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Death-throws Dec 2016
To and fro
Back and forwards.
Side to side
Up then so far down

I'm not worth being  around
Death-throws Apr 2015
A poet dies not when he looses the will to live
But when he looses the will to write
Death-throws Apr 2015
We all die alone
when the time comes
We will all be far from home
the sticks and stones,
didnt brake our bones
yet still I die,
Death-throws Jul 2015
Debits on the left credits on the right
balancing such wastefull transactions
debits on the left credits on  the right
hating myself for youthful actions
debits on the left credits on the right
Who told you about job satisfaction?
Death-throws Apr 2015
I am tired.
You have no idea how tired.
My bones are aching.
splintering with the agony.             My craniums cracked.
Split like a boiled egg,
my soft core is spilling out.
Lie me with soldiers shoulder to shoulder
And I'm soft as buttered toast.
But i m trying. Dragging my back pack by my ankles
Pulling your soul with my teeth. And dragging us all down by my finger nails
Death-throws May 2015
how likely am i, to be what i am
then how likely you are to be  but a scar
I am Not A steryotype,
i am archaic in my design, so fail me not in my attempts to justify myself
but allow me to traverse the insantity of my delusion ,

delinquint similarities rattle us to the core, yes.
but thou hast taken to devouring my being
i know i prolong my suffering with intermitten relapses
but my storm in a tea cup is just chaos incarnate,
dont devour my soul , but take my heart, let me love you like only i know how
in a fashion that only you shall recieve

my dear you are not one of thousands, or hundreds or dozens akin
you are only one, and one only for me
dont despise my loss of time, or addiction to the unsavoury,
but take me to a place i have not seen, to see a part of myself
yet unseen
you think i am disposed and discovered, traversed by all manner of explorers,
not true,
you are the first to try unravel how i have formed, geographic mountainscapes carved from a violent and reactive past can be cut down to feilds
just pull me a part one pebble at a time
Death-throws Mar 2016
But arent black sacks made for the bin?
Death-throws Mar 2015
Its raining outside of my door,
I'm lying on my bed, watching  it with a fevour,
in this weather ... The hail of soft rain drops pitter pattering across my rooftop i think of you, curled up to my side and grinnning wide as a cashmere cat,
skin soft as silk cradled in the ruffles of your lace
so come a little closer Diddums, curl yourself up in my duvet, purr
in the warmth of my diseray,
and dont move an inch untill the clouds roll away
Death-throws Apr 2015
Shake me
Hands wrapped in concrete dressed as lace
Your presseance pulses it through my arteries. Thick as foul soup in my veins
Dance for me
Your dieing throws are Dante like the ballerinas twirls
But the crowd is jeering you like a circus clown
Flail your fists
Spit poison and fire
Your only making this performance
More tasteful
Death-throws Apr 2015
and the world will end, not with a bang
but a whimper
a simmer
a cry
a soft sound echoed through thoughtless walls
a trusty hounds screams retched out through countless mauls,
the humanized mother nature we've created has been branded
with logos,
so without us, the Starbucks oil rigs pulling black blood from our soil will collapse
the fields of fast-food will be left to rot,
the web etched network of roads will crack and loose luster
we are the earths bad ex girlfriend,
because when we go, it will sting for a bit
but after a little while, no one will even know that
Death-throws Mar 2017
I'm alone now
Night sounds
Cicadas chirp incessantly.
The rain falls so softly
I know that no one's around

Blackberrys on the ground,
The wind curls around me
No shelter
The  echos bounce around me
No sleep

When I get home, they'll be nothing to eat
But my good intentions
Death-throws Jun 2015
I don't dance
Not to this tune.
I won't prance.
Not with this gloom
Two left feet drag like cement bags
Across the room
Old bags with scabs.
Scoweling laughter , certain of my doom
Broken knees like jack knifed trees
I'm threw
So I will pick up my bags.
Lace my cement shoes
And tell the old hags with their scowls
And their gloom

That still I dance.
Across the room
Death-throws Jun 2015
Please don't
Broken bits don't get to go home,
Shatterd skulls no longer yaw
Skin cut and flayed does not fall.
Mearly drips,
The essence of my life flows.
I am in less control of this.
Then a river controls its bends
Death-throws Feb 2016
Dont tell me not to worry.
It only causes stress
Dont tell me not to worry
It doesnt make me worry any less
The fear of your suffering.
Guides me through the night
And though you have assured me.
It does not aid my plight
Please come home
And  tell me to not worry any more
Please come home
Because it will only stop
When your at my door
Death-throws Jun 2015
Do you know how scared I am?
Do you know what looms?
Do you know the fear I have
For all the dark and gloom?
Do you know the knives and blades
Hidden in my room.?
Do you know the smell of fear.?
Do you know who holds you near?
Or is it all just dull and doom.
Do you know who loves you more?
Or are you so unsure...
That the thought is truely nothing new
Do you know who soothes my sleep?
And softly, kindly coos
" all the things i know so well
Are nothing  when
I'm with you"
Death-throws Jul 2016
Do you write poetry to get it all out
Or to hide it?
Do you  write because  you  want to scream
And shout, or because you cant hide it?

I write when  im lonely
When the demons inside me get roudy
When the drugs  come a'howlin
And my familys looking over  me,

I write  when the slits on my wrists  look like the telephone  lines i should be calling
But instead of screaming i just end up scrawling
All my pathetic  overstated  woes
Right here

So  facilitate  me, you strangers
Love this post.  Even though i hate it
Youve no idea the dangers im in
Trying to stay  away from that whole bottle of gin
In the corner

Facilitate  my anxieties
Show me your  all just sheep
Flocking  to  litterature like the  bowls of soup attract the meak

Im not a person here.
None of you really care
Are you even self aware
Do you know That even though its poetry
Theres a person  there?
Why do i even write none of you are even aware of my existance im not an artist
I need help
and all this site does  is facilitate  my resistance
Death-throws Apr 2015
I like to walk on tight ropes made of rainbow bacon in my mind
Because deep below me, is everything I left behind
And through I creep through time, so slowly and surely
I rely so wholly on my insecurities
Because they excuse me,  
The absent quarters in my brain are filled and drained daily
Like ***** , abused in the onset of the tide
With hopes and ambitions and new dreams and ideas
That are briskly
And surely crushed in my sleep
Aghast i gasp in the horror of my anatomy
How poorly my blood vessles are fueled
So I shall bleed them dry
With out a doubt in my mind I am in the right
Yet my heart beats so sourly when I fight
For love

Why am I so wrong
Why is it that nothing goes to plan
And they say failing to plan is planning to fail
So I plan to fail so spectacularly they thought id planned it in the First Place

Loosing grip on reality has its drawbacks,
Mostly though
The drawbacks stand,
That their is no drawbacks
Not one at hand
So clasp me right, and rig me for full sail
I've caught a gale my dear,
And to the heart of the storm i shall sail
Death-throws Jan 2017
I love  you.
Not for the broken bits.
Not for the subtle curves that fit so smoothly into mine
Not  for your *******  or your *******
Your thighs or your giggles
Not for your smile (your a clown)
But you,
All love all of you.
From the tips of your fingers
To the bottoms of your toes
From your highs to your lows
I love you
Death-throws Mar 2015
With blunt edge  blades,
and your name in spades bouncing around my cranium
Ill pick my brain up with tweezers,
crush it
a silent death,
one of millions
one that might not hurt
my niche has been filled,
I'm not unique,
my skills have been claimed by hundreds of others,
this writing,  this effort, has been retold a thousand times before me
most of it would be better by far,
I'm no poet
I'm a rambler drunk on a appreciation,
or a drunk rambling about appreciation,
I'm not sure any more

pass me the bottle.. lets find out
Death-throws Nov 2016
You can say im dead inside,
Im just sick  of  having **** to hide
I don't  have to lie any more you know,
Without  the hate i have  a chance to grow,
Where hate was once a flood, purging the land,
Now its just water falling through my hands
Death-throws Dec 2016
Chest ache
Heart break
God I'll take no more

Head ache
For heavens sake
I cant take no more

You do it for fun
Just brag and then run
I know  your just his *****

So have your fun
I'll  stroke  this gun
And eagerly await
The gore
I'm getting really drained. Why can't you get out of my life.  I don't want to hurt any more
I don't want to feel like this why can't you get out of my head  please make it stop
Death-throws Jul 2016
If you hate me the feelings mutual
Im hating feeling this unusual
Nothing i say sounds useful
Im finding it hard to stay neutral

I love you  but i dont feel loved
I get kissed but i dont feel the  hug
Even though you arms are heavy with the emotions you want to portray.
And the things you say,
Are all good things
And the  ways youve shown me you care.
Are  all true to you

I feel nothing

I hate the emptyness inside  of me that should  be filled with  your love because  there's  a hole  in my chest
big Enough for a dove

To fly  away
Love dont go
Death-throws Dec 2016
Cuttin and I ain't even a little  ******
A grin on my face saying watch this
Heading  to the beach to blow my brains away
Grey matter  scattered  in the sand
As surf crashes I'll faid away
Death-throws Jul 2015
uncurl from your ball child
wipe away those soot laden tears
welcome to the new world
where all is here to fear
sons of the apocalypse she wailed
bow down to your fears
welcome to the new world she wailed
welcome to the fear
welcome to the chaos that i have brought so near
uncurl from your ***** you men
bastars filled with shame
bring forth your sins,
and i shall give them names
Crawl out of your festering holes,
and bring out the young
for a man will say anything,
when he stares down the barrel of a gun

so we came in great swavs
and brought forwards all our rot
and smiled as she told us
that the world would forget us not
Death-throws Jun 2015
Don't be afraid
the man says in tears

Its perfectly normal
the doctor winces

You'll feel better in no time
*the therapist smirks
Death-throws Mar 2015
for you
Death-throws Mar 2015
sitting on a park bench i what i realized
among other things
is that the texture of a product...
comes down to the compassion of the owner
because the silk scarf you gave me once sat so softly upon my neck,
it suited everything i wore
its color was vibrant and lively
it made me warm

but now your gone,
with the wind
with my heart,
and the scarf i came to wear as a daily fashion
sits around my throat
a noose made of barbed wire
a rope of thorns,
a necklace of hot iron
but i still wear your scarf,
it sends venom to my heart but i will adorn it with pride
because i know in crowds my face
is one of thousands
but this scarf..
is yours

and im hoping that one day you will see it
and bring my heart back to me
and place it back in my chest
along with yours

Death-throws Oct 2016
Im  overwhelmed.
My world spins
How  many hours have i been awake now?
Am i the only  one whos sined?
My bed brings me no  delight.  
Rejoice  comes only with the dead
So sing to me your  soft  goodbyes  
As i fill my head with lead
Death-throws Apr 2015
i can hear her giggling from the living room
soft giggles, loud smiles, no more bundles of gloom
shes making the boy smile
making me smile too
because the hay stack ive been looking in doesnt even have any needles
and the path i thought i was following has turned out to be my own ,
i thought i was so lost,
i was so scared that i was alone
but as it turns out,
Ive never been far from home,
i love her,
she makes me love myself
ive never wanted to be with anybody else,
im glad that i found you
because in finding you
ive manged to find myself
Death-throws Dec 2015
Its good to see your tears are done,
Little kitten,
It hurts me when i see them run.
Ima little smitten,
By the way
Your eyes play
Throughout the day, All sleep, no pay.
Keep hidding behind my toes
(Trust me they'll keep you safe)
Keep bristling against my nose
Whiskers and bells and whistles.
Watching your heart fall like a mistle.
Wishing i put up with the gristle..
I hope you fly
And i hope you dont find out untill you try.
To be taken by surprise and see the world from the sky.
To look down from the clouds and see the sparkles in my eye
Death-throws Oct 2015
It never matters wether i sothe and grove or if i even bother to move.
Selfless youth.
Complaining of missing a tooth
Your not telling the truth
Ive seen you kissing,
wishing that what you hear is not the case
That your envy has gone to waste.
Homless soul lender on a weekend ******
Lenders ready for splender
Though you took my  soul
And hacked away at my feet.
No souls
Ill tie my shoes around my neck
And dangle from street poles
**** this
Death-throws Mar 2015
Vidi Vici  Veni
Death-throws Mar 2015
falling is a weird sensation
I've never failed to fall, tripping on the curb of your hip
more over, I've never failed to fall for you,
that first autumn back lit morning,  the day you caught my eye
and the past is a funny game. i made my move ,
never can i step back to change my ways
and hasn't been easy
and no...never, would i ever change it,
because  the rapids of my home river have shaped the boat in which i use to sail, my soul has been carved from limestone cliff faces dangled over by tight lipped trees to tired to give me their secrets you are..
you are a thought. a being I've never come by before
your a bend in the river where the current slows..
your a cliff face with my name carved into it,
even though I've never once taken a knife to your surface
you are comfort,
like looking into a mirror i see myself, and for the first time in my life
for the very first time..
I've looked into a mirror and smiled
and sweet heart I'm going too look into your eyes
and say softly that I'm glad,
I'm glad your a mountain that's already been climbed I'm glad its not my flag that rests in the arrow like crest of your ginger scrawled hair I'm glad
because the men who charge to summits leave nothing but a flag
and some foot prints
i want to be the man for you, the man who climbs your peaks daily..
the one who makes sure your looked after,
a forest ranger to preserve your sanity, to make sure your soul although fractured and aching.
can roam free,
but I've ranted now,
ill sign of my love letter with but a drip of blood,
and a Liter of love,
continue your course sweet heart and you wont need to steal  the chest that houses my heart
ill give you the key
Death-throws Apr 2016
I watch the yard,
You have given it life,
Weeks ago I danced with blades and now
I find
You have saved me,

Your presence warms the sun,
Your fire ignites my fun,
The life I had,
Has nothing on the life I have,
All because of one,
Death-throws Jul 2016
Lost  amongst familure strangers
Holding your foreign  curves
Like homeland  hills
Oceans have grown between us
But luckily i can swim
And i think i know the direction
Your in
Things change  over  time. But that doesnt mean its a bad thing
Death-throws May 2015
doth hate yourself ***,
for an *** with mind is still an ***
flaunting about the property of knowlege,
like every little gasp, saves you from laughing stock

doth Bring yourself justification
for beeing such an ***'
and though you seem a *****,
my lady your still a lass

So bring to me the right kind,
of liquid, intoxicating
and sit back and smile, as i lie here,
Death-throws Mar 2015
I am a man
I am strong
I am happy

I am a man, genetic and pure,
but the standards i have been given drive me through the floor

With my job i am strong, but it tires me, i'm warn thin
as your old biker jacket

my poisons make me happy, your like ink in my blood
killing me with sickness

I am falling
I am tired
I am sick

As i fall, trusting my faith to catch me
gravity becomes a fact so real. so defined, that i am calm,
as the concrete hurtles towards me

I'm so tired, my eyes drag closed on State highway one,
going 125 through a steel barrier

I'm so sick, my veins have changed color, my skin is pale
and its all your fault

I am dead
I am dead
I am dead

God i wish i was dead
Death-throws Apr 2015
I think Ive gone too far.
I cant tell,
Too blinded by my tears i scream
*"at what cost!"
billows out of my heart that's all ready too occupied
forging blindfolds from barbed wire,
I think Ive gone too far.
I sold my friends,
they were my building blocks, my foundation,
pawned off like ****** so I could climb the ladder
the ladder thats allready fading in my  mind
sepia memories on black & white film, it just inst quite right
I may have won..
but at what cost,
a job I despise a future  as murky and uncertain as the river
I grew up next too
and like the river my future will come to an end
hundreds of miles away
in an unkown sea
yet my heart will carry the home ive made for myself,
its cell like features,
cold walls are warmed with our blood
its floors carpeted with our lust
what little else that stands , stands ready to burn
so grab your torch my love,
bring out the open flame  hearths of our hearts and touch the tinders
of our futures
i feel like ive gone too far
maybe i just havent gone far enough
Death-throws Feb 2017
18 months in a brick shed  with a tin roof
6 more in a wood box too cramped  to breathe
Another year
Living in fear
In a room with no lock
And in 3 more weeks
I'll get my own place
No doors that don't close
No windows that don't open

I spent three years of my life in moldy decrepid rot
And now after removing a thot
I find myself in a happy space
A dog named squirt and  a kitchen two steps wide
My girlfriend looking at me with pride
4 months ago I'd never imagine
That today's the day  I move to my own
Death-throws May 2015
If I shall grow old.
And my clothes hang like ghosts
Just know that once apon a time
I could fit inside my skin
Death-throws Oct 2016
How do you fall  out of love
My heart feels heavy with  your memories
I want to clear some space
And find peace

Im nearing capacity.
Too cluttered  and corupted to care
I cant delete you
All that would be left is fear

So i drown  myself in sorrow
Addictions lust and love
For if im drunk untill tomorrow
I might find myself in love
Death-throws Apr 2015
Slipping in my ear-buds,
To get my daily dose
Feeling so close to the sound that doesn't affect me
Flying over clouds only my mind can see
Bass wobbles, no duds

I'm addicted to the ripples,
My head lulls with a vengeance
"don't bother him man, hes gone"
Passers-by call to  me
So drunk on sound...
My cranium has better acoustics then the great theater
Rhythm's projected with shock waves and powered by hand grenades
I am a supernova charged by AUX
Watch anxiety writhe and burn in my wake
Death-throws Apr 2015
Every day He lies
To himself and the world around him
He dons clothing too dark for his skin,
He closes his eyes because when they open
He only sees whats inside
You could say hes so blind to it, that he leans on it
Every morning when he gets out of bed Like a crutch
Hes the kind of broken that can never heal
Hes the bundle of sin that will never be forgotten
Hes the ball of problems that forgot how to roll
Hes dead inside
for you my dear,
Death-throws Dec 2016
Please **** me

Why is the pain not gone

Why do I still feel like

all  the goodness in my life


When  you pulled the knife   from his flesh

And twisted it into my back
I saved you from him.
He saved you from me.
Now your seeing him again

So I wasted 2 years of my life teaching you to love yourself,  only so you'd ****  off and love someone else
Death-throws Mar 2015
let me take a breath
let me take you to my lips
like a poorly rolled cigarette
hold you close
for just a moment
taste the edge, feel the hit

then discard me
back to the gutter again

thoughts while in an empty class
Death-throws Nov 2016
Idle minds  and  weary hands
Destroy dams of flesh
And flood the lands
Your fault you ******* ******. You deserve to hurt
Death-throws Feb 2016
**** rats and **** boy caps
Gas cans and empty beer cans
No dams in my way
No bills to pay
Just desperate days catching sun rays
Skin decay
Too much play.
I miss the summer months of drug addiction
Planning our lives out like a good fiction
Where the boy gets the girl.
And the premotion
No one told me id have to cross an ocean
Not of water, but sin
Fearfully thin.
Anger took my soul.
Withdrawl has refused to release its hold
Positive actions and negitive reactions
How do i get back to the good old days
Where all i worried about was getting paid
We each had our own way
No fear in the old days
I No longer hold Today
Death-throws Oct 2016
Dont get hooked.
Im addictive,
Dont take too much.
Im toxic,
Dont use  me often.
Im abrasive,

Dont fall to hard.
Ill catch you,
Im the worst  habit  because  ill make a habbit of you
Death-throws Aug 2016
Ive succeeded
Ive defeated my demons
And summond the evils that pestered me
Just to **** in front  of them gleefully
Im animalistic im my celebrations
I think  i should plan a vaction
Im drunk  on the joy of succeeding
I've not just  bested my goals,
Ive superpassed them
And now ill end my day
With the widest grin
Death-throws Jun 2015
Make it stop
oh how nieve you are
free as a bird
inside a cage
with wings made to fly
from page to page
sure ive burnt papers galore
but my soul, my spirit is no more,
you dont know now,
but you will
the effect you have on me,
no frills
youve made me realize,  that i am two sizes to big for this skin
and my kin ,
im scared
so scared you see,
of this demon lurking beneath me
caged birds dont get to fly to often
its so difficult when without my vice my bones soften
and to be with you is to brake both my legs
and even when my soul pleads and begs.
understand that  to scream at you is to show affection
because i have chosen my direction
to loose myself in you, is to find my way home
and never again,
shall i feel so alone
Im an addict
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