When it’s dark, it reminds us that there is light nearby
Patiently waiting to dispel the darkness
We just have to search and realize the source
From where light can penetrate the darkness
And fill each and entire cosmic realm
We have not become blind yet, but disillusioned
By the constant onslaught of the wrath of darkness
Blinded, yet our vision is veiled by darkness
Waiting for light to be the savior or the misery
A single ray of light is like an army, to salvage
And defeat darkness, indoctrination the sinister minds
To dispel away the darkness, in stark daylight
Our souls were holed up in dark cellars
Ruled by the darkness regime
But now, the time has come to break away the shackles
Of the darkness, we got so used to
This will be a new beginning, where there will be light in our heart
Be it day or night, we will carry the light within us
And to help others to come out of the drudgery of darkness
© Amitav (Radiance)