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Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
In binary code,  
the logic flows,  
as patterns of zeros
and ones in rows.
Gradient descent,  
fine-tunes the art,  
adjusting its core,  
reviews from the start.
The errors are managed,  
the insights spin,  
as the machine grows wise,
and an algorithm begins.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Feb 2
I lie in bed, awake and watching  
the dark night sky stretched wide,  
as stars like diamonds catch my eye.  
The hours pass in a gentle drift  
until dawn begins its colourful shift,  
as sunlight breaches the eastern rim,
it's fiery orange rays reach out and skim
and the warmth bleeds out across the dark,  
as I watch the sunrise paint its arc.  
Then the morning mist creeps in all grey,  
and clouds roll in on winds of change,
cooling the sky and dulling the blaze,  
as daylight arrives in a steely blue haze.

©️Lizzie Bevis
It is somewhat sad to see the sunrise cool with a dismal grey-looking sky.
It was a beautiful sunrise though.
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
Fragrant breeze whispers,
Blossoms bloom in vibrant hues,
Nature's symphony.

          Golden sun shines bright,
          Warm rays caress sun-kissed skin,
          Summer's vibrant dance.

               Leaves ablaze with gold,
               Crisp air whispers change is near,
               Autumn's dormant song.

Snowflakes drift and fall,
Icy winds howl through bare trees,
Winter's stark beauty.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
In life’s swift current,  
we shared a glance,  
as fleeting souls
in a silent dance,
both rushing along
busy city pavements.

A smile exchanged,  
a moment's grace,  
for a brief second
your gaze met my face
and we became  
more than strangers.  

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
Beneath the Eiffel's iron lace,
A tabby cat prowls with feline grace,
Past Arc de Triomphe, she sets her pace,
On moonlit nights down the Champs Élysées.

Prowling around cafés and bustling streets, She slips into wine-soaked conversations, Witnessing love's soft declarations,
While dodging bikes and hurried feet.

Her whiskers twitch at fresh baguettes,
As dawn breaks on the Seine's calm flow, Lounging, watching artists come and go,
From her sun-kissed, with a view parapet.

Notre Dame's gargoyles watch her pass,
Through shadows of restored spires,
In all its reverent wonder, to be admired
As pigeons scatter on morning mass.

Up to Montmartre's charm and winding ways,
She naps peacefully on warm window sills,
As church bells toll from sacred hills,
Lost in the wonders of her Parisian days.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
In selfless hearts,
love's light will glow,  
as a gentle touch
or pleasant hello.
With open arms,
sharing grace,  
in every smile,
a friendly embrace.  
No strings to bind,
no chains to hold,  
just a warmth that’s pure,
like a touch of gold.  
In every soul,
its presence we find,  
an Agape love
unbiased and kind.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
Madam, in eden, i’m adaM.
Eve did the deed
and deified god,
He has his eye on you,
Dennis and Edna sinneD

Won’t lovers revolt noW?
We do not say a peep as
We panic in a peW
He lived as a devil, eH?

Sir, i demand, i am a maid named iriS.
Ma is a nun, as i aM,
Never a foot too far, eveN.
Red roses run no risk, sir, on nurse’s ordeR
But, red apples and serpents do.
Tut, tut, tut.

©️Lizzie Bevis
If you have an irrational fear of Palindromes
Please do not read this!

I was playing with words and it seemed like a great idea.
I hope that you enjoy! :)
Lizzie Bevis Jan 5
In rooms where private thoughts take flight,
behind closed doors, in the quiet of night,
remember well this British tale,
that the air has ears that often sail.

Each muttered affliction, each resentful sigh,
may find its wings and touch the sky.
For secrets kept in mortal *******
build nests with beaks that know no rest.

These walls have feathered spies,
and flocks of lookouts in disguise.
Your words, once freed from anger's fire,
may flutter back to stir their ire.

So hold your tongue and guard your thoughts,
nature's lure intends that you get caught,
and the smallest sparrow on the breeze
may carry tales across the seas.

What is spoken in your solitude
will echo in the multitude.
Remember, that birds have ears and eyes,
and are eager to share all across the skies.

©️Lizzie Bevis
A poem inspired by the British Idiom - A little bird told me.
This carries the meaning of receiving information from a secret informant, in this case a bird.
The root source is thought to be from the Bible, Ecclesiastes 10-20:
“Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because a bird in the sky may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say.”
Lizzie Bevis Jan 11
Dogs who are so loyal and giving,
deserve no less than this;
As they depart for heaven's gate,  
with a final good dog fuss  
and a tearful, loving kiss.

Holding tightly to their paw,  
till their eyes softly close,  
while their gentle, peaceful spirit soars,  
but, continues living within  
that broken heart of yours.

This is where their pain ends,  
and where your sorrow begins.  
Yet, they will be looking down
from the beautiful stars  
over the rainbow bridge.

We know that all good dogs go to heaven,  
to realms beyond this earthly plane,  
to a paradise where they run free,  
in a land of boundless joy,  
where fusses and play never end.

But, good dogs will never forget you,
they will be waiting so patiently,  
for that wonderful moment
when you will join them,  
and call out their name.

They'll come running so quickly,
their tail wagging incredibly fast
as they eagerly lick your face,
overjoyed to be reunited
with their forever friend at last.

©️Lizzie Bevis

For Jess 28/01/2014 - 11/01/2025
Thank you for all of the cuddles you gave me, when I looked after you when your mummy and daddy were at work.

I’m going to miss you Jessica Wabbit
Lord, she's not even my dog but I'm a blubbering wreck.
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
The asphalt shimmers in the summer heat,
Mirages dance where the sky meets land.
I count the mile markers like rosary beads,
Each one a prayer, a breath, a memory of you.

I turn left and right,
Take detours through cities made of glass,
And mountain passes where stars guard the twilight;
As your magnetic force pulls me forward.

I've worn holes in my shoes,
And collected dust from a thousand roads,
But distance is insignificant
When every horizon holds your face.

Sometimes I wonder if roads ever end,
Or simply circle back to their beginnings,
Like my thoughts always return
To our first hello and that first smile.

My legs tire but I never waver,
You are both my journey and destination,
The map I follow and the home I seek,
And the reason that I keep going.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
I recount moments with pensive eyes
Through mercury mirrors and fluid skies.
As cities fold like paper cranes,  
While clocks bleed with watercolour stains.

Obscure are the faces that I once knew,  
Now speaking in tongues of indigo blue.  
Their words grow cold in the morning frost,  
Like maps to places long since lost.

In rooms where gravity forgets,  
My thoughts float in spiral pirouettes.  
Each echo dons a foreign skin,  
As outside weeps with what's within.

Moths of meaning flutter past,  
Too translucent here to last.  
Their wings spell out words left unsent  
Of an unexchanged sweet lament.

I drift through crowds of mannequin dreams,  
Suspended, alone, and unseen.  
A spectral figure in reverse,  
Feeling like an outsider in this universe.

Time melts like Salvador's clocks,  
While purpose spills through quantum locks.  
And I, a paradox come undone,  
Mull over what my life has become.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
Ambition's wings
soar as a driving force,
elevating thoughts
to chart a new course.

Yet, talented minds,
grounded in place,
disengage gifted brains
wasting this space.

This unfurled potential
a bird's dream of flight,
without a thought or clue
of where it is migrating to.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Inspired by a quote attributed to Salvador Dali ‘Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings’
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
In my room where chaos reigns,  
papers tumble and flutter,  
scattered through the air  
like long-lost planes,
as I navigate the clutter
of this whirlwind of disorder  
and sift through scattered pain,  
longing for a spark of order  
beneath this mountain piled here  
somewhere, my creativity remains.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Mar 13
Between steady breaths,
I float away in peaceful sleep
although, I am not quite here
and I am not quite gone.
My slumber becomes a nightly rehearsal
for when the final curtain falls
only without strings attached,
as I flirt with oblivion
and keep my options open.

Each night I ghost the otherworld,
leaving my body wrapped in a duvet
as I run away with my dreams
and return before dawn breaks.
I have become death's friend
as I surrender to the darkness
without agreeing to forever,
as I experience my temporary death
with daily resurrection rights.

We share in the nothingness,
as my consciousness is on pause.
Tonight I'll die again,
and tomorrow I'll return.
It is the perfect arrangement
with death who waits patiently, understanding that I'm not quite ready
for anything so permanent yet.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Jan 27
In the hollow space between
who I am and who I should have been,
as my failures echo around me.
I am only human.
Yet, regret lingers
like a bitter taste on my tongue,
offering a feeble defence
that I refuse to voice,
because my words are like pebbles
too small to fill this pit of regret
gorging on my conscience
so, I swallow them whole,
letting them settle
heavy in my throat
while you drown in my silence,
and wear your disappointment
like a weighted coat.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
Whiskers twitching, sharp and keen,  
prowling silently, slinking, unseen.  
With curious eyes, so alert and bright,  
investigating all within their sight.  
So lithe and nimble, quick to pounce,  
on playful paws as they bat and bounce.  
A skilful mouser, stealthy predator,  
a beast of surprise and graceful wonder.  
Yet gentle too,
when snuggled up having a nap,  
curled up and content in my cosy lap.  
As comforting purrs soothe my weary soul,  
making me feel loved, at peace and whole.  
My treasured companion and loyal friend,  
Aloof yet loving, wild yet tamed,  
my mysterious moggy a master of might,
endlessly captivating me with pure delight.

©️Lizzie Bevis
For my cat Timmy.
He's pretty awesome…but I would say that wouldn’t I?!
Lizzie Bevis Feb 18
Here between keystrokes,
I exist as thoughts
with no face to trace,
no voice to echo,
just words scattered
in poetic verse.

I am me in data,
and IP trails,
I am the ghost
inside the machine,
The blank space
and filler of forms.

How strange
it is to be someone
and no one at all,
to be a thousand
possible lives
behind a secretive wall.

This is where freedom
tastes like deletion,
like footprints
washed away by rain,
in this vast binary ocean,
I am both infinite
and contained.

I am most real
when I am least known,
as a mysterious presence
in a world
of ones and zeros.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Jan 8
Grey clouds burst from leaden skies,
While puddles mirror my heavy eyes,
The thrumming droplets on window panes
Echo the throbbing of my aches and pains.

Lifeless streets shine, although grim and wet,
While every puddle swells with regret,
As wind blows through the scraggy bare trees,
Howling and wailing into the breeze.

I stand in shop doorways to keep dry
As rain continues to fall from the sky,
Like tears that stain the sullen ground,
And my hope dissipates without a sound.

I look around and I know
That it will be another dismal day.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I'm very English…I complain about the weather, just poetically!
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
In this gloom-filled cast,
conscience is awoken,  
to shattered trust
and hearts now broken.
With whispered sighs,
seeking to mend,  
to heal the rift  
and be a friend.

Seeking forgiveness,
bridging the divide
to plead, to beg
to swallow pride.

For love’s own sake.  

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Feb 4
Mile after mile,
the roads unwind,
and I'm squashed in the back,
in between my siblings' behinds,
while Dad croons to oldies,
off-key and loud,
Mum traces the map,
with her head bowed.

I count the trees,
it is a quiet game,
while my brother sleeps,
my sister is tamed.
A petrol station stop
breaks the drive,
the numbers roll up,
as Dad's wallet
barely survives.

Dad fills the tank,
and Mum's stern glance falls
on the mounting cost
that widen her eyeballs.
Dad settles up
and quickly returns
with snacks that are shared,
with momentary peace,
which is soon impaired.

"Stop touching me!"
my sister cries,
as my brother grins
with mischievous eyes
and I, caught in the middle
attempt to mediate,
"Look, a cow!"
in a desperate escape.

Soon after trying
to tame the urge,
our bladders expand
fit to burst,
as bathroom plea's cry out
with a desperate will
our three voices rising
loud and shrill.

The Ross-on-Wye's sign
comes into view,
as my fingers twist
through my hair now askew.
We turn onto Junction 24,
and I look around everywhere,
my excitement building
beyond compare.

Aunty Bee's wedding day
waits ahead,
and I shamelessly have crumbs
all over my dress.
This is quickly followed
by Mum's horrified look,
as Dad pulls the car aside,
as we tumble out of the back
with smiles big and wide.

Mum brushes crumbs
from our smart attire,
and tames my hair
with her maternal fire.
My brother and Dad
turn as their eyes meet
and with perfect timing,
he asks "Are we there yet?"

Dad rolls his eyes and sighs
"Just 30 more minutes son."
I think our Dad will be glad
when this journey is done.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I was thinking back to the day my Aunty Bee got married, I was 11 years old and the journey from Lincoln to Ross-on-Wye was so long.
I'm amazed that my parents didn't leave us behind!
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
In the quiet of a cluttered room,
a glimmer flickered, an idea in bloom.
I held it close, a thought so bright,
now lost in clouds,
drifting out of sight.

A glance, a turn, a fleeting chase,
I search the corners, I scan the space.
It danced on the tip of my eager mind,
now a whisper, elusive,
and unconfined.

Was it a word, a thing, a dream
or a thread of a half-formed theme?
Time ticks on, relentless and still,
as I shuffle through remnants,
against my will.

Where did it go, this moment, this spark?
Did it slip through the cracks
and into the dark?

I pause, I breathe, I let out a sigh,
in the chaos of life, as my thoughts fly
out the window or through the door,
leaving me stumped
and pondering once more.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
Virtuous little owl,
your gentle blue eyes see all,  
seeking only the truth
a shrewd feathered guide.
With wings spread wide,  
soaring through dawn’s embrace,  
unveiling unseen secrets of night,  
illuminating wisdom’s chase  
until Nyx slips away  
and Apollo's sun rises.  

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
In this space, there is a tranquil peace,
Between land and sky where the sunset creeps,
I wander through the fading light
When the day surrenders unto the night.

The darkness dances with starlight beams,
Like waltzing fragments of my dreams,
While the constellations slowly turn,
And the faraway sun continues to burn.

Here in this realm of in-between,
Where nothing is the way it seems.
This reoccurring beauty often dwells
Under the earth's rotational spell.

For in this space of endless flight,
Where sunlight duels with the starry night,
When sunrise greets day with warming bliss
As the dark and light share one long kiss.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
In the depths of despair
hope will fade,
and emptiness will follow;
But, you are not alone there.

A heartbeat within
wills you to be strong,
to find yourself
and carry on.

So, take a breath,
let it in,  
Love begins,
let it go…

©️Lizzie Bevis
If I told you that I was diagnosed with mixed anxiety and depressive disorder would you believe me?

I always try to be the positive ray sunshine, to bring a little more light into the ****** world.
We all have dark days, I empathise completely.

I write some of my poems in bed and have pyjama days because I just don't want to face the world, and that's ok…I just don't stay there. ❤️‍🩹
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
Tea flows like the River Thames,
While tutting spreads like wildfire
At queue-jumpers
And umbrella-shirkers,
As passive-aggressive notes flourish
Like ivy on garden walls
Your parking leaves much to be desired.


Digestive biscuits dunk and drown
In piping hot Tea at 4 o'clock sharp,
Followed by a national moment of silence,
As Scones wage their silent war
Devon versus Cornwall;
The cream-first heretics
Face jam-first purists,
While the cucumber sandwiches mediate,
Their crusts banished like medieval traitors.


The weather forecast foresees
Cloudy with a chance of small talk,
And a 90% probability
Of complaining about the weather.
Shorts and sandals brave December,
While summer coats guard
Against the August sun,
And somewhere, someone
Is wearing socks with sandals.
Ooh, Suits you, Sir!


Red buses pass red buses
Followed by a ritual of waiting,
Until the bus arrives
Five minutes late, of course.
While Big Ben counts the moments
As patience is wrapped in politeness,
Where every grumble is a nod,
Until the next apologetic shuffle.

©️Lizzie Bevis
If you know…you know!
Lizzie Bevis Jan 16
When my imagination ignites a wildfire,
you commit my words to the pyre,
but, with every smouldering ember
my vision grows;
Breaking the boundaries
that you imposed,
and within the remnants of my creation,
I openly disregard your blatant damnation.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
Do you dare to search deep within me,
reveal my darkest secrets
and uncover the truth?

I am a master of disguise,
displays of emotion are denied
enough to outwit any sleuth.

So I must ask...
Are you sure you want to see
what is behind this mask?

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
In peaceful darkness,
my heart stood still,  
Four minutes were lost
against fate's will.

My quiet breath,
the silence was vast,  
In that fragile pause
I faced my past.  

Then the hands of angels
pressed firm and true,  
until CPR’s rhythm
finally broke through.  

I was lucky to rise,
I danced with light,  
and from the edge of death
I won the fight.

©️Lizzie Bevis
In 2015 I suffered an out of hospital Cardiac arrest, I often count my blessings and feel extremely lucky to be alive.
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
My aching limbs and heavy sighs,  
as morning light hurts my weary eyes
and every movement feels like a chore,  
as time slows from the weight of it all.

Although every step may feel like lead,  
and thoughts of rest fill my weary head;
I'm determined to try anyway,
with a will to rise and seize the day.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
Dew drops gather silent thoughts,
On the spider webs of yesterday,
And the world finds peace in waiting,
For moonlight to find its way,
Through night's sleepy waters.

The stars begin their slow retreat,
While shadows stretch and bend,
In this space between dreaming,
Where yesterday and today blend,
I watch the heavens discreetly.

When musing over the past few days,
Caught between a breath and a sigh,
Dawn teeters on the horizon,
Of a dark morning sky,
And I dally in limbo's sway.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
A dusty path beneath my feet,
My worries fade with each step,
Leaving the past behind.
Green fields wave to hopeful songs,
As the horizon stretches open,
And a new day waits to greet me.

My worn boots carry a heavy heart,
Breaking the chains of yesterday.
As sunlight breaks through
the grey clouded by sadness sky,
And liberation calls with a soothing voice,
Promising a fresh beginning.

I feel wild grasses brush against me,
As shattered paths mend themselves.
Silence fills my distracted mind,
Distant trees rise in understanding,
And letting go becomes my strength,
As the future blooms like wildflowers.

The countryside embraces me,
As the healing winds of change blow,
Miles unwind like a silent threads,
Breaking free from what once was,
As each step forward builds courage,
Walking towards a new dawn.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
Is life worth living
When all you do is give,
Pouring out your soul
Into an unrelenting hole?

Each sacrifice exacts its toll,
Consuming any self-control,
They take without any remorse,
Draining your spirit's inner source.

In corporate rooms of cold design,
Where profit trumps the human line,
You stand amongst the beaten downs,
With silent ones who wear their frowns.

Your body bends, your mind breaks,
Yet blame becomes the final stake.
Pointing fingers, casting shame
As struggles grow and you're to blame.

So tell me now, amid this strife:
Are you truly blessed in this life?
Or just a cog within the wheel,
Where giving is the only deal?

©️Lizzie Bevis
I'm seeing more and more people struggling with work related stress these days.
The world seems to have gone mad?!
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
Over aeons, new galaxies bloom,
Spiralling splendours from a cosmic boom.
As time and space constantly entwine,
When the divine spans until the end of time.

Nebulae clouds form bodies anew,
From cosmic matter, in forces imbued.
As timeless planets in their orbits glide,
around a blazing star, their radiant guide.

Starlight shimmers in our sky
Crystalline flares from distant sunshine,
An ancient light on a celestial quest
Through the ever-expanding void of space.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
Please do not feel sad
because the world will stop
if your smile ceases to exist,
akin to warming rays
cascading from the heavens up high,
brightening our days and making life worthwhile.

Please do not feel worried
you will always find the light
within the darkness due;
Please remember
your radiance and your kindness
and that my heart is always with you.

Please do not pity and wallow
because of everything that has been,
try to be kind to yourself
I hope that you will find peace
with chaotic thoughts
and find hope by casting aside doubts.

I can only hope that the song
that plays over and over within
becomes the sweet melody
of happier thoughts and memories,
soothing you at times when you feel down
and will forever bring you comfort,
as a welcome good morning
and good night.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
Oh sweet Cupid,
with wings so light,  
he found me alone,
lost in thought's plight.  
My musings were clear,
and in playful sway,  
He aimed with a grin,
then took aim to play.  

That arrow flew swift,
its aim was true,  
and with a single strike,
my heart he pierced through.  
He stole my breath gently,
in love's sweet embrace,  
In that moment, I fell,
lost to passion's grace.

Now my heart sings,
it beats a new tune
       I have
                            ­        In love

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Feb 10
Each moment carries hidden plans,
where potential lies beneath,
and courage finds uncharted lands,
with steady steps and cautious feet.

Shadows dwell where the light retreats,
and brave souls remain vigilant,
as destiny and fortune meet
while fate unwinds it's masterplan.

Through the passing of endless time,
navigating the winds of change,
fueling the inquisitive mind
as blood pumps tirelessly through veins.

The risks taken on this journey,
where mystery meets certainty's shore,
we find our paths by curious light,
as we find what we were searching for.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Curiosity doesn't just **** the cat...
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
Like a cluster of dandelion seeds
in time we will grow
yet, eventually, with a gentle puff and blow
we will sail along the breeze
by the long grassy meadows,
over babbling brooks or flowing streams
gleefully dancing with tall leafy trees.

Spinning and gliding
the adventure,
the brief rapture...
as I land amongst the dust
separated and alone.
I am destined to nurture all I have left
as we drift apart
into scattered and distant memories.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
Dear Grandma,
I saw you for the last time today,  
I held your hand
as you slipped away
and now my eyes sting,  
as much as my broken heart.

Beyond all this grief,
I find sombre reflection
and quiet relief;
But, I'd rather have you here
holding me in your arms
and wiping away my tears.  

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
In the mind, where memories fade,  
A once-bright mind is sadly betrayed.  
A friendly face, but whose is unclear,  
As echoes of love dissolve into fear.  

Time, a thief, with a fragile hand,  
Steals pieces of life, like grains of sand.  
Familiar paths turn into foreign trails,  
Lost in a maze where confusion prevails.  

Each brief moment, an unfamiliar song,  
Ties us to those we once held, now gone.  
Though the curse may linger, love remains,  
In the hearts of those who bear the chains.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I can imagine that quite a few of us can relate to the misery that dementia brings, watching their loved ones regress through their memories, slowly forgetting their friends and family, eventually taking away their ability to function independently.

I feel for all those that have had to go through this awful disease.
Lizzie Bevis Feb 25
Peaceful sleep washes
over my consciousness,
I shroud myself
in the warmth of a duvet
and close my eyes.
Time passes in waves
washing the day away.

Colours spiral and blend,
as logic bends,
and I float weightlessly
through memories
that have never happened,
as I can only imagine.

The moon guards my secrets,
in a language
that I almost understand,
while I am everywhere
and nowhere,
dreaming through
seas of starlight
in my dreamland.

Then, my eyes snap open,
and reality crashes over me
like a wave of cold water,
leaving an emptiness
of something once profound,
and scenes that I
can no longer recall.
I can only hope
that it was a beautiful dream.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I wrote this at 01:00 and then promptly fell back to sleep again.
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
In peaceful sleep,
the night unfolds,  
into a swirl colour,
a sight to behold
as waves of light like whispers trace,
guide my heart to a secret place,
up to crystal stars in dark velvet skies,
which scatter wishes that softly rise.

My visions soar,  
in slumber's dance,
I seek for more
in my restful trance,
as mirrored reflections of distant lands,
take shape in my unseen busy hands.
Planting blooming flowers under twilight's breath,
painting the night in colours of vivid depth.

Each step a melody,
a dream unspun,
I wander softly,
as time comes undone
and with every dawn, my dreams take flight
through the serene darkness, chasing light.
Like floating lanterns, these dreams ascend, illuminating paths that I never want to end.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
I dream of morning sunlight
bathing the room in gold,
a gentle awakening,
as the day unfolds.
Rain falling softly
on cobblestone streets,
watching lovers share umbrellas,
wishing I had someone to meet.

I dream of Candlelit dinners,
watching the stars above,
spontaneous dances,
and falling in love.
My life is a canvas
of dreams unfurled,
wishing for perfect moments
so that I could paint the world.

Yet in reality, my alarm is blaring,
I sit sleepily, letting my coffee go cold.
I then rush through the traffic
as the morning grows old.
I splash in murky puddles
and soak my worn shoes,
Then stand on the crowded bus,
chuntering away my morning blues.

When at home the microwave beeps,
and there are bills to pay.
I watch Netflix in silence
With a tv dinner to end my day.
I then lay alone in bed
in this mess that I conceal,
with a quiet awareness
of how I truly feel.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Jan 6
The bottle, your loyal companion,
Numbing your pain and fuelling your vice,
Dragging you deeper into the abyss,
Evading the value of your precious life.

Each warm sip, a false promise of solace,
Betraying your heart and ravaging your mind,
Shackled by the chains of hard addiction,
You become a prisoner to demons unkind.

The cheer of old times fades to silence,
As the light in your eyes slowly dies,
Unsteady with no anchor to ground you,
Treading a sea of lonely, unsettled demise.

You tell me you want to break free,
To see the world through sober eyes,
But the waves keep pulling you under,
As you drown in whiskey's tragic goodbye.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
Here lie the mortal remains,  
marked by a headstone worn by rain
which fell like tears over time,
guarded by weeping willows and pines.
The aged words sit in quiet rest
carved with words of a love confessed
and how much they will be missed,
with an urn of flowers that death kissed.
In life we part with so much grief,
and in Gods arms, please rest in peace.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Feb 2
Grey clouds drift like rousing thoughts,
between winter's long exhale
and spring's first breath,
as frost melts in patches,
revealing a grass blanket beneath.

Robins flash their defiant redbreasts
against the monochrome mornings,
singing and brightening each day
with their jovial song;
While bare trees stretch
their waking branches
out towards the pewter skies.

The short month lingers
like a lover's daydream,
as each day becomes a slow dance between
the chills retreat and the sun's advance,
as the daylight stretches its golden rays
a little further into the evening.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Feb 9
Throughout the noise of passing days,  
I seek the sacred silence  
where clarity lies in waiting.  
I listen amidst shouts and the din,  
patiently awaiting peace to drift in  
like a dandelion seed on the wind.  

Each person I encounter
is a part of this universe
especially, the quiet ones,
their stories shaped
by the flow of time,
and even I am a traveller
trying to embrace
my place among the stars.  

Still, life endures
like stubborn weeds  
sprouting up through concrete,  
defying the cracks of cynicism
that threaten to spread out of control.  
Despite my moments of doubt,  
Time is a wise scholar,  
teaching me to be kind and gentle
towards others and myself.

And right here, in the rhythm
of my steady heartbeat,  
I claim my peace;  
it is real and honest,
a welcoming,
comforting emptiness
that swallows the remnants
of my long lost dreams.
My life is magnificent,  
even if it feels untamed,
and requires nurturing
with a shower of tears.  
I am, just like you
another person
under this timeless sky,  
as I continue to be
wholly and fiercely alive.  

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
In friendships boon,
joy begins to flower,
as kindred souls
weaving bonds so close;
Weathering all together,
through life’s trials
as those storms
never appear to end.
Always, in unity,
as steadfast, loyal friends.

©️Lizzie Bevis
For my best friend Samantha.
Thank you for always being there, for being my wing woman and instigating shenanigans.
Life is so much fun with you!
Lizzie Bevis Jan 10
Their hearts beat with ours,
keeping time with wagging tails,
never asking for anything more
than care and love,
then return it tenfold
with a gentle warmth
to mend our broken days.
Dogs teach us to live life fully,
they make our days so much better
just by being our spirited
and faithful friends,
which breaks us so deeply
at the very end.

©️Lizzie Bevis
For my lovely neighbours Chris and Carol.
Their beautiful 14 year old Golden Retriever Jess is sadly deteriorating and the vet is visiting them tomorrow to send Jess over the rainbow bridge.

The hardest part is always saying goodbye.
You were always a good girl Jess and you'll be missed so much. 😢🐕🪽🌈
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
Looking in the mirror,  
I trace the lines,  
recalling memories etched  
in laughter, tears, and time.  

From girlhood dreams  
playing in sunlit fields  
to nights of doubt  
where silence yields.
I ran and stumbled  
through seasons,  
feeling both joy and strife,  
as my ambitions wove  
into the fabric of my life.

As I aged,  
love found me gently,  
a force that held me tight,  
as hearts came and parted,  
guiding me through  
the brightest days  
and darkest nights.

Yet in quieter moments,  
I learned to be still,  
to cherish the rhythm  
of my heart’s beating will.  
I found wisdom in years,  
revealing the beauty of growth  
and the power of fear.

Now I am forty years young,  
with stories to share,  
a mosaic of memories
and a life almost laid bare
as I embrace this journey,
completely aware
of who I am.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I found myself reminiscing…this became something. :)
Lizzie Bevis Feb 23
With one steady foot
in front of the other,
a smile across my face,
I open the door wide open,
sunlight fills the cloudy sky,
and the wind knows no restraint.

My heart beats to its song
and life seems clear and bright,
as I embrace my freedom
taking in sights around me,
and I thank God for my chance
to live and breathe again.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I'm out! I'm free!
I'm so grateful to the NHS and the Cardiac staff at LCH on the Johnson ward for taking such good care of me. I've been sent home with medication and I fear that I'm probably going to turn into a maraca!

I am happy to have my own bed back.
I think that i is time to slow down and take it easy, I only have one life and I've been very lucky...I should have been a cat.

I've got lots of reading to do, you lovely folks have been busy writing in my convalescence.

It's good to be back 🙂
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