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Jun 2019 · 241
My, how things change.
Rianna Jun 2019
We are only fourteen.
I tease you everyday in seventh period,
You make me laugh more than anyone in eighth period.
We played Romeo and Juliet
Yet swore we’d never have feelings,
Despite everyone’s beliefs.
You get a girlfriend,
We are only fourteen.
Summer is right around the corner, and i try to forget you.

Your girlfriend doesn’t like me,
You stop speaking to me.
I stop seeing you at school.
I start dating a boy who I swore I loved.

I was done with boys,
I was convinced I loved him,
He wanted inside of my body.
You say “Hi” to me in first period,
I didn’t realize we had class together again.

You begin to awkwardly compliment my captions on Instagram;
You’ve never heard of the quotes, but you love them.
I wrote them, but I’ll never tell you that.
Your girlfriend has been hitting you,
Screaming at you,
Ignoring you
For nearly three years.

I’m sitting with your friend at lunch,
You pass us in the hall.
You’re tired.
You begin to stand with my friends and I in the hall of the mornings,
Once again, I’m teasing you and you make me laugh like no one else can.
She breaks up with you.
You begin confiding in me over things I’m swore to secrecy.
We begin hanging out;
I’m at your house everyday after school.
I swear it’s just to tutor you in English for the ACT,
I’ll never tell you it’s just to see you.
A girl likes you, hates me and tells everyone I was ***** but deserved it;
I take my anger out on you
Blame you, because you let her into our small group.
I stop speaking to you for a bit,
It drives me insane.
I go home with you that night,
We are as close as we were. Like nothing ever happened.
We just hold hands
And that’s all I needed.
We spent that entire summer together;
Making s’mores
Staying up until 5am drinking a bit,
And talking of life.
I leave for college but we still try to date.
It’s hard to keep the distance so I come home
A l o t.
I end up transferring back home,
For you but also financial purposes.
June 10th, 2019
We are laying in our bed together, you’re curled up next to me,
Mumbling words of affection and love.

My, how things change.
I dunno. I love him though
Oct 2017 · 472
Rianna Oct 2017
"What happened to you?"
You ask me when you come back. "You're so Different now."

You took my essence, my fire, and my soul when you left and you tried to place them into someone else, but they didn't fit. Now you stand before me, and you dare ask me what happened? How could you?

"Life." I simply answer. "I grew up."
Probably gonna delete this.
Jul 2017 · 1.6k
Rianna Jul 2017
Sometimes it's heartbreaking
to look the woman
who gave me life
in the eye,
because I don't want this life
Getting personal
Jul 2017 · 2.2k
Rianna Jul 2017
i'm your weakness,
your own personal drug.
I'm your high,
You're my low.
Probs gonna delete
May 2017 · 877
Rianna May 2017
I want to go home
but I am home.
I'm homesick
for a home I don't have
and it's the scariest and
saddest feeling yet.
May 2017 · 382
Rianna May 2017
Our hands,
they tangle as if
in prayer in
the religion that is
our love.
I don't know if I'll keep this or delete this
Apr 2017 · 896
i am my nightmare
Rianna Apr 2017
I have become my nightmare,
the girl who always hid in
the far depths of my mind,
tangled in weeds with terror
surrounding her,
There was always a curious chaos
about her that I both yearned and feared,
I will become the beauty of the mess,
and my soul with tangle with hers like art.
I am my own nightmare
and I will embrace it.
I'm probably going to delete this
Mar 2017 · 801
A Eulogy Of My Love:
Rianna Mar 2017
I was your flower but
seasons passed,
we grew apart
and now Your flower has wilted,
But I have grown.
Probably gonna delete this
Mar 2017 · 575
Rianna Mar 2017
So there I was,
running and running
trying to catch up with the sun,
with all my hopes and dreams.
I was right at an arms length,
until then I woke up
Mar 2017 · 445
Atomic Bomb
Rianna Mar 2017
haven't they warned you
not to play with fire?
Haven't they told you
I'm the atomic bomb?
Feb 2017 · 540
I Will Rise.
Rianna Feb 2017
I fell,
Down, down, down
into the far reaches of my mind,
down into the abyss
I fell.
I will rise,
from the ashes of who I was,
from the inevitable
darkness that took over me.
Because I am a Phoenix.
I will rise.
I wrote rise so many times it looks wrong. Now I'm unsure if I spelled it right.
Nov 2016 · 1.0k
Peculiar Chaos
Rianna Nov 2016
I'm a peculiar chaos,
I'll keep you on your toes,
But who's to say
we won't create an adventure
Oct 2016 · 749
In Seventeen Years
Rianna Oct 2016
In 17 years I've learned
nothing is fair,
any shrivel of happiness will be taken,
not just taken, it'll be ripped out
of your hands.
In 17 years I've learned
no one wants to help
unless they get something,
someone is always waiting to
knock you off the podium,
and parents are the first
to take your dreams.
In 17 years I've learned
that I don't want to be here
so much so I want to scream.
Oct 2016 · 609
Rianna Oct 2016
I tried and tried
for so long.  
I was exhausted.
My mind growing weary,
I decided that my
time had come.
Probably gonna delete this
Oct 2016 · 755
Rianna Oct 2016
You're inside me,
like a disease.
You tangle through my veins,
unwilling to put my mind to ease.
I beg of you to loosen the reins,
just let go of me and take the pain please.
You have taken place as my cane,
but you've pushed me to leave.
I beg of you to loosen the reins,
But you are my fatal disease.
I don't know how I feel about this.
Sep 2016 · 312
Rianna Sep 2016
Someday it's going to
consume me.
The darkness inside me
that grows everyday.
I'm going to become
my worst fear.
But I can't stop it.
Sep 2016 · 407
Rianna Sep 2016
and now i sit here
in the rain
pondering my life
and the use of capitalization.
and why we so very
seldom appreciate
the birds or the sky.
but i understand
the need for liquor or smoke
because it's a hard fight.
it's been a beautiful fight
still is.
Again the end quote "It's been a beautiful fight, still is" is by my favorite poet Charles Bukowski.
Sep 2016 · 1.1k
My best friend
Rianna Sep 2016
My best friend
My shoulder to cry on
We were so close
But now
Now I see
You just needed me
So you could feel better about yourself
Because I was too messed up
I was beyond repair
But you
You just needed some of my essence
My "best friend"  
May I ask you this
Where did you go
Aug 2016 · 764
Rianna Aug 2016
Darling can't you see?
I'm the one
Who can cause the pain
To be numb.
I'm the one
Who can devour your soul
And take you captive in my kiss.
Even if it's a just a second
Darling I can be your drug.
Let me take you somewhere.
Also meh
Aug 2016 · 424
Rianna Aug 2016
I'm cold
Right down
To my soul.
I'm mean
Right down
To my bones.
Don't fall for me,
I am a monster.
I am incapable of love.
I'll ruin your life
Before you even make a place in mine.
Aug 2016 · 2.7k
Rianna Aug 2016
I'll be your destruction,
But you,
You will fall in line as another casualty
To my cold and cruel ways.
I wish to help you escape
Before you become trapped
In the labyrinth of my mind,
But not even I can escape.
Aug 2016 · 1.0k
Silver Bullet
Rianna Aug 2016
My eyes,
as cold and silver as a bullet,
will pierce through your mind,
heart, body and soul.
This kinda *****
Jul 2016 · 526
Rianna Jul 2016
Sure, her eyes are blue as the sea,
But my eyes are grey as storm clouds.
Her's will remind you of constant peace,
Mine will remind you of chaos and the unknown.
She'll go down in your scrap book,
Where as I'll go down in your history.
She'll be your memory,
I'll be your tragedy.
idk how I feel about this.
Jul 2016 · 902
Rianna Jul 2016
I don't belong to you.
I belong to the world.
I am of the essence of the stars.
I am meant to be free,
to be wild,
and to run with the hunted.
The quote at the end "Run with the hunted" is from Charles Bukowski. I really love his work.
Jul 2016 · 2.1k
Nomad's Soul
Rianna Jul 2016
I knew I didn't belong.
Everyone around me wanted to stay
I wanted to run free
I do not belong to anyone
I belong to the world.
Since I was a small child,
I've had the nomads soul.
Jul 2016 · 549
Rianna Jul 2016
And I hope
That every single time you see storm clouds approaching,
you are reminded of my grey eyes.
I hope, my dear, that you realize that I was your storm,
And you were just another casualty.
Back from the dead.
Mar 2016 · 970
I am a knife
Rianna Mar 2016
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Does not
Help the
Anger that
Is in my soul.
I have been cursed to become this abyss of endless cruelty and sadness. I cannot be saved and to be frank I do not wished to be saved.
I am a knife.
Do not complain
Of what you have forged me into.
Mar 2016 · 914
Rianna Mar 2016
I don't want plain.
Sure in my black and white world
You were grey
I wanted color.
I wanted vibrancy.
I wanted you
You couldn't give me what I needed
I couldn't give you what you needed.
As much pain as it causes me
We just weren't meant to be.
After all you were as grey as your smoke
I was as blue as the sea.
This is just something I've been messing around with. I'm not sure how I feel about it but hey, why not? Also semi inspired by Halsey.
Mar 2016 · 2.2k
Rianna Mar 2016
Was that little six year old girl walking home from her bus stop ready to tell her mother about her first day of school asking for it?

Was the teenage girl asking for it by walking to the restroom?

What about a mother? Was she asking for it by making a trip to the grocery store?
I'm currently writing an essay to bring attention to issues facing women. I know this isn't exactly poetry but it's a good question.
Mar 2016 · 1.1k
Because You're You
Rianna Mar 2016
I love you.
I love your odd colored eyes,
I love your laugh
Your sense of humor
Your arrogance
Your smile.
I love you.
I love you personality,
Your quirks
Your bad habits.
I love so much about you.
I love you because you are just you.
I hate you because you broke my heart.
I hate you because I can't forget you.
I hate you because I'm afraid of a life without you.
To the boy who was my first love. I still love you.
Feb 2016 · 864
Rianna Feb 2016
I want to scream
I want to cry
I want to freak out.
I want to live
I want to laugh
I want to love.
I am so insatiable,
I will probably combust.
My life summed up.
Feb 2016 · 950
A Great Nomad
Rianna Feb 2016
I am like a void
An endless abyss
I try not to fall
But sometimes I miss
In the end
I am leaving you behind
And if I cross your mind
Please remember my friend
This was not your fault
So don't ever feel sad
I was a ticking time bomb
A great nomad
I wanted to explore
But not of this land
In the end
I was given life
But what I sought was certain death
This sounds more depressing than what I had intended.

— The End —