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Nov 2021 · 421
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
an echo
could not recognise
it’s own voice
it got stuck
in a canyon
reason and choice
all the more louder
it threw out a rhyme
no one dared to respond
or cared to reply
for none heard such a poem
nor the voice
that was mine
Nov 2021 · 727
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
said the echo to the voice that kept yelling

said the boy that was bullied and raging

said the wife that was battered and bleeding

said the man on the bridge and is jumping

said a world that was lost and still spinning

said truth to deceit and the lying

said the poet to his soul and the writing

Nov 2021 · 790
For holding
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
These hands were made for holding
Then came fear and taught me how to grasp

These lungs were made for holding
Then came anxiety and taught me how to gasp

This heart was made for holding
Then came love and taught me how to clasp
I was made wonderfully and beautifully
and now life teaches me to take hold
Nov 2021 · 750
Wishing Well
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
“I wish you well”
said the wishing well
to the old man with the coin
“Don’t wish for me
I’m old you see,
just a wistful wish for my boy.
My life is done
his, just begun
a wish for life and health.”

And with what’s left of his money
he flung his last penny
giving all for a son’s
wisdom and wealth
Nov 2021 · 144
Nov 2021 · 427
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
I’m living the life
now that my wife
has moved on to another man
My kids are grown
now left all alone
I’m doing as I want and I can

I please no one
and then when I’m done
I only please myself
I eat when I want
whether I drink or I don’t
I serve nobody else

My neighbours a bore
they hear that I snore
but I don’t care a bit
My gardens my pride
trees hang on their side
and I spy on them from where I sit

The police on my back
parking fines in a stack
on the mantle above the fire
I ***** on scotch
every hour of my watch
I dare ya to call me a liar

My mum is my care
she’s always been there
in a nursing home now with Dementia
She brags, her boys the best
I tattood her on my chest
it’s always been a love of hers I betcha

I drive the old truck
and just my luck
the astray on the dash still works
I pick up my Betty
she’s dolled up and pretty
and take her for a night of beef jerks

A man’s got no mates
when he does what he hates
look at me living and licking it up
like my dog named ‘Bloke’
and it ain’t no joke
named him ‘Bloke Jr.’ when just a pup

I’m as good as it gets
placing my bets
on a horse or a grey or a ****
I’m not much of a convo
but what do you know
when I win I talk off your sock

Give me a minute
I’m not here to win it
I’m just good at what I do
They say life favours some
I happened to be one
and It’s unfortunate that you are you

Nah…I’m just kidding
I’m actually just bidding
all the chances I have on me
So far so good
knock on wood
I’m loving life and happy as Larry
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
I took advice from a fox
about survival and natural law
It spoke to me about cunningness
and how to trap birds within your jaw

I took advice from that bird
laying stiff in its mouth and still
about the ways one catches worms
and the early rise for their meal

I took advice from the worm
squirming in it’s beak from a brook
about all the fish it once had caught
and how in everything theres a hidden hook

I took advice from life itself
searching for secrets to survive
the difference between good and bad
and how Karma is killing us alive
Nov 2021 · 872
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
You called me predictable
and you were right
when you said
“You’d write a poem about it”
Nov 2021 · 352
The Last
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
The last meal I will eat
The last of fears I’ll defeat

The last bottle I will drink
The last loop I will link

The last chance I will take
The last speech I will make

The last invite I’ll attend
The last message I will send

The last call I will accept
The last part I’ll dissect

The last path I will pave
The last coin I will save

The last option I will choose
The last friend I will lose

The last wrong I will right
The last battle I will fight

The last confession I’ll admit
The last piece I will fit

The last shoe I will shine
The last letter I will sign

The last song I will sing
The last bell I will ring

The last line I will draw
The last grain I will store

The last claim I will stake
The last breath I will take

The last of love I will give
The last of life I will live

The last of dust I will bite
The last of words I will write
Nov 2021 · 787
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
I’ve been asleep
inside my head
my pillow is soft
but my blanket like lead
falling off
it slips
I doze
My feet come cold
my toes
I tug and turn
inside my dream
I pull and stretch
and tear the seam
And in my sleep
I spill the wind
dreams of
frosts that ****
and a sun that grins
Now with the chill
against my chest
I wake with eyes
that find no rest
between winter sheets
I’m as cold as dead
It’s just a leak
in my waterbed
Nov 2021 · 767
Be the better YOU
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
Be yourself
there isn’t anyone else
who’d be a better YOU

Don’t be me
and be blind to see
all that YOU could be

Don’t be them
and fail when
they ask for all YOU are

For even then
one can’t pretend
being YOU is best by far
Nov 2021 · 424
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
Sitting on the side
of the eclipse
we’re hanging off it’s edge
I’m thinking of you too
dangling off your ledge
I’ll be counting
to number three
and then, I will let go
So I can catch you if you fall
if you count on me
and follow
Nov 2021 · 1.2k
Forgotten and Found
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
Today I forgot
the very thing I lost
I forgot I lost it
I forgot what it was

Tomorrow I found
in my memory tossed
what was not there
where all along
it never was
What M.C.Escher is to Art
poetry can be
Nov 2021 · 2.3k
Pins upon my pillow
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
Pins upon my pillow
puncturing my brain
Sprinkling out my dreams
like sleeping in the rain
Flowing out my nightmares
Rivers run in my bed
Swimming in my dreaming
Plugging holes in my head
My mattress is floating
My soul is sinking slow
Down the river drowning
and in my dreams, I row…row… row…
Nov 2021 · 226
We are the Poets
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
We are the poets
that dare to be

We are the poets
who dream without sleep

We are the poets
who soar without flight

We are the poets
who see without sight

We are the poets
who scribe without book

We are the poets
who sing without song

We are the poets
who are
and are not

and always will be
Nov 2021 · 839
My Dear Poet Nov 2021
Friends come and go at whim
but blood flows freely beneath the skin
Oct 2021 · 874
More than beautiful
My Dear Poet Oct 2021
I breathe in your fragrance
I blow out a field of freesias and forget me nots
I catch your smile with my hand
and release swallows and sunsets
I turn your eyes into stars
the night your sweetest silence
Oct 2021 · 991
My Dear Poet Oct 2021
Though the battle may not be over
consider it already won
Oct 2021 · 1.4k
I am not broken
My Dear Poet Oct 2021
I’m not broken
Just dinted

I’m not burning
Just scorched

I’m not shattered
Just splintered

I’m not dying
Just hurt
Oct 2021 · 1.3k
Simple Twist
My Dear Poet Oct 2021
I  have five fingers
Raised in my defence
You accept my surrender
We shake, without offence
Till, I point with my index
Raise my thumb for a gun
Curl three fingers back
Tucked into my palm
“Bang! …Bang! You shot me
A simple twist of my wrist
You aim it back at me
A hand gun for a fist
There is no defence when standing in judgment of others
Oct 2021 · 342
I’m tired
My Dear Poet Oct 2021
Everything is hard work
except these tears
Oct 2021 · 848
The best of me
My Dear Poet Oct 2021
I cannot measure up to anything
other than the best that I can be
Oct 2021 · 1.1k
My Dear Poet Oct 2021
I’m trying to think of a better line
than this
But I’m stuck between your eyes and
this kiss
Sep 2021 · 586
The Gift
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
You take just as much time
choosing the wrapping paper
than the actual gift
and that’s one of those things
I love about you
Sep 2021 · 777
Who is She?
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
She hides waterfalls
behind her eyes
The taste of oasis
between her lips
Her ******* are a valley
of delights
Sun caressed cliffs
form her thighs
The wide skies hang
beneath her brow
southern cotton fields
clothe her golden soft skin
while oceans east swirl
at her curls and curving hips
the harvests ripe upon her lips
and if one asks me, “who is she?”
I reply,
“She’s my world, can’t you see…”
Sep 2021 · 3.7k
Mercy me
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
I want to say sorry
but there are no words
that carve out my apology
without chiseling at wood
set for the fire in hell
I sculpt with tired eyes
my need for your forgiveness
Sep 2021 · 1.2k
The morning muse
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
I sit
all night

staring out
my window

for inspiration

till it suddenly
dawned on me
Sep 2021 · 661
The book of life
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
The stories we live
are bound beneath
the covers of land and sky
and the days in between
are the pages
from hello to our goodbye
Each turning sun
brings a new day
closer to the hour
Where all good things
must come to a close
when death holds the power
We scratch our name
in the dirt and dust, till wind
blows away existence
leaving behind
scraps of our mind
and fragments of our presence
To toil much and embed a mark
only in soiled strife
is vanity to have had a name
not etched in the book of life
Sep 2021 · 264
Help me find us
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
It’s never where it’s cold
It’s always where it’s hottest

You get warm




…when we’re the closest
Sep 2021 · 963
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
Winter, one night, came to visit me
It sat in the chair opposite me
In a dark room it blew a chill over me
Ripped the cover right off me
Naked and hunched, it mocked me
Then fell in love with summer and left me
Sep 2021 · 384
You are the sweetest sound
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
You’re the most beautiful word in our vocabulary
you are the diction that defines the dictionary
you are the word not found in a thesaurus
a phrase cannot hold you nor a chorus
no letter is worthy to arrange you
no lip or tongue to sound you
you are the most beautiful
experience to my ear
a song of songs
my dear
Sep 2021 · 1.7k
Your Eyes
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
Eyes may be the window to the soul
but your eyes are the door to my heart
Sep 2021 · 355
The most beautiful word
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
If you turned into a word
I wonder…
Which word would you be?

There’s many a beautiful word
a poet, I’m sure, could see

Yet, I’d find you once I heard you.
Most likely, hiding in poetry
Sep 2021 · 799
Can I ask for love
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
Can I ask for love
Without the romance
Without the slow dance
Without the holding of hands
Give the kiss, a miss
necklace and jewelries
without the emotional abuse
The manipulation we use
like flowers or presents
The chocolate selections
The dinner pretension
The relational misuse
and the facade we choose
When love in truth
is the exception
Sep 2021 · 923
I’m a simple poet
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
I can write poetry just like them

‘Mountain regions sweep across stretched plains of silvery skies’

Or poetry like him

‘Mountain sweeps stretching across your
pretty eyes’

But I’d rather write poetry just like me

* The mountain lies before us *.
Sep 2021 · 804
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
The cat sat on the mat
Don’t neglect the older poems.  Often, they’re as good as the new.
My best experiences on HP is browsing back through a poet’s popular poem category
Sep 2021 · 564
You gotta like love
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
You gotta like love
Like a good cold warm dish
Losing a chance on one wish
A saltless main meal
A genuine touch you can’t feel
Like lukewarm coffee
Ants stuck in toffee
Warm soft watermelon in summer
Shrivelled cold fries the day after
A delivered bitten slice of pizza
Uber, two hours later
A flat glass of Coca Cola
A wet cold doona
A missing piece at the end of a puzzle
A resentful bitter cuddle
Matchsticks with wet strikes
Your best poem with no likes
Oil stains on a monopoly board game
A long conversation with a forgotten name
You gotta like it, to love it
Just like, we like loving
Sep 2021 · 437
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
I want to be someone I know
and someone who knows me
Sep 2021 · 3.8k
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
It’s in the silence I heard you the loudest
And in the noise I heard your prayer
But in my pain was the answer
And in my absence you were there
Sep 2021 · 626
A poem half baked
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
A poem half made
is like bread still dough
like a bed unmade
like half a mo
A poem half done
is like a shade of day
with half the sun
A kiss, an inch away
A poem undone
Is a four moon phase
a count to one
a ‘mil’ out of place
A poem half finished
is like a tin of spinach
still unopened
and an expired usage
A poem not a
Now that that’s out of my system…
Sep 2021 · 1.1k
The hidden side of a dice
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
When counting numbers on a dice
there’s always one number you can’t see
If 5 is on the right, a 1 on the left
then the bottom under, may be a 3
A simple trick
to guarantee if its really true
is if, the side facing up
is clearly the number 2
Unless, the value fixed
at the top is a 6
then, you’ll know for sure
the number under, out of view
is most definitely a 4
You can’t change facts even if hidden from plain sight by a random guess.
Sep 2021 · 1.6k
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
The fire will find you out
Some are straw and some are gold
Sep 2021 · 293
It’s the end of the world
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
It’s the end of the world, as we know it
So hurry, hold me close and we can slow it

Beneath a burning sky, lets hold the other
Forget the fights and heartaches, my lover

Meet me down that alley, where we first met
where the fire hasn’t spread there yet

Let us speak the things that remain unsaid
and sit our hearts down, inside our head

Can I call you ‘my wife’, before the end?
There may not be a morrow, but we can pretend

Let’s find a church before they’re burned to the ground
Make our vows before the sky falls down

Take my hand and run through the streets
Sing our love before the chaos proceeds

Play the tune that we’ll always remember
dance beneath a red moon, now or never

The world may think we're a little mad
yet, it’s the best of days we’ve ever had

You and I, my love, are forever
it’s not over till we’re over
Aug 2021 · 849
Colour you in
My Dear Poet Aug 2021
My colourful mind
melts upon your skin
drips from your lips
slips from your hips
you’re looking like
rainbows in raindrops
tints trapped in teardrops
blobs of purple slop stain
violent splats of violet paint
on the palette of my brain
stay in the line of my mind
eyelashes for brushes
red roses and rosy rashes
fireworks and knee jerks
yellow and low blows
all these and much more
are greener than folklore
seasides and sea-saw
whys your eyes so blue for?
go ahead and kiss me
taste the colours you adore
Aug 2021 · 820
Three time lucky
My Dear Poet Aug 2021
I tied a noose
to have me hung
the knot got loose
I came unstrung

I got a gun
to have me shot
the barrel spun
an empty slot

I took a knife
to my wrist
such luck in life
the vein was missed
Everybody gets angry,
Everybody finds it hard.
But not everybody neglects friends, hurts family and wastes a life.
Consider life and yourself lucky and seek help.
I’m here.
My Dear Poet Aug 2021
I’m not so good at telling the truth
neither am I good at a lie
So if you asked me, “do I love you?”
don’t look into my eye
You’ll see my Iris drowning
in a black sea of deceit
I’m sorry, It’s just self defence
confessing my defeat
When it comes to love, we’re all
thieves and liars
Aug 2021 · 1.2k
My Dear Poet Aug 2021
If you only take and never give
you may as well be a thief
Aug 2021 · 631
Lazy Dayz
My Dear Poet Aug 2021
Oh no
It’s 1:02
we’re still in bed
and the mornings bled
into the afternoon

It’s a
lazy day
but I’m glad to stay
here in bed
with you
Just got up
Aug 2021 · 960
Make love and war
My Dear Poet Aug 2021
There are those who fight for love
with weapons as weak as wood
these are they who avoid the fire
and would hide if they could
there’s lovers, whose shields are hung
and are dented with dints
defeated by a waging war
that they had no faith in

The war for love is never won
though dressed in iron, steal or tin
when you have no hope in love
neither should you win
The strong have given it their life
in armour as soft as cloth
with a heart that gave all it had
they fought hard and never lost
Aug 2021 · 1.1k
Crime never pays
My Dear Poet Aug 2021
I picked a grape, from a cluster at a deli
you know…to sneak a taste before I buy
A lady scorned, “yuck, ain’t that dusty?”,
and ******* her face like I was going to die

“Hey, what’s up?”I said “I gave it a rub
and I’m not going to buy unless I try,
a lick with my lips, is as good as a scrub”,
and I gave her a wink of my eye

But she wasn’t impressed by my address
and was weirded out by what I meant
She quickly called the police for my arrest
and accused me of sensual harassment

When the police arrived at the crime
I quickly swallowed the pips
For a pinch of a grape, I’m paying no fine
no matter what she claims I did with my lips
Everything is so misunderstood, even though no one is really innocent
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