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Jan 2017 · 894
For What It's Worth
Mysidian Bard Jan 2017
What price do we place on freedom
in a world of consumer slaves?
Do we measure it in the lives
of soldiers sent to their graves?

Do we measure it in the families
who lost dads, husbands, sons;
and trust the politicians
whose solution is always guns?

Do we measure it in the comfort
of never knowing first hand
the way that a child feels
growing up in a war-torn land?

What is the cost? What will it take
for us to wake and see:
if this were the path to freedom
wouldn't everyone be free?

If hate will only breed more hate
and if war only breeds more war,
it ultimately begs the question:
is "peace" worth fighting for?
Jan 2017 · 4.0k
The Needle and the Thread
Mysidian Bard Jan 2017
It started as a puncture,
but the seam slowly ripped;
a thimble can't protect
from a poison needle tip.

She tried to mend it
by making more holes;
the tear only grew
and grew out of control.

At the spinning wheel
her life would quickly dwindle;
frantic attempts to hem
were depleting the spindle.

What started as a puncture
of seductive sedation
fueled the abuse
of machined perforation.

"Don't mourn a living corpse"
were the last words she said
as she drew the needle
that held the last thread.
Jan 2017 · 1.2k
Mysidian Bard Jan 2017
Time is not a war to be waged;
there can never be a winner.
At the end we're all the same;
the anointed and the sinner.

Take up your arms and you will find
you'll leave with less than you had;
all the fruits of your trying labor
will surely have gone bad.

Instead of changing the world around
try instead to be the change;
raise the white flag and you will earn
from a war you didn't engage.

If there's a lesson to be learned:
you need not hold the line.
All the anger and hate will depart
through the gentle surrender to time.
Jan 2017 · 955
Mysidian Bard Jan 2017
Why are we all just living to die
when we all should be dying to live?
Jan 2017 · 2.5k
Tomorrow Never Comes
Mysidian Bard Jan 2017
I tell myself that this is it,
when the day is done.
When I wake I'll start anew,
but tomorrow never comes.

Tomorrow becomes today
more quickly than the last,
more quickly than the bottles empty
more weeks and months go past.

I buy the drink, the drink buys me
another day to run.
The demons waiting patiently
for when the day is done.

Tomorrow becomes today;
I waste it like before,
I waste it getting wasted,
but I'm wasting so much more

My friends, my health, my family
and those I cherish most;
watch the boy they used to love,
becoming just a ghost.

Tomorrow becomes today,
I may have missed it all,
I may have missed the last chance
just to never miss last call

I tell myself that this is it
when the day is done,
but the circle remains unbroken
and tomorrow never comes.
Jan 2017 · 1.6k
Mysidian Bard Jan 2017
I, too, was once a man
in search of guiding light.
Hopeless, lost, alone
and ready to give up the fight.

When a helping hand reached out,
unencumbered by my weight
and took it upon themselves
to pull me from Hell's gate.

Self sacrifice; a virtue
that I would someday know
to be the shelter that I found
beneath the cape of my hero.

Confide in me, my darling;
I'll be your great escape.
It was written in the starlight
that I would don the cape.
Jan 2017 · 2.1k
Perspective (Haiku #53)
Mysidian Bard Jan 2017
Time changes all things;
seashells of the past become
the sand of today.
Jan 2017 · 1.4k
In Loving Memory
Mysidian Bard Jan 2017
I knew you as a person
who wore daffodils in her hair;
dancing barefoot in the fields.
Always unpredictable,
your aura, like an aurora of Pandora's open box.
Recklessly compassionate in your unrelenting affection.

I remember when they told me
that you had passed away.
I watched as they returned your body to the earth.
They say that you're in heaven now,
but I don't know how this can be true
when every day I still feel you in my heart.

Maybe your daisy chain was a halo
and the fields that you danced on were clouds.
I think I finally understand.
I knew you as a person,
but maybe you weren't.
Maybe you were just an angel
that got lost along the way.
This is my first attempt at a free verse poem, please feel free to send me a message with feedback or critique. I honestly don't know what I am doing and writing this was a huge challenge for me. This is for anyone who has lost someone close to them in their lives. People die, but they live on in the hearts and souls of the people who loved and cherished them. Carry their spirits into the new world and they will live on forever.
Mysidian Bard Jan 2017
I'm waiting for the sun to rise;
going to cut these worldly ties.
Remembering summer reveries,
The autumn chill, the falling leaves.

Look at how we both have grown;
change for all the time we've blown.
Remembering the winters snow,
the stars above, the ground below.

Lets atone for throwing stones;
we can mend the broken bones.
Remembering that spring revives;
brings new light to cloudy skies.
I want to wish all my friends, followers and fellow poets a happy new years. May the light guide you on whatever path you choose this new year. Thank you so much for all the love and support! Be safe, and awake to a beautiful tomorrow. :)

The Mysidian Bard
Dec 2016 · 1.1k
Enchantress (Haiku #52)
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
Your lips are poison
But there is no antidote
To free me from bliss
Dec 2016 · 19.6k
Lost in the woods
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
When I look back at the things I had
The things that now are gone
I was planting seeds of division
But the trees grew tall and strong

I used to see for miles around
But now the forest grows
Beneath the shade of branches
Are secrets no one knows

At first it was a place to hide
An oasis on barren lands
But holding on to a past that's gone
Was just leaving time on my hands

For years I must have wandered
Abandoning all that was good
I thought I knew my way out
But now I'm lost in the woods
Wow, I can't believe I got poem of the day! This made my night, I am honored. I want to thank all of the encouraging members on this site that kept me going when I wanted to give up.

This is probably one of my favorite poems I have written. I came to this site as a musician on hiatus looking for a creative outlet in life. This was the first poem where I felt as I wasn't a musician writing poems, but a poet. Thank you so much for your support and here's to many future works from myself and from all of you as well! :)

- The Mysidian Bard
Dec 2016 · 1.5k
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
I come from a place
Where reality's a dream
We sleepwalk awake
Silent are the screams

Uncertainty is certain
Lies are absolute
Destruction just creates
The vital and minute

Consciously unaware
Of our intended mistakes
Reminded to forget
That giving only takes

I come from a place
Where eyes never see
Through the mists of illusion
Surrounding you and me
Dec 2016 · 1.2k
Moon Shadow
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
Every light that shines
Casts the shadows I fear

Every smile I fake
Stained by a thousand tears

Every word I speak
Cold and dead as my eyes

Every night that sets
Darker with each sunrise
Dec 2016 · 634
Hindsight (Haiku #51)
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
The past; a conflict
We always have to look back
To find tomorrow
Dec 2016 · 1.8k
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
The flowing water in the dawns mist
Whispers memories of our youthful bliss

Carried away, downstream, endlessly
Into the open arms of a restless sea

This shall be the place we forever rest
Intertwined and woven like the cape weavers nest

Never again to know solidarity
Cradling the life of tomorrow is our apogee
Dec 2016 · 1.1k
Virtue (Haiku #50)
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
I'm just a shadow
But light always shines brightest
Within the darkness
Dec 2016 · 1.1k
Rebirth (Haiku #49)
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
It wasn't the end
I closed my eyes and waited
But death never came
Dec 2016 · 1.4k
Conflict (Haiku #48)
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
Between the divide
You just can't get agreement
In this time and age
Dec 2016 · 1.6k
Isolation (Haiku #47)
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
I've spent my whole life
Building walls all around me
My shelter's a tomb
Dec 2016 · 831
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
Release me from your spell
Sweet maiden of the night

Release me from my innocence
Surrendered to your delight

Release me from your body
A tapestry of ink and skin

Release me from yourself
Or I will surely sin

Release me from your words
Your velvet voice does speak

Release me from your hands
Your touch that makes me weak

Release me from your eyes
That are burning with desire

Release me from your soul
Or I will feed this fire
Dec 2016 · 1.3k
Sacrifice (Haiku #46)
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
No one can make me
Give this part of me for you
I do it by choice
Dec 2016 · 924
Nova (Haiku #45)
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
Here you and I stand
Beneath the cosmic graveyard
Engulfed in twillight
Dec 2016 · 588
Unconditional (Haiku #44)
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
Love is like a sea
It will refuse no river
That stands at its gate
Dec 2016 · 1.0k
The field of memories
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
When our young days are far behind
No mountains left to climb

Will you look back across the hills
And see me standing still

When our eyes meet, it's understood
I would follow if I could

But I'm tied down by memories
That I could never leave

You'll fade from sight, eclipsed by light
Of a path you follow true

But I'll stay here for the both of us
To remember me and you
Move on or hold on
To the lives that we once knew
But I'm staying here
Dec 2016 · 640
Love letters (Haiku #43)
Mysidian Bard Dec 2016
Crumpled up paper
Strewn across the bedroom floor
Someday you will know
Nov 2016 · 860
Wildfire (Haiku #42)
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
Every tear we cry
Burns away the fears inside
Our flames grow stronger
Nov 2016 · 436
Fare Well (Haiku #41)
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
Here on your doorstep
Am I to bid you farewell?
This cold Autumn eve
Nov 2016 · 843
The Son
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
I am the sun
Who fills your world with light
You are the dark
That fades my world to night

But I see through
You can't blind my sight
You once were
Shining just as bright
A poem for my dad. I never understood why you were so ******* me, but I know now. You were always pushing me to be better because you wanted me to accomplish the things in life that you never did. You saw the fire in my eyes that once burned within you.
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
You say we're strangers
But countless times you and I
Met along the way
Nov 2016 · 956
Salvation (Haiku #39)
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
The light will get in
Through my many cracks and tears
My imperfection
Nov 2016 · 814
Guilty (Haiku #38)
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
I'm always the one
Who upon the finger rests
Imprisoned by you
Nov 2016 · 941
Stature (Haiku #37)
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
I'm not who I was
The streets they will remember
Even if I don't
Nov 2016 · 850
Hangman (Haiku #36)
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
We were once tangled
But all the ties that bind us
Have become a noose
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Phoenix (Haiku #35)
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
I can't tell you why
All those things seemed to matter
Until there was you
Nov 2016 · 807
Solitude (Haiku #34)
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
You never worried
That I had come to depend
Upon your sweet love
Nov 2016 · 896
Two Gunslingers (Haiku #33)
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
After many years
You and I come face to face
To settle the score
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
She walks on water
Her ripples echo, become
The waves of my life
Nov 2016 · 1.4k
Nightfall (Haiku #31)
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
Our shadows soon fade
Here beneath the dying sun
When the day is done
Nov 2016 · 1.5k
Shepherd (Haiku #30)
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
I have seen the path
Where the blind men lead the blind
They gladly follow
Nov 2016 · 660
Deep-six (Haiku #29)
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
You have since moved on
Well then maybe even I
Can learn to forget
Nov 2016 · 716
Crux (Haiku #28)
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
Love, lust, desire
These are dreams that will become
My own cross to bear
Nov 2016 · 1.2k
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
I write down these words
That you don't understand

Beneath this shell
Is the soul of a broken man

Is this love?
Or only a dream

These pains and fires
Were meant to set us free
Nov 2016 · 1.2k
Nightshade (Haiku #27)
Mysidian Bard Nov 2016
My heart is a place
Where a garden never grows
I need your sunlight
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
Detour (Haiku #26)
Mysidian Bard Oct 2016
Somewhere on the way
I lost me, you lost you, but
We found each other
Oct 2016 · 1.3k
Better Days (Haiku #25)
Mysidian Bard Oct 2016
They always say that
Tomorrow might be better
But I'm still waiting
Oct 2016 · 761
Undertow (Haiku #24)
Mysidian Bard Oct 2016
While the heavens wept
I gasped for air beneath the
Waters where I lay
Oct 2016 · 1.6k
Rebirth (Haiku #23)
Mysidian Bard Oct 2016
It isn't too late
It's never too late to start
All over again
Oct 2016 · 1.0k
Unspoken (Haiku #22)
Mysidian Bard Oct 2016
Silence says much more
Than useless words we have said
Many times before
Oct 2016 · 835
Up High
Mysidian Bard Oct 2016
I've been strung up
Put out for show
A line I could not tow

And so it seems
By any means
I must find a way

To hurt myself
And those I love
When I could rise above

And only you
The path is through
A chance to start anew

If you could lift me up high
Lift me to the sky
I would not tumble and fall away
I'd still be at your side today

If you could lift me up high
Lift me to the sky
Up in the clouds is where I'd stay
And watch my old life drift away

All that I ask
Is that my years
May not be lived in fear

So satisfy
My worried mind
And I can find a way

To love myself
And others too
Despite what they've been through

I ask today
You light their way
And someday they can say

If you could lift me up high
Lift me to the sky
I would not tumble and fall away
I'd still be at your side today

If you could lift me up high
Lift me to the sky
Up in the clouds is where I'd stay
And watch my old life drift away
Oct 2016 · 890
Memento (Haiku #21)
Mysidian Bard Oct 2016
Those who've died live on
In the memories of those
Whose lives they have touched
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