in the far reaching circumference
of your eloquent silence,
a galactic gravitational pull
tugs me deep within
busting the black hole of my own illusions.
i spy
nestled inside your incandescent halo:
avatars, bliss. compassion, divinity, enlightenment, forgiveness, grace, holiness,
infinity, joy, kindness, light, miracles,
nirvana, omnipresence, peace, quiescence,
radiance, self, tranquility, utopia, veritas,
wisdom, xenodochy, yogi, zen master
all gift wrapped in one!
the a to z of sanctity.....
untouched by clocks
i stand as a king-side pawn
whoâs magnetically drawn
to that shining white light
like a moth to a flame
© 2019
A to Z poem conceived in a state of deep meditation eulogizing the greatness of the cosmic being.