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5.1k · Apr 2022
I promise
I will never leave you
Your melodic voice
Makes me feel alive
Through my dark moments
Your infectious smile
Brings out the best in me
Your everyday care and affection
Make me feel like a perfect man
You heal my wounds every time I am hurt
You're calm and clear, soft and tender
Your beauty is not just about being pretty
But also about your morals and thoughts
I will always think about you
Even if we are worlds apart
Cuz’ you are all I yearn for
Make me your final decision
And we will grow old together
4.3k · Oct 2022
The Fool
This man is dying on his bed
Empty bottle in his hand
Suffocating from the drugs
And liquor he took
He falls as he struggles to stand
He's laboured so hard
But all his earnings —
Down the drain
Did the blood storm his brain?
Does he feel himself going insane?
Has the coke left his veins?
As he slams back down to the floor
He makes no other movements
And no other sounds
Now when someone enters
They'll know he died a clown
Trigger Warning: This poem feature triggering topics (suicide,  drug abuse, self-harm, depression). Kindly restrict yourself from reading if you are sensitive to these topics.
3.1k · May 2022
This man has lost all twenty-seven emotions
Like a robot -
Any whiff of emotion even feels too much
Every word this man says is snubbed
Every sleep - his heart beats slower

          From the pain this man suffered

The drugs this man used to be
So afraid of -
Scares him no more
For it had almost wounded him
Right by his own bed

          Which he saw as a liberation

This man is tired
He's ended up becoming
What he used to fight against
It has consumed his soul
To the point of no recovery

         Which is no longer necessary

This man has zero life
He lives for no one
To be precise -
To pay the price -
This man shall die tonight

          At this point, death would hurt less
Note: This poem feature triggering topics (suicide,  drug abuse, self-harm, depression). Kindly restrict yourself from reading if you are sensitive to these topics.
To many people of the world, Africa is often seen
Through a narrow lens, a filtered screen
As a place of poverty, starvation and disease
Of famine, drought, and misery
But this is only one side of the story
Most people say this out of ignorance, I’m sorry
Africa is a land of great diversity
Of vibrant cultures, of ancient traditions
Of beauty, of art, of peace
Yes, we have our challenges, it's true
But we are a people of strength, of resilience, of hope
From Algeria in the north, where ancient ruins abound
To Zimbabwe in the south, where Victoria Falls resound
Senegal is where the vibrant West African culture comes alive
And in Seychelles, the archipelago's beaches and nature are a perfect vibe
Sierra Leone has the beautiful beaches of Freetown
While Egypt has the Pyramids and other awe-inspiring sculptures
Mauritius is a paradise island, with virg*n beaches and luxury resorts
From the rainforests of the
Congo to the beaches of Cape Town
From Bijilo Forest Park in the Gambia
To the Kragga Kamma Game Reserve in South Africa
From Ghana to Nigeria, who regularly argue over which country
Makes the best Jollof, fufu and afrobeat
But the bond is as close as Arnold Schwarzenegger and guns – big guns
Look at Africa with a broader lens
And behold, you find the flawlessly faultless
The continent of countries, of tribes, of peoples
Each with its own history, its own voice, its own dreams
Its own richness of traditions, the diversity of their languages
And the beauty of their cultures
Let us dismiss the delusions
Of a continent that is backward, primitive, and poor
For Africa is a land of great potential
Of food that is spicy, soulful and sweet
Dance that is enthusiastic, energetic, and expressive
Where the earth is rich with resources untold
In doing so, we will break down the barriers
And create a world that is truly inclusive
For Africa is not a place of darkness
But a place of light, of hope, of opportunity
Africa is not a place of pity
But a place of power and pride
We are the children of a proud continent
Where the sun rises and sets with a sizzling splendor
Making it a place where every day is summer
1.7k · Dec 2023
I Love the Night
I love the stars
They remind me that
There’s enough space
for everyone to shine

I love the moon
It teaches me
patience and beauty

I love the sunset
Its fading colors
teach me that
every ending promises a new beginning

I love shadows
The way they play on walls
reminds me that even in darkness,
there’s artistry and mystery
to be found

I love chirping crickets,
bonfires, fireflies, darkness…

1.6k · Nov 2022
My crime
My crime is that
I care too much,
love too much,
trust people easily,
don't act like a regular man,
and show my wounds
to the people I love.

So I am always misunderstood
seen as stupid
and left brokenhearted,
hurt and alone.

Maybe, just maybe,
I should for once turn into
what society wants me to be—
a man with no heart,
emotions, and care.
One small change
will affect everything else
1.4k · Mar 2022
We are Ghana
We are everything
They told you about
We are the beautiful dream
They wish to have again, and again
We are the fairytale characters
Who always win in the end
Heroes and heroines — beau idéals
We are the good people
Nothing can divide us;
Politics, tribe, trade, doctrine, greed, religion
Brave men and women
Who fought to be free
Red for their brave blood
That stopped flowing for our sake
Gold for our mineral wealth;
Diamond, gold, bauxite, manganese
Green for our rich forests
Which give us herbage and food
And the Black five-pointed star
For our emancipation from the British colony
Because our lives matter
Just like all free nations
Building a strong foundation of love
And high pillars of culture
Strength. Love. Peace
We are everything they cannot be
The four corners of the nation, not just part
Are as proud as we can be
We are GHANA!
Ghana is 65 years today. On the 6th of March, 1957, Ghana was the first African country to gain her independence. Our development seems to be in a snail pace but our spirits are still intact. We're not giving up. We pride ourselves in our beautiful culture, hospitable citizens, and peaceful country.  “Forward ever, backward never” - Osagefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah
1.4k · Jun 2022
I just met this lady
Never seen her
Around these parts
I guess she's new here
She is beautiful
I couldn't even say hello
I hope to see her again
If her heart is
As beautiful as
Her looks,
I promise to take her
To the altar
1.4k · Nov 2022
He told her his secret —
All that was hidden in his heart
It was out of his love for her
Then she cut off his hair —
All that made him strong
Her love was a camouflage
She came for the secret —
All that made him who he was
To see him go awry, suffer, and perish
S. A. M. P. S. O. N.
It is hard to open up to people and trust them with your life, especially when they use it to destroy you.
1.2k · Jan 2022
Used to...Miss you
Your drawn-out eyelashes
Veiling your charming eyes, cosy
I just need you to glare at me
Once again—after years

Your long, tiny legs, mellow
Walks so smooth and ****
Oh, I wish you'd walk
Straight into my arms once again

Your nose, pointed, coquette
With intractability so exquisite
And skin so dark, and smooth melanin
A skin I wish to touch once again

Your laughter, definitely your emblem
When you smile or even get angry
Your beauty is still untethered
I pray you smile at me once again

And your lips, tastes like honey
Oh, what would I give for another kiss
Oh, what would I give
To meet you once again
1.2k · Jul 2022
The Unlucky One
Going through bad times
But the world thinks you’re fine
You hide your wounds
And show your beautiful melanin
So they don’t feel you lost
Yeah, it’s all lies

Not what you want
But zero options left
Everyone’s reaching their goal
Yours has not even commenced
Running like turtle
Destination is settled
But too late it will be

You feel worthless within
And nothing without
The mask of deception
You wear on the outside
Luck is not on your side
At least, it’s never been
1.2k · Jan 2022
I'll be ready
...and when mother earth
Finally opens her arms
To swallow my remains
Into her *****,
I'll be ready
With all I have left;
A smile on my face
And a pristine heart
Having been waiting
For her warm embrace
For a very long time
938 · Aug 2022
Not the end
Death awaits all
It is not the end
But a transition to
A faraway place
And the beginning
Of another life;
A better one
911 · Jun 2022
I hate it
When death becomes
An option

I like it
When death is not
The only option
797 · Feb 2024
9 PM
When I look into the sky,
Its beauty reminds me:
There’s God.
Even when the stars are hidden
Deep in the clouds
And the wind is quiet,
I know He lives.
When the night breeze
Whispers softly into my ears,
I believe He’s with me.
794 · Apr 2024
My Moon Pie
The sun shall hide soon
Beauty as my moon pie shines
Eclipse of my heart
764 · Dec 2021
Secrets Remain
It's hard to share my past;
Pain, flaws, and secrets
With my new girlfriend
‘Cuz soon,
When my love for her
Is at its pinnacle
And wants to take it
To the next level,
She's going to leave me
Like the one before her
And the one before her
With all that I revealed to her
And I'll be left with
More pain, flaws, and secrets
To share with the next
Sweats have turned blood
My legs are weak
Temporary turning me *******
I can no longer move
Not a single step forward

My sorrow overwhelming, consuming
I've travelled alone, left alone
Hopelessly helpless in my journey
In this tunnel of depression
I'm condemned to suffer forever

But wait!
I see something
I can finally see
the end of the tunnel
from where I worthlessly lie
Greeting me with a shiny light
As bright as sun

Light, they say is hope, assurance, intrepidity,
life, end of darkness, new beginning...
Help is here!
The suffering is almost over
The curse of an unending loneliness
Is broken, perhaps

Find me strength
To drag myself once more
To endure the pain one last time, hopefully
Yes! Light!
It brightens per each pace I move

But what if it is a train approaching?
What if it's only a figment of my imagination?
Just like the last time - countless times
It makes things worse each time, quite deceptive
And yet, it feels, like them all
730 · Aug 2021
And there are people
who don't want
to be remembered
even for what
they’re good at
They want to fade away
like they never existed
724 · Feb 2024
Heartache -- a Haiku
My heart aches because
I'll never see you again
Except in memories
Losing someone to the cold hand of death hurts especially when it's hard to forget the memories you shared together.
715 · May 2022
Never Again
There was a time
When I didn't want to be
In the darkness anymore
I wanted something more —
To be the darkness itself

Been there

But I said bye-bye to that past
I shut the door so hard
That can't be returned to
It’s something I don't want to
See in my life

Never again
689 · Sep 2021
A Necessary Lie
This pain smacks within me
I burn from within like tilapia
On the grill grate
The world consumes me
Piece by piece, roasted!
But my face has to maintain
An erratic smile
I defend, “everything is ok”
Someone sees it as it is—
A necessary lie
It's hard to share my problems with people until they notice it.
And when I leave,
I wish to go just like I lived
Don’t worry
You won’t miss me
You won’t remember a thing
It will have zero effect on you
Cuz’ all these years,
I’ve been nothing to you
Leaving won’t change anything—
Just as I came
I will leave the same
Alone. Empty. Nobody
664 · Nov 2021
One foot in my future path
The other one in my past
Two lives before me
At the crossroad

One pushes me
Into the land of prospects
The other holds me
like I have unfinished business

One is a path I’ve known
The other, I’m yet to explore;
Clean the slate and start afresh

Memories hold me back
But new ambitions push me away
Forever is not my place here

But for now, I’ll be still
For a short space of time
Deciding what's best for me
And me, and me!
658 · Feb 2024
Beyond insecurities
It takes so much self-awareness, inner strength, and confidence
to recognize, accept, and embrace your insecurities.

And when you finally do,
fear and self-hate have nothing on you;
it paves the path toward self-love
and personal growth without the fear of others judging.
651 · Mar 2022
Falling Apart
Memories are heavier to carry
When they don't seem
To go away

Knowing it's over
And dreams are crushed
But still stuck in mind

I seem so strong on the outside
But on the inside — where my mind dwells
I am falling apart
602 · Jan 2022
Life in short
The harder it is
The greater the pleasure
601 · Jan 2022
He proved it
He knew he was right
And nothing stopped him
From proving it
Not the gradual diminishing
Of his friends
Nor a famine of encouragement
From his family
Not a single word of appreciation
From his loved ones
And never either or whatever
593 · Jan 2022
New Year Resolution
To some,
It's just a new day
Like the days before this;
A change in a date
Like 2021 changing into 2022;
There's nothing special about today
Cuz "New Year New Me" is a myth
That's what I used to believe
Until 2020,
When I realized that there's more
It's not just arithmetic figures
But it's the start of a new beginning
Of our lives journey
To the future
Where unending opportunities await
To better education, skills and lives
Get closer to our family and friends
Build broken relationships
Work out on our bodies
Be kind to strangers and the needy
Quit drinking and smoking
Practice financial management
And it all starts with a checklist,
A plan to execute it
Achieve each of them
And review for progress
588 · Mar 2021
Dear God
I know
I am not perfect
I know
Sometimes I forget to pray
I know
I have questioned my faith
I know
Sometimes I loose my temper
But thank you
For loving me unconditionally
And giving me
Another day to start over again
550 · Feb 2021
Earth to Mars
We’re seriously thinking about
Landing and being habitats
Of a dead planet—Mars
Whiles we’re gravely destroying
Our livable and lovely planet—Earth
Our activities have been polluting and destroying our planet. Instead of limiting the way we do things to be able to leave a livable place for the future generation, we’re talking about conquering another. So, what shows, that, even if we successfully land on Mars, we won’t send our destroying and egoistic nature as a human race to destroy that also?
548 · Sep 2019
Everyone Falls (Haiku)
...Also seen great men
Walk down the wrong path of life
Never to return
504 · Sep 2022
One day we are genius
The next day
They call us stupid
Nothing lasts forever

One day we help someone
The next day
We need a little help
No situation is forever

One day we are loved
The next day
We are the enemy
Forever is never promised

One day we are alive
The next day
We are not
We will not be here forever
486 · Jun 2019
The Affair
*** is good for health,
I was told
I remember the other night in the room
Alone with Philomena since noon
She allured me with her inflated 'balloon'
and I couldn't resist dancing to her tune.
For the first time fantasies met reality, I smiled

People get encountered with the Holy Spirit
But mine?
Mine was with a woman I had no license to touch.
My sulky dependency on God was laid to rest
As soon as I got Philomena undressed
Now, we were going to have more than just glimpse
We tossed and turned in our plight
Our mission was to satisfy ourselves until the sun shows light

I turned her around, sat up and kissed her
With delight, I made her ride on top of me
Moaning and whimpering was our ****** instrument
A frictional force was created
from each of our bodies as the hours passed by
Lying still, my breath caught up in my chest
It seemed like the voyage
had taken forever
and also just begun – all at the same time

After the 'genging and banging' had settled
and Philomena was deeply asleep,
My anxieties were also put to sleep
I opened the window,
Turned to Philomena, and in sorrow, gripped the pillow.
The stupidity in me had traded my dignity for shame before my God

It was the night I cursed myself
What to tell my creator is still left scrambled
*** is good for health, I was told
Having it with the right person
And at the right time, I never listened
Science and reasoning taught me the former
But the Bible... Jesus prefers the latter
Love is sometimes used interchangeably with *** which shouldn't be so.
434 · Aug 2019
Sometimes our greatest happiness
comes from the things we are afraid to do
Whatever the degree of the fear,
419 · May 2024
She left his heart roaming with no regards
And her cold farewell cut deep into his core.
He loved her in full yet reaped a deck of shards
That spelt out a broken heart, nothing more.
His friends see weakness in his tender state
And their words like spicules spike his sleepy soul.
With a smile, he masks his wounds that seal his fate
But has lost his circle and has been left less whole.
The world casts stones at his every move
Unseen the scars that mar his every thought.
They judge in haste his broken groove
Not knowing it is the hurt that life has brought.
He walks on a lonely bridge beneath the moon’s pale night
And his heart, like a ship adrift at sea, is seeking for a new light.
391 · Feb 2021
Mars Invasion (haiku)
We have come too close
To prove that we actually
Are bad—the aliens
380 · Jan 2022
Not the same
Being useful
being valued
are. two. different. things.
376 · Jan 2024
Love’s Sonnet
You speak of apologies
When your absence leaves a void within my days
I cannot meet the wants your heart so often craves
Yet thoughts of us persist in soft degrees

You say you're not the perfect one for me
And my love only exists in fairytales
But sorry, like a whisper in the shadow
Means little when you're all I long to see

You are the shining light in my soul
No other love can stir this deep within
You're the one, forever true love
In every heartbeat, it's you

In Love’s Sonnet, you're the verse I play
No other love can truly replicate
371 · Sep 2024
Maybe it’s meant to be,
Maybe it’s not.
Maybe I’m lying to myself
Just to feel better—

Maybe the truth hides
Behind the shades of doubt,
Or maybe it’s right in front of me,
And I’m too scared to see it.

Maybe I’m holding on
To something already gone,
Afraid to let go
Of what I never had.

But one thing I know:
Reality *****!
367 · Aug 2020
Blood Smile
They hurt me
I hide the pain
Pretend everything is fine
Manage to put on a smile
Forget the awful past
And bravery walk away
It’s okay... it’s okay
But... if turns me villain
It’s also okay... also okay
Concept taken from the Blood smile scene in the Joker movie.
365 · Aug 2019
I was to drown in the sea,
but you saved me
only to be killed by you
Oh! The sea tossed me
from one wave of misery to the other
But I liked that torture
than being in your arms
For the first time ever I felt something
that was real and genuine
I said my last prayer of joy
Cux I knew that was it - the end
The end of lies, wound and pain from you
Also the beginning of a bliss
and refreshing air they've talked about
from the other side of the world
where I was bubbly headed
I was prepared to meet death.
Just when I was taking my last breathe,
I met the oncoming arm - you
pulling me out
Aah! It's you again
It pains you to let me go
Yet you ain't ready to treat me right
Why not allow me escape in peace
Like Moana, the sea was calling me
I was to die in the sea
But from today, I'll die in your perilous arms
The day you saved me
was the day I truly died
363 · Sep 2023
One foot in my future path
The other one in my past
Two lives before me
At the crossroad

I stand here, torn between two worlds
One, a life I've always known and held dear
The other, a road untraveled, full of potential
A new horizon, waiting to be discovered

One pushes me
Into the land of prospects
A new beginning, a fresh start
The other holds me
Like I have unfinished business
A life half-lived, with much to be done

One is a path I've known
Familiar in its ways
The other, I'm yet to explore
Unknown and uncertain
Yet full of promise

One a cozy cocoon of comfort and care
The other, a courageous call
Like a sky full of sparkling stars
Shining and shimmering in the shade

The past and the future, pulling at me
One, a tether to my roots and my history
The other is a call to adventure and new experiences

Clean the slate and start afresh
Easier said than done, as the memories flood back
Echoes of the past whispering in my ear
Asking me to stay
And to not let go

Memories hold me back
But new ambitions push me away
A push and pull, a battle for my soul
The decision I must make
An overwhelming task

Forever is not my place here
A reminder that change is the only constant
That life is a journey
With twists and turns
And that nothing stays the same

The crossroad before me, a blank canvas
Waiting for me to paint my future
To choose my own path, my own destiny
To follow my dreams
Wherever they may lead

The crossroad behind me, a distant memory
A new road lies ahead
And I'll walk it with pride, with purpose, and with joy
Towards a future that's waiting for me

But for now, I'll take a moment, to breathe and reflect
To listen to the voices within
To hear the whispers of my heart
And the echoes of my soul
I will be still
For a short space of time
And decide what's best for me
And me, and me!
357 · Dec 2020
I adjure you
to put another arrow
through my heart
And nails through my feet
My arms shouldn’t be free
Maybe it’s the only way
To my redemption
For the crown of thorns
You put on my head
To shame me
Rather made me a king
It made me strong
Now I’m used to it
I love the dejection
I’m ready for the antipathy
I want more of the evil things
You do to me
Maybe I’m like Jesus the Christ,
The tears and blood streaming
down the sides of my face
Represent my victory —
From above,
Where I came from
And ready to return
338 · Jun 2019
They Listened Not
Down the failure's den
They chose to walk
My advice was a hard talk
They kept saying

Well, all I wanted
Was to light their darkness
And drive it away
Far from their way

But they rejected the light
That was meant to make them right
It was an advice
To illuminate their feeble hearts
Sometimes, people tend to misinterpret the advices we give them, thinking we hate them
334 · Mar 2020
Let's Leave Legacy
We're all passengers here
The earth is not our destination
We'll leave the same way we came -empty
We live so we can leave
Some will leave early
Others will leave late
Whatever the case is,
we'll still leave
Our days are numbered
But shouldn't outnumber our legacy
333 · Sep 2020
We wake up
Every morning,
Not knowing
It may be
Our last
Let’s love ourselves, for tomorrow is uncertain.
321 · Sep 2024
Perhaps all we are is right here, right now,  
Not in the future we’re so worried about—  
A future where we may never exist at all
316 · Sep 2022
The place where
The land, waters, and sky meet
O! Ye gentle and calm sea
Wash away my sorrow
As I watch ye with
Great amuse and inspiration
Be my resting place
And be my home
Where I shall dwell
For solace and strength
294 · Sep 2019
God's Home (if there is)
A heart that's soft and tender
Is a heart that loves
And ready to know His path

A heart that accepts mistakes
Is a heart that forgives
And ready to compromise

A heart that yearns for Truth
Is a heart that believes in restitution
And ready to be called God's HOME
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