes my mouth as i scream in pain

stomp stomp go my heavy feet as i run away
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
The sensation I miss most about childhood is the blissful freedom
We could have left this town and ran forever
I had my first kiss in a bowling alley snack bar
Within a Christmas morning star

I associate you with the winter: your shining black hair and cold words
We were both numb and it felt so strong
Could I return to the frozen bridge we would walk over every morning to school?
Making our way back to my house in the bleak afternoon

The best memory I had with you was when we tried to install a ceiling fan but it broke and destroyed the floor
Reminders of words, sharp tongues, and broken nails on trial
I go back to the feeling of my head split in two
I love the winter but I love you more
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
she had golden hair
like a bale of hay
but more silky and tempatious

she made me dizzy
gave me a hangover every day
when she left me

she laughed like a wild cat
one that no one could tame
because she was not lame,

she was

and unstoppable like a vampire
or maybe a zombie,
with her sad eyes and ciggarete who's smoke burned a hole
through my heart

i can never stop loving her
my princess, my darling, my murderer

she hurts me still
but i will dream of her till
i have fallen ill.
please comment and feedback below! thanks :)
Crandall Branch Dec 2017
My smooth vermin, you inspire me to write.
How I hate the way you infest,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the wicked rest.

Let me compare you to a contender?
You are more ugly and more disgusting.
Hot frost nips the robins of December,
And wintertime has the shocking busting.

How do I hate you? Let me count the ways.
I hate your intriguing infestations.
Thinking of your many legs fills my days.
My hate for you is the implications.

Now I must away with a loathsome heart,
Remember my fast words whilst we're apart.
please leave feedback and coomens below! :) :)
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
Sometimes I promise people I will do something.
     And I promise myself I will do what I promised them I would do,
             And I promise myself I won’t forget the promises I made to
             myself and them,
                   So I break three promises in one go.
irony of promises
please leave feedback and comments below :)
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
Never desire a **** times.
God, death!
I am dying with regret for you
I miss your big truck and big eyelashes.
My beautiful one
I can’t find someone as sweet as you.
Come back, baby
I will spend all my midnights searching for you.
love is pain
please leeve me feed back below!
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
slaving away
for hours on end
flipping burgers
and sighing inside, knowing that your life is emptie

how are we going to fix this problem?
corporations are evil
but what should we do?

we the peepole must stand united
liberty and justice for all
we must fight
and that is why we need you
please leave comments and feedback below :)
Crandall Branch Feb 2018
words all have their roots
ped = foot
saurus = dinosaur
photo = light

just like my love for you has roots
or like a tree has roots

and all these things are infinite

the power of language
the power of nature
the power of love
please leave a like or comment! It would mean so so so much :) :) :)
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
You had the path to my heart
You felt it aching

You stuck out your hand
You took my heart in your hand

You were gentle

But I feel safe within you
I feel safe with you having my heart
I feel safe with your power

Now you have two hearts
And I have none
But that's ok because now we are one
And all is done
a little love peom <3
Please leave feedback and comments below :)
Crandall Branch Dec 2017
Systemic chlamydia correct.

Cervical chlamydia dissimulate.

Asymptomatic chlamydia doubt.

Nonprescription contraceptives own.

Dangerous medicines convert.

Artificial contraceptives stand.

Lethal doses swim.

Other coccidia discredit.

Usual immunizations perform.

Standard doses admit.
i am training to be a doctor maybe a crab doctor so i gathered some inspiracion from my learning. a nice acrostic. please leave comments and feedback below :)
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
When I first saw you
My mind was flooded with thoughts and images of
Scandalous Deeds

Then when I second saw you
My eyes were flooded with real images of
Scandalous Deeds

I never thought these
Scandalous Deeds
Would be come a reality
But now they are
And these
Scandalous Deeds
Are my true life
And with you
I feel loved
All because of these
Scandalous Deeds
A peom about a lover ;)
please leave feedback and comments below :)
Crandall Branch Jan 2019
a shower
is like
you rinse of
the dirt
and end up
with only
the cleen
hello guys :) sorry i haven't posted much, i have bean busy with my crab farm
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
           *and light

                               emanating from your beautiful face
                                                     you shock me with your beauty
                          every moment i spend with you
          brings me joy and happiness

your features are like gleaming stones, polished with oil
          shining with the light gleaming out from you
                          just like your beauty shoots out in rays like the
                           shining sun

      oh darling, i'll never stop loving you.

*i can think of no better way to describe my love for you babe
short love peom showing my love for a special someone
this peom is the culmination of my thoughts for about a months. i've written draft after draft of this, and i think i finally got it perfect.
please leave feedback and comments below :)
Crandall Branch Nov 2018
Society says I am bad
they are all FOOLS

just because i have the coorage
to dryve at 300 miles pur hour on the freeway

I am smart like Jeesus
Yuo are just sad
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
poetry is an art
            where saying less
                        only means more
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
You slipped through my fingers just like a bar of pure white soap
Every time I looked at you my mind was scrubbed clean
And all my negative thoughts were washed away
Down the drain of your love

The bubbles you made flew me up to heaven
While you stayed down on Earth
And I just want you to be free too
Won't you come and join me?
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
sometimes i gayze out the window
watching the rain fall down
and then i realize i am thinking of yuo

i miss you so much darling
you're soft midnight black hair
you're pitch dark eyelashes, like pitch dark strings
you're blue eyes, like the sky

the sky reminds me of stars
and then i realize
we are star crosed lovers

when stars cros they become equals
and that is what we are my baby child of the universe
yuo give my life meaning
we are never to be seperated

even if everyone tryes to seperate us
they can not
because we are forever
like the stars in the sky

come be with me and watch the rain
i love you for eternety
a little reminder that we are all star dust :)
thes was inspired by romeo and juliette by willyum shakspear!!! he is one of my favorite writers allthough i sometimes have difficultiy with his writing.
pleas leave feedback and comments below!!!!!!
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
Self Hatred consumes me
like a dragon chomping off the head of an innocent knight
What did the knight ever do to deserve this
All he did was try to do the right thing

And for this he was punished
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Crandall Branch Oct 2017
Gourds. Their ugly little bumps and hobnobs. The ugly stepsister of Cinderella's pumpkin.

But they still try and that's what counts. And so should you.

Don't be ashamed of your hobnobs. Embrace them like the gourds and someday you will be delicious and nutritious just like them.
Hope this helps :)please comment and feedback below! thanks :)
Crandall Branch Dec 2017
you are like the earth
and i am like the moon,
because i orbit around you

you are like the sun
and i am like the stars,
because i cling to you

your eyes are like the storms of jupiter
except happier because you love me i think

my eyes are like deep pools of clouds
because you float in them

my dear, you are made of stardust
and maybe that is why
you shine so brightly.
thinking about the uneverse tonight. please leave feedback below :) XOXO crandall
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
By the time I finished writing 2:47 it was 2:48
Now it is 2:47 and 20 seconds
It took me seven seconds to write that
So it was actually 2:47 and 28 seconds
Of course, the only poem I’ve ever written
That requires me to look at the time
Immediately coincided with me having to reload my page

Because love doesn’t want you to know the time
It wants you to be always a minute behind
Its plans
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Crandall Branch Jan 2019
the sensuous curves of their shels

the clicking of their hands

the look in their eye's
more peoms inspired by my crab friends
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
You're favorite color was red,
like love
and blood.

I think about this as I gaze at the roses outside my window
they are so beautyful, yet so strong.

There are seventeen roses on the rosebuish.
That was your licky number,
you told me.

Well, I felt so lucky with you.
But now I see that I must have walked under a scarlet ladder
because I have lost you

or maybe a black cat crossed my path
or seventeen red cats.

I don't know what happened. All I know
is that I miss you,
and you're two red lips.
Inspiered by The Scarlett Letter by Naplease comment and feedback below! thanks :) thaneel Haythorn <3
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
once i had a dream
of the wide blue sea
sialing so far, water splashing me

i love the little *****
they remind me of fancey restaurants

when i was growing up
i dreampt of fishing, fisheries
sciences and mainagement.

then i got lost in the big cities that
were land loocked, and i missed the ocean
where i felt so at hom

kelp swayeing in the waves
and poiporsoies jumping from the salty

so then i ran away
from the sad montony of city life
to get lost out at sea
in my hapy place.
please feed back and comment below :)
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
explode the greenness within the container of life
mortar and pestle. occipital lobe. throbbing. crasha banga booma the scent of garlic
infusing the innocent air
basil, burning. keep going keep going keep going
wear goggles to avoid the pain of the onions
cut chop slice creal
mortar. pestle. mortal & pestle.
pulverize smash
o the pain
take the basil and mix it

take the nuts

mash em all up

then, mix it all together
melting ***
jellybeans? no
pesto pesticide pesto
please comment and feedback below! thanks :)
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
Each tiny millimeter in a meterstick
Is an understatement of the world we live in,
Plagued by dusty windowsills that cry
When the doors are closed
And water faucets
That scream when your spine is turned

Do you miss them?
I think not
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
i gaze into this abyss
she is dark and wide,

her wide black eyes stare back at me
with sadness and longing.

i try to kiss her but when
i lean forward
i find myself falling, falling,

farther into this cold oblivion,
as the void whispers to me
"she will never love you"

and i say,
"i will always love her",

but this time the abyss does not respond
because she has eaten me whole

and all there is is

please comment and feedback below! thanks :)
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
Late August underneath the radiating and boiling sun
We sat cross legged underneath the manzanita tree
One of its little withered leaves flew down and landed behind your ear

I brushed it off with my hand and placed it on the ground
Little did I know that was what would make you want to leave me forever
I didn't know how much you loved leaves or how much you hated me touching your ears
This was the worst mistake of my life

If I could travel back in time
I wouldn't stop diseases or wars or do anything

I would just
Make you come back to me
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Crandall Branch Feb 2018
To EVeryone that says they're just trying to be n9ce

To everyone that says they are just trying to give me construtive criticism

TO Everyone that says that I WILL NEVER GO PLACES
please leave a like or a coment below :) ;0 don't leave hate
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
She is so far away from me
Just you try and stop me
We would be like shooting stars in the sky
Old friend, why are you so shy?

I could never express my full love for you
And I never drew one response from you
In my dreems i see you
Never mind, I'll find someone like you

One day we will be together
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
I think of you 23 hours a day
But you still hide away
My baby
please leave me feedback for this peom. I worked ******* it :)
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
      love          love   love
   love       love             love
love                            love
   love                      love
         love            love
              love    love
i love you so much baby
please comment and feedback below :)
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
i don't know how to love
i don't even know what love is

all i know is that around you,
i feel safe and warm

and to me,
that is love.
a short peom :)
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
I realized
That you might all be figments
Of my imagination
Because I am crazy

But then I realized
I might be a figment
Of someone’s imagination
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
yellow hair, falling and bouncing like ocean waves
orange lips, meticulously painted to be genuinely gorgeous
untouched beauty: you are all mine

and i know that this will never end
returning and coming back forever
ending is not an option

my love, you're the strongest. the bravest.
years of resistance have built you up to be towering over others

even when faced with disagreement, you easily overpower others
viewing you fight is the greatest pleasure
even when faced with turmoil, you stay strong
riding on everything is your beautiful soul
your beautiful soul brings me joy, even in the darkest times
thinking about you brings me the most happiness my love
happiness is real and true, palpable, when i see you
ice becomes my heart whenever you leave
not to lie, when you return, my heart thaws like a defrosted food
green broccoli or red cherries thawing

babe, you're the best and the bravest
at all of my events, you always impress everyone with your singing
bravery is needed to do that
you possess that courage within you

apples and pears could never measure up to you
nothing could ever measure up
dinosaurs could maybe but they are dead

i will never stop loving you

whispers mask your hidden feelings
illicit activities like late night reconnaisances

needing more from you
everything you provide is enough
viewing your beauty
everything you provide is everything i will ever need
reading each others lips like tongues

spicy activities
trucking across the 405 highway
of course i touch your skin
please tell me it is so soft and supple

love for you is tangible
oranges are more sour than my love for you
viewing your body
it is so graceful
needing you to tell me you love me back
gracefully you do

your love is so strong
oranges could never be as strong as my love for you
universe is beautiful. we are all stardust

a little acrostic peom
*hope you all like :)
please leave comments and feedback below :)
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
Your lips were blood red
Dripping with fervor
Your teeth were shining white
Like pearls or snow
Your tongue was a snake tongue
Forked and ready to last out with hurtful words

So entrancing
You ate me up with this mouth
You chomped me and swallowed me whole
You never said sorry
i wrote this peom about a woman. i didn't know she would hurt me but she did
please leave comments and feedback below!
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
you run home to me, peeling off your sweaty socks
you toss them in the laundry
is there any moment more beautiful than this?
i think not.

i see the crumbs you leave in the floor from your tasty bagel
crunch crunch
im so happy you have found a food you enjoy
is there any moment more lovely than this?
i think not.

i hear your screeches as you sing along to katy perry's "swish swish"
finally we agree on a song we like
because you like pop
and i like songs about fighting
i'm so happy i could spend this moment with you
is there any moment more fun than this?
i think not.

i taste your sprouts you have prepared for me
fresh picked from the garden
i used to not like sprouts but once you gave them to me they were delicous
is there any moment more precious than this?
i think not.

i feel your bones lurking underneath your skin
to think everyone has a skeleton
is disturbing and disgusting
but your skeleton fills me with love and light
to know there is a part of you that will never disappear
is there any moment more astounding than this?
i think not.

i smell your odor and pheromones after your run
to me, they smell like pheromones
a truly beautiful aroma and fragrance
is there any moment more crooshal than this?

i think not.
please leave feedback and comments below :)
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
whin i look at you,
all i can see are your two plump lips

like rosebuds.
they are red like blood but
taste like honey.

everything that exists is just
the repriduction of the universe

as it expands. but it is still
not wide enough
to fit all my love for you,
my sugar sweet.

i cannot breath when i look into your eyes
glowing like two priceless saphhires

your beauty is sufoccating
but i will glady die for you,
please comment and feedback below! thanks :)
Crandall Branch Jan 2020
i pear my eyes at the gloomy sky,
twitching with pleasure and pain.

where i hope rain will fall,
is only the acrid dust of the frenso desert.

where i hope corn will grow,
is only the weeds and seeds of earth.

i know i can not live for longer in this way. that i shall Soon Die without sistenace

all that is before my weery eyes are my Kin.
My family.
My friends.
And yes.
My livers.

The ***** themselves.
My trauma started to scream! My eyes flooded with tears from the depths of Hell Himself. Yet I know it must be done. I crunched into his shell with the fury of.l a thousand suns. It shattered beneath my choppers as I seasoned his flesh with my own salty tears. My tong registered the taste of crab flesh, that before I had only tasted in the most scandalous of contexts.

I felt his life drain, and my own restored. But at what cost?
this peom is inspiring by my Idol Justine Beeber. thank yuo all for the support i have greatley missed yuo all but was ocuppied tending too my ***** wich had fallen deathley ill

— The End —