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Jul 2021 · 630
I'm lost in a trance
Caught in a dance
With memories abound
All twirling around
So light on their feet
And when we meet
Feelings take flight
Oh, what a sight
Reliving within me
A life only I see

Jul 2021 · 630
I have spent
too many days and nights
on broken things
out of pocket expenses
given too freely
to those begging
for any amount of
someone else to get them by

I was spare change
jingling in hands
too full of nothing
to be so very heavy

Jun 2021 · 475
Passing through
Many hands
And many minds
Ever hiding
Around the corners
In the rooms
I'm trying to escape

Always the name
Perched on too many lips
Demanding penance
For crimes committed
Against myself

Voices fill
Empty chambers
Loaded, as bullets
Into mouths, like guns
Howling their grievances
Into open ears

Will it ever be

Jun 2021 · 1.9k
Take me with you
when you depart
when your stars go

will you carry me
into darkest nights
Wrapped up in galaxies

© FaerieFoxPoetry
Jun 2021 · 2.8k
Take me to kneel
At mountain monuments
Towers to the heavens
Casting their shadows
On the sinners below

Take me to rest
In forests pristine
Reliquaries for souls
Who wander dreaming
Through many bountiful arms

Take me to purify
In oceans tumultuous
Let me cleanse myself
In the deepest wells
Primeval founts of life

Jun 2021 · 844
Cobweb corners
House friends of
Crooked faces
Watching from
Lopsided frames
Half covering holes
Gaping wounds
In these walls
Left haunted

May 2021 · 808
Gardens will grow here
Hungry roots will reach
Between bones
An Eden in death
For the undertaker
Two lips
For my lover
Petals pressed
In cold soil

May 2021 · 719
When grey clouds
Are always spilling over
With the ebb and flow
Of their seas  
Those with soft hearts
Will soak it all in
Only to pour it back out
A greedy catharsis
Under overcast skies

Mar 2021 · 1.2k
It is so very easy
To open these veins
When love runs
Deeper than blood

Mar 2021 · 674
The spaces in between
Claim to be memory and dream
Though I can feel the walls around me
Things are not as they would seem

Mar 2021 · 1.0k
Kaleidoscope skies
Pour from drifting prisms
Spilling crystal color
Onto a canvas of muddled grey

Mar 2021 · 1.8k
The sky is on fire
In the spaces
Between tree tops
Swaying to the
Orchestra of twilight

Feb 2021 · 5.9k
Moon's eye opens
I look at her,
She gazes back at me

I can't help but wonder
If she feels
A little lonely tonight

Feb 2021 · 1.1k
Such a lovely temple
At which to worship
Divine rituals
In sanctified flesh

Feb 2021 · 572
Rain - Epigram
We will beg for rain,
When it washes us clean

Feb 2021 · 646
Haiku - Blackberries
Blackberry vines curl
Around wooden skeletons
Reach for sunny days
Feb 2021 · 1.6k
My soul feels alive
Wrapped in rays
From sunniest skies
Hanging there in
Your bright blue eyes

Feb 2021 · 755
You let me
Trace the stars
In your skin
With my fingertips
Like constellations
In the night sky
Feb 2021 · 462
These honey thick words
Stick to the tip
Of my tongue
And syrupy thoughts
Are hard to swallow

Feb 2021 · 800
I want to
My heart out
So you can
Your fill

Jan 2021 · 401
When I am enveloped

In raw earth,

Microcosm in my flesh,


Will no longer haunt

Hollow bones
Jan 2021 · 469
I am a phantom limb
Passing through the body
Of a listless lover

Jan 2021 · 580
Sometimes I think of those nights
Flowing through the veins of the city
Coursing along the waterfront
Carried along by inky waves
Watching the wind dance a waltz
With the leaves at my feet
As I walked that concrete stage

Jan 2021 · 467
I have taken midnight station
Set in quiet contemplation
Sipping on the thickest silence,
Such a sickly-sweet libation

Silence can be addictive.
Jan 2021 · 209
Sticks and Stones
Jagged words have a way
Of cutting through
Clenched teeth
And sealed lips
Destroying dams
Built in bloodied mouths
And soft hearts
Remember the golden rule.
Dec 2020 · 633
My eyes are always searching
For those hidden paths,
Escape routes
Through the ghost towns
That I am tearing down
With slow hands
Nov 2020 · 2.9k
The Storm
A storm of wind and rain
Blows through my veins

This gale carries me
Where it will
And ever I feel drawn
To the mother
Of all things

I have set my sails
With only a tempest
To guide me
Heeding only
The call of the wilds
Nov 2020 · 211
Those quiet, moonlit truths
That you whisper
Through my hair
While we lay
In the arms of sleep
Swirl through my dreams,
Coils of sweet smoke
From the warmest of fires
Sep 2020 · 264
Shaken, Not Stirred
It seems to me
We've entered a world
Where everyone is shaken
Yet not one of us stirred
a poem about the state of the world
Sep 2020 · 464
Sunset - A Haiku
This rose gold splendor
Sinks into turbulent blue
Wrapped in cold chaos
This is a haiku about a sunset I experienced at the ocean. It was a special moment for me, and it inspired me to write this.
Jan 2020 · 112
I have gone walking through life
With a heart full of paper lanterns

I have been an aimless wanderer
Nothing more than a moth fluttering from one luminous pool to the next,
No matter how dim the flame seemed to burn

I have embraced the fragile brilliance of each and every one of them,
Snuffing them out with Arms outstretched like a child longing to be held,
Ignoring the burns that they left behind because I did not care enough to tend to them myself

I have stood in the darkness that I created in myself,
Felt the cold whisper of gloom passing through my halls,
As I was an abandoned house with walls begging to be torn down

I have come to find that not everyone is afraid of the dark
He walked right in, carrying the sun in his chest
And gave me the one thing that I needed most

I will now go walking through life
With a heart full of paper lanterns
And a matchbook in my pocket
Dec 2019 · 466
Fox - A Haiku
Silent white morning
Hosts a red velvet hunter
Crimson stains the snow
Dec 2019 · 124
The cloud rolls into view
One that's always there
Lingering just outside the blue

It will seep into my eyes
And I will have to brave the rain
Yet through the somber skies

The sun will peek in
Just to see how I have been
Nov 2019 · 126
There are days
When the curses
Weigh heavy
On lips and shoulders
Despite being built
From hollow words
Nov 2019 · 791
The Campsite
If you listen very closely
You can almost seem to hear
The sound of faeries dancing
Upon a sea of fallen leaves
To an autumn evening hymnal
Carried by the river's humming course
And the beat of bright red embers
Cracking in the frosty breeze
This is a poem about camping out in the great PNW during the beautiful autumn season!
Nov 2019 · 200
We feel happiness
In moments vivid and fleeting
Nothing more than
A birdsong chorus
Or the flutter of butterflies
In the breeze
Kairosclerosis (n.)  the moment you realize that you’re currently happy and that the feeling will inevitably go away
Sep 2019 · 321
You must see
Through roses
As thin as lips
Hiding such
Sharp teeth
Kalopsia (noun.) a condition, state or delusion in which things appear more beautiful than they really are.
Sep 2019 · 244
You found the cracks
In my soul
And poured your light in
Through them
So that I could
See myself again
Jul 2019 · 474
The Cat
I wonder if
The cat who stole
Your tongue
Decided to leave it
In a safe place
Jun 2019 · 751
Black Dog
The dog has been
Nipping at my heels
For some time,
And I'm so tired
That I think
I may just
Let him carry me
For a little while
May 2019 · 216
The words
I should
Have said
Sit in my gut,
Heavy and blunt,
And all I can do
Is tell myself
That I don't have to
Hold onto
Words unspoken
As I try not to
Spill them
On the floor
At your feet
Jouska (n.) a hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head
Apr 2019 · 189
An incessant
Lament radiates
Off of my
Rattling bones,
Echoing in
My hollow chest,
And at times
I cannot seem to
Hold myself
Tight enough to
Stifle the sound
That it makes
Mar 2019 · 216
I know the way that love tastes
Honeyed fingertips
Pressed tightly to sealed lips

I know the way that love feels
The fluttering of butterflies
And hearts in cages

I know the way that love sounds
Laughter caught in throats
Full of unspoken words

I know the way that love looks
A gleam in the eyes
Casting shadows in the mind
Between the lines~
Jan 2019 · 289
The Bird
Loneliness on gilded wing
Has nothing but a song to sing
Crooning softly to an evening sky
A dulcet and quite somber sigh
In flight through hues of red and gold
Warbling a tune that none will behold
A requiem from a chorus of one
Beneath the quickly setting sun
Jan 2019 · 318
When I split myself open
You reached a steady hand
Into a garden overgrown
With briars and stillborn blooms,
Plucking them away
With loving fingers,
Ignoring the wounds
That came from tending to me

Once every wilted vine
Had been cleared
From a trellis made of bones
You began plucking
Even the smallest of thorns
From my punctured heart,
Planting new seeds
In the holes left behind

Then you took my trembling hands
Into your bloodied palms
And showed me how to  
Make a garden grow

Dec 2018 · 263
I See You
From where I lie,
The darkness
Looks alive
In the space
Between branches,
And for a moment
I feel a brief respite
From loneliness
As a swarm of eyes
Lock with mine
Nov 2018 · 277
I flip through
The written chapters
Of my life
And as I make my way
Through still blank pages
I catch a glimpse
Of the end
Moriturism- (n.) the jolt of awareness that you will die
Nov 2018 · 470
There is a rabbit
In the thicket
He watches
Death pass
From a distance
With scarlet eyes
Set in porcelain
Easily cracked
Nov 2018 · 706
Ancient, languid pines
Paint a clouded night
Onto a dark canvas,
Muddled skies
Brought to life
Using shades of gray,
And silver moonlight
Nov 2018 · 216
The Field
The field behind you has overgrown
A wild and formidable sight,
As all the seeds that have been sown
Now reach out to feel the light
You'll want to wander through it all,
Watching tree tops sway and dance,
While the sun begins to fall
And your mind is in a trance
Grasses laden with diamond dew drops,
Vivid petals and vines of green,
Lead you further through a copse
Into a place that seems serene
When the light is gone don't linger there
The time spent lost will bring despair
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