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crackedheart Sep 2016
it seems like you've got problems
too big and too hard for me to comprehend
but I want to know your problems
and tell you that it'll be alright
I want to feel you
feel your emotions,
feel your lips against mine,
feel you next to me.

I need you to allow me to love you
and I need you to love me back,
not because I love you,
but because you love me.
I want to know what it feels like
to be loved by you...
the heartless you,
the you who doesn't want to love again.

I want to get to know you,
to get to talk to you every single day,
to be able to call you mine,
but I cant
because I'm scared to tell you
that my heart aches for your love
and I can't help but just
look at you
without you knowing.

everyday I think of what could be
if you loved me back.
I think too often of what your fingertips
would feel like...
I think too often of what your lips
would taste like
I think too often of everything that could be
only if you loved me.
I'm crazy in love and the title doesn't makes sense.
crackedheart Sep 2016
it seems like you've got problems
too big and too hard for me to comprehend
but I want to know your problems
and tell you that it'll be alright
I want to feel you
feel your emotions,
feel your lips against mine,
feel your body next to me.

I need you to allow me to love you
and I need you to love me back,
not because I love you,
but because you love me.
I want to know what it feels like
to be loved by you...
the heartless you,
the you who doesn't want to love again.

I want to get to know you,
to get to talk to you every single day,
to be able to call you mine,
but I cant
because I'm scared to tell you
that my heart aches for your love
and I can' help but just
look at you
without you knowing.

everyday I think of what could be
if you loved me back.
i think too often of what your fingertips
would feel like
I'm crazy in love.
crackedheart Jun 2016
Why do we choose to hate?
Why don't we just live peacefully among ourselves?
Why do we have to live in a chaotic state?

Can't we all just be friends?
Can't we just love each other like we're supposed to?
Can't we just let hatred end?

It's so sad to see a world full of hate. It's so heartbreaking that we have to ask ourselves if it's okay to go outside without the fear of being attacked, if we're safe to be around other people with the thought of having someone hate us for being who we are. I don't understand why we can't just live in a peaceful world where we are all acceptant. I want to live in a world where I am safe, where I know other people are also safe, where we all love each other. I have only been in this world for a short amount of years and I am subjected into a world where I am not safe. I want to make a change but what can one person out of seven billion plus people do? I want us to stand strong, to hold hands with one another and  do something, change the world into a better one. I pray for the world. I pray that somehow, we can get through this. I pray that we can all find in ourselves a merciful compassion. I pray that our hearts our not infested by hatred. I pray that we learn how to love.
Hi, people of the internet. I have written a paragraph to show how distressed I am about the situation at hand. 50 people of the LGBTQ+ community have been killed. 53 have been injured. I honestly don't know what to say. I am so sad, completely heartbroken and destroyed. I am praying for our world and the people in it. I hope change starts soon. Don't forget to be a friend to someone today. Don't forget to remind someone you love them. Don't forget to show you care.
crackedheart Dec 2015
no, you don't understand
you never will
because I hide the truth
underneath my skin

my scars hide the truth
and show you the lies
you never understood me
so you became another scar of mine
crackedheart Nov 2015
Hello, I've been calling you
I tried stopping myself
I don't know what to do
Please, answer, I need help
I hear the echoes of my voice
Pick up the phone
Hello? There's no noise
Please tell me you're home.

Goodbye, I'm going to give up
I'm sorry I wasn't enough.
I might try calling again
Goodbye, please answer *then
just a little something to post :)
crackedheart Nov 2015
stop trying to be mister nice guy
when everyone knows you're the complete opposite
stop spreading awful lies
and make everyone think that's the truth of it

you smile pretty pretty
but then suddenly want to **** me
don't you dare stab me behind my back
i'll grab your knife and stab you right back

i don't get why
you have to tell lies
when everyone knows you're lying
there's no point in vying

what's your problem?
you're so paranoid
you can't solve them
just because you're life is a void

you seek happiness
in times of people crying
because you know that your fakeness
is finally working

no, don't get me wrong
i didn't fall for your stupidity
d'you really think i believed all along
all your lies and all your fake stories?
to all those fakers out there, stop trying to be mister nice guy because not all angels worshiped God ;)
crackedheart Nov 2015
when will i get to see
a world no longer scared?
scared because it scares itself,
scared because of hatred.

why can't we change the world?
because we can't change ourselves
is it too hard to ask for love?
is it too hard to change?

how did all this happen in the blink of an eye?
how did the world suddenly collapse?
collapse in a way it seemed like it could never
ever be fixed again

where will this bring us?
to a place of peace or war?
where will we see ourselves?
as of now, nowhere *far
the series of horrifying events happening in the world scares me, please send your prayers out to the world
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