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1.4k · Sep 2018
soph Sep 2018
There was that calm before the storm
Before this part of my world was rocked
The seismic shakes of anxiety ripped through me
My jaw clattering
My limbs vibrating
As the night went on
The dust of betrayal and self-hatred began to settle
Who was the catalyst of all of this?
If only I could really tell
Recovery from a disaster takes time
As I gather my thoughts
And clear the dust
I think of where to go from here
After the earthquake
I’m not even sure what to put here for this one?? idk enjoy
928 · May 2018
soph May 2018
As we drive in the car together
I look at you and remember
How I used to feel
Just one year ago
I used to admire everything about you
Your swirling gray eyes
Your soft, pale skin
Your perfect smile
The way your mind worked
And now
I just see a good friend
That’s it
Isn’t it funny
How perspective changes?
I used to look at you and wish
That one day
You would see me as something more
I can’t imagine you as anything more
Than just a friend
Isn’t it funny
How perspective changes?
I would lay in bed
Close my eyes
And dream about you beside me
I would hate that you dreamed
About someone else
Now you still dream about someone else
And I couldn’t care less
In fact
I don’t dream about anyone
And I’m perfectly content
Isn’t it funny
How perspective changes?
I remember the heartbreak
When you called me that afternoon
And told me I was just a friend
I laugh when I remember
That horribly awkward conversation
I hope you laugh too
Isn’t it funny
How perspective changes?
Time goes on
Attraction fades
Perspective changes
oOh a lOvE pOeM
I was recently hanging out with someone that I used to have a big crush on and it made me think about how weird life is skrt skrt
914 · May 2018
soph May 2018
I mourn for the past
I mourn for the me I once knew
Someone carefree
Someone healthy
Going and going without thinking twice
Jumping and leaping without a care
What I would give to dance again
To walk on the beach without being in pain
To climb to new heights without fear of a fall
I miss my old spirit
I miss being a normal teen
I miss achieving the highest and being the best
It’s all different now
I had a plan
I miss my plan
I want a plan
But I can only play life by ear
If only
I could jump back into my old body
Crawl back into my old brain
Feel young again
Feel the weight lifted off of my shoulders
Rip the labels off of me and toss them aside
I miss Sophie, the honor roll student
I miss Sophie, the actress
I miss Sophie, the future teacher
I can no longer escape the boundaries
Of Sophie, the sick kid
another emo poem about chronic illness?? whaaa??
yeah, that’s going to be a repetitive topic here. don’t want to get t o o emo, but it can **** sometimes being sick this young. I’m just lucky I had a childhood before this. I was looking at the Instagram account of a toddler with so many illnesses, and it made me realize how lucky I was to have those healthy years. that thought pattern led to the existence of this poem
727 · Feb 2019
soph Feb 2019
There once was a creature who lived in a shell
It was tiny
Not a boy or a girl
Barely a human
The shell was big and stayed perched on something
The creature couldn't tell much else
It sat in the shell waiting to grow and move out
Twiddling its thumbs
Not having much fun
Years and years and years and years
Growing steadily in that big shell
Well, the shell got smaller as the creature grew
Less space for the creature to run around
Finally, one day,
There was a crack in the top of the shell
The crack widened and the sunlight came in
A huge smile came to the face of the creature
"Is this the day?
Am I finally getting out?"
A delicate hand with long, painted fingernails
Picked up the creature and dangled it upward
Out of the shell it lived in for so long
The creature's eyes were massive
Taking in all the new sights around it
The creature finally saw the outside of the shell
A beautiful head attached to a beautiful woman
She had long, flowing hair and ruby lips
She smiled at the creature she held in her hand
"It was you who was in my brain all along!
I knew something was trapped, but I didn't know what
Now I can finally set you free"
She kissed the creature and held it tight
"It's time for my body to leave
And time for you to explore
Thank you"
She placed the creature tenderly on the ground
Before her body melted into the earth
As the woman shrank, the creature grew
Finally fully becoming the human
Able to walk and explore
In its truth
this poem is in conjunction with the poem posted directly after called "Woman"
this is a weird series and I definitely want to see how I can continue it in the future!!
I can't give any real explanation of the meaning because even I don't really know what it means, but I would love to hear interpretations of both works
565 · Dec 2018
soph Dec 2018
family gathered around the table
every year for something special
hearty laughter fills the air
and I feel at peace
telling stories
cracking jokes
sharing memories
i’m reminded of my blessings
though the family is small
the bond is stronger
as we grow close and feel our love
though the december air is hot in florida
the people around me are what make winter warm
I was inspired to write after such a wonderful christmas with my family this year. my aunt and uncle are in town and our time together has really been great I love them a lot :’)
530 · Jun 2018
soph Jun 2018
A toxic person
Living off of a wonderful woman
Like a parasite
Feeding off of her good nature
Toxic substances
Constantly coursing through his veins
Becoming less and less humane
And more and more monstrous
She was trapped
He played his games
The supposed love of her life
Cancer didn’t bring him down
Cancer made the leech only stronger
Until finally
One last substance
One last toxic substance
Was his downfall
How do you even mourn
When this man
Abused with pride
Abused the woman
Abused the drugs
Abused the system
Leaving the woman behind
Leaving his daughter behind
The woman fell in love
With that toxic man
Giving up herself in the process
She cries
She’s empty
The emptiness will linger
But soon
She will realize
She’s free
Free from the abuse
Free from the parasite
Free from the toxicity
my mom’s best friend (I’m really close to her too) has been dating this AWFUL man for years. he died today after overdosing and it’s giving me lots of conflicting thoughts. how DO you mourn for this man that ****** the life out of someone you love? he treated her like garbage up until the day he died, yet she is heartbroken. life is weird
527 · Jun 2018
soph Jun 2018
Just one night
So anticipated
So looked forward to
Now over
As I lay in bed
With aching feet and tired eyes
I let the recent memories wash over me
The songs
The dancing
The conversation
A smile comes to my face
I think back to just hours ago
And hope
That I can save every little detail
Remember every little moment
Cherish every little memory
Never let the night go
I just got home from my first prom :O it was l i t and I’m pleased
523 · Jun 2018
soph Jun 2018
I hear all the time
People saying to me
“You’re so brave”
Am I?
I don’t feel like I am
People say I’m brave
For facing THEIR fears
Speaking in public
Holding snakes
Being constantly poked with needles
These things aren’t frightening to me
So I don’t feel brave
I hold a lot of fears in my heart
Some more trivial than others
My insecurities play into my fears
Holding me back
Keeping me from fully experiencing life
I don’t climb too high
I don’t initiate that conversation
Because I’m afraid
So I don’t feel brave
Somewhere out there
Possibly in an alternate universe
Someone thrives on my fears
Loves to do the things that scare me most
But fears the activities I find commonplace
Are they brave?
Am I brave?
this starts out weird and only gets weirder enjoy
513 · Jun 2018
soph Jun 2018
Am I enough?
It sure doesn’t seem like it
I grew up as the golden child
The gifted one
The multi-talented prodigy
Excellence across the board
I pushed and pressured myself to be the best
It was easy to be on top
I was enough
Insecurities started getting the best of me
A “B” was menacing
A “C” killed me
I was no longer the brightest
No longer the best
Comparison brought me down hard
My higher-than-average SAT score upset me
Someone else was better
I wasn’t the best
My anxiety got the best of me
I imagined my family’s disappointment
In my lack of straight A’s
In my lack of gifted-ness
“Try harder”
“Be better”
No one was telling me that
Except myself
I feel more average than ever
The mediocrity suffocates me
No real extracurriculars
Only three classes
The self-loathing sets in
I don’t feel proud
The praise for straight A’s
In three
It feels like mockery to me
Though deep down
I know I have something to be proud of
I could have dropped out
When my body failed me
But I didn’t
I could have given up on life entirely
But I didn’t
Maybe I’m not the classic Gifted Child anymore
Maybe I don’t sweep the awards at the school ceremony
But that’s alright
I am enough
Even if I DID drop out
Even if I DID give up
I would still be enough
Because I was put here for a purpose
My family and friends won’t leave my side
Even if I failed every test this year
I am enough
woahhhhh this is emo dhhdjs
I wrote this after thinking a LOT about how much pressure is placed on “gifted kids” at such a young age. I think it damaged me a lot, especially my sophomore year. A lot of the poem was written from the perspective of my sophomore year, when I was in an AWFUL place with extreme depression and anxiety. I occasionally go back to that place of despair, but I manage to hike myself out every time and see how awesome I am ;;))
499 · Oct 2018
soph Oct 2018
The boulder stands strong
The boulder weathers the fiercest storm
Its rocky exterior protecting the life of what’s inside
When the surroundings can cave
The boulder cannot crack
Or else the strength fades
And the boulder dissolves
Into pebbles
Into sand
Though sometimes
The boulder grows weary by being firm
By being unaffected by outside circumstances
The boulder needs to soften
Needs to breathe
Needs to crumble
lots of nature imagery lately!!
I just need to say that it is hard sometimes being the one expected to hold it together and be strong and be unaffected by negative circumstances
495 · Jul 2018
soph Jul 2018
You weren’t a mother or a grandmother
You were sent to Earth
As a guardian angel
For me
For my mother
For my grandmother
For so many
You made the world so much brighter
Leaving flecks of angel dust on everything you touched
From the playing cards you picked up frequently
To the chocolate milkshakes you got me after lunch
No one was a stranger to you
Everyone was drawn to you
Through your smile
Your clothes
Your angelic personality
I could listen to your stories over and over again
And I did
The time you dyed your hair pink
The time you sat next to the cutest guys in your class
They never got old
I can still hear your charming laugh
Feel your love
You were an angel on earth
And now you have gained your wings
to my great aunt, margaret virginia fagen
3/1/25 - 7/16/18
460 · Aug 2018
soph Aug 2018
As a girl in the movies once said
“There’s no place like home”
More than a house
More than the place you eat and sleep
More than where you grow up
Home is a feeling
A blanket of peace over your shoulders
A sunny smile naturally coming to your face
No stress or worry
As I travel far from my residence
I see the mountain peaks
Feel the cool air
Away from stress
Away from the wretched heat
Something inside me says
“I am home”
every time I come to asheville, I know this is where I truly belong
429 · Jul 2018
soph Jul 2018
Life in the concrete jungle
So busy
So cluttered
Streets and cars and flashing lights
The chaos makes my head throb
Walking down the bustling street
Something in me begs for a slow stroll
I push the urge back down
It’s not appropriate here
As the workers pace by me
Quickly approaching their destinations
I think about a future like that
And feel disgusted
Though it’s not right
Though it’s not acceptable
I need something different
One step in a new direction
Strolling where the path is not paved
I feel a sense of peace
Though others say no
I say yes
And continue
In the distance
I see a pop of color
Before my brain can even process
My feet move towards it
A flower
The most gorgeous being I had ever seen
Delicate petals gracefully moving in the breeze
Its sweet smell filled my senses with delight
Something about this flower drew me in
Nothing else mattered but this flower
Not the angry businessmen
Not the opinions of others
Just this flower
For the first time in forever
I felt true peace
Once my eyes finally tore away from the exquisite flower
I saw in the distance
Lots of flowers like this one
In a lush green field
I raced towards this field
I tumbled into the soft grass
In the company of the flowers
My smile grew on my face
A laugh escaped my lips
I didn’t need to go back to the city
I didn’t need to pace through the streets
Looking for some office job
I was where I belonged
I could stay in the flower field forever
How amazing!
Though some would call me silly
Though some would say I would find my place in the city eventually
I wouldn’t listen
I couldn’t care
I loved the flowers
And the flowers loved me
I was home at last
hi sorry for that little hiatus I misplaced my brain and my creative inspiration

this is a fun game called Spot the Meaning in the Weird Abstract Metaphor
404 · May 2018
soph May 2018
An old friend I used to have
We were sisters, bonded together
Sharing company every chance we had
The sweet and funny demeanor she kept
Made me blind to her dark side
She pulled me under her spell
I was amazed by the way she carried herself
I wanted to be her
As days went on, her dark side started to show
A rude comment followed by laughter
A stab wound covered by a bandage
I began to see
The true colors
No one else could see them but me
And I became the one with the dark side
Now and then
I want to forgive
I want to mend the friendship
I remember the good times we shared
Some things
Just can’t be mended
Some people
Just can’t be changed
I wrote this about my ex best friend that I think about too often. fun fact: I almost wrote this as an acrostic poem spelling her full name but I figured that would be too shady dhdhsjs
394 · Jul 2018
Glass II
soph Jul 2018
Still stuck behind the glass wall
There’s no use in getting out
No use in communicating
The people on the other side have given up, too
I slump down to the floor in a state of defeat
Resting my head on my knees
I feel a knocking on the glass
I turned my head
A smile grew on my face
Someone like me!
Someone that understands!
I could tell in his eyes
He was behind a glass wall, too
“Do you feel my heart saying hi?”
A bond formed
From nothing else
But our life behind those glass walls
I reached through the glass
And took his hand
I’m no longer alone
I attempted a continuation (ooooooh) of a poem I wrote called Glass around a month ago

the best conclusion I can give without really giving away the intended meaning of the metaphor is that it’s really good to find someone that can relate to you :’)
393 · Aug 2018
soph Aug 2018
I flip through the pages of old school notebooks
Just to see what can be saved
Memories come flooding back
From my last taste of normal teenage life
Quizzes, vocabulary, homework
The work becomes more and more scarce as I move through time
Until I run out of pages
An empty entry for February 14
And no new entries after that
I long for the normalcy again
When I had the strength for everyday life
I never thought I’d miss the real high school experience
But looking back
Something in me feels incomplete
Just like that empty entry
February 14
February 14th was unexpectedly my last day of public school due to my health conditions. It’s weirdly sentimental to look back and see my public school life slowly come to an end as I missed more and more school. Since when do I type with proper grammar in the notes section of my poems? Here’s a key smash to make this more like me dhdhsjsj
392 · Feb 2019
soph Feb 2019
There once was a girl who walked the Earth
She had lots of fun
Playing and dancing
As she grew up, she became uncomfortable
Something about her wasn’t right
There suddenly was this pain in her head
Nagging at her all day and all night
She needed something to relieve the pain
But no medicine or remedy would help her
Growing into a woman, the pain persisted
As she put on her makeup and did her hair
Something was trapped deep inside of her
But no one knew the right solution
She finally gave up
Desperate to know what’s been plaguing her for years
She went to the kitchen and pulled out a knife
Cutting carefully in the top of her head
And sticking her hand in to see what’s inside
She pulled out a creature, tiny and smiling
Not a boy or a girl
Barely a human
She smiled widely as she finally realized
This tiny part of her could be released
"It was you who was in my brain all along!
I knew something was trapped, but I didn't know what
Now I can finally set you free"
She kissed the creature and held it tight
"It's time for my body to leave
And time for you to explore
Thank you"
She placed the creature tenderly on the ground
Before her body melted into the earth
To truly free herself of this pain
She had to let go of the shell
And let her soul
Let the creature
Walk and explore
In its truth
this poem is in conjunction with the one posted directly before called "Creature"
the rest of the description for this "series" is under the other poem!!
365 · Jan 2019
Glass IV
soph Jan 2019
I try to chip away
At this massive glass wall in front of me
Trying not to let the pain and loneliness overtake me
Suddenly I realize
I can turn around
I turn around to see so many others with me
Those trapped behind walls of their own
And those that have broken out
They wave and smile and ******* kisses
They know what it’s like
To have the world shut out in a way they don’t understand
We’re in our own world here
Our breaths are shared and our stories are passed
Through the most unlikely connections
We have our own family behind this glass
Something people may scoff at
But they just don’t get it
The relief of finding someone else
The true representation of joy from hardship
Finding a community
In this shared space
Behind the glass
I had a really hard time for awhile figuring out how to continue this series after the third poem, but I knew it had to be done. I couldn’t leave this on that depressing note, because my story “behind the glass” needs to have a happy ending. It’s certainly nowhere near over yet, but this installment represents my current spot at the top of this roller coaster
363 · May 2018
soph May 2018
I’m done
I don’t want to talk
Your face makes me uneasy
Your name makes me queasy
You come out of nowhere
Saying you miss me
It stings
I feel guilty for what I do
And what I don’t do
It hurts
I apologize
Though there’s no need
You say you understand
But you don’t
You really
No one really does
But you
Do not understand
So stop pretending
If you think we could talk this out
It’s crystal clear
You don’t understand
The emotions you spill fall on me like bricks
Weighing me down with every syllable
Making me wish I was not myself
Making me wish I was a past me
A me that wasn’t tired
A me that wasn’t sick
A me that wasn’t hurting
I mourn my past me
And you do too
This can’t work
I can’t deal
Left on read
I’m sorry
someone I really don’t want to interact with texted me last night and it made me emotional woot woot
363 · Jun 2018
soph Jun 2018
Father’s Day is here
A holiday I tend to dread
Scrolling through social media
Seeing so many great fathers
Feeling a bit like an outcast
A stranger to me
Gave me half my DNA
And nothing else
Mentally a child
It would feel wrong
To post the sappy picture
Write the sappy caption
Pretend there’s a deep relationship there
Father’s Day
Always unconventional for me
I celebrate my mom
Playing both parental roles
I celebrate my grandpa
Always showing me parent-like love
I celebrate my Heavenly Father
Who loves me more than anyone else
Father’s Day is isolating
But at least I have someone to love
Someone to celebrate
I don’t open up about this part of my life that much but yeah Father’s Day is stupid I am my own dad *finger guns*
348 · Oct 2018
soph Oct 2018
the vast spectrum that is the sky above
in the light of day
your warmth radiates like a thousand suns
in the dark of night
your eyes twinkle like a thousand stars
let me stretch my arms open wide
and take in every ounce of you
until my heart fills to the brim
pull me close
whisper my name
my heart will shout in response
the kind of love that fills you up
and makes you dance
underneath the sky
a painted sunset
white cotton clouds
beauty beyond compare
I’m mesmerized by the moon
smitten by the stars
you are the sky
and every perfect thing in it
you know you’ve hit a low when you’re writing love poetry about an imaginary person/scenario
I’m *finger guns* lonely
347 · Jun 2018
soph Jun 2018
I lay awake in bed at night
And ponder the “what-ifs”
If one little detail changed in the past
The present would be altered drastically
What if I stayed friends with that person?
What if I said yes to that opportunity?
What if I held my tongue in that moment?
I also think about possibilities of the future
If I was suddenly cured
If I died tomorrow
How the world would be impacted
I dwell on this too often
Concentrating on details I cannot change
If only I could focus on my current impact
If that altered detail changed the present that much
Imagine how my actions now impact the future
late night thoughts amirite

I haven’t been posting poetry as often because I am Insecure™️ but whatever hdhdhdjd
345 · Jun 2018
soph Jun 2018
“I’m bad at saying goodbye”
I am too
In a way
I’m bad at knowing how to leave a new friend
Wave or hug?
I don’t know what to do when you say goodbye and you continue to walk in the same direction
Simple things
Then it gets deeper
What do you do
When you make new friends
Only to have them leave again?
How do you say goodbye?
I dread the thought
Of this summer being over
Of goodbyes being said
Of these memories ending
What do you do
When your best friend grows up before you
Leaves for college and does great things
How do you say goodbye?
A hug doesn’t seem to be enough
Words don’t suffice
When these people you hold close
Are now only close in your heart
I don’t need to dwell on it now
I have two months for fun
Before goodbyes
I’m bad at saying goodbye too
this poem was inspired by two things from tonight!! first off one of my newer friends is leaving for the summer before leaving for college and I was thinking about how I’m going to miss him even though we kinda just met. also the first line is somewhat of a paraphrased quote from a friend that stuck with me for some reason even though it wasn’t supposed to be significant
342 · May 2018
soph May 2018
My sick is different.
My sick follows me like a dark cloud every second of every day.
My sick stalks me like a lion, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
My joints ache as I walk, but I keep walking.
My stomach burns as I eat, but I keep eating.
My insides scream as I smile, but I keep smiling.
I keep the sick hidden under a smile.
I accept it as my best friend and worst enemy.
I have learned to be tough so I won’t become my sick.
I wrote a poem about my chronic illness (Sjögren’s syndrome) a few days ago and it felt fitting to post it today because I’m getting an infusion today woohoo!!
342 · May 2018
soph May 2018
My thoughts are racing
They will not stop
Storms are brewing
Waves are rolling
Too much
Too much
I keep it in
It’s bound to burst
Frenzied thoughts
The headache sets in
Dark clouds
No sleep
Just thoughts
More and more and more and more
Keep it in
Keep your cool
A scream erupts from inside
Thunder crashes
Lightning strikes
The storm has began
A piece of paper
A ballpoint pen
The thoughts spill out
The paper fills
The storm is calm
Time for sleep
hi I’m sophie and overthinking is one of my greatest talents and skills
338 · Jun 2018
soph Jun 2018
Late-night cravings
Seem pretty normal
You’re thinking about food
Salty snacks
All that jazz
I crave those things
But I crave more
I will stop what I’m doing
To listen to a song I crave
I will write and write and write
Until I reach a feeling I crave
And I will close my eyes and dream
About a person I crave
I want to soak up your presence
Like I soak up a song
Engrave every lyric in my mind
Lose myself in the melody
you know when you write a word so many times it doesn’t seem like a real word anymore?
336 · Jun 2018
soph Jun 2018
A great night
With even greater people
It brings me back
To where I began
It seems like a sin
To call those people friends
They were like drugs to me
Feeling great in the moment
While slowly numbing my senses
And blinding me to my pain
Until it was too late
One made me hate my body
Another pressured me into bad decisions
The last one put me through hell
The abuse I’ve been put through
It altered me and my perception
They’re making plans?
I’m probably not invited
They’re whispering?
They hate me
It feels like a dream
To have people I love
People I trust
People I know aren’t fake
For the first time in my life
I feel totally secure
Totally loved
I can hold these people close to my heart
Without being stabbed in the back
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how awesome my friends are now in comparison to the toxic friends I’ve had in the past. Also I wish I had a more creative title for this but I guess it’s ok to be straightforward ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
333 · Aug 2018
soph Aug 2018
I sit down to write
Create beautiful prose
It’s been so long
Yet my mind goes blank
Where is my heart?
Where is my brain?
Where are my words?
There’s no passionate emotion to draw from
No inspiration
I wish my tears could fuel pieces of art
But I don’t even cry
I wish my pain could catalyze my creativity
But that pain is so repressed
This lack of feeling suits me well most times
My personality is made of jokes
My heart is bulletproof
But in poetry
There’s no inspiration
I haven’t felt like writing lately and I realized it’s because I don’t have feelings!! that’s lit
331 · May 2018
soph May 2018
I open up the cabinet
Take out the box
Flip the tab
Pour the contents into my hands
Little capsules
Little tablets
Each doing a different job
Controlling my lungs
Regulating my minerals
Making my body functional
One little tablet
Or the lack thereof
Can change my life
I direct my hand towards my mouth
Take a swig of water
And swallow
yeah I wrote a poem about taking my nightly medicine dhdhsj im a mess
316 · Jun 2018
soph Jun 2018
The lights fade
Rain begins to pour
Time to go home
Back to reality
After days in a euphoric state
Loving and praising and singing and learning
Time to go home
Back to reality
Immediately thrown back
Into test results and doctors
My heart aches for what I just left behind
Great learning
Pure fun
No stress
Time to go home
Back to reality
I got back from my church conference today and my mom immediately started going on a rant about my rheumatologist being annoying and ugh I just really miss the few days away from my health problems
315 · Sep 2018
Glass III
soph Sep 2018
Sitting down with them
The glass wall is still there
My mind is worried, yet hopeful
Unsure of what’s to come
They punch through the glass
The shards fly in slow motion
Striking into my heart
Like the words they just uttered
They broke the glass
Because someone broke the trust
My wounded heart sinks into my stomach
I have no idea what’s to come
Now that the glass is broken
I feel vulnerable
Naked on a stage in front of hundreds
I don’t feel well
While they say it’s alright
I’m still uneasy
The words of comfort are bandaids on my wounds
There’s no putting the glass back together
While this wall shouldn’t exist in a perfect world
It made me feel safe
But now
I don’t know what to think
Or how to feel
Now that the glass is broken


tonight was weird

my entire body is still shaking

enjoy this continuation to the series
308 · Dec 2018
soph Dec 2018
I look back on the year behind me
filled with a continuous loop of mountains and valleys
the photos and scraps representing vivid memories
convention badges and hospital bracelets
bottles of nail polish and vials of blood
bonding over a restaurant meal with friends
and choking down a frozen dinner in a bout of fatigue
the moments of joy and devastation
sometimes i’m told i’m lucky
other times i’m told i’m strong
i’ve kept on moving either way
each minute is transformative
chipping away at the rock to create a new sculpture
a year is a lesson
an adventure
a journey
WOAH NEW POETRY?? heck yeah dude!! it’s been two months but your fave finally wrote something new because the end of the year is a time for ~reflection~ and yeah that title is inspired by Rent don’t touch me
289 · Aug 2018
soph Aug 2018
Take this feeling
Savor this moment
Bottle it up
Never let it go
Breathe it in
Let the peace surround you
In the coming days
Close your eyes
Bring your mind back to this place
Stay there forever
I’ve gotten into the habit of being in an amazing place both physically and mentally and thinking “soak this in. savor the moment. enjoy it while you can”
288 · Aug 2018
soph Aug 2018
I miss the mountains
Giant peaks stretching into the sky
Softly frosted with wispy clouds
Coated with emerald green grass and trees
I feel at home in the mountains
The crisp air filling my lungs
The solid rock beneath my feet
Trekking through the trails and relaxing by the river
As I ascend back into the sky
The mountains beckon to me
“Come back soon”
“Stay for awhile”
I stare longingly as the mountains disappear into the distance
I want to whisper back
“Don’t you worry
I’ll be back
And I won’t leave again”
it was ROUGH leaving north carolina today even besides the fact that I’ll miss my aunt and uncle. it’s just the perfect environment for me and I want nothing more than to live there when I’m older
285 · Jul 2018
soph Jul 2018
Walking into the room where you once resided
There’s an eeriness of seeing your pictures
Your knick knacks
Your clothing
But not you
Our laughter echoes as we try on your fun jewelry
You shine through our smiles as we reminisce
We sift through your belongings
Combing through the years of memories
Feeling your presence in this empty room
Walking through the hallways of this place you knew and loved
You were a celebrity here
Every nurse and patient would smile and say hello
Now we share a solemn smile as we pass by
We see your closest friends together at lunch
Though there seems to be an empty chair
We know you’re there
Always sharing in the good company of others
So many felt your love
So many felt your joy
Now moving through this place
There’s an emptiness
But we know you’re there
3/1/25 - 7/16/18
277 · Aug 2018
soph Aug 2018
I look back on our friendship
The broken pieces smashed on the floor
Through the toxic words
Through the bad memories
I realize I still miss you
I miss our sister-like bond
I miss the way we talked and laughed
I miss being part of your family
And you being part of mine
I know what we had is done and over with
But sometimes
I like to gather the broken pieces
Toss the poisoned ones to the side
And rearrange it into something good
Look back on the good times
I wish I could bring that back
But then I look to the poisoned pieces
All sitting in a pile menacingly
And it all comes back
Your cutting words
Your overbearing attitude
The way you made me feel sick
This was broken for a reason
You are gone for a reason
I’ll have to keep it that way
To protect myself
From the brokenness
oh look another poem about one of the most traumatic experiences of my life!! this is about the same person I wrote about awhile ago in a poem called Friend. it’s been almost a full year since our friendship abruptly ended and I’m still dwelling on it too often because I haven’t fully let go WOOHOO I’ve just been going through the social media of her and her family because I’m an emo mess that doesn’t know how to properly cope
265 · May 2018
soph May 2018
Take out the map
Turn the key
Let’s explore
I want to know
I want to feel
Every inch
Of your pretty mind
Thoughts are swirling
Mind is racing
Let me in
Let’s explore
woohoo first poem!! I’m not. The greatest at writing but it’s ok dhdhsjs
this isn’t really based off of anyone in particular it kinda just came to my head
258 · Jun 2018
soph Jun 2018
I feel like I’m on one side
Of a glass wall
The rest of my world
Is on the other
We can communicate
If we try really
It is exhausting
“Why don’t you just break the glass?”
Easier said than done
When the other side
Has all of the tools
“We’ll break the glass for you!”
The rocks you will use
To break the glass
Will break me too
You don’t understand
What it’s like
To be on the other side
Of the glass
this is a weird metaphor that can actually apply to several aspects of my life (though it was initially written about one) so interpret it however you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
255 · Dec 2018
soph Dec 2018
another unfamiliar holiday
broken pieces repeatedly jammed together
trying to become whole again
the silence is deafening
between each cutting remark
tears are shed
and I don’t feel like I belong
these people are close by proximity
but not close by heart
I wish I could escape
though the december air is hot in florida
the people around me are what make it feel so cold
a wonderful christmas eve experience led to a not-so-wonderful christmas morning, which inspired me to write this poem juxtaposed to the one from last night
233 · Jun 2018
soph Jun 2018
My mind is always running
Always filled
With all kinds of thoughts
I try to focus
I try to lean in
My mind wanders off
Frustration sets in
During a time of intense worship
Where does my mind go?
Old memories
Poem ideas
Empty wishes
People I wish would talk to me more often
It’s annoying
It’s dumb
It makes me feel inferior
When I want to concentrate
But distractions take control
I’m at an amazing church conference this week and I’ve been so frustrated by how easily I get distracted!! maybe it’s ~gEn Z pHoNe cULtUrE~ that has made me unable to focus... or undiagnosed ADD who knows hdhdhsjsjs
228 · Aug 2018
soph Aug 2018
My eyes first saw you
And my heart wanted more
Fierce blue eyes
Striking tattoos
Adorned in funky jewelry
I was drawn to your flame
When I heard your laugh
Saw your smile
Felt your confidence
There was a spark
Through the small talk and funny stories
I sat and listened and stared and admired
Our minds are alike
Our passions align
You radiate warmth and peace
This one little moment will soon be forgotten
Yet I’ll cherish the time
I can sit by the fire
you know when you’re out of town and you let yourself have a baby crush on someone you’ll probably interact with once and never see again? yeah that
178 · Sep 2018
soph Sep 2018
wake up
swallow pills
try to stomach something
stare at myself in the mirror
until i don’t recognize that face
getting those messages daily
people envying my life
wishing they could be me
if only they knew
the exhaustion i feel
hiding behind a mask
to keep myself safe and comfortable
many are at arm’s reach
but very few are pulled in closer
i’m fine
i promise
no negative emotions here
no real sadness or anger
just an eerie feeling of numbness
pushing my emotions farther and farther away
without anything to replace them
don’t understand?
just step into my world
constant poking and prodding from people clad in scrubs and lab coats
faint whispers of people picking apart how i dress and act and love
the future is dizzying
with my obstacle course of an existence
life is a game
of comparison and competition
just let me sit on the sidelines for awhile
i need to rest
but for now
slap on a smile
meme myself into a good spot
throw in my earbuds and forget
take some more pills
flop into bed
but no matter how much i sleep
i’ll still be tired
this is a HIGHLY dramatized version of some of the things I’ve been thinking and feeling lately

— The End —