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1.8k · Jan 2024
her eyes of winter skies
Ander Stone Jan 2024
you brandish most beautiful eyes at me
as our paths cross
in the city.

a blue as pure as the winter sky
makes me think that
to see you cry
would plunge my heart into
a roaring blizzard.

yet I can imagine the light
of the sun
shimmer upon a single

I could bear the thought of
seeing you weep with joy,
as the first dew of
blissful spring runs down your
snow-pale face.

and in a second you pass me by.
and you are gone like
a snowflake in the wind.
I have witnessed a pair of azure eyes that made the winds shimmer this poem into existence.
Ander Stone Jan 2024
you share with me such hurtful words
that are a balm to
my kindred soul.

they hurt as they leave your summer wine lips
and drip like molten wax
upon my chest,
and heart,
and mind,
and touch my soul...

verse after verse.

you entwine my eroded coil
within your moonlight glow,
and tell me all the things
I so hungrily needed to know.

you wrap my broken hands
within your silken ones.

I crave to part your lips,
and share in such a melody.
that starlight hum.
that midnight medley.
that dark and ever-glowing sonnet
that brought you to my desolation.

I yearn to kiss them with my ones,
those lips as warm as starlight flame,
as perfect as the heart of night,
as young as time itself.

but mine are blistered
by frigid winds,
and bloodied from some fist
I've recently had to stomach...
I have known a pair of crimson lips that made the world sing with more words than it had before
1.3k · Jan 2024
Ander Stone Jan 2024
I don't want to be here, all alone in the darkness of what it means to be human.

I don't want to be here, all alone in the darkness of what it means to be.

I don't want to be here, all alone in the darkness of what is.

I don't want to be here, all alone in the darkness.

I don't want to be here, all alone.

I don't want to be here.

I don't want to be.

I don't want.

I don't.

1.2k · Jun 2024
Ander Stone Jun 2024
who are you to dare stare back at me
on the loneliest of my days?

Don't pretend
to be good company.
I'm alone
because you
are unlovable.

who are you to dare cry with me
on the hardest night I've ever lived through?

Don't pretend
to care about my feelings.
I'm crying
because you
are unloving.

who are you to shatter beneath my rage
on the eve of my mind's utter ruin?

Don't pretend
to be in control.
I've struck the silver glass
because you
are undeserving.
1.2k · Feb 2024
her whiskey hued iris
Ander Stone Feb 2024
it's the way the sunlight hits her eye
that makes her look so enticing,
like a glass of whiskey
on a thirsty day
of never being

it's that brown being lit up golden
through the windows
that tease a glance
into a broken

it's my fault for always finding myself
out in that desert, with nothing
to drink away the need
to forget about and
walk out of the

it's that jar of honey she sees the whole
world through that keeps pouring
and calling me to take
a drink of her
whiskey hued

my only defense is uttering out loud:
name's Ander,
and I'm an alcoholic.
Ander Stone Jan 2024
witnessing the cracks
in your feeble armor
tears a whole
through a heavy heart.

I can feel the scars
upon your broken coil
and the salt flats
below your eyes.

he spilled the blood
of his bitter fists
upon that cardboard frame
the world calls your body.

he cleaved at the brittle coal
that is your aching bones,
yet you still carry yourself
upon the winter winds.

he spat in the ocean of your soul.

yet you hold on tight
to his arm,
as if he is the anchor
that keeps you safely in the bay.

and all you need do is obey.

fearful of the storm beyond,
of the deep blue of endless
you stay within the confines
of a jagged little shoreline.

he is the rope aroung your nape
and you can't help but hang yourself.
this is about so many women that I have known, and will continue to know as long as I live by a sea so black as the hearts of these so called men.
Ander Stone Jan 2024
still as the wind
would allow me to be,
witnessing her
as vibrant
as only a dream
would seem.

eyes of green,
eyes of dream,
eyes of fading leaves
in a hot August sun.

still as the earth
would allow me to be,
absorbing her
as impermanent
as only a revery
could ever be.

eyes of green,
eyes of dream,
eyes of shaded clay
under blades of sage.

still as the fire
deep within my heart
could burn.

gazing longer than I should.

still as the the gentle ocean
of her chartreuse eyes,
reveling in her
marble meadow,
with those twin ponds
of green,
in a passe-partout of
ebony locks of wilderness.

gazing longer than I should.
gazing longingly
at her eyes of endless summer,
eyes of green,
eyes of dream.
Ander Stone Feb 2024
she's got shadows in her hair
and scorpions hide in there.

her eyes drip venom,
all she glances upon,
turning a summer sunrise
into decay.

she's got shadows in her hair
and scorpions move beneath the surface.

her lips skitter,
chasing down
and breaking apart
even the sturdiest of mountains.

she's got shadows in her hair
and scorpions crawl under skin.

her teeth gnaw,
all she touches,
turning a broken promise
into gossamer strands.

she's got shadows in her hair
and scorpions dance within her skull.

her chest heaves,
filling up
and emptying out
the horizon.

she's got shadows in her hair
and scorpions bleeding throughout.

her heart roars,
all she treads on,
turning a lifetime
into dust.

she's got shadows in her hair
and I no longer care about the scorpions.

her hands shake,
holding my
immortal coil
in a death grip.

she's got scorpions in her hair.
958 · Jan 2024
hunter & muse
Ander Stone Jan 2024
A muse will amuse herself with little interaction that spark the fires of artistic endeavor.

A muse will amuse herself with the poking and proding of the weather beaten beast that boasts of great skills in the caging of thoughts and feelings.

A muse will wither away in a place where there is nothing to amuse herself with...

Therefore she will search for that one hunter that can track down the wildest of ideas, the one that can take down the most dangerous experiences and tame them for the masses.

She will land on the shoulders of that one predator that can drag prey into the dwelling of the many and feed them all with the morsels of this glorious hunt.

So hunt on, dear hunter.
Hunt on and be the plaything of thine muse.
914 · Apr 2024
Of sheep
Ander Stone Apr 2024
Sheep don't know
The meaning of the word

They know only the barking of the dog
And the howl of the wolf.
909 · Apr 2024
Powdered bones
Ander Stone Apr 2024
There's beauty in sorrow,
if you don't let it grind you down.

I wanted freedom,
But I have been trapped
Between a rotting lemon
And a hard place
For my bones of glass
To bask in the sun.

There's beauty in sorrow,
if you don't let it grind you down.

I wanted shelter
From the acid rains
That came spitting out
Of their ignoble mouths,
Pattering upon my rind
And souring the lemonade.

There's beauty in sorrow,
if you don't let them grind you down.

I wanted love,
But there wasn't any rainbow
At the end of that
Cursed *** of gold
They're all chasing feverishly.

There's beauty in sorrow,
I tell myself, lying as I see nothing else.
Ander Stone Feb 2024
don't lie to me.

I've heard those echoes
with every setting of the moon.
I've heard those whispers
with every sunrise
that's ever kissed
the parchment of my skin.

don't lie to me.

I woke up with the constellations,
remembered in the silken threads
of mother time's embrace.
I cleansed my eyes of the gossamers
when starlight was but a distant promise
of a reality yet to burn itself into existence.

don't lie to me.

I couldn't cut it as a weaver
of honey ladened words
heaped upon the nebulae,
derelict between the flowing stelar algae
and that roaring darkenss from which
all things come.

don't lie to me for I have bathed
in the cold light of eternity.
835 · Apr 2024
On the lookout for a storm
Ander Stone Apr 2024
I need the rain.

dessicated limbs hang
low and heavy
like twin pendulums
of shattered lead.

I need the storm

drained roots coil
notted and gnarled
like a cage
of sun bleached bone.

I need the flood.

suffocated leaves wither
rusted and dying
like an endlessness
of time-ground sand.

I need the void.
Ander Stone Feb 2024
I stare at those dark markings above,
Knowing how tired I am.

There's a fetid vibration humming
Through my bones,
Through my blood,
Through my every thought.

I'm so exhausted,
Yet I can't sleep.
I'm so exhausted
That the only pill
That could put me to sleep
Is a stray bullet.

There's a rancid susurration chiming
Through my flesh,
Through my bones,
Through the very essence of my coil.

I'm so tired
And in need of sleep.
I'm so tired
That even the cold steel
Of the train tracks
Welcomes me
As the only pillow
I can see myself able
To rest my head upon.

There's a rotten pulsation howling
Through my blood,
Through my bones,

I'm so drained
That an eternity of sleep
Just wouldn't do
My only solace
Are the minute finger prints
That echo a memory of starlight
On a darkened ceiling.
755 · Mar 2024
in the waters
Ander Stone Mar 2024
To tread the depths
of long promised
I long for those
forsaken ashes
of whom they
promised I would

To wade the shallows
of promises
and stolen childhoods,
in search of
broken glass
to cut away
the ribbons of blood,
and join in silent song
the ones fogotten.

To sink in frigid waves
of bloodied eyes
and shattered teeth,
in desperate need
of tethering.

To bleed away all warmth.

To let the floods
turn crimson,
and the skies rain rust.

To drown in the emptied
innocence of life.
696 · Mar 2024
alone after all
Ander Stone Mar 2024
I want nothing more than to be left alone.

yet there's this child
Clinging to every
Step I take,
Reminding me of
All the spears
Our mother
Chucked at our eyelids.

I want nothing more than to be left alone.

yet there's a little rebel
Churning the bile
Inside my guts,
Screaming at me
About all the sharp edges
Of the road we walk on.

I want nothing more than to be left alone.

yet there's all this responsibility
Weighing me down,
And dragging me
Towards the edges
Of this broken glass path.

I want nothing more than to be left alone.

yet theres an old man
Whispering from the haze.
He tells me to turn back
From this destiny we share.

All that he wants is nothing more than for me to leave him alone.
696 · Jan 2024
her hair of golden flair
Ander Stone Jan 2024
you ran away with me
from the monotony of growing up
and into the deep cobalt yonder.

we chased the sun
and battled the moon,
yet she always won
and gently
tucked us away
under soft midnight.

we skipped through crag
and mire.
we waded the river
and touched the emerald blades
of summer grass.

we were free.
we were children.

you were older,
almost a woman.

but I kept you young
and wild
and free.

that is why you liked sharing little wonders with me.
I will always remember her.
That singular summer.
The golden sunlight of her hair.
Ander Stone Jan 2024
I went down those stairs,
And through that door,
Between the ancient columns
Of old and forgotten stone.

The air was made of crystals.

Hope danced above,
And around,
Flickering golden and silver
In the cold winter lights.

The air was made of crystals.

I could feel again,
As if the numbness thawed
In that single moment
Spent by the fireplace
Of someone willing to

The air was made of crystals.

And I went down those stairs,
And through that iron door,
And past those frost covered columns.

And the air was made of crystals.
671 · Feb 2024
such a secret...
Ander Stone Feb 2024
I've such a secret
to share
with you,
yet all I can do
is whisper.

In such a cacophonous world,
my whispers are
no longer melodies,
but the tapping of
ant feet in a field of green,
under the twisted steel
of man-made birds.

I've such a secret,
but no one
to listen
to me
whisper it.
651 · Apr 2024
of youth
Ander Stone Apr 2024
lost fragrances of easy summer mornings
when all she knew was the dirt
between her toes
and scattered throughout her
golden hair.

lost melodies of lazy summer days
when all she knew was the water
of river susurrations
and warmest shortlived rains
caressingly falling.

lost bites of ripe summer evenings
when all she knew was the sweetness
of rose-red lips
and shared apricots with she
of auburn hair.

lost glances of torrid summer nights
when all she knew was the lust
of her youth
and the wine shared between
first loves.

lost times of summer's end
when all she knew was gone.
647 · Apr 2024
I miss the moments...
Ander Stone Apr 2024
I miss the nights spent
Under warm candle light,
Writing poetry together
Under the sheets
Of stormy skies.

I miss the mornings
Slipping through the fingers
That play with strands
Of wine red hair
And porcelain skin.

I miss the days that
Could have been,
If only I would have been
Brave enough to see
Myself in your eyes.

I miss the evenings
Caressing the glow
Of your life-giving,
ever-beckoning lips.

I miss the moments
That never happened.
I miss what we've never shared.
I miss the love that might've...
618 · Jul 2024
Ander Stone Jul 2024

to be sheltered in loving arms,
to be held in sunlight above the crowd
so they may see you bask
in radiance.
to be nurtured.
Would I ever know what it feels like?


to be sheltered in a brave heart,
to be held in moonlight above the crowd
so they may never hurt you
in darkness.
to be protected.
Would I ever know what it feels like?


to be sheltered in adoring eyes,
to be held in starlight above the crowd
so you may know truest love
in purity.
to be enamored.
Would I ever know what it feels like?


to be the shelter.
to hold above the crowd.
to be kissed by a rose on the grave.
to be missed.
Would I ever know what it feels like?
604 · Jul 2024
Her eyes of storm skies
Ander Stone Jul 2024
her lingering gaze.

If only I could bathe
in her greying clouds,
in that black vortex
hidden in the storm
of her restless soul.

her warm embrace.

If only I could swim
in her pale downpour,
in that chilling curtain
hiding the world
in her summer storm.

her mouth caressing.

If only I could drown
in her torrential descent,
in that ephemeral beauty
hiding nothing
of her thunderous lust.

her heaving breathing.

If only I could sink
deeper into her,
into that fathom
hiding so much
of her carnal delights.

her thrumming hips.

If only I could float
atop her wanton storm,
into the crackling light
revealing the droplets
on her undaunted curves.

her body on mine.
Ander Stone Jan 2024
you shimmer under both the moon and the sun
as I stare deeply into you,
lost in those roasted chestnuts
that stare back at me.

a night so dark
that there is no starlight
to gaze longingly at,
but for those constellations
that embroider your fae visage.

from deep within
your heart's fire.

I can see myself
find a future
beneath this most heavenly vault.

empyrean strands whisper
above those windows to
your effervescent soul,
beckoning me to
burn away all that pain
and sorrow
that I carry upon
my mortal shoulders.

in a second you light up
my entire azure sphere
and chase away
the spiders and the vipers
that hide in the ever-dark corners of
my remembrance.

I beseech thee
shine your firelight upon
my yearning flesh.
for her.
Ander Stone Apr 2024
there's green all throughout
the silver droplets,
coiling about the warmth
of powder-blues and roaring magentas.

there's green all throughout
the golden threads,
winding around the jubilee
of cream-whites and vibrant citrines.

there's green all throughout
the copper clays,
swirling between the renewal
of xantic petals and extatic lilacs.

there's green all throughout
the joyous weeping
of spring.
477 · Mar 2024
the Winter
Ander Stone Mar 2024
Ice is cracking
Under the immense
And unforgiving
Weight of lead skies.

The world is falling,
Plunged into
The vast and punishing
Waters below.

Her lips dissolving
With the cosmic
And unwavering
Chill of the void.

A last breath reverberating
Below the colossal
And vengeful echoing
Of a final word.

Uttered in mourning
Of a momentary
And fragile
Ander Stone Jun 2024
I remember that day we met.

I remember that spark
that ignited the kindling
of my hollowbark heart.

I remember how much
your fire grew, engulfing
the forest in smoke.

I remember that forest fire.

I can see the thunderstorms
overhead, as your soul grew heavy,
ladened with all the sorrow and heartache.

I can see the rain drops
hit the burned leaves and ash.

I can see the storm darken the horizon.

I can see the stormlight
shine through the murk
of your weeping mind.

I can see the sparkling.

I remember that forest fire.

I remember when
you wanted to burn it all down,
all that we built in the forest.


I remember that first spark.
455 · Jan 2024
Her teeth of fiery belief
Ander Stone Jan 2024
you dared tell a lie at
the very end
of each and every verse
that snapped out
of that flaming mouth
of yours.

I felt the guilt
of not quenching
your eternal thirst.

spinner of magmatic threads,
supine in your cocoon of lies.
you told yourself the same lies
that entangle me in the susurrations
of your feminine death rattle.

I felt the weight
of not quenching
your ever burning thirst.

remembered silken fingers
crisscrossing the empty
spaces between my heavy

I felt the vibration
of failing to spot
that beautiful web you've spun.

weaver of all the lies
I needed to hear.

tell me,
are you content with being
all alone in your widow's web?
Ander Stone Jul 2019
An ox did once tell me a tale
and I listen to his voice unveil,
An ox did once tell me a tale.

It starts with hooves and ends in May,
I dare not, a word I dare not say,
It starts with hooves and ends in May.

It speaks of mountains old and new,
Of such grandeur I did not knew,
It speaks of mountains old and new.

He sits atop  a sailing stone,
And moves without moving a bone,
He sits atop a sailing stone.

An ox that moves by standing still,
It’s so massive, no wolf dares ****
an ox that moves by standing still.

The stone is cold and shrinks away,
It does not sail in light of day,
The stone is cold and shrinks away.

Under the moon a stone shall dance,
And one could tell with just a glance,
Under the moon a stone shall dance.

It melts away under the sun,
And when the night is done
it melts under the sun.

He tells a story of his crime
I listen to his voice, sublime.
He tells the story of his crime.

The ox was young and fell in love,
He did at first see stars above.
The ox was young and fell in love.

A lady red, of skin pale-white,
The ox with love he couldn’t fight!
A lady red, of skin pale-white.

She came to him and whispered loud
Of how her dream would make her proud,
She came to him and whispered.

He told his story to a point
He would not let me go beyond
He told his story to the point.

I listened close and said right back,
“I know your pain, I lived it too”,
I listened close and said right back.

“I knew a lady, pale and red
And I did take her to my bed,
The lonely lady, pale and red.

She looked at me with deep-blue eyes
And I thought I found paradise,
I lost myself in deep-blue eyes.

She came to me and whispered high
That now we have to say goodbye…
She came to me and whispered high.”

And so the ox told me a tale
As I looked in a mirror, pale.
And so the ox was told a tale.
429 · Jan 2024
dancing with somebody
Ander Stone Jan 2024
thousands of wasps
swirl around me
in a painful display.

I sting myself with insecurities.

hundreds of rats
drop from above
in a torrent of decay.

I plague myself with insecurities.

packs of wolves
dance around the stars
gnawing rabid at my flesh.

I rend myself with insecurities.

gargantuan paws dig
away at the dirt that
I was made of.

I bury myself in insecurities.

ursine hunger rips
and tears into
a still beating heart.

I starve myself with insecurities.

frost wrecked skies
crack above me
and fall sharp into
a dancing mind.

I wish for honey,
but I sting myself

I don't deserve anything else.
416 · Jan 2024
Ander Stone Jan 2024
I must have been born some day,
some time ago,
against my will.

I must have been born because I have this body coiled around me.

I must have been given shape some day,
some time ago;
molded into something
my soul doesn't recognize.

I must have been given shape because I have this body coiled around me.

I must have been held in motherly arms some day,
some long while ago,
because I remember her saying
that she can take away this life as easily as she's given it.

I must have been held because I remember how many times I cried and asked to be held.

I must have been crawling some day,
many scraped knees ago,
through the broken glass of
always feeling so small.

I must have been crawling because my knees hurt so very much.

I must have been walking around some day,
some time ago,
against the frigid wind.

I must have been walking because I remember that unforgiving blizzard.

I must have been swimming some day,
some time long past,
holding on to dear life.

I must have been swimming because I have saltwater deep in my lungs.

I must have been running some of those days,
awhile ago,
from something
I keep trying to forget.

I must have been running because I feel so very out of breath.

I must have been given a body some day,
some time ago,
against my will.

I must have been given a body because it is suffocating me.

Because I don't feel welcome in it.

Because I don't feel safe in it.

Because my very soul wants to destroy it.

Because I don't want the memories it shelters in its bones.

I must have been given a body because it is forever coiled around me.

I must have been given life one day because I want to give it all back.
maybe these ideations can be seen as something beautiful?
390 · Apr 2024
Why did you have to go?
Ander Stone Apr 2024
Barely seen,
Barely known,
Barely understood,
Barely remembered.

Why did you have to go before
Eyes could see you,
Hearts could know you,
Compassion could understand you,
Love could remember everything about you?

Why did you have to go
In spite of the fact
That I do and will
See you,
Know you,
Understand you,
And remember you?

Why did you have to go before time could do the same?
Ander Stone Jan 2024
whispers in the wind
of a remembered
that will never
come to pass.

shades of broken glass
trapped in the crimson
soles of tired feet
break apart in
a multitude of
echoing patterns.

a hunger for something
without shape,
without substance,
without the traced outline
of neverending desperation,
howls deep within the throat.

bottled yesterdays
shattered on the marble
of ever-shimmering amnesia
creaking like bones
inside an hourglass on the edge
of an untangling rope.

all that is left is to hope
for a quick bite of the river
that turns all tomorrows
into forgotten yesterday.
373 · Mar 2024
Ander Stone Mar 2024
they have to cut it off
because it's rotting
and the viscera
spewing from it
carries a stench of

they have to sever it
and free my writhing body
of it's bleak and pestilent
that oily echoing
of coarse

they have to cleave it away
so that my mortality
could be postponed
for as long as possible.

My soul.
It must be cut.
It must be severed.
It must be cleaved free of me.

This amputation
is the only thing
that could save
my life...
356 · Jun 2024
Ander Stone Jun 2024
If I had never met you
Would my hands feel any different?
Would my lips whisper any softer?
Would my eyes turn a different shade of brown?

If I had never fallen in love with you
Would my fingers stretch any further?
Would my teeth bite any deeper?
Would my eyes swallow even more moonlight?

If I had never longed for you
Would my arms grow heavier?
Would my mouth speak any louder?
Would my eyes weep even more than they had?

If I had never lost you
Would my shoulders crack under the starlit sky?
Would my jaw shatter with every promise told?
Would my eyes search for you in every glimmering of womanhood?
Ander Stone Jan 2024
I like the way you hide the wisdom in your hair,
Those starlight-silver strands collecting in your midnight.

I love the way you shy away from your age,
While the shadows dance within.

I adore the gray brush strokes
That entwine
And blend
On raven feathers
Of dark black hair.
326 · Jan 2024
Ander Stone Jan 2024
a chance to deliver
auspicious nuggets of gold
flaked hope.

a small change,
yet one remembered.

a step back
from scorching ground,
powdered leaves,
broken bone
years of never.

a small step,
yet one remembered.

a fear unknown
to all the numbered
beats within a heart.
terror lingered,
envy of a self I've yet to be.

a fear,
306 · Apr 2024
Of cattle
Ander Stone Apr 2024
You break your back
To plow fertile their
Squalid earth.

You sweat
under the wailing sun,
Beneath their barbed wire

You give your flesh
To satiate their hunger.

And what do you get in return?

A place for your head.

The chopping block.
296 · Jan 2024
You did nothing wrong.
Ander Stone Jan 2024
Can you write with a broken pen?

Can you send out the words that reverberate within your soul if the inkwell has dried out?

Can you scribble away at your own thoughts if the paper has been hollowed out by grief?

Can you author a better future with nothing but your bleeding fingers?
Can you do nothing wrong if all you do is write?
285 · Sep 2024
a private odyssey
Ander Stone Sep 2024
there is a small fire,
a flickering light,
akin to a firefly lost
in the cold mists of night,
shining bright where
my joy should be.

there is a deep well,
a profound darkness,
akin to a cavern flooded
with frigid dark waves
echoing eternally
to the sound of loneliness.

there is a lackluster wreckage,
a broken trireme,
akin to a kingly one
that sailed out of Ithaca,
bleeding memories through
a gashing wound.

there is a rhyme,
a shattered syllable,
akin to a muffled shout
that reverberated throughout
those splintered blinks
of a forlorn childhood...
280 · Jun 2024
Ander Stone Jun 2024
When the wind is blowing
with the voracity
of a hundred love songs
that tear flesh from bone,
You have to flow with the whirlwind.

Life doesn't wait for you.

When the earth is breaking
apart beneath your feet
with the fury
of a thousand guttural cries
that freeze the marrow in your spine,
You have to crawl through the gravel.

Life doesn't wait for you.

When the forest catches fire
all around you, burning
with the hunger
of a million weeping mouths,
You have to breathe through the smoke.

Life doesn't wait for you.

When the flood pulls you under
with the tentacled might
of all your failures and sorrows,
with the darkness
of a billion dead suns,
You have to be the light
that burns brightest.

Life doesn't wait for you.
It never will.
251 · Jan 4
I dream
Ander Stone Jan 4
I dream of you
when I close my eyes
and run through the golden fields
naked of all fear
and covered in the sunlight
of whom I hold most dear
taking in the yield
of passion's highs
as I rush to you.

I dream of you
when I open my eyes
and walk through the grey streets
veiled in mundane dismay
and covered in the soot
of machination gone astray
from the golden wheat
of desire's lies
as I stride to you.

I dream of you

And I dream
that you dream
of me
even fleetingly.
250 · Sep 2021
it would be a funeral color
Ander Stone Sep 2021
If my soul was a color, it would be a funeral color.

It would be the color of remembrance, and the color of forgetting.

It would be a color that screams to be avenged, respected and mourned.

It would be a proud color.

A color that remembers a glorious past, mostly imagined and embroidered with more victories than defeats.

It would be a color of joy, yet hidden in silence.

A color that boasts of courage, but asks for submissiveness.

A color that speaks of kindness, but greedily hoards.

A color that's been censored.

The color of my soul would be that lack of color, that void that takes away all other colors,

and shoves them down below, under the writhing belly of the thick-scaled beast.

The color that waits to burst out with deep reds, and gold, and blues.

It would be that color that would not stay dead,

would not stay mourned,

would not roll over,

but hammers against the void and brings forth the kaleidoscope of hope.
239 · Apr 2024
of the tides
Ander Stone Apr 2024
it comes and
one way or
from high to

Life tests you in ways unimaginable
to one whom has never lived
outside the palace of shimmering glass,
unclothed in mist-soft silks,
unwarmed by gourmet delights.


those highs and lows
of life.

to all but they whom have struggled
to find warmth,
to quench thirst,
to fill heart and belly.

238 · Jul 2019
The muse
Ander Stone Jul 2019
A muse is like the most beautiful woman.
When she comes to you,
Desiring to make love,
You best make yourself ready.

She doesn’t come for anyone.
She needs to know that you desire her,
She needs to be wooed.

A  muse will love you like no other,
But only if you do the work.

Don’t buy her flowers,
She doesn’t need those.
Don’t cook for her,
Don’t take her to the movies,
Or to the park, or to a place of wonder.

She needs but one thing,
For you to give her your all.

She ******* only if you
Move your fingers in the right way,
Only if you reach that rhythm,
Only if you paint that picture,
Only if you dance that way,
Only if you give her your mind,
Your heart, your body,
And your soul.
And when she ****,
The world becomes beauty.

When your muse reaches her ******,
Your fingers move with the speed of Hermes,
Your heart beats with the strength of Hercules,
Your creations shine with the beauty of Afrodite,
And your body thrums with her release.

There is nothing more ******,
More liberating, more all-consuming,
Than making love to your muse,
For when she oozes pleasure upon you,
It is not your *** that moves her,
But your desire to write,
to dance,
to sing,
to paint,
to act,
to perform the art that is HER.
212 · Feb 2024
Ander Stone Feb 2024
You are not an island.
You are not the land beneath your feet.

You are starlight and heat,
the primordial chaos,
the cosmic repeat.
You are ever-changing
into something incomplete,
yet always flowing
beyond your two feet.

You are not the land, nor a lonely street.
You are not an island.
You are not concrete.
168 · Jun 2024
Speak your mind
Ander Stone Jun 2024
To try to sing when all your rhythms are loneliness and decaying forests.

To try to speak when all your words are fragility and pungent mires.

To try to write when all your rhymes are complacency and murky waters.

To try to get those thoughts out when all your mind can shelter are words without rhyme or rhythm...

To try...
154 · Sep 2023
Petals of mold
Ander Stone Sep 2023
Petals of mold on your heavy eyelids
remind me of the moment when I died among the kindling...

blood dew flowing with the choleric thorns of your eyelashes
feed the scarlet weeds of final bitter twitches,
and the harsh blades of the cardinal sun
burn my last too-naive sentimental nostalgias...
142 · Oct 2023
Ander Stone Oct 2023
She saw him standing there,
looking at her, austere as a
cliff upon a shoreline,
unmoved by the sea.

Yet she knew that every cliff
eventually crumbles
against the unrelenting waves.

And she was unrelenting.
Ander Stone Apr 2024
So you blame the roses for the locust swarm
That eats away at their beauty
And drench their joyful fragrance
In misery...

Where the **** is the insecticide?
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