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May 2015 · 224
Who I was and Who I am
I wasn't this kid who was liked by everybody
I wasn't this kid who was known by everybody
I wasn't this kid who was loved by everybody
I was never that kid

But look at me now

I found great friends who made me feel like I actually belonged
As if I'm loved and forever will be

I feel safe around them
I can be as weird as I am

I don't want this friendship to end
If ever we get in fight
Immediately I shall mend
May 2015 · 651
For my dearest Mom!
To them, you're just a somebody
But to me, the way you love me unconditionally
It makes me so happy

Cause I know I can depend on you
You will always know what's true
Because it's you
You know when i'm feeling blue
I'm sorry for the pain and sufferings I've caused you
But I know you'll still be here

Thank you for being more than just a mother
You became a nurse (literally), our guide and the best teacher
Thank you for enduring the pain of being away
Just to make us stay
To the very school we wanted to be everyday
No one can ever be greater than you
Because to us
You are the elite! You are the best of the best!

We love you Mama! :D
Happy Mother's Day! :) and also to all the mothers out there...
May 2015 · 355
A moment of nostalgia
This may seem kinda weird
But when I arrived
It felt like I've been there
As if I have met you there
Like, I have felt this before
I have encountered this before
I don't know why
I don't know when
I don't know how
But one thing's for sure

*It was very nostalgic
Meh..  went to a friend's house... it felt like I've seen the village before and have actually been there... ughhh so weird... I dunno why...
May 2015 · 351
This is LOVE
I guess I understand now
It's not about the looks
There's more to it
Even when it comes to personality
It's more about the emotions one posses
We become this person
Who wants to know more
And be there to see the ****** expression
The feelings this special someone feels

Yes, that's it.
Figured this out while talking to my best friend... hehehe Thanks Gabby! :D
May 2015 · 239
Yeah, Kinda like destiny
I don't wanna believe in destiny and fate... all they do is make you hope infinitely for something that is not even sure of happening but I still cant help but think that there will be that one person who'll come into your life and will continue to show up even though you're not searching for him and you'll know he's for you... kinda like destiny ....
When will you come to my IMAGINATION
I don't know what to write
Should I fly a kite?
Or maybe take a bite?
Or perhaps something about a fight.
But I want it to be about LOVE
that symbolizes two doves
May 2015 · 1.9k
I hope you're fine
To the past I dwell
These past few days I haven't been feeling well
I hope you're doing fine
cause even though ever since I fell
I'm the one suffering in this one heck of a hell
I still want you to be at peace and in complete harmony
May 2015 · 237
Will there ever be enough?
I can never find the right words
Will there ever be*
enough letters in the alphabet for me
to describe how you came to be      
*the moon that radiates so much glee?
May 2015 · 428
The treasure behind poetry
I wish to be discovered
These late night thoughts to be uncovered
I want people to be bewildered
By my poems I want to be delivered
May 2015 · 598
The YOU in my eyes
From the moment I met you
I knew you were decent
Though not really that innocent
But you were a nice guy
Though you are shy
You still have this charm

Your voice that ain't so manly
Yet for me it was heavenly
Just to hear your voice was enough for me

You may not be the brightest
But among the stars, you are
Your witty answers and logical explanations
These serve as my best inspirations

Your strategic ways
and inspiring plays
They always make my days

I'd wish upon a star
That my love for you
Wont bear a single scar

So honey my dear
I sure do hope everything is clear
Just don't make me bear a single tear
For I might grow in fear
Of your face
That served as my favorite maze
Whenever my emotions are in a haze
May 2015 · 2.0k
The anatomy of YOU
Those lips that has touched mine whenever i'm not feeling fine
Those hands that pulled me up when i'm down and my face in a frown
Those muscular arms that lift my wary thoughts
Your mouth that has chanted a million "I love yous"
Your eyes that reflect your pretty soul
Your ears that never get tired hearing my every fears

I wonder where you went
I'm all alone now and I just can't
I'm half a heart without you
It just feels so blue

I can no longer find you

You left me feeling drastic
My heart went tragic
You vanished like magic

Please tell me you'll come back
and carry me again along your back
Cause I really miss every part of you
Your'e the missing piece I lack
I don't get it
How the people I love the most
Could be the reason
To why my being wants to burst

This world full of tragedy
To the point when you'll feel raggedy
I don't know what's worst
Loving someone whom can never be yours
Or be loved nothing more than of a friend
I don't want to regret
I no longer want to forget
So I shall accept
That I'd want you to collect
These feelings that I want you to protect

I hope this third time around
No harm would be bound
No intruders shall be found
No obstacles we can't pound*

I want you to be mine
And me to be yours
So forever shall be ours
Maybe being an idiot
is what i'm good at
Cause showing my true feelings
would cause so much embarrassment

Rejection is also a factor
towards this feeling
that I can't ever tell

I don't know how to act anymore
thinking that you like someone even more
it just hurts my feelings
My heart gets broken more and more

I just wish I have enough courage
to tell you the way I feel
Without hesitation
and this feeling of infatuation

But maybe it is all in my imagination
That you and I may happen
I just wish I could tell you
straight forward

Cause the more I go on
the more it crushes my being
May 2015 · 315
Good things indeed
Good things*
come to those who wait in silence
*But work with diligence
If you're ever feeling doubtful or down about the amount effort you put into pursuing your dream, just remember this and believe... :)
May 2015 · 251
A show turned into reality
It was only a pretend
Never have I thought that you'd mend
this broken heart of mine
that has never felt fine
for a very long time
May 2015 · 371
Would you let me?
What's the problem?
Are you ok?*
You can tell me everything.
I promise I wont ever tell.
Not even to a single soul.
Don't worry
Just be happy.
I wont let go.

Cause all I want is for me to know you so.
And to let you know
that I'll be here to and fro
I want to be a part of your lovely soul
May 2015 · 803
A friend till the end
It's sad for you to go away
I'll miss the times we play
From morning till noon everyday

The things we talk about
It goes in a roundabout
They never stop and run out

Your jokes that make me laugh
That sometimes comes with tears
But I wont forget
The day you comforted me from my fears

I guess
My dear friend

But it won't be forever
It'll just be for now or never

"Cause distance makes the heart grow fonder"
As they always say
*We will still be together
Sometimes I don't know if you're just naive
Or if you are doing this cause this is how you really are
But either way, what you are doing
Is not resulting to good
If you continue
The bond you created with us
Might just snap
And it might be late for you to save
So please try to fix the way you go
The way do
The way you talk
We wary the way you act
It isn't funny anymore
It hurts us more and more
You were once my rival
Someone who's the best in over all
But never have I imagined that i'd fall
And to think that you'd be called
My everything and all

Now I don't know what to do
With these feelings that wont ever go
I just want to be with you

When you're around
My heart can't stop beating aloud
With just your touch
A red face would be bound

The only thing through my mind
Was how to beat your kind
But now all I want
Is for you to be *mine
May 2015 · 321
It's time
Maybe it's time I step out of my shell
Cause every story that I unravel
To a new world I travel
So I grab my gravel
To seek for bones that are like a puzzle

Every mistake that I commit
And every wrong that I admit
New ideas emit
I always learn from it
May 2015 · 1.6k
Understand? Understood.
Sometimes it gets to you
Whenever a person is being mean to you
But you have to understand
And prevent yourself from walking away
Because you are the only one who gets their way

They'd be left helpless and unaccepted
It you wont be there to prevent it

You have a role
An important role
What exactly is weirdness?
It is just something out of the ordinary
People think it's funny
But the truth is,
It ain't

Why does everybody even want to fit in?
Because they don't want to be alone
The truth is,
they won't be alone
It takes time for the right people
to show up at your door.

Be happy of who you are
You aren't an error
You have a creator
And He creates such *beauty

If someone tells you that you are weird,
tell them thanks
Being weird is being unique

You are one heck of a special person
Not meant to be like the others...
Meep... for those who have low self esteem... May this poem give enlightenment to those people being called "different", "weird", "ugly", "idiot" and other mean stuff.
Apr 2015 · 574
There will be no end
The more you get enlightened,
the more you get confused.
A paradox...
Apr 2015 · 539
To fill the empty jar
I supported you
Cause no body supported me
I believed in you
Cause no one believed in me
I cared for you
Cause none took care of me
I have loved you
Cause not a single soul gave any to me

I guess
I see myself in you
And I just want to fill those empty spaces

Because I don't want you
To feel the pain I do
Apr 2015 · 727
Sweetest poison
I don't know anymore
What to think of you
nor with your "I love you"
Cause at one point,
it could heal all my deepest wounds
But could bear the biggest scar

Your words feel like soft marshmallows
Yet the after taste sting like a billion arrows

The way you touch my fragile skin
makes it glow and look flawless
But as it glows
it grows weaker
Then burns into ashes

The way you build me up
then break me down

Tears my soul and I crash onto the ground
Have you ever met someone like this?
Apr 2015 · 516
My hearts cosmology
I'm just one of the stars in the sky
I bet that when I die
You wont even bat an eye

To me,
You are the great big galaxy
The way you are is just so pretty
I look at you then i'd feel so happy

I'm just a planet
Revolving around your orbit
Whom you wont miss even for a bit

But to me,
You are the sun
as yellow as a bee
Well... for someone who likes astronomy... :)
Apr 2015 · 10.0k
Cosmic Lover
You* are the center of my solar system
You brighten up my whole galaxy
You* shine the brightest among the stars

Oh darling why wont you study *astronomy
with me

So you'd know how much my heart aches for you
I feel sorry* for those people worried more about their grades than their lives

I feel sorry for those people who worry more about the answers rather than the beauty of those unanswered questions of life

I feel sorry for those people who gives more self worth than appreciating the beauty of caring for welfare of others

I feel sorry for those people who cant enjoy life cause they are too worried about the future and are stressing about their past rather than living today

I feel sorry* for those who cant control themselves and give in to anger, pain, guilt and sadness than feel free by forgiving, being happy and be kind

Yes, I feel sorry for myself sometimes
Apr 2015 · 270
The truth will always hurt
It's funny how writers give such
privilege to those so-called
Maybe it's because
they - so as we
think that there is a protagonist
and an antagonist
When in reality
there is only you

Only you yourself
could defeat the demon
living along your bloodstream

You cant actually scream
and a hero shows up with a beam
We are all trapped in a dark realm

Just accept the truth
before you lose a tooth
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Cupid with a broken heart
I've given up the desire to make you
I'll try to just be
It's time for me to play the cupid
I've had enough looking so stupid

I guess it'll be alright
If it means I'll see you smile so bright
Watched a new series anime and got an inspiration from that... :)
You and I*
was dated back long ago
But I still cant help but think    

That what you gave me
Were one of my best memories  
You gained a place in my heart
And you're already a part
As our eyes meet again
For the first time    
My heart leaps out of my chest

Thoughts of you rushes in
It makes me happy as I have been
Apr 2015 · 794
Just a reminder
Apr 2015 · 370
And this is why
My poems breathe for
another soul
another being
another living flesh

*They exist for a reason
Apr 2015 · 558
Lost component
The world's gone insane
Is there anyone who's still sane?
It's way too chaotic
Everyone's gone mad

Too much stress
Too much work
Too much criticism

Name it all
You'll find it all
All together, We Will Fall


Where is it now?
Lost in the dark abyss
Lost in the middle of no where
Cause nobody dares to find
Phew... *sighs heavily ... No one is reliable anymore nowadays... they're all too busy for themselves... wow... what the heck is going on???
Apr 2015 · 434
The empathy in ME
I already knew
Even before I got to know you
You had suicidal thoughts
Every now and then

One can't really hide from me
Because I could see
Behind that mask
That doesn't even last
For I have been in your shoes

But I guess I lack compassion
I didn't know how to show it
You get through
Cause I still have hope for you
Get well soon! :) It is now my turn to support you... :3
Apr 2015 · 603
Sorry my dear
When it comes to you
It has always been a battle
Between my heart and my brain
What an endless pain
It has been crushing me to bits
yet with just your laughter
the butterflies start to flutter
and my lips start to stutter

Now you return
telling me you went the wrong turn
You say you want to set things right
but I don't suppose that'll make me smile bright
Cause you are the source of my heartache
and my endless misery

I now have an answer to this encrypted mystery
You ain't sure yet
and I bet
My heart's gonna take all the risk
so i'm not gonna make another wish
Just one last kiss
Seriously... this is the most clichè thing i've ever written... hahaha but maybe this is the influence of all those shoujo (love, romance genre anime) that I've been watching ... XD hahahaha
Apr 2015 · 329
How, What -?
Whenever you're near
My eyes start to make tears
My heart beats faster
My courage I couldn't muster
My whole being comes to a halt
And it feels like I'm breaking apart

*What kind of sorcery is this?
meh... Whenever large monsters or higher lvl peeps attack me while playing LoL this is how I feel... hahahaha weird right? but for a noob... well... this is how it feels oke...
Apr 2015 · 566
Want an advice?
Our days are limited
Our lives can't be edited
Live it wisely
Live precisely
Never amount to much
Never become a nasty bunch
Remember these tips
And spread them using those lips
Teach them with your voice
Always with poise

Sure do wish you wont remorse
Cause life has such a puzzling course
At least you tried
on the day that I cried
Your effort of changing
left my thoughts hanging

Maybe I can't change you
But i'll accept it
for it's the real you

And you were the most special
Of them all
Apr 2015 · 2.1k
My Dolly
Dear dolly,
you always seem so jolly.
I wonder if your smile is pure
Or if you just stitched it as a temporary cure
For all the madness that has been flowing through

Your soul that has never coexisted
with your fabricated flesh
I ponder the way you think
and the reason why you never blink
But you seem to look good in pink

Didn't think you'll love the dark shade of red
splashed through the sheets of a bed
From your blade's sharp end

I wonder who'll you ****** tonight
since the moon is out without a bite
Here's a little creepy pasta themed poem for ye... hehehe I like these scary stories... :3
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
Late night wishes
Every night
i'd wait for a shooting star
and wish for you to be truly mine
Apr 2015 · 330
He was a creeper
I was a late night sleeper
Every night
he'll be under my bed
While i'm trying to fix
the loose thread
At night I try
But whenever he drops by
**I just can't
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
This is like one of those days
when i'd tell myself i'd sleep early
and be productive
Yet i'll find myself stretching
thinking twice
whether or not will I rise
So lazy...
Apr 2015 · 539
Please, just this once
I no longer want to be caged
like a bird trapped in one page
Let me soar high
and notice my dashing colors by
Down the river I shall greet you
among the waters below the sky of blue
I'll sing a lullaby that'll make you feel safe
and be your hero without a cape
So listen to my plea
this is my one and only glee
Apr 2015 · 537
Maybe we are
It was love at first sight
if it's possible,
Love at first bite

We live in two different worlds
never meant to clash together
a vamp who wanted my blood
a human who only ate "food"

But maybe we ain't different
maybe we are alike

For we both eat flesh
Tear down souls
and enjoy a refreshing red liquid

Maybe it was just us
thinking that you were the bad guys

Maybe we are just all the same

Maybe we were meant to be
*just not in this dimension
Apr 2015 · 365
Unrequited Love
I thought I was going insane
trying to keep up with all the pain
Until you showed up and kissed it all goodbye
It was the sweetest moment of my life

Every night I've wished upon a star
for the sun to notice my existence

I caught a glimpse of you
smiling so bright that it made my life complete
It was just a gist for we weren't meant to cross paths

For I was the moon living among the stars
and you were the Sun who can't see me along the bars
Apr 2015 · 423
What is it to be Perfect?
Whenever I see a bear
I remember you my dear
The way your sleeping face looks
the lazy face you make while reading a book
the softness of your voice despite being a bloke

They may seem like flaws
but to me they're absolute *perfection
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
The magic man
Everything went tragic
but you made everything seem like magic

In just a wish and bit of whoosh
You made a smile creep on my face with a little bit of push
I was a lost puzzle piece
waiting to be retrieved underneath a table

I've been trying to fit in with the
beautiful pictures
But nothing ever works out
Never have I imagined that I wasn't meant to be there
No wonder my smiles were just masks
No wonder I felt different
No wonder I feel so lonely
for I was part of something better

I was part of a masterpiece
And it was called FRIENDSHIP

A friendship I've never felt ever before
I felt like I belonged
as if I was the missing piece that they've
been waiting for
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