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46.1k · Jun 2014
red red red/cheesy
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
I never knew you could know me so much better
I ignored all the great weather
the darkest cloud hung over me and I let my head fall on the air
my hair was still wet but not the day that we met

Was it someone like you who did it to be so kind
Leaves on the grass with words drawn out
You admired me and wanted to hold my hand
I let the curtains fly in
Didn’t want the wind to pass me by

Wearing the t-shirts with the cheesiest slogans
Dropping love on my sleeve
Too many wishes that I hope they’re not an omen
I never knew a heart could beat for me
5.9k · Nov 2014
Braulio Romero Nov 2014
Some idiot coined that for those of us that weren’t born yet
What happened?
To the baby boomers
Groovy hippies

Manson getting married, what about me?
Generation X
Generation Hipster
**** yourself
Nobody said that I was a millennial until I read it from the internet
Something that should be shot dead like those on TV
“Everything was better when we were young”
No it wasn’t
It wasn’t me it wasn’t me I didn’t mean to die because you hated me for what I was
Are you still racist? Prejudiced
in America?

who are you calling self-obsessed when you were always dangerous
we didn’t want to live from the womb which was like our tomb
( I spat out some computer wires today and I’m not going to apologize for it as I’m a millennial, we got to call Frank Black tonight)

I’m in over my head
We speak in acronyms and random slang
She had a baby and the baby’s going to be apart of the next and final generation
We’ll be dead we’ll be dead we’ll be dead

the stupid term Millennial
3.9k · Jun 2014
made cute hate
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
He says we got a connection
Straight away after finding out more of me
I can’t do anything with this stress but get well dressed
Can never find that person to sense my humor
He just repeats that I’m a cutie

He tries to sound more hip than me
Using slang from this century
I never knew words could baffle someone else
Because it is a joke he doesn’t know he is offended

Uh oh I didn’t mean a thing
I just meant to see if you could breathe when I tried to make you laugh
Guys get kind of cold and several come and go
This is the day that I’m sure that I did
Made cute hate
3.2k · Jun 2014
body horror
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
Sugar level on high
Cronenberged my body
I’m so sorry my little frail body
I betrayed you like the *** I don’t get
Pretty soon I’ll fix you back with levels in tact
No more on your *** and you better work it fast
Feet tingling and sleepy every time
Didn’t mean to get sick
I got enough time to get better
Farewell youthful age into changing leafs
it’s a way for  growing old
I fell against pastel spilling colors and it took me out of my grey zone
Don’t let my face amputate so forget it
I’ll be cured
sugar level are you high?
taking in so much insulin
glucose isn’t good for toast
I don’t want to get needles in my behind
rather get myself tapped with hands
I think I'm in the early stages of diabetes :(
3.0k · Jul 2014
The Traveller
Braulio Romero Jul 2014
And I want
I want to go far
Far exactly from here
The noise, the corruption and I don’t
want to surrender through these politics
down south where they’re a backwards world
I need some release change

Where am I
Where do I go?
I don’t care
However where I go
Andalusia, Bratislavia, Coimbra, Cranberra, Gijon, Yemen
Dancing on the Dead Sea
On my feet in Turkey

I want to go far
Somewhere I’m not known on
Where nobody cares about my business and private decency
Let me breathe
Let me be calm
Let me be me
2.4k · Jun 2014
spitting dead
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
Don’t know what you want of me
Why have you followed me, behind; leaving a trail to get  back
But you can’t go home again because I set a trap
Illuminati in the eye
Illuminati what’s the use of your body?
Will you take me to your fairy tale world?

I saw Orion making fun of Hailey’s comet
I can’t compare I saw his eyes melt into the sun
Never will he drift away in space anymore
And one warrior shouts with joy his pride has fallen
The trees don’t sway to my presence
And the air becomes dead
2.4k · Jun 2014
coral rosebud
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
It wasn’t me I said it wasn’t me
In my tangerine dream I wish for something closer
All that’s been happening was myself struggling out the water
I get a little rattled when you ignore my questions
But I guess you’re happy flaunting pictures that’ll make everyone drool
Feeding  their opinions down our throat
Invisible to every single soul
There is charm in this four leaf clover but luck won’t bring in much
I’m still green with envy
I guess I’m the villain in this movie
I didn’t know I could fly when I let my eyes close
I’ve been reeling in the bones while you were awwing the moon
when it all goes dark I think of life as fairy tale
You say I was in love with you? I never knew
1.9k · Jun 2014
Johnny/ Bar Dream
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
I was hanging out with ghouls and demons
Met a man named Johnny
He bought me a drink and he wasn’t from another world
Hey Johnny hey Johnny what’s the price of a dance?
Let me melt in your eyes

Boy to Man
I’m not at all
Hey Johnny Hey Johnny
Up to a groove
Switching our feet on the dance floor and making a move
I’m feeling like I’m on the moon

Haunting me
Making me dance with something invisible
Johnny are you there?
Are you a ghost or man?
Or not at all
Oh my goblins
1.8k · Jun 2014
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
Who was it I? who took this trip?
My heart it don’t mind but you become my crush
You earned it by conversation and melting my eyes
There was a boy broken down like a tree shattered branches and stolen leaves
He spoke big words and I run around in snow
My aches and faints I black out more
Who? Pointing at you?
Zion and Israel we’ll take a trip or two
The lights keeps settling before the rain comes our way
1.7k · Jun 2014
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
I died in the black and white of the Great Depression
I died in the blast of Hiroshima
I died in the forests of Vietnam
And none of them knew who I was
But when I died in America’s recession I was lying on the pavement
And my head was sticking out my cardboard smoking a cigarette
Pleading for a second chance at life, another birth to come out of a hole

I was bleeding to live the life like others
Marrying together and Christmas was every other year
When my tears fell apart at the sight of my children opening their gifts
All the things I made for them and Christ, are you listening?
I’m blessed at the moment and nothing is wrong

They asked if I believed
They asked if I hoped
And they asked if I prayed
And they asked if wanted to come back to earth
And I told them all I never thought I could exist again
1.6k · Jun 2014
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
I can’t believe this has happened to me
Chosen to stay in a room full of male ecstasy
Dreaming of these men loving me
My hands are always white
and stick to my chest where they lay their head
On my own in a room of male ******
Can’t decide if I’m filled with addiction or maybe just exhibition

These pictures on my TV excite me
I hold my hands together on my body part of a snake
Shake it harder until it chokes and brings me to submission
Groaning out the frustrations of loneliness
Too scared to interact with social autonomy
Maybe I’ll just be history

I’m in the pitch dark
Throbbing and *******
I can’t say what these men mean to me
In a room full of male *******
I can’t believe I did this to myself
Stuck in ******* hell
1.3k · Jun 2014
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
Messed me around
Taking your words out of your chest
I know you got it in for me
We should break the tension
The floor that you’ll land

Wish me luck cuz you know I’m going to get you
We’ll have a *******: you, me and my fist
Could you consider not having me fooled
I’m going to be a **** star and use your name
People will think it’s you so prepare to be embarrassed
Oh you won’t fool me again
Braulio Romero Sep 2014
There must be a problem with the sound of your voice
It twinkles with the stars and laughs at the scars where you held the roses’ thorns
I heard you call my name but was it white noise?
Last time I saw you, you grew so heavy and you told me to act my age
but at this pace the hours never stay in place
I hurt myself for betraying you over your destruction
Everything caused me to creep within my soul to burn
And my eyes lost the vision of ourselves in these isolated dreams
There’s no one out there to see
I am a creature chewing on all the sutures
Eating all the crickets that hide in the house and drinking the blood of the innocent
Feeding on the young to celebrate the years gone
Because once the night comes there’s always tragedy to wake from
1.2k · Sep 2014
Light Blast
Braulio Romero Sep 2014
Being in light
Teasing my eyes blurry blind
Can’t see anything at all
I fall awake to the sounds of the neighbors dogs and the sky falling on my head
Check around, is that a gun blast or mountain
Going by
Shadow of my own moving fast on the wall
Goofing off behind me shadow of the sun
Burn a hole down enough to scare me on my own
1.2k · Nov 2014
Greek For Tragedy
Braulio Romero Nov 2014
And the cold just lingers through my spine paralyzing me within the air escaping my mouth
I stare out to the dark where smoke from under my feet billows and curls like a snake
There is no silence but sirens and discontent
Why do I have to try harder?
I don’t care if I’m included just to be known

Clenching my teeth to a crater maybe I have just grown bitter
why do my eyes glow red whenever I inhale you?
Mangiato come una balena
ate so much like a whale
my belly swelled before my nose sneezed and it all out

las calles me conocen
a las almas que mi cortan
no se donde estar y a tus ojos no siga a matar
but what do I do when I see your favorite star?

He’ll never forgive me for cutting him off his favorite t-shirt
How many hours can I get the shreds together
Spinning webs and worn out weaves
And lost words in thesaurus or printed on a magazine
but I should decide the fabric of the world rests on all of us and we still can’t sleep from the senses you’ve created
1.1k · Aug 2014
hit the dime
Braulio Romero Aug 2014
I was a star in the sky
I became a gleam in my father’s eye
I was born out from my mother’s womb
And came into a world filled with doom
Maybe I won’t see my name in a VHS soon
I won’t ever meet Terence Malick
But I know I’ll die like Jack Kerouac
1.1k · Jun 2014
literature heroes
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
Was Annabelle just a woman in Poe’s dream?
Was there really an angel on Janet Frame’s wooden table?
Did Emily Dickinson really wear white for the rest of her life?
Was Dante just a bitter ***** to tell people about a red man with horn’s on his head
Didn’t think it was Halloween too soon on the corner of his calendar

I resembled all the traits these  writer’s made of their spoken lives just like Bukowski
If he did live in many rooms and lost his brain cells in bottles
Maybe in the afterlife Burroughs will give me pointers on drugs along with Thompson. Meeting Rimbaud ask him if he ever was in the closet. Took an eyeful of literature before high school,  made friends with boozers, losers and psychopaths. Don’t quote me because I cherish them so much I know I’ll try to make it like them soon, dead yet my heroes they remain alive
WRITE ME OFF WRITE ME OFFF Write me down there’s no pen and papers around scrawl on the wall have a purpose to write them all
1.1k · Jun 2014
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
If you heard sounds over Chicago
Would it be UFOs or the blast of guns?
Do they sound like drums hurting everyone
Are they hitting your heart or your conscience?
If you fell over holes on the streets would you get eaten by Alligators

If you see spaceships over Chicago
Would you be alarmed as the snow?
Going down the city and drive you crazy

Is this the end of the world or is that snow?
1.0k · Jun 2014
haiku harakiri
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
Thinking of him
She asks
What she should do?
I ask the gods
Ganesha, buddah, G-d and Allah
I think of him and she’s angry at me and it’s my fault
I don’t know if its something I can afford
Now I don’t know what to do
I saw myself cross out the graffiti in every city
Should I figure it out and decide
This other guy tells me something red so I play along and he gets mad and it’s my fault
Unfair and cruel
He just tells me to look at the moon
I take back every wink it stole
I see the beauty before my feet
I’m testing the bounds of reality
Are you angry or man?
I’ll be allright
I’ll be safe and yet I’ll go along with the lights
957 · Jun 2014
What was I mad about?
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
At work the boss shot her mouth off with her baby boomer thoughts
I missed the rainbow after the thunderstorm and what was left were fallen trees
Slipped on a banana on the way to the train that got me late
I went home for the night and I lit up the sky
What was I mad about?

People singing at the top of their lungs on the street
Co-workers ask me questions I don’t know the answers to
I prefer not to do what you ask me to
Haunted by a ghost of someone dead from a position I now hold
What do I do with these curses coming after me?

The moon eclipses as the wolves come out for the night
Spitting in my eye while they’re snarling
Fell in a flood stepping on the wrong sidewalk
I headed home and lit up a fire
What was I mad about?
807 · Sep 2014
Late Temperamental
Braulio Romero Sep 2014
Faster than a cloud
The hiccup was loud as any sound
I wish it never came out
Hoping it would go as far as the sky

Just this morning as I arrived home
There were many stars and the moon was eager to show me how
It formed in the sky in the middle like a target
Posing for the world waiting to be rediscovered

The bats and crickets were safe asleep
I keep humming to the birds that haven’t chirped around
Didn’t know it was easier than in dreams she had
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
I notice you see me before I watched you clinging in your window
If I cling to your window, would you let me watch you?
Do you think you’ll ever notice with so much within your fortress?
Getting lonely at work and sick of nobody noticing you
The people your age love fast food and trouble, living against purple trees and near the Atlantic
Don’t get so frantic from being so lonely and far away so distantly
Fassbinder’s has you on Camera two so he’s switching your attitude to 35 millimeter
Making you gentle like the sands of Portugal

The tendons of your right knee is hurting me intensely
And Astro-projection is a spiritual travel to reach me over the dimensions
It’s so hard to sleep when your heart’s sinking in deep
Watching the sheep float by like the betraying lover’s that never say goodbye
There’s something in me, something in me that wants to steal the holiness
from the Vatican standing still swiftly down in Italy
maybe the next Michelangelo  art masterpiece
I notice you see me before I watched you clinging in your window
791 · Dec 2014
Braulio Romero Dec 2014
She laughed with disapproval
Glittered motion sickness I grabbed a her head
tossed her hard enough so I can be dead
The **** came on-a charging angry I took his limbs
he discarded all my paperwork tons of scribbling
years of failing

Weakened from dreaming
Wandering in the dark while the mice weren’t making any peeping
He said I can’t breathe but my lungs were blacker than his death
I’ll let them shoot me in the back and maybe I wouldn’t mind it
I figured it would be allright  I don’t have tryophobia

****** so many ***** but I didn’t get the job
The moon is bright in the sky yet you’re not smart
I keep writing on trees but please believe me I already have arthritis before thirty
Standing and eviscerating
I keep writing on everything they try to stop me but I hold back

They were chilling and waiting
on his death bed
Said the last rites but he already knew they loved him
I don’t know my write from the wrong doing
He’s finally accepted how life jerks you off the wrong way
I think I got graphomania
680 · Jun 2014
Eternal Sigh
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
Sitting in the dark on my own
A fly keeps on bugging me for light
I kindly tell it goodnight and I hear these voices above me
I ignore them

Who am I right now while the world goes fast asleep?
Reverberating voices come from all places
I shouldn’t think too much
The voices, the dark, and I think of the ocean passing my mind by
Take a drink of the potion and I suddenly am in motion

Sitting quietly without disturbance
Your body charging softly on your bed
Making a fool out of me on our lord’s day
You gave my expectations a weary move to a reality

Making me fall into a box, making me struggle, eternal sigh
Don’t trust them they’ll put a scam on your self-esteem
What could I do without my mind if I didn’t behave the way I am
Tearing me out hair from reality

She asked me if I’m alive, if I’m alright , If I’m alert
Changing and forming to the static
She makes the most  loudest hums upon the only light on the street
And I guess I’m slipping away from fantasy
660 · Jun 2014
paranoid poem/ trust no one
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
A soft thud from the sky
It was only rain falling on the ground and it formed a desperate puddle
There are sounds being done on purpose
How ghastly have you tossed and turned
I was sitting next to my friend in his home and then I heard such a frightful noise outside
Sirens and these sirens kept going on forever
An emergency test that echoed like torture

Is it the government or the holy?
Should I keep staring up so high and wait until they shine the light
I met a man in a sharp suit across the street and was gone before he told me
Trust no one
He ran and ran and man did I ran
Maybe a devil is in the brain
Strange sounds began to occur in the world
Everyone stopped on their toes

Loud noises in the streets
Loud noises in your sleep
Loud noises in the thoughts
Loud noises from the war
Loud noises from the children in the neighborhood
Loud noises of guns, battles and fights
616 · Jul 2014
and im sorry
Braulio Romero Jul 2014
And I’m sorry that it’s come to this
But I have to and I must insist
I can’t bare to hear his voice again because it’ll be me dead
Because I want to take it out of my head
Don’t care what he has to say
I just want to tear out his heart and shove it in his mouth
Please stop looking for me
Karma is coming after me from right behind
Keep me from falling insane
Pass me as food from lion to lion
I really hope the fireworks wrap you up in two
And I really want to disappear from you
538 · Jun 2014
can you knot
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
He loves all living things he gives a fallen meteor first aid
my bones rap with hollow stones on fence links and severed toes
When the sky cries he has feelings to rain
They get high fevers and tremors to calm themselves down
Everytime I see a picture of you my heart goes numb

Hear the whisper in the spring touch my skin
Don’t help the snow
it’s melting out the cold from the water  dripping down the sewer pipe hole
When the day brings the haze, wash my soul on the gutter and sit by the window pane
My heart trembles because it’s grateful to be alive but it stumbles to know what’s on your mind

All that I know this rain has sinked us down so low
But all I know that it’s dull as it sounds
What was my damage to suit myself in any care, oh where?  
Either I fear the dawn
466 · Jun 2014
sweet dying lullaby
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
Rain trickles down against the window, echoing as it pelts the angels halo
I let my mind wander and didn’t think
a neck in my pain so hollow he wanted my skin but he changed his head after I said what I believed in and lost the shape of my reasons

In the dark in the mist there's a howl of pain from the ghastly trains in the dead of night
there must be something up inside because the mouse has lost its wheel

I close my eyes to let go of my body and when my hand wanders my bed I can sense I'm about to beam up to the moon
don’t know if I'll reach to be 27, this sweet dying lullaby rambles and passes heaven
listen closely you can hear a whimper at the end of the world
450 · Jun 2014
old storm
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
And the evil spirits came through the window during a storm
wreaking havoc around those that caused it
the shouting and screaming all those unknown
the masks the monsters wore broke apart to turn into dust
and the bad man entered to watch the children sleep, grinning hate towards his past
the burning candles disintegrated into a shape of a witch causing a young boy to act out in misbehavior
the thunder erupted in our sleep
335 · Jun 2014
the dead
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
We met when the dead roamed the earth
We played tricks with the ghosts that lost their heads
We haunted the houses of the people whose hair’s stood in the air
You wanted the dark to give birth
I wanted to pray and you’d hope they all die
To another side of you that I never saw
You wanted possession
All the curses from before came back  and took over the world
All my cracking bones have been salted and dusted
And I lost the will to live in disgust
The only thing that keeps me alive is my own heart which begins to beat suddenly
290 · Jun 2014
Braulio Romero Jun 2014
There were faces going north and the others went to the sea
I held out my hand to reel in the rain
And the children laughed at the disaster that engulfed around them
You see the world in their eyes and the cries fell from the sky
The taunts growled the dark and even the men waved to death
As their ship crumbled to the void
There was thunder in heaven and no one wanted to seek in

— The End —