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Sep 2016 · 787
Wants and Needs
crackedheart Sep 2016
it seems like you've got problems
too big and too hard for me to comprehend
but I want to know your problems
and tell you that it'll be alright
I want to feel you
feel your emotions,
feel your lips against mine,
feel you next to me.

I need you to allow me to love you
and I need you to love me back,
not because I love you,
but because you love me.
I want to know what it feels like
to be loved by you...
the heartless you,
the you who doesn't want to love again.

I want to get to know you,
to get to talk to you every single day,
to be able to call you mine,
but I cant
because I'm scared to tell you
that my heart aches for your love
and I can't help but just
look at you
without you knowing.

everyday I think of what could be
if you loved me back.
I think too often of what your fingertips
would feel like...
I think too often of what your lips
would taste like
I think too often of everything that could be
only if you loved me.
I'm crazy in love and the title doesn't makes sense.
Sep 2016 · 1.2k
Wants and Needs
crackedheart Sep 2016
it seems like you've got problems
too big and too hard for me to comprehend
but I want to know your problems
and tell you that it'll be alright
I want to feel you
feel your emotions,
feel your lips against mine,
feel your body next to me.

I need you to allow me to love you
and I need you to love me back,
not because I love you,
but because you love me.
I want to know what it feels like
to be loved by you...
the heartless you,
the you who doesn't want to love again.

I want to get to know you,
to get to talk to you every single day,
to be able to call you mine,
but I cant
because I'm scared to tell you
that my heart aches for your love
and I can' help but just
look at you
without you knowing.

everyday I think of what could be
if you loved me back.
i think too often of what your fingertips
would feel like
I'm crazy in love.
Jun 2016 · 739
I Pray For The World
crackedheart Jun 2016
Why do we choose to hate?
Why don't we just live peacefully among ourselves?
Why do we have to live in a chaotic state?

Can't we all just be friends?
Can't we just love each other like we're supposed to?
Can't we just let hatred end?

It's so sad to see a world full of hate. It's so heartbreaking that we have to ask ourselves if it's okay to go outside without the fear of being attacked, if we're safe to be around other people with the thought of having someone hate us for being who we are. I don't understand why we can't just live in a peaceful world where we are all acceptant. I want to live in a world where I am safe, where I know other people are also safe, where we all love each other. I have only been in this world for a short amount of years and I am subjected into a world where I am not safe. I want to make a change but what can one person out of seven billion plus people do? I want us to stand strong, to hold hands with one another and  do something, change the world into a better one. I pray for the world. I pray that somehow, we can get through this. I pray that we can all find in ourselves a merciful compassion. I pray that our hearts our not infested by hatred. I pray that we learn how to love.
Hi, people of the internet. I have written a paragraph to show how distressed I am about the situation at hand. 50 people of the LGBTQ+ community have been killed. 53 have been injured. I honestly don't know what to say. I am so sad, completely heartbroken and destroyed. I am praying for our world and the people in it. I hope change starts soon. Don't forget to be a friend to someone today. Don't forget to remind someone you love them. Don't forget to show you care.
Dec 2015 · 410
crackedheart Dec 2015
no, you don't understand
you never will
because I hide the truth
underneath my skin

my scars hide the truth
and show you the lies
you never understood me
so you became another scar of mine
Nov 2015 · 621
crackedheart Nov 2015
Hello, I've been calling you
I tried stopping myself
I don't know what to do
Please, answer, I need help
I hear the echoes of my voice
Pick up the phone
Hello? There's no noise
Please tell me you're home.

Goodbye, I'm going to give up
I'm sorry I wasn't enough.
I might try calling again
Goodbye, please answer *then
just a little something to post :)
Nov 2015 · 1.4k
crackedheart Nov 2015
stop trying to be mister nice guy
when everyone knows you're the complete opposite
stop spreading awful lies
and make everyone think that's the truth of it

you smile pretty pretty
but then suddenly want to **** me
don't you dare stab me behind my back
i'll grab your knife and stab you right back

i don't get why
you have to tell lies
when everyone knows you're lying
there's no point in vying

what's your problem?
you're so paranoid
you can't solve them
just because you're life is a void

you seek happiness
in times of people crying
because you know that your fakeness
is finally working

no, don't get me wrong
i didn't fall for your stupidity
d'you really think i believed all along
all your lies and all your fake stories?
to all those fakers out there, stop trying to be mister nice guy because not all angels worshiped God ;)
Nov 2015 · 1.5k
Peace and Prayers
crackedheart Nov 2015
when will i get to see
a world no longer scared?
scared because it scares itself,
scared because of hatred.

why can't we change the world?
because we can't change ourselves
is it too hard to ask for love?
is it too hard to change?

how did all this happen in the blink of an eye?
how did the world suddenly collapse?
collapse in a way it seemed like it could never
ever be fixed again

where will this bring us?
to a place of peace or war?
where will we see ourselves?
as of now, nowhere *far
the series of horrifying events happening in the world scares me, please send your prayers out to the world
Nov 2015 · 995
crackedheart Nov 2015
cracks on the wall
copy the cracks in my heart
every time i fall
i'm torn apart
Nov 2015 · 630
You Sealed The Deal
crackedheart Nov 2015
You sealed the deal 
Now there's sadness I can't conceal 
You look so happy 
I've been observing you lately

I cry every night 
Before I go to sleep 
I'll turn of the lights 
To hide the pain that I can't keep

I have so many questions
Can you please explain? 
I think of all situations 
And I think I'm insane 

I shouldn't be crying over you 
I know I deserve someone new 
Someone who will love me
Someone who'll stay true

But I guess I'll be hurt again and again 
And this'll repeat a million times ten
I'm used to being used as a toy 
I'm used to being played by boys 

I won't give it a rest
I'll ask you silently
Be a hundred percent honest
Do you still love me? 

I'm in a world where hope is vague 
It's quite simple, really 
The world isn't what it seems 
And don't you just think it's silly? 

Do you still love me? 
I ask again and I felt the pain
You never answered 
Then I knew, there was nothing I'd gain. 

I was hopeless 
It all felt like a dream 
How we used to be happy 
How loving we seemed

But now it's just a blur 
Our battle against the world ended 
It was you and me together 
But everything has faded 

Do you still love me?
I ask one last time
I'm screaming, please hear me
And tell me you're still mine
wrote this months back and just finished it last night
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
crackedheart Oct 2015
It scares me
It's a day when all the monsters
And all the nightmares
And all my fears come true
They're awake
Walking in the streets
Asking for candy
They knock on my door
I hide and shut my mouth
I don't have candy
No, I haven't any
I don't know why but I made myself laugh while writing this. On the other hand, I'll post a more serious one later
Oct 2015 · 881
crackedheart Oct 2015
"I think we're stars that lost our brightness,"

"But aren't stars the brightest before they die?"

This I tell you, we weren't the brightest
there's Rigel, Canopus and Sirius
we were merely a dot in the sky
never would we be noticed by people's eyes

star light, star bright
I wish I may
I wish I might
have the wish I wish tonight

astronomy was our thing
the moon, the stars
they were our everything
for us, they weren't far

simply because we found them in our hearts
i love the last line ***
Oct 2015 · 269
Lost Stars
crackedheart Oct 2015
I'm looking for you
And I still have no clue
Where you are

It's like looking for lost stars

Why'd I choose to stay by your side?
When I knew you'd just pry me away
From your life

We're not meant to be
We don't even talk to each other
Only my imagination is what I see

You're there and I'm here
So far but really near
Time's beginning to disappear

How're we supposed to know how stars are lost?
We don't
They get replaced
And we can't tell the difference
Oct 2015 · 423
crackedheart Oct 2015
I was in love 

Yes, I really was

I fell into that hole of love 

I kept falling 

and falling 

until I realized that 

I was just sick 

Sick of everything the world had given me

And I finally found a distraction 

You were the rainbow on that day when a storm plucked a tree off of the ground like it was one of the weeds a gardener wouldn't like around his plants 

You were the music I listened to from my phone when I wanted to escape from the world 

You were the dreams I unknowingly smile at in my sleep 

You were that ice cream I had when I was depressed 

You were the stars I stared at when I had nothing to do 

You were the blanket I kept on me when the night was too cold

You were the doodles on the back of all my notebooks when I was bored in class 

You were my everything, my infinity 

Until I stopped fathoming the world's problematic gifts 

I started to see the beauty and disregard the ugliness of it all 

Just like what I did to you 

The universe is filled with vast loveliness in a way that only someone who observed it daily would understand

Just like you 

But yes, I realized that I was just sick, yet again and love wasn't a distraction but a mere realization of what the universe truly wants me to appreciate.
haven't posted in a while hmm
Sep 2015 · 6.3k
crackedheart Sep 2015
one plus one equals two 
just like me and you 
but why'd you have to divide your heart 
couldn't you give it to me as a whole part? 

I used to love math 
But now it gives me problems 
Literal ones
Couldn't it ask for simpler answers? 

I asked why I had to find your x 
but you didn't answer y 
oh these complicated equations 
these numerous fractions 

oh yes, fractions and ratios 
you gave me a fraction of your heart 
yes, just a half and kept the other 
just so you could give it to someone else 

oh why did math come into my life 
I don't need to use my empty brain 

I didn't sign up for this 
I won't be a mathematician anyway 
Oh wait, I lost the point 

now I'll just go back to being half of everything I used to be
yeah I just really hate Math
Sep 2015 · 799
crackedheart Sep 2015
Everything's going to disappear 

Love will truly end 

Crying, you will see me. 

In the future, we'll be done... 

Don't forget me.

Baby, even the most 

Apologetic apology won't work

But I will forgive you

I will never allow myself to hate you 

Love and hate surely contrasts.

Also, even the most courageous

Valorous men also have fears 

And they're all afraid of something 

Life works like that, 

Everyone has something they're scared of

Right now, I'm scared of you 

I'm scared of our love 

And I want to be brave, so as 

Not to end my life

On such little things.
to my friends who know what I've gone through, try to hack the hidden message
Sep 2015 · 1.2k
Mason Jar
crackedheart Sep 2015
I'll never forget our story
Because I'll always stare at stars
I'll forever keep our memories
In my Mason Jar
short poem yay ((feels incomplete tho))
Sep 2015 · 1.3k
A Princess
crackedheart Sep 2015
When will I become a Disney Princess? 
I've done everything, I've worn dresses
When will I get my happily ever after? 
Or will it just end up with my laughter? 

When will I get to swim the seas? 
Like the prettiest Ariel you'll ever see 
When will I lose my glass slipper 
or will my dreams forever shatter? 

When will I fall in love with a thief 
Or is it just a mythical belief? 
When will I kiss my frog prince
I've always wanted this since

When will I grow hair as long as a river that never ends
or will my prince and I just end up as friends? 
When will I fall in love with a beast 
or will it end up with me as the feast? 

When will I get to ride a flying carpet
Huh, will I even get to see it? 
When will I get to fall into a deep sleep? 
When will the magic start to seep? 

That was years ago, when I was still young 
Now I'm not innocent, I've experienced everything
The smoke in the air has filled up my lungs
I am now matured and scared of something

I know that my heart will always be broken
Now I am scared, now I am shaken
Never will I be a princess
Even if I wore my dresses

Because being a princess is only in movies
It's a huge lie, a horrible story 
I'll never get my happily ever after 
And I'll end it with my broken laughter
made this weeks back so yeah :)
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
crackedheart Sep 2015
You came home one day
With obvious anger in your face
I was worried, I asked if you were fine
But then suddenly, you crossed the line

I didn't know what happened
But what erupted was an argument
You didn't hide the anger you've been keeping
I knew you were angry and every night I was dying

You were  shouting, you were yelling
My tears were rapidly flowing
You walked out the door
And I  collapsed to the floor

I'm crying, I'm shivering
Inside, I am dying
And now I'm screaming loud
Because you aren't proud
You guys probably think that it's also incomplete. I think it is, too. For those people who've been battered and bruised, physically or emotionally,  don't ever worry; just continue your story because I believe in every story, there's always a part where the main character falls but he/she will rise to the top :)
Sep 2015 · 392
The Truth Is
crackedheart Sep 2015
I still miss you
I really do.
I really love you
I still do.
dedicated to someone anonymously unknown
Sep 2015 · 475
8 o'clock
crackedheart Sep 2015
It's 8 o'clock and I ran out of love 

It's 8:01 and I do nothing but run 

It's 8:03 and I can't see 

It's 8:04 and I fall to the floor

It's 8:05 and I do nothing but hide 

It's 8:06 and my feeling's are mixed 

It's 8:07 and I feel like I'm in heaven 

It's 8:08 and I stand here and wait 

It's 8:09 and then you were mine 

It's 8:10 and I fall back down again
Made this probably days ago. I started with '8 o'clock and I ran out of love' then I suddenly continued it until 8:10, tweeting each line. Proud by the result :)
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
crackedheart Sep 2015
We both fell in love
Looking at the stars above
Our love flew like doves
another haiku
Sep 2015 · 5.1k
Adventure in the Oceans
crackedheart Sep 2015
Ocean water flows
And with the sunshine it glows
Adventure follows
I feel like going to the beach and seeing the waves of the ocean sparkle before me
Sep 2015 · 35.5k
Isang Panaginip
crackedheart Sep 2015
Nang ako'y masaktan nang walang dahilan, 
Nandyan sa tabi ko, 'di mo 'ko iniwan
Palagi mo akong tinutulungan at 
Sinusuportahan mo ako sa lahat 
Ang tunay na pag-ibig ay ganyan dapat 

Parang aso't pusa kung tayo'y mag-away 
Natapos natin ang ganyang mga bagay 
Kasi sa totoo lang, ganyan ang buhay 
Sa dami-daming pinag-awayan natin
Nandoon parin ang pagmamahal natin 

Ang buhay ko ay punong-puno ng gulo 
Sobrang nakakasakit ng ulo
Pero pagka nandito ko sa tabi ko 
Nawawala ang buhay kong gumuguho 
At parang umiilaw ang aking mundo 

At dahil diyan, huwag mo 'kong iiwan 
Kasi hindi lang ako ang masasaktan 
Tayong dalawa rin ang magdudurusa 
Kasi naman pagka ako ay lumuha 
Suguradong-sigurado na babaha 

Nawala ka at hindi ko alam bakit 
Ang puso ko ay punong-puno ng galit 
Nang ikaw ay umalis ng isang saglit 
At nang dumating ka sa iyong pagbalik 
Binigyan mo ako ng isang munting halik 

Pero isang panaginip lamang ito 
Nagising ako't sumapit ang ulo ko 
Pag-ibig ko'y itinapon sa basurahan 
At hinding-hindi ko na babalikan 
Hindi na ako makikipagbiruan... 

Dahil ayaw na ayaw ko nang masaktan
Filipino poem for today yay. I wrote this weeks  before we ended our 'relationship' that we never had and yeah I probably predicted our future.
Sep 2015 · 1.7k
Walls of an Asylum
crackedheart Sep 2015
The walls stare at me 
They will never set me free
I'll always be stuck here 
Do you not see? 

They're as white as snow 
And this is why I know 
That my smile will never glow
Even if they go 

Really, I'm in an asylum
it's because I was crazy
I'm sitting in an asylum 
I know I really am crazy 

But do you know the reason why? 
It's because he killed me 
He shattered my life
And now I can't see

A crazy broken smirk 
In the darkness I lurk 
I will search for you 
and probably **** you too 

It's like a trail of dominos
I'll push you down
No sadness too low 
Aww, come on, don't frown 

Now the walls aren't white, they're stained with red
Yes it is blood, because I cut off his head
It's funny how they never saw me escape 
Creeping, slipping out of the locked gates 

The room was completely locked
Did you know how I got out? 
I was never really stocked 
They never knew what is was about

A mystery they'll never find out 
How his head got cut off
Now the both of us shout 
And then they turned soft 

Really, I'm a ghost 
And I'll feed on a host 
To be able to ****
on my own free will

Maybe it's you next
I'll quietly strangle your neck 

They thought I was missing 
They haven't checked my room
They started on the names they're listing
To catch who began this gloom

Really, I'm in an asylum 
No actually, I'm in my room 
It's just that I am dead 
but they haven't buried me yet
Really, only the last stanza makes sense here. Hope I make you feel depressed :)
Sep 2015 · 637
Blue Moon
crackedheart Sep 2015
It was that night of the Blue Moon 
When you said the words I wanted to hear 
It was that night when you made me swoon
Because then I knew, that you'd stay here

I loved the way your dimples show
Whenever you would smile
I loved the way you let me know
That you'd walk with me a million miles

I remember those days 
When you'd kiss me 'hello' and 'goodbye' 
I remember the ways 
You made me laugh when I sighed 

I knew it was true love 
Given to me by the heavens above
You gave me your heart, I gave you mine
Our fingers, therefore, are forever entwined 

But alas you let go! 
I knew this day would come
You didn't even let me know
Now my feelings are numb

But alas you let go! 
I was left hurt, you killed me
I was left in deep sorrow
I can never be set free

But alas you let go! 
It's the first time you didn't kiss me goodbye
What love have I not shown
For you to stay with me for life?  

But alas you let go! 
The sun had set, it was suddenly noon
Just remember I loved you so
But I knew our love would end soon
Sep 2015 · 1.7k
crackedheart Sep 2015
Don't ever say 'never' 
and believe that it's  true 
There is a forever 
And I found it with you 

I'll give you my heart 
Hold on to it for me 
Don't tear it apart, 
But what will be, will be 

I'm not scared if you drop it 
I'll forgive you, this I know 
I always give second chances 
And I will love you so 

Promise me one thing,  
That you won't give up 
But I do know one thing, 
This is true love 

Take me to Neverland, 
and watch me smile. 
Please, take my hand 
and stay for a while.
Sep 2015 · 572
Home Run
crackedheart Sep 2015
We both fell in love
Looking at the stars above
You said the words 
That only I heard

Our memories are forever embedded in my brain 
And now this is why I can never hold the pain
You left me broken hearted to the sound of the rain
But somehow I became strong and went on another lane

I fished for memories of that night
When you were there, holding me tight
You whispered in my ear, "You're my only one," 
How funny it seems, that both of us are done 

And I remember that day 
When both of us went our ways
But why am I holding on to that line
"I am yours and you are mine," 

Why'd you let go so easily, so unexpected?
Didn't you notice the I was your one? 
The one that has drifted? 
The one who's now gone? 

And you ran with my heart, 
"You were my only one," 
You ran like a dart,  
It was your home run.
Dedicated to someone anonymously unknown
Sep 2015 · 815
crackedheart Sep 2015
Our fights are as loud as thunder.
Don't you see me cry and shudder?
You yell at me as if I am guilty
You knew I'm not, but you never say sorry

Why does it always have to be like this?
You threw our love into an abyss.
Won't you regret what you did to me?
Now I am broken, do you not see?

Our fights are as loud as the thunder.
Now I cry, now I stutter.
I will not or cannot ever be repaired
Because I found out that you never cared.
Dedicated to someone anonymously unknown
Sep 2015 · 1.0k
Forbidden Love
crackedheart Sep 2015
I have always loved you from the start of that day
there was absolutely nothing to keep me away 

I loved seeing you laugh and smile with your friends 
I hoped that your happiness would never end 

You told me that you loved me and I was so glad 
But I sat there and thought that this would be bad 

Because there is always something that I can't explain
And now it's bringing me confusion and pain

And now I do nothing but look at the stars above
I just sat quietly and thought about our forbidden love
dedicated to someone anonymously unknown
Sep 2015 · 1.6k
A Broken Smile
crackedheart Sep 2015
she's a beautiful girl who faked her smiles to hide her lifeless face 
but she made that one decision to have her sadness erased 

she loved him so much that she did everything for him
but she never realized that because of him, her life began to dim

she was broken at first then was suddenly repaired
she actually hoped that he somehow would care

now she's broken again and she went back to faking smiles 
"Don't worry,"  someone said, "I love your broken smile."

— The End —