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3.2k · Aug 2018
Autumn Nightmare.
ardnaxela Aug 2018
Leave her faces imprinted in the pillow.
Leaves her voices hoarse and the cotton warm.
Leaves the fabric soaked in tears.
Leaves her hands in place until her breathing is shallow.
Leaves her mind helpless against this attack.
Autumn nightmare
2.1k · Jul 2018
ardnaxela Jul 2018
The clouds of Pompeii
had nothing on his heart.
An eruption of UNCERTAINTY
his world e-x-p-l-o-d-e-d.
lights extinguighed,
joy (deleted).
Night is now who was once Day.
Corruption of a steaming bliss.
Darkness gripped his mind -
insomnia, coupled with a blind-ness..
that could only be caused
by some serious disruption....
like the ash of Pompeii when it settled
or the pain of a burnt page.
I'm sorry Teddy.
2.0k · Sep 2018
the Garden pt. 2
ardnaxela Sep 2018
i am
so tired
of these men
stripping me down
leaving me bare
interrogating me
with no words
left to spare
it's never new to me
i try not to care
i find
i'm always left shook
like a winter night's
tree limbs
the wolves come in
sheep's skin
i let them in
they rob me
blind, tender
of heart
of soul
of peace
my mind
i surrender.
i feel empty -
i am.
from all that’s
been took...
i am so
of these men
who love me
then leave me
exposed in my sin.
not today satan. i'm tryna sleep.

5:32 am
2.0k · Sep 2018
ardnaxela Sep 2018
I was about to leave
but then you looked at me.
I felt it a challenge.
the beast in me
was roused.
I needed to taste your courage.
I needed to wrap my hands
around your passive aggression,
grasp your hot air..
I needed to feed off your energy
I needed your soul to
inhale it and make it mine
You told me so with your eyes.
I needed
to see.
And now
I'll never leave.
Leo, meet Virgo.
1.8k · Dec 2022
ardnaxela Dec 2022
Black Colleges
Have been chronically
Hell -

Black culture curates
Common culture.
Black coins buy
Booming business -

Black universities
Brilliance, Undeniably.


Black children

Contain unrelenting
Cause upheaval -

Controlled, creative


Heads held high -
Commemorating heroes.




HBCUs are an essential commodity to a significant facet of our population. Protect them at whatever cost.
1.6k · Jan 2019
That it is okay.
ardnaxela Jan 2019
was me
that told my Self
it is okay  
to weep,
it is okay    
to hurt
was me
that told my Self
it is okay    
to steep,
it is okay  
to heal
was me
that told my Self
it is okay    
to let go,
it is okay  
to give
was me
that told my Self
it is okay    
to breathe,
is okay    
to live
was me
that told my self
that it is okay.
To every person who got it up out the mud, you my people.
1-12-19, 3:04 am.
1.6k · Apr 2018
Parental Discretion.
ardnaxela Apr 2018
4/29/18 5:47 pm

I wish you wouldn't blame yourself
For those memories I'll never get
I wish you wouldn't flinch so much
At dinner
when the conversation
meanders to my name
I wish my happiest moments
were shared with some of yours
I wish my accomplishments the same
I wish you could make a guilt-free trip
To see me.
I wish when I smiled
Your soul would adhere and do as such
I wish those times when I was knocked off balance
Your love would have been my crutch
I wish in our text messages there was no distance
I wish phone calls between us existed
I wish my existence didn't make you so uncomfortable.
I wish you would have gotten to know me
I wish you could have helped to paint my canvass
I wish you knew I'm not upset
I wish it wasn't too late
1.6k · Feb 2019
ardnaxela Feb 2019
I wanna see you fly.
Not because you have wings
but rather,
all the ones who said
you'd never do such a thing.
1.5k · Nov 2018
The Learning Cycle.
ardnaxela Nov 2018
You were fifth grade
so you were
my playground -
I buried small treasures
in your sand.

You were seventh grade,
lips sealed like my locker.
My safety, my trust..
I left my initials
inside your door.

You were tenth grade -
An open book,
a willing vessel;
I inked your pages
with my diary.

You were college.
You were shallow and empty.
I left you
with baggage full
of my least favorite memories.

You are now
I see future in you.

You'll be the
string that ties
these knots
and brings me
back to my center.
each time I gave a little piece of me. 11/1/18
1.5k · Nov 2021
The Gift.
ardnaxela Nov 2021
My blessing came
in a designer gift wrap -
The box made of Rejection.
filler sheets of many colors..
layered on top
of some
crumpled shreds
of Self-doubt and Insecurity.

— had to tear through
some things to get
to the goods —

The best present I’ve ever gotten -
a whole new Heart;
with me forever to stay.
Solace in knowing
all the junk that came
before Her,
I get to throw away.
6:22 am

The greatest things come in the most unexpected packaging.
1.2k · May 2022
True Pt. 2
ardnaxela May 2022
living off
of apologies and time
spent in desperation
recollecting and reflecting
on where
all of the good vibes went
I may have smoked them.

underestimating my
of the situation
like I'm not
educated in protecting
my Peace
and healing my whole
mind, body
and Spirit

deflecting questions of
my integrity
because I prefer
complexity -
it takes me
three lefts
to make it right.

also some
I have to remind
that it's okay
to cry
boiling hot emotions
got this little black kettle
singing high

I'm choking
on the
hard pill
of a broken home
worse than a broken bone
this is admitting to myself
I could be traumatized.

I need a
get away
like Lenny says
quick break
with Mary, Garcia
and Vega
the only chance I ever get
to take flight.

in all Honesty
I am really
of people
pushing me
and pulling me.
college drop-outs
they think
they schooling me
they are
tools to me.
swing my way
with that hammer
I'm not
driving for that *****.

some say real
Love is
some say it's
I say it's both
you know
the winners
always leave with
a little
bruise .
or two . .
or3 . . .

there probably may come
a time of day
you have to choose
to lose
in this matrix
to fight
by your own rules
and well


is to you,
my Little Light
your presence is proof
that some
Love is
the right thing to do.
this started as a song.
944 · Sep 2018
Self, love.
ardnaxela Sep 2018
Ev’ry body should
Feel a little bit worthless
Perhaps failure would
Then hurt just a little less
905 · May 2018
I'll be there too.
ardnaxela May 2018
I thought about you.

    I remembered how excited you were
to see me; I remembered
    how happy you were
to see me those years before.
   Life's a little different now
but, that doesn't stop you -
    from reaching out,
letting me know that
    you're still there
and I feel your touch, I swear I do
    even when I know you're not there.
Right now, I'm afraid I'm all alone.
    It feels so different here.
Sometimes it hurts, sometimes too much
    without you being here.

I miss you.
5/20/18 12:37pm
ardnaxela Jun 2018
You want me to
write my heart out on my sleeve,
then pull the thread,
unravel it,
patch it up,
then again,
then cut that arm off
and burn it.

Shovel my thoughts
into tidy piles,
then spill the milk
and muddle them up
then sop 'em up and
mop 'em up
'til I'm left with blurred lines.

Stuff my feelings in a jar,
toss them with ingredients
that don't mix
rollie pollie
with a dab of Ranch
and it's all ****** up.

Y'all want the key
to my mind -  
an old closet that leads to
a tunnel that leads to
the grave of my buried thoughts.

I opened the door
and I was pushed from behind
then told to "lead the way".
To "find the truth
in all your ways" -
one arm out
reaching in the dark;
a ******* a mission,
searching for her heart...

I fell in a hole.
Ashes to ashes,
dust to dust.
It started to rain,
I was surrounded by mud.
The door closed.
Which one of you all
care to open it again?
3-25-18, 10:35 pm
888 · Jul 2018
ardnaxela Jul 2018
When I'm asking why
you love me
I'm really asking
why the wind blows

at this point.

The only answer
you couldn't explain;
How can your sun still shine
in the midst of my rain?
These unsaid things
are better off said,
because you forgave me
for everything but to you

I couldn't allow the same.

A patience for distress
I'll never understand;
A slow burning candle
in a sea of darkness..

My small light of hope

dancing in the wind.
How is this possible?
The one thing I can explain -
the reason you love me,
those answers must be the same.
Siri couldn't tell me either.
876 · Oct 2020
Quick question...
ardnaxela Oct 2020
You are never
clear with me
What it is you want.
I always have to guess.
Is this just a game to you?
Is my heart a play thing;
somewhere for you to make a mess?
maybe it's a dream
It's all made up
And I should wake up.

I want to
Give you
Of me.
But I gotta know
You want me
Gotta know you
Need me
Know that
You can complete me.

I'm ready to become
Whole again

tired of



tired of





Bits of my soul,
S h a t t e r e d by senselessness.

blacked in sin.

I need my peace back.
I don't like to ask
I hate to guess
I'm wondering -
Can you be that?
And if not, just say so.
771 · Jun 2018
Love Train, A Travesty.
ardnaxela Jun 2018
I tripped along the railroad tracks
trying to escape from your trespasses of my trust;
trotting t'wards that treasure I hid
on a trail beyond those trees there.
Triggered by treachery, the truth in these tribulations
trialed and errored and transformed..
Tricky triumph, trifle *****.
I tripped along the railroad tracks.
sometimes love makes us clumsy.
763 · Oct 2018
Of Surrender.
ardnaxela Oct 2018
As the stars would have it
the time is now to choose..

Favoring souls made in kind
to take flight
and conquer the night.
A single heartbeat on Eternity's

A rhythm ripped in passion,
A beat made steady on the clashin'
of dual energies.
When our symphony resides...
A hush -
Come to me now.

Some perfect harmony...
Conducted by the Universe.
Composed in the signs.
Preserved in the stars.

The wonder we have found
ourselves lying in
could be magic or myth.
or both if and only if....

No bother, I'm arrived
and have come to oblige
My options concise

I've no choice rather than
eternally love you.
do you believe in soul mates?
694 · Jul 2022
ardnaxela Jul 2022
Am I really
just fighting
my family
is there more
am I all
fighting for
the feeling
of having someone
to care
for me
**** it
I deserve it
I deserve it.

could it be
the fight was
a façade
am I All
victim to the fear
of failure
am I alright... ?
689 · May 2021
ardnaxela May 2021
I’m still in love with your stupid ***.
Seriously, how long does falling out of love with somebody take?
613 · May 2018
A Woman's Heart...
ardnaxela May 2018
5/8/18 4:00 am

I'm afraid if I tell you my secrets that
You'll shout them back at me.
If my constant day dream
Was filmed in front of a studio audience
With you as the sole observer
You'd only laugh at my pain.
I'm afraid if I look into your eyes
You'll notice the ship
Sinking in the depths of mine.
If one day the weight becomes too heavy
And I suddenly drop this load on you
You'll crumble beneath the pressure.
You'd be lost at sea.
A pirate of my emotions.
I pray you swim at your own risk babe
I'm afraid it gets deep. a deep ocean of secrets.
584 · May 2019
Little Wolf.
ardnaxela May 2019
You ever felt like the Moon
was crying with you,

An existential just-because
Imagining if your existence never was
The type of feeling
it would be difficult to explain..

An amber crescent set low in
a mass of darkness
A lone candle to bring
Life to the shadows of pain

Tell me have you ever
felt the Moon cry too?
4:40 am
572 · Sep 2021
Happy Things.
ardnaxela Sep 2021
a new Beginning
unexpected yet welcome
this fresh sight of Love.
Day 1. What are you happy about these days?
544 · Aug 2018
The Noisy One.
ardnaxela Aug 2018
Curiosity lifted my face from the ground.

You asked me
what I required.

But our truth was still
mystery at that time.

I said
from You -

It was only silence.
You said o-k but still found a way

to pass your vibrations
along my sense.

Lit a flame and made a riot of
my mind's

slow-burning fire..

And I had to turn the volume back down.
boy you kept my wheels ******* turning.

7-30-17 5:16 am
476 · Feb 2019
ardnaxela Feb 2019
Darkness falls
My eternal routine
Perched at the top
I wait.
Only time will tell

The blue jay sang his song
Shall my notes be the same?
Into the night
I call
Sweet silence responds

Caresses of the wind
A rustle spread through my hideaway
Protected by Earth
I'm lost.
Though I see to clearly

Your identity was never known
The one that I crave most
Forever seeking, please reveal
I need.
Every evening is still the same
to the little owl that sings to me at night
ardnaxela Jan 2019
hey pretty girl
you know you're a beauty right?
the world can see it
and that's a fact
but is your own reflection
within your line of sight?

a special girl
you are indeed
this world is so lucky
to have you, please believe..
to yourself you seem less than
to what I would deem as perfection.
I just thought I'd let you know.
426 · Apr 2019
ardnaxela Apr 2019
one finger or two?
pick a direction; apply
pressure, aim and twirl.
enter the garden.
394 · Mar 2019
ardnaxela Mar 2019
Your love is
mesmeric like
smoke rising off
the lake in the soft
gentle and tranquil.
390 · May 2020
Good Morning.
ardnaxela May 2020
I don't like
the shrill excitement of sirens
warning me of what's to come.
I would prefer
melancholy raindrops
tapping hints into my window from the sun.
I can go without a quick start
with the false hope of an emergency.
Please, just lift me gently
and promise me that there's no urgency
when you wake me for the day.
alarms just don't do it for me these days.
388 · May 2020
ardnaxela May 2020
It's silent
screams of delight.
It's hidden
blushes behind a hair swipe;

It's wanting
to always get it right.
It's having
not to think twice.

Loving you

It's like a test -
It's like
the breath
before you roll the dice;

Why can't I even
think of you
without my chest
getting tight?

Loving you is pressure.

Will my love even suffice?
Alexa, play 'Hard Place' by H.E.R.
ardnaxela Sep 2018
I watched a ******* the train.
I watched the small grin
slowly form across her face.
But her features didn't change.
I blinked and still
I watched the ******* the train.
Her mouth never moved...
I watched it in her eyes and knew
there was poetry in her mind.
I have a weird habit of going out in public with headphones in and nothing playing..
356 · May 2018
For the Mothers.....
ardnaxela May 2018
A love like yours
Is impossible to find
What’s that I say?
IMPOSSIBLE to discover
Why that I say?
Because this love of yours
Is mine, all mine.
For no one else,
it could be.
Another love like yours
I’ll never seek again
Not another day more?
Nope, not another
Because the love you give
Oh! how special it is
To have just for me
And to know this world in time
Could never replace
That, which it is
The love of a Mother
353 · Jun 2018
Of Heart and Curse.
ardnaxela Jun 2018
Pretty, pretty

Blue Bird.
I'll bet you no one's heard

that lovely song you like to sing
when you think no one's

Listen, Listen!

Angels here.
The silent winds drew near..

I'd wished they set your music free
forever to drift
back to me.
when I saw the beauty in your sadness.
347 · Mar 2021
ardnaxela Mar 2021
I feel like an Empress boo.

Divine iterations
of existence, unique...
And I truly hope these
make a good impression on you,
I do
not always know how things
will turn out
Often times I find
stalled; consumed with doubt
So if you could,
Be patient please.
Things are deeper than they seem.
There’s more to me than you can really see;
although what I share
is limited
to the confines of a square
Boxed In
is one thing I could never Be
And so world, here’s to me
And here’s to Being
I plan on using this as a caption on one of my IG photos..
327 · Jun 2019
The Beautiful.
ardnaxela Jun 2019
she hates the poor
tosses her neighbors right out the door
sweeps the facts up under the mat
tell me how right is that?
to makes rules that benefit
the one percent already rich
neglect the side effects
or the lives she may impact
freedom remains a mystery
between her and me
America, see
we tend to disagree
she hides her errors in arming her terrors
as they assassinate
our heirs;
eradicated their history
then tried to write it back
to a blank
a page of empty space
now tell me how white is that?
3:47 am (WIP)
315 · May 2021
Love Dies -
ardnaxela May 2021
Soft cries -
dreadful token.
Harsh lies -
True friends -
except imposing.
Inequality -
Pain-killers -
Brought up
Love dies -

Still hoping.
edited and reposted from April 2019 because current circumstances have expressed a need..
294 · Mar 2022
ardnaxela Mar 2022

enough to
when I'm

Optimizing this
in me -

- It's a new transgression
from my

2-26-22 1pm.
287 · May 2018
Cloud Storage.
ardnaxela May 2018
7/13/17 2:51 am
How many could there be
Safely hidden from the senses
Of my enemies
I wonder how many there are
Of Ours
Illuminated across the dark
The scattered bones of every
I thought I had safely tucked away
Elevated discovery awaits
An eye for all ours
They twinkle in delight
With the silent-kept thoughts
We let frolic the night
Solved in the stars
Past and present alike
The true identities of all the demons
I'm still finding the courage to fight

I've never been happy.

I'm still searching for that silence
Above it is quiet
Below is loud
And violent.
The ear to the heavens waits listening
to every sound of every creature
I whisper to these creatures too
Into the night I say
Sing your song little Nightingale
Send your secrets to the sky
Let the clouds tell your story
In the place where all ours lie.
there was a lake there too.
283 · Feb 2020
I killed the Rose.
ardnaxela Feb 2020
the Rose that grew from concrete...
the delicate face
of a fragile beauty...
guarded by some tough exterior -
dutifully unacknowledged.
indeed, achieved a great a feat
but still
buried underneath their feet.

everyday trodden;
not once a chance to thrive -
effects of a circadian stampede.
A Rose
that grew for a simple life,
but the beauty within had died.

Her leaves she let wilt,
took every blow she was dealt -
dull thorns now to speak for.
color drained with a droopy stem,
wishing away dark clouds
so then maybe
she would
See more.

could she have had it all?
her existence left her nothing.
party of one and the place is full of Rocks.
a stand-alone soldier in a grave situation;
the hurt wouldn't stop coming;
should we pray for such mercies?
she figures...

no singular mercy could unseal her fate
the blade of society is sharp and
against her soft petals it continuously scrape

...when you've felt one pain you've felt them all.
senseless emotions
trigger moisture in the stigma
finally a drop of color -
to the concrete it would fall
rich red
like the Flower
that once cracked those gray walls.
I was inspired to take poetry seriously by Tupac. The Rose That Grew from Concrete - the first poem of his I read. This poem was inspired by that one, and emotions I was feeling about myself, my relationship and others around me at the time. This was originally written in 2015. Thanks for reading.
267 · Mar 2019
ardnaxela Mar 2019
Something wasn't sitting right with us...
like a void that never filled.
I was almost oblivious to the pain of
deep cuts that never healed.
A moment of clarity I needed
my conscience to reveal..
Something told me to leave -
I keep my third-eye peeled..
your intuition will rarely steer you wrong. if it isn't right, your heart will feel it and your mind will try to mask it. free your heart, open your mind and


unfinished btw
263 · May 2018
My Favorite Magic Trick
ardnaxela May 2018
you don't love me
but i know how to make you
i'll hold the hand
used to wipe your ****
watch me
turn mine to tissue.

bet you want me now baby.
262 · Jul 2019
ardnaxela Jul 2019
the deed done
they both
lay in wonder
239 · May 2018
I'm Going Home Now.
ardnaxela May 2018
5/16/18 2:50 am

Why'd you leave me all alone when
you knew I needed help?
At least stay and lend a hand with
all these cards I've been dealt;

You know I can't shuffle.

How can you ask if I'm alright when
you know the lie before it leaves my lips,
and you still ******* believe it then
blow my steam off with a kiss

Like that's supposed to sweeten the trouble.

You say you're there for me and
you are, if only just for show....
With my emotions you get it wrong
You actually listen when I tell you no.
I don't want you here. I don't want you near -

You go right with it then.

How'd you leave me crying in the doorway
knowing I'd only shut myself in?
My depression is my guilty pleasure
How could you condone my sin?
229 · Jan 2019
Never Mind.
ardnaxela Jan 2019
I used to love it when you


Or how about how you


You know what

Never mind.
thank u, next
229 · Dec 2022
The Music Man.
ardnaxela Dec 2022
The music
you make
my Soul create -
a sweet

and sturdy
with a



carry me
through rhythm
and blues....

Do you
The Music Man?

For he my
heart beats
other percussion.
pa *** pa pum pum
ardnaxela May 2018
i resolved long ago
to let those sorry ******* eat the cake
they love so much
with no concern for their own well being
they shovel it down their throats
i watch the piles build from their hips
and what happens when they've had their fill?
they puke it all over the ******* ground
right next to the pretty roses
now i can't take a walk in my garden
without stepping in someone else's ****.
love, John.
206 · May 2020
ardnaxela May 2020
I am well-guarded.
When it came to you,
there was oversight.

I had walls built up to the sky.
Someone threw you a rope -
maybe it was me? Who knows,
But I allowed you to climb
the bricks of my mind,
meticulously placed and cemented with time.
I even went out my way and laid
a ladder against the other side.

A struggle indeed,
but you mastered the feat.
But then there was trouble
when you got to the peak..
I don't know
maybe you got too high.
Maybe I'm just
too consumed with fright.
I don't know,
but you hesitated.
Then you tripped.
In a panic, I kicked
away the rescue
And that's when you
fell down and missed..
hit the ground - but untouched?!
So then guess what?
You got up and brushed
away the debris..
Not even a scratch;
only my soul was crushed.
I'm left in defeat and
even more shattered trust.
yes, I am guarded
but I've already shown you too much.
it was good until it wasn't.
206 · Jul 2020
Need A Place To Hyde.
ardnaxela Jul 2020
cemented in my position in opposition of lonely terrors
lonely terrors come at night, until they just watch from the shelf
from the shelf they contemplate and wait in their complacency
their complacency preys aimlessly under stars on barren souls
souls so cold have no energy source no life
Life gone stone - a victim of the Demented
demented are the intentions of the barren soul, to self-destruct conflicted and cemented
cemented in my position in opposition of lonely terrors
monsters i created myself
“Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm. ”
― Robert Louis Stevenson
199 · Apr 2019
Love Dies -
ardnaxela Apr 2019
Soft cries -
dreadful token.
Harsh lies -
True friends -
except imposing.
Inequality -
Pain-killers -
welcome overdosing.
Brought up
Love dies -
however still hoping.
194 · Sep 2021
ardnaxela Sep 2021
saw my heart as the enemy
when really
every battle fought was
just to win yours back.
a true Trojan horse in fact
left my gates
wide open
oblivious to the silent attack.
liar. traitor. cheat. scoundrel.
ever since i met you
it's like you've waged a war
against my happiness.
that rosy patch once
reserved for you
now scorched brittle black.
Day 7. The healthiest way for me to release my anger will always be through ink.
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