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Dec 2016 · 1.1k
Frappé à la Seconde
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
Demi-plié. Tendu.
Relevé. Passé. Développé.
Souplesse. Cambré.
All day. Everyday.
Until I step on stage and get blinded by par lights.
Until my tutu twirls and my pointe shoes die.
Until I do my reverence and hear the audience clap.
Everything can be taken away from me
Except for my body covered in a leotard.

- LynnAA
Dreams can come true. Always.

Dec 2016 · 629
Sweet For A Change
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
"Every time I taste your Masala tea, it is always a bit too bitter! How many spoons of it do you put in the kettle?"

Tonight I'm drinking it light with a teaspoon full of honey.
Cheers to us.

- LynnAA
Nothing but a smile :)

Dec 2016 · 420
Les Fleurs Du Mal
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
Véritablement, ce n'est que l'ignorance des gens qui se traduit en mal.
Offerts une fleur, ils la rejetteront avec un large sourire confiant.


Effectively, it is only the ignorance of people that translates into evil.
Offer them a flower and they'll reject it with a smile ever so confident, ever so wide.

- LynnAA
Baudelaire // Inspired

Dec 2016 · 396
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
A silent wave in a rough sea -
Every shore you have landed on has been sending you back to the water, yet you still choose to come back thinking you can invade it.
The tide has left you be.
The sand is tired of you.
The seagulls have desolated you.
Leave the shore for those who belong to it and ebb away to a land that is your own.
You belong to the water. You know nothing but the water. Stay in the water.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
It's 1:00 a.m. and I'm suffocating on my tears, telling myself that I should save myself.
It's hard to cry without a sound, the pain gets deeper in your bones if you don't shout.
And I go to sleep, burying my face in a dry pillow and I wake up the next morning with damp hair and a damp face and I pretend it was all a dream.
Then as I try to get up, my chest weights me down back on my bed, only to realise that my heart has been feeding on my pain all night.

- LynnAA
Dec 2016 · 471
See Food
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
I love them too much for their effort, but I'm tired of watching them taking care of us with all of what they can't have.

- LynnAA
To you especially, my one and only R.

Dec 2016 · 736
Silent And Scared
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
My body scares you but I won't stop dancing.

- LynnAA
Dec 2016 · 445
A Fully Living Being
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
Consider me nonexistent, as if I belonged to no womb.
To you, I am nameless, I am odorless.
I am a mass of flesh you've never touched.

- LynnAA
Oblivion is a choice.

Dec 2016 · 537
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
My mind is stimulating presence in me knowing that absence is present.
Stay absent.
Your absence should be present for your presence is absent.

- LynnAA
Nov 2016 · 1.4k
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
The waves found the shore, at last.
Poseidon laid a kiss on my heart and went to rest and I took a walk down the shore, singing him a lullaby, wearing Rhodus' dress.
The sand is soft and warm.
Terpischore found my arm and invited me to dance with her the dance of survival. We were stepping in the water, splashing our skin and laughing so loudly, so happily, that Poseidon smiled in his sleep.
The sand lured me again. I laid on it and felt the salt drying upon my skin under the warmth of Helios.
The sound of the waves soothed the blood in my veins.
I closed my eyes and rolled in my usual foetus pose.
Hypnos found me as the sea softly landed on the shore to cover me up.

- LynnAA
The sea is a happy place.

Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
هل وردة اللّي كنّا حاملينا سوا بنصّ البحر، وَينا؟ شو صار فيها؟
فِلْتِت من إيدَيْنا و عم بجرّب إتذكّر كيف
قَوْلَك ماتت؟ غِرقت؟ أو بَركي فاشت ع سطح المَي و وصلت لحالها ع الشَّط...؟
عم بقول لحالي إنّو بركي ما سَقَيناها مزبوط، أو بركي خلّيْناها  بالشّمس لوقت طويل
زعِلت عليها، كانت جامعِتنا أنا و إنت، و هيّي الوحيدة اللّي خلّصتنا من العواصف، بتتذكّر؟
...كانت لتخلّصنا، تجبرنا نحملها سوا و نضطر نحط إيدينا ببعض
يمكن ميِّة الملح ما لايمتها و تعبت من كِترِت العواصف
و يمكن أصلاً كان البحرعم ب هوج ت يقِلنا إنّو مَيْتو ما بت لايمنا
وهل الوردة فهمت قبلنا و تركتنا نفهم لحالنا
بس يمكن أنا و إنت ما في غير مَيْة البحر بتلايِمنا

You know?
That flower we were holding together in the middle of the sea, where is she? What happened to her?
She got away from our grip and I'm trying to remember how
You think she died? Or drowned? Probably she floated on the surface and landed alone on the shore...?
I'm telling myself that maybe we didn't water her as we should have or maybe we exposed her too much to the sun
It saddens me, she held us together, you and I, she was the only one to save us from the storms, remember?
She used to make us hold her together and intertwine our hands, that's how she saved us...
Perhaps the salted water didn't do her well and perhaps also she got tired of the abundance of the storms
And probably the sea kept on raging with high tides, trying to tell us that we don't belong to its water
And that flower understood before us and left us to realize this on our own
But maybe, nothing fits you and I better than the water of the sea

لين اا -
- LynnAA
بين الموجات (۳) - إذا راحت الوردة، مشّي نزرَع بستان ورود
Folded Waves (3) - If this flower goes away, let's plant a garden full of flowers

Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
الصّراحة أهم شي بين رجّال و مرأة..."
إذا أنا بدّي روح إحكي مع مرأة، دغري من الأوّل رح خبّرها عن طبيعة علاقتنا
ّو هيّي بالنّهاية إنسانة حرّة، فيها تقبل معي و تضلّ و فيها ترفض و تفل
ما بفهم كيف الواحد بْيِقدر يجرَح غيرو
أنا كنت مغروم بوحدة و ضلّينا ۸ سنين سوا
كان ماشي حالنا
كنّا مبسوطين
كانت كل شهر توعدني إنّو هل شهر رح نتجوَّز
و أنا كنت إنطرها
في نهار بدقّلها كذا مرّة و ما بت رِد، ف بدِقّ لأهلها و بت رِد إمها و بت قلّي إنها سافرت لعَند إخواتها
ما صدّقت بل أوّل و كتير كتير اتدايقت
هل إنسانة كانت تنام عندي أكتر من ما كانت تنام عند أهلها
و حِبْلت مني مرتين و ضلّيت حدها لما رَوّحت
"ما عرفت ليه عملت هيك

"رجعت حكيت معها شي؟"

"لأ. أبداً. يمكن تجَوّزت و جابت ولاد. ليش لأ؟ كنت حلوة"

"ما دقّتلك؟"

"لأ. من وقتها ما عدت عرفت عنها شي"

"إدّي كان عمرك؟"

طّلّع فيّي بالمراية هيك و ابتسم ب لحيتو البيضا

"مغرومي بواحد أكبر منك؟"



"لكان ليه عم بتسأليني؟"

"ما رح تقلّي؟"


"ليه لأ؟"

"بلاها أحسن. يلا بنتي، أنا بدّي إفرق يمين من هون. بدّك تنزلي هون، مذبوط؟"


وقّف، بَرَم و طّلّع فيّي ابتسملي. ابتسمتله

"يعطيك العافية عَم"

"انتبهي ع حالك يا بنتي"

"... Honesty is the most important thing between a man and a woman
If I were ever to meet a woman, I would tell her straight ahead about the nature of our relationship
I don't understand why would people feel the need to hurt each other
I was once in love with a woman, we were together for 8 years
Were were doing well
We were happy
Every month she would promise to marry me
And I would wait for her
One day, I call her several times in the morning - no answer
I call her parents and listen to her mother telling me she left the country to live with her brothers
I didn't believe her at first and I felt a pain in my chest
This woman slept at my place more than she did in her own
She got pregnant twice from me and I was always next to her during the abortion
I don't understand why she did so"

"Did you ever get back in touch with her?"

"No. Never. She's probably married and has kids. Why not? she was a beautiful woman."

"Did she ever call you?"

"No. I know nothing about her since."

"How old were you?"

He looks at me through his rear mirror and smiles through his white beard.

"Are you in love with an older man?

I laugh.


"Then why are you asking me?"

"You won't tell me?


"Why not?"

"It's better this way. I gotta make a right turn now, young lady, and you wanted to get here right?"


He stops the car, turns around and looks at me. He smiles. I smile back.

"Thank you, sir, have a good day."

"Take care of yourself, young lady."

لين اا -
- LynnAA
النّاس اللّي متلو, بحطّو راسن كل ليلة عل مخدّي و بضلّو يفكرو لحد ما يغفو
People like him, lay their heads on the pillow and fall asleep on their wandering thoughts

Nov 2016 · 496
Coldness In My Summer
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
People say "**** them with Kindness," but I would say offer flowers to their inner wars.

- LynnAA
Keep the cold out, and if it comes in, offer it wine to warm its blood.

Nov 2016 · 953
Before Midnight
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
"I don't want you to leave.
Stay with me."

He grabs the folds of my skin.
He hides his face in my being.

His love is a crack into my utopia.

- LynnAA
Nov 2016 · 705
You Are How You Love
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
Tell me you love me one more time
Test me
What will I do?
Will I fall back again?
Will I take the bus to see you?
Will I walk away or come closer?
Will I smile or lower my irises to the ground?
Will I say it back or clear my throat?
Will I make love to you or touch your face fondly?

Endless choices to an endless love
Test me
You'll go to bed holding one more soft memory of me.

- LynnAA

Nov 2016 · 324
She's Smiling At Me
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
Take care of the woman in you so she can take care of you.

- LynnAA
I'm Smiling At Her.

Nov 2016 · 343
Inked, Almost
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
I'll draw a Poppy on my back and leave you to linger there, in oblivion, where you belong.
You have been a smile.
You have been love.
You have been tears of sadness mingled with happiness.
You have been too many injections of *****.
You have been seasonal - Spring.
You have been intensely red with all the barriers you made me cross.
You have been wilderness.
When I'll look at myself in the mirror,
I'll look like love,
I'll look like Spring,
I'll look like adventures and wilderness,
I'll look like ***** and Poppies,
I'll look like you.
I'll retrieve you from my oblivion and I'll smile at the thought of you who have always existed in the back of my head
Not only because I love you, but because you were, for once in my life, a symbol of truth.
But today, I'll let you go.

- LynnAA
Love, always.

Nov 2016 · 722
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
It is a rock forsaken on a hill
It is an anchor desolated from a shipwreck
It is a flower being stepped on
It is feelings crushed by reality
It is words you're unable to speak
It is dreams you wish were true
It is silence
It is waiting
It is stubbornness
It is hardness
It is decisions
This is what it is
It is heaviness
And tomorrow I'll grow lighter

- LynnAA
Autumn is for letting go.
Love, always.

Nov 2016 · 972
رَبيع - Spring
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
نحنا غرباء
ع شطّ البحر
ع جبال زعرور و صنين
ع زواريب بيتك
ع شوارع بيتي
نحنا غرباء
بوجودنا سوا
بصمتنا المُفتَعَل
بنظراتنا المفقودة
نحنا غرباء
بس فراغاتنا الصّامتَة شبعانة من صخابتنا

We are strangers
In tearooms
On the seaside
In mount Zaarour and Sannine
On alleys that lead to your house
On pathways that lead to my house
We are strangers
In our togetherness
In our artificial silence
In our lost glimpses of each other
We are strangers
But our still void is satiated with our intensity

لين اا -
- LynnAA
I need your love inside of mine like I could die
- Cigarettes After ***

Nov 2016 · 1.2k
Été - Summer
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
Sur le bout de mes orteilles, je sautille au-dessus des écumes de l'océan
Ça sent le jasmin et les amandes
Le soleil effleure mes veines et l'eau salée éclabousse ma peau


On the tip of my toes, I hop above the foams in the ocean
It smells like jasmine and almonds
The sun skims my veins and the salty water splashes my skin

- LynnAA
Nov 2016 · 360
شَتوِيّة - Winter
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
طلع الهوا
و البحر قام
و الورود ماتو
و القمر رجع هلال
و الشّمس عم بت غيب بكّير
و إنتَ ماشي على هاوية
و أنا لاحقتك
إيدي بإيدك

The wind is blowing
The tides are high
The flowers are dead
The sun is setting early
You are walking on the edge
And I'm right behind you
My hand in yours

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Oct 2016 · 730
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
I'm driving on a road that leads me to your house and I feel your presence on it and the prints of your tires.
You fill up my head. Now all I can think about is what if I call you right now and tell you that it's easy for me to reach you.
But I don't. Because I have to find home. I have to go home.

- LynnAA
"She didn't know whether she was running away from something or running to something, but she admitted that deep in her heart she wanted to go home."
- Beatrice Sparks

"I knew then that I wanted to go home, but I had no home to go to--and that is what adventures are all about."
- Trina Schart Hyman

100th poem.
Oct 2016 · 773
Dear LynnAA,
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Just like you woke up one morning to lose your job, one day you will wake up to realize that probably this isn't where you want to be:
This isn't the only language you'd like to speak, this isn't the home you'd want to live in, this isn't the country you'd want to die in, this isn't the man you can sacrifice immense things for, this isn't the emotional spree you'd like to feel, this isn't the job you'd want to spend the rest of your life in, this isn't the freedom you are looking for, this isn't the only amount of knowledge you'd like to acquire, this is not your only family, this is not your only adventure...
And life will come back to your mind:
You revive a desire to study abroad. You believe you're living in your new rented studio in Prague, you see yourself studying by day, waiting tables in the afternoon and sleeping under warm sheets you bought yourself, at night. You live the adventure, you believe you left love here to find it again there. You know it'll be hard but you'll love it. You'll grow, you'll take care of yourself, you'll love, you'll cry alone at night, you'll learn to survive, you'll laugh with new acquaintances. You'll be stronger. You'll be independent. You'll be who you've always wanted to become.
This is why, always believe, that no matter how hard life can hit you, you know, in the back of your head, that this might not be the life you'd like to lead anyway. So hit life back harder and embrace your little dreams, construct them brick by brick and then go live them.
Never be afraid of letting go. Never fear starting anew. Life is full of surprises and if you haven't had any yet it's because you're only living the wrong one.

Be free.

Your Desired Life
- LynnAA

Cheers to life and its blows.
Cheers to the future.

Oct 2016 · 661
أنا بحر - I am a sea
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
يمكن البحر ما بدّو يوصل ع الشَّط
و لا بدّو الأمواج تطلَع من المَي
و لا بدّو رَغْوتُه تطبش بالصّخر
و الرّمل يكون قَعْرُه
و لا بدّو زراقُه يعكس لون السما
و الملح يطَعّم مَيْتُه
بس هيدا البحر،  هيدا جماله، هيدي قوته، و هيدا سحره
و أنا بحر
أمواجي مزروعة ورود
رَغْوتي طعمتها فنيليا
لوني أحمر نبيذي
قَعْري رقصة معاصرة
مشاعري شَطّ
قلبي صخرة
و ملحي حلاوة الطّفلة اللي فيّي
و يمكن أنا منّي مطابقة لمواصفات البحر
بس هيدي أنا، هيدا جمالي، هيدي قوتي، و هيدا سحري

Maybe the sea doesn't want to land on a shore
And it doesn't want its waves to grow out of its water
And it doesn't want its foam to disperse on rocks
Nor the sand to be its bottom
And it doesn't want to reflect the colour of the sky
Nor the salt to taste its water
But that's the sea, that's its beauty, that's its power, that's its magic
And I am a sea
My waves are planted with flowers
My foam tastes like vanilla
My colour is wine red
My bottom is a contemporary dance
My feelings are a shore
My heart is a rock
And my salt tastes like the sweetness of the little girl I hold in me
And I might not be easily identifiable with the sea
But that's who I am, that's my beauty, that's my power, that's my magic

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Que la mer nous avale dans l'immensité de sa profondeur.

Oct 2016 · 961
Dorlotée - Pampered
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Ça sent la vanille et la noix de coco.
Allons danser ce soir.


It smells like vanilla and coconut.
Let's go dance tonight.

- LynnAA
Les parfums demeurent à vie.
Perfumes abide forever.

Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
ملح البحر نشَّف ع جسمي و طلعت ريحتي خشخاش منقوع بالموج

The sea's salt exciccated upon my skin and now I smell like poppies drenched in waves

لين اا -
- LynnAA
العطور فَتّاكة - Essences are annihilating

Oct 2016 · 853
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
I don't miss you.
I crave your presence.
Being with you annihilates dystopias and makes me believe in utopias, for your heart is the kingdom and your embrace is the land and I get lost between being your princess on the throne or a peasant on your fields.
But it wouldn't really matter, I'm in a utopia; and the only way I might encounter a piece of hell is when I'm not inhaling the scent of your neck.

- LynnAA
Love, always.

Oct 2016 · 1.1k
Mumu Dress
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Ylang-Ylang. Viscaria. Protea. Orchid. Magnolia. Lotus. Hibiscus. Gorse. Gardenia. Englantine Rose. Dandelion. Daisy. Cherry Blossom. Campanula. Chamomile.
Pure. Peaceful. Innocent. Flowers.
Flowers don't hurt. They only do if you want them to.

- LynnAA
Oct 2016 · 604
Petite Mort - Little Death
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Un tissu dentelé, couleur rouge-sang, effleure ma peau et fait frissonner mon être.
Mon amant à l'autre bout du tissu devore ma peau de ses yeux et extasie mon existence.
Ne me touche pas de tes doigts.
Enveloppe mon vagin du tissu rouge et exhale ton souffle dans le creux de mes seins.
Mes lèvres sont pulpeuses à force de les mordre.
Le bout de mes seins sont saillants.
Mes poils se redressent pour s'aggriper à toi.
Je me perds.
Je me laisse aller.
Mon corps bouge imparablement. Il devient le tien.
Je m'abandonne à toi, les yeux fermés.
Je ne veux que sentir.
Tu m'enveloppes.
Tu poses ton coeur sur le mien et nos pulsations se synchronisent.
J'inhale. Tu inhales. Tu exhales. J'exhale.
On fusionne.
Plus. Encore. Davantage.
Plus. Encore. Davantage.
Plus. Encore. Davantage.
Plus. Encore. Davantage.
Petite mort.
Je t'aime.


Lace cloth, blood red, touches my skin and quivers my being.
My lover on the other end of the cloth is devouring my skin with his eyes and rapturing my existence.
Don't let your fingers touch me.
Wrap the lace around my ****** and exhale your breath in between my *******.
My lips are pulpy, I bit them too much.
The tips of my ******* are protruding.
My little hairs straighten out to reach you.
I get lost.
I let myself go.
My body moves unstoppably . It becomes yours.
I abandon myself to you, my eyes closed.
I only want to feel.
You enfold me.
Your heart meets mine and our pulsations synchronize.
I inhale. You inhale. You exhale. I exhale.
We merge and blend.
More. Further. Anew.
More. Further. Anew.
More. Further. Anew.
More. Further. Anew.
Little death.
I love you.

- LynnAA
Oct 2016 · 421
Extended Hand
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Talk to me. Touch me. Be with me in the same room.
You never got to know me. You don't know me. Don't assess me.
Erroneous. Biased.
Don't avoid me and start drawing images of me you created in your head.
Don't wish me away if you have never been near.
Don't disappear and believe I'm still the same.
Don't hide behind walls and look at me through a hole you carved yourself.
Stand before me. The view is better and clearer up close.
And I have a tulip for you.

- LynnAA
Take them both.

Oct 2016 · 1.3k
Flowers Don't Hurt
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Flowers don't hurt.
Flowers are soft and elegant.
They are wild and rare.
They're delicate and addictive.

Flowers fill your heart and tickle your nostrils.
Flowers heal your pain and feed your love.

I'm holding a flower right to your heart.
Breathe in.
Let the petals caress your nose.
Let your eyelashes hold the petals.
Let your skin feel it.
Close your eyes and feel.
The flower resonates with your heart.

Flowers don't hurt.
And I'm giving you my flower.

- LynnAA
Oct 2016 · 724
Get Well Soon
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
You got used to my absence.
My absence doesn't affect you.

- LynnAA

Sep 2016 · 393
Love, With Rythm
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
I dance to feel my body
I dance to live in a lively skin
I dance to feel love and give love
To feel pain and take pain away
I dance to feel pleasure, sadness, ecstasy, tiredness, short breaths, fast heartbeats, sweat, elegance, strength, beauty...
Dance is beauty.
And I want to make you feel beautiful.
I want to pour my love into you and twist your pain out of your fingertips. I want to twirl around you and make you feel a soft breeze, make you feel me from a distance. I want to leap into your arms and trust you to catch me. I want to slide my body so close to yours and burn with our fire.
We will dance and only stop chest to chest, close enough so that when we breathe in heavily, our chests will touch and our hearts will collide, and my breath will combine with yours, and our lips will start to close in on each other as our fingers intertwine to pull us closer and closer as I wrap my body around yours and you wrap your body around mine and we lay on the floor, you on top of me and we twist and turn and move in perpetual sensuality that will keep us dancing to the rhythm of our breaths and heartbeats.

- LynnAA
So, will you dance with me?

Sep 2016 · 1.1k
و إضحك - And Laugh
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
بدّي إركض لعندك متل الأولاد الصّغار و إضحك و أُبرم حواليك و نِطّ بين إيديك و تعبطني و إضحك
بدّي نام عصدرك و غرّق وجهي ب رقبتك و إضحك و إلعب بشعرات صدرك و إسحب شعرة و إضحك
بدّي كون ولد صغير بين إيديك فرحان و مبسوط
بدّي كون طفل نومه هنيئ لإنّو شمّ ريحتك قبل ما ينام

I want to run to you like a child and laugh and turn around you in circles, jump in your arms, hug you and laugh
I want to sleep on your chest, burry my face in your neck and laugh and play with your chest hair, pull out a hair and laugh
I want to be a child in your arms, happy and joyful
I want to be that child that gets a good night sleep because he's got your scent stuck on his clothes

لين اا -
- LynnAA
ولد مبسوط
Happy kid

Sep 2016 · 775
My Dearest,
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
I don't expect you to understand. And I'd rather leave you blind an deaf to all the little stings but I am stinging your heart with every needle that carved my heart.
My love, you are free. You are loved. Years of sacrifice. Not even you can face that.
Your choice has been made.
I'm understanding still.
I am tired.
Love me silently, but I'd rather think that you stopped loving me.
What's the point of being loved and never feel it?
What's the point of love if I can't get my hands on it?
Happiness resides in my freedom. And your love holds my heart in a bird cage.
I won't let you break my heart. I'll break it myself in quest of happiness.
And no one will know how to fix it but me.
I'll keep planting my needles in your heart until I reach the portal of my freedom.
Only then will I remove them brutally. All at once.

With all my love,
I would have loved to be free with you.

Sep 2016 · 409
Ode To The Moon
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
Five days before you become whole and I stand on my balcony to gaze at you.
You've been damaged.
Your beauty has been soiled with empty promises, dying love and nonexistent forevers.
You now hold all these burdens with me and I can do nothing but communicate my grief with you silently and mourn it.
You will forever be beautiful and tainted with odorless flowers.

- LynnAA
... I will restore you again.

Sep 2016 · 3.6k
نَوْبِة - Frenzy
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
مسِِكني من خوانيقي
حَمّلني باقة ورد بإيدي
لَبّسني فستان ب لالي
رِشّلي عطر ع رقبتي
قَرّب نَفَسَك ع دينتي
وَشوِشني كلام حلو
و شدّ إيديك ع خوانيقي

Wrap your hands around my neck
Give me flowers to hold
Dress me up in a nice translucent dress
Spread perfume all over my skin
Breathe into my ear
Whisper softly to me
"I love you"
And then tighten your hands around my neck

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
قَولك قلمي سحري؟
يعني إذا كَتَب صُوَر، بت صير هل صُوَر عايشة؟
مثلاً،  إذا خبّرك إنّي لابسي قميصتي البيضاء و ناطرتك، رح تشوفني؟

عبالي جرّب

بتتذكّر هيدي القميص البيضاء الطّويلة، كانت بت لالي بوقتها و بعدها بت لالي
و أنا لابستها و ناطرتك، شعري مَيّ، جسمي دافي، وريحتي منغوليا
و ع كتر ما نطرتك، غفيت، و الحْرام أنجأ مغطّاني و الشباك مفتوح و هوا أيلول عم ب سَرحِب عليّي ليسرق لمسة منّي قبل ما إنت ترجع

"لين حبيبي"

إيد بشعري



أوّل ما فَتّحت عيوني شفتك
انقطع نفسي و بوبّو عيني وِسِع
إيدك رَوَّحت آثار نسمة أيلول عن جسمي
و شفافك التهموني
و قميصي بطّلت ع جسمي
و الشّرشف صار عل أرض
و إنت احتلّيت عاري
و أنا بلّشت إبكي
و تمَسّكت فيك متل ولد ما بدّو يفارق إمّو أوّل نهار مدرس

"ضَلّ، ما تفِل"
"ضَلّ، ما تفِل"
"ضَلّ، ما تفِل"

حَبَستَك بين إيديّي
شدّيت من كل قلبي
راسك لقي ع كتفي
و ريحة المنغوليا لفّتنا


Do you think my pen is magical?
I mean, if it writes pictures, do the pictures come alive?
Like, for example, if it tells you about how I waited for you in my white shirt, would you see me?

I'd like to try.

Do you remember my long white shirt, the one that wasn't opaque, and still isn't
I am wearing it, waiting for you
My hair is wet, my body is warm and I smell like Magnolia
I've been waiting for you long enough to fall asleep
The sheet is barely covering me, the window is cracked open and September's air is sneaking its way to me to feel my skin before you come back

"Lynn, baby"

A hand in my hair


I see you

I open my eyes and the first thing I see is you
I lose my breath and my pupil grows ever so widely
Your hand gets rid of what was left of the September's breeze
Your lips devour me
My shirt isn't on my body anymore
And the sheet falls on the ground
And you are all over my bare skin
And I start to cry
I hold on to you just like a little kid would hold on to his mother's hand the first day of school

"Stay, don't go"
"Stay, don't go"
"Stay, don't go"

I lock you in my arms
I lock you as tight as I can
Your head lays on my shoulder
And the scent of the Magnolia wraps us

" I love you"

لين اا -
- LynnAA
نسيت إنّي عم بفرجيك صورة، ايه؟
You forgot that I was only showing you images, right?

Sep 2016 · 625
Love And Its Forms
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
You're not my Jesus.
I am my own Jesus.

- LynnAA
I Am Alone In My Own Salvation.

Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
قلبي محروق متل جزع كل شجرة زيتون راح ضحيّة إنسان بلا ضمير و بلا حياة و راح يفتّش ع حياتو بين أوراق شجر برائتها عمرا أكتر من عشرين سنة
دموعي ما قدرت طّفّي النّار اللي ولعت بجذوع شجر حسّت بلمسة إيدي من أنا و عمري سنتين
دموعي ما قدرت تحمي أوراق حميوني من الهبّ بظلهم
دموعي ما قدرت تخلّص جذوع بوعا و بنام عليها كل يوم
دموعي ما قدرت تنقذ حياة أكبر و أبرأ من حياتي

ما بقي محلكن إلا رماد
قلبي نطَمّ معكن
اليوم شقفي من عمري راحت معكن

My heart is burning, like every branch of every Olive tree that was a victim of a human being with no soul and no life, who went to fetch himself a decent life in between leaves which innocence is older than my own existence
My tears couldn't put the fire off branches that felt the touch of my skin since I was 2 years old
My tears couldn't protect leaves that shadowed me from the heat
My tears couldn't save branches I wake up and sleep to
My tears couldn't rescue lives older and wiser than mine

You are nothing but ashes now
My heart is buried with you
Today, a part of my life has been lost with you.

لين اا -
- LynnAA
May you lovely Olive trees rest in peace.

Sep 2016 · 709
Pink Necklace
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
I can't be your enemy
We can't part like we've never met

We shared our hearts
We traded our hearts
We gave our hearts

And now you are a part of me
You merged into my cells
And I lost you in my being

And if someone ever asks me what love is
Every atom in me will shiver
All my body will reminisce you
My lips will part to breathe you
And my pupil will grow ever so widely
As I spell your name at the tip of my tongue

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
شعراتك منكوشين
ضحكتك عالية
كلماتك مَخْبوصين
منخارك أعوج
عيونك مْبَرْزْئين
إجرك مجروحة
شفافك مْأشبين
و ظفرك مكسور
بس قلبك
قلبك أبيض من غيمة بشهر تمّوز واقفة تتفَرّج ع زراق البحر

Your hair is a mess
Your laugh is too loud
Your words are trouble
Your nose is bumpy
Your eyes are protruding
Your leg is bruised
Your lips are chapped
And your nail is broken
But your heart
Your heart is whiter than a cloud in a July sky looking down at the depth of the sea

لين اا -
- LynnAA
.إنتي منيحة
You are fine, little lady.

Aug 2016 · 385
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
You're an ***
And a ****
And a lover
And a home
And too many things my heart didn't know of

- LynnAA
And there's a lot I still don't know.

Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
:علقاني بهل معضلة

يا باخد حبّك و بشبع منّو و البسمة ع وجّي
يا بِبعد عن حبّك و بحمي حالي و البسمة ع وجّي

بالحالتين، رح ينتاك قلب مشاعري

I'm stuck in this dilema:

Either I take all the love you can give me, drench myself in it and smile
Or, I refuse all the love you can give me, protect myself from it and smile

Either ways, my heart will be ******

لين اا -
- LynnAA
.إخِرْتْ هل الليل، يا لين
Go to sleep Lynn.
Aug 2016 · 744
آمين - Amen
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
يمكن بكرا، نرجع نلتقي بمقهى، بمكان مجهول، عِلماً إنّك ما بتشرب قهوة
و إنت رح تكون تحرَّرت و أنا رح كون صرت مرأة
و رح تجي تقعد معي عالطاولة، لابس قميصك القطن الأبيض و حاطِط العقد الأزرق اللي اشتريتو من هَيديك الحفلة و ريحتك عم تِتعَبّى بقهوتي


و من هون قصّتنا رح تكمّل

Maybe one day, we'll meet again at a coffee place, somewhere not familiar to us, knowing that you don't drink coffee
You will be free and I'll be a grown woman
And you'll approach me and sit with me on the table, wearing that white linen shirt of yours, that blue necklace you once got from a party and your smell will fill my coffee

"I miss you"

Only then will our story resume

لين اا -
- LynnAA
.منّك إلي، منّي إلك و حبنا شقفة منّا بس كمان مش لإلنا
You're not mine, I'm not yours, and our love is a part of us but it isn't ours also.

Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
قاععد بالبحر، مادد إجريك و الشمس عم بتبسط ضوها عليك
و هل موجات خفاف و إنت فايش ع وِجّن و مستريح و مغمّض عيونك و نفسك هادي و بلّشت تغفى
و غط وراك طير مهاجر لَيْرَيّح جوانحو شوي، و فجأه طار و قبّت موجة من تحتو و خبطت عليك
عيونك تفتّحو تحت المَي، و ما عدت قادر تاخد نفس
و شي إنك طلّعت راسك لتسترد نفسك، إجت موجة تانية غطّت وجهك و شدّتك لتحت
و إنت عم بتصارع بإديك و إجريك لتطلع تتنفس
و بس رجعت عسطح المَي، سحبك تيّار
و إنت تسبح و هوّي يشدّ و إنت تسبح و هوّي يشدّ
و نفسك بلّش ينقطع، و الموج عم بشبِّئ بوجهك و التيّار عم بياخدك عقعر البحر
و للحظة حسّيت برواييك زمّو
و حسّيت إنّك بطّلت قادر تصارع لا بإيديك ولا بإجريك
و حسّيت إنّو عيونك نْعَمو و مناخيرك ما عم بيوصلّون شي غير ميّة ملح
و جسدك عم بيبرم بالتيّار و ينزل عقعر البحر و نِهايتو مش معروفة ع أيَّه صخرة رح يِلْبُد
و قلبك عم بجرّب يآمن بخلاصك، عم بيِخفق متل المجنون ل يْضُخّ دَمّ مش واصلّو

You are laying on your back in the middle of the sea, and the sun rays are hitting your skin ever so softly
The tide is low, and you are floating on its surface, relaxed, your eyes closed, your breath calm and you are starting to fall asleep
And an immigrant bird, landed behind you to rest its wings, but it suddenly flew and a very high wave rose with him, only to stab your body
Your eyes opened in the water, you couldn't breathe anymore
And as you found your way up to the surface another wave covered your face and pulled you down
You are fighting for a breath with your arms and legs
And once you found your air again, a stream started to pull you
You're trying to swim and it's pulling you, you're trying to swim and it's pulling you
You're losing your breath, the waves are merciless and the stream is taking you to the bottom of the sea
And for a moment you felt your lungs shrinking
And you felt that your arms and legs won't help you anymore
And you felt your eyes blinded and your nose breathing nothing but the salty water
And your body is twirling in the stream going down down into the sea and God knows on which rock you will fall upon
And your heart is trying to believe in your salvation, beating like a maniac to pump blood that is no longer existing

لين اا -
- LynnAA
.رح تبقى شقفي من قلبي لآخر نفس من حياتي
You'll always be a part of my heart, till the last breath I take.

Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
.قاعدين. كاسة شاي بين إيدينا و عيونا ما عم بفارقو بعض
.عم بتِطَّلَّع فيّي, بدّك تغطس بكَياني و تصارع أمواجي و تسبح بتَيّاراتي
.و أنا بوبو عيني واسع و مش شايف غيرك و عم بِصَرِّخ
.بدّو تتركو بسلام
بدّو تحرّرو منّك
بدّو يديق ليرجع يوسع لغيرك
و ما بلاقي غير إيدك صارت ع فخذي
و أمواجي بتجرّب تعلى لطُّمَّك
و تيّاراتي بتجرّب تقوى لتسحبك
.و كَياني بصير مِلِك هورمونات بتخَدّر دماغي للحظة و بآمن بوجودي معك
.بآمن فينا أنا و إنت سوى
.و الإيمان بدّو صلاة ليستمر
.فبشرب كاسنا و كاس إيماننا و بِكْرَع فنجاني الشاي لآخر شَفِّة

We're sitting together, drinking tea and looking at each other.
You're looking into my eyes, diving into my entity, conquering my waves and swimming in my stream.
And my pupil is wide open, seeing no one but you and yelling.
It wants you to leave it be,
It wants you to set it free
It wants to tighten so it can widen again for anyone but you.
Only then, your hand finds its way to my thigh
And my tide grows high, trying to drown you
And my stream grows stronger trying to pull you to its bottom
And my entity becomes the slave of hormones that shut down my brain for a moment
For it to believe in my presence with you.
For it to believe in you and I as one.
And since every belief requires a prayer,
I drink to us and to our belief and I chug my cup of tea till its last drop.

لين اا -
- LynnAA
.من كَسّر لنرجع نعَمّر
We destroy to build anew.

Aug 2016 · 771
Destructive Mind Sceneries
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
I want to pick you up on a weeknight and take you down to Beirut, to alleys and streets you have never been to.
I'll take you to my favourite place for a happy hour drink, and after 9 p.m. we'll share one of the best bread loaves you will ever taste from the bakery I love the most.
Then you'll see me dancing while driving, for the first time, to one of those upbeat radio tunes.
And we'll end up in Jbeil, at the beach, running into the water for a late night dip; splashing each other and screaming like little kids and kissing each other every once in a while like the lovers we are in this very moment.
Then we'll sit by the shore and play games till we dry up.
And the clock will remind us that I should take you back home, wishing I could stay with you for a couple more days. And I'll try to make you stay in the car and you will hug me very tightly and then you'll forcefully leave because it is almost 3 a.m. and I still have a long way back home.

- LynnAA

Aug 2016 · 621
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
I am the little girl of the sea and every summer it calls for me and every summer I fail to visit its shore.
This year I wanted to go with him, I wanted the sea to meet him, to meet us, and to take us into its folds for it to remind me that there will come the summers where I won't be standing with him at its shores.
But he already goes to visit the sea without me.

- LynnAA
Late night ugly silence.

Aug 2016 · 603
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
I see pictures of us

At a party
At a friend's marriage
At a concert
On the sand
On a cruise
In a tent
On my bed
On your bed
Under a tree
Under a waterfall
On a high rock
In cold water
On my balcony
In your car
In my dad's car
At an old ruin

Eating Balila
Running on pebbles
My lips on your cheek
My lips on your lips
Our eyes closed
Holding flowers
Drinking wine in a bottle of water
Dancing in the sea
Riding your back
Wearing your sunglasses
Looking at me sleeping
Looking at you looking at me
Splashing me with water
Running after you
Wearing your jacket

That is all I have
Pictures of us
Where you always reside
Where I can always be with you.

- LynnAA
Love, always and never.

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