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Aug 2020 · 161
my solder
hannah Aug 2020
I know your lost, scared, and confused
stumbling around but you got your feet on the ground
You learned to keep you head up high
They told you just marching soldier
They asked you why the frown
with each step you slowly come undone
And your upset because the battle is not yet done
So you struggle as they beat you down and ask you why the frown
Mar 2020 · 345
hannah Mar 2020
I wish I could yell out all my anger
I wish I could cry away my sadness
I wish I could be allowed to feel my feelings but that is not the way a lady behaves.
So, I cross my legs
So, I smile and nod
So, I pretend
Mar 2020 · 169
hannah Mar 2020
Tormented by the voices
That rattle against my head.
The whirlwind, spinning, and twisting my thoughts.

The outside a picture of perfect calm
Perfectly happy
Smile and nod
Mar 2020 · 53
hannah Mar 2020
The heat brushing against my skin
Your words echoing in my head
Your body perfectly built for worshipping with my eyes
Your breathing heavily like the perfect melody
The feeling of heat between my thighs as I look into your eyes and finally claim you as mine
Mar 2020 · 141
hannah Mar 2020
The beauty in his eyes
The wicked smile that would lead to my own demise
But I was drawn to the ocean in his heart
The calming wind of his rage
Constantly inconsistent
My love for him rages on
Mar 2020 · 136
hannah Mar 2020
Sleepy but not tired
Eyes closed but not asleep
I see you when I daydream
Mar 2020 · 200
The heat of the moment
hannah Mar 2020
The heat of the moment
Recklessly careful movements
Darkness so the curtain can fall
Everything is now
Mar 2020 · 262
hannah Mar 2020
The moon
That's what I see when people talk about their flaws
I don't believe the moon exists.
Mar 2020 · 131
A normal day
hannah Mar 2020
Stomach in knots
Eyes on the ground
Scared of the words
People spew out of there mouth
Scared of the voices
The doubt spread by fear
Anxiety screaming out
Feb 2020 · 275
My last moment with you
hannah Feb 2020
The heavy weight pressed against my chest as I stumble over the words.
Falling on my face has become inevitable but yet I still hope you will catch me.
Feb 2020 · 154
hannah Feb 2020
Lost in a sea of words, drowning under the weight.
Feb 2020 · 158
hannah Feb 2020
Tired of fighting when the darkness finally consumes me I will welcome it like a long lost friend.
Jan 2020 · 104
Do I even exist
hannah Jan 2020
Always watching
never noticed
Living through others
Spreading a bit of pain to every life I touched
hannah May 2019
We create a divider between the people in the struggle to be better then one another
What has this world became in the mass destruction for a single rose
Just to trample over hundreds of others
When did the evil win
When did we start to give up
May 2019 · 777
hannah May 2019
Calming playful breeze runs it's fingers through my hair
  Salt water gently nips at my ankles
I watch the sunset over the ocean
The mix of colors setting just right over the horizon
Getting lost in the warmth of the moment
Losing myself to the picture
May 2019 · 179
Numb is a good thing
hannah May 2019
I feel nothing
The world is dead to me I am lost in my own silence
I no feel the torment of your abuse
I  no longer hear you bringing me down with every step of the way
I don't feel anything and I have never been more at peace
Apr 2019 · 806
Whats wrong with me
hannah Apr 2019
Why is the silence so loud
Why is everyone watching me
Did I do something wrong
Tormented by my own mind
Outside I'm fine
But inside I am screaming
Breaking at the seams
Apr 2019 · 274
hannah Apr 2019
You can't do this to me
You can't leave me like this
Don't tell me pretty little lies
Don't say your my everything when in realty you are nothing
Don't rip me down the seam
Don't tell me your here when you are really somewhere else
In your mind you are still with her
I will always be second
Apr 2019 · 172
Love is Fake
hannah Apr 2019
Love is fake
People have made it to were it is just a word
The use it and abuse it
Tearing people down inch by inch
Till they can't even trust themselves
It gives people fake hope
It makes then believe in something that isn't real
It makes people go insane
Never really knowing if its real or not
Dec 2018 · 126
I need someone
hannah Dec 2018
I live many lies
I love so many that I need someone to remind me who I was
Someone to hold the broken pieces together
To glue the remainder of my heart back together
I need someone to hold me when I can't sit still
I need someone to make me laugh when I am about to cry
I need you
Dec 2018 · 173
Boys plaything
hannah Dec 2018
We are expected to put on make up for the same people who will just use and abuse us
Why do people define a girl as a boys plaything
We are so much more than that
We are united against a idea
The idea that trys to hold us back but we will not allow it
We will push a little harder then any guy out their, we will run a little faster
Just to prove that we are equal to them
Sep 2018 · 181
Falling in love
hannah Sep 2018
Girls think they fall in love with guys
But they do not understand what's falling in love
Because I fell in love with a place
I fell in love with this place and now it holds my heart
I am never happy if I am not there
I don't feel if I am not there
I fell in love with a place that got ripped out of my hands
Aug 2018 · 353
hannah Aug 2018
Pain and anger
It feels as if it's not me
I feel like a puppet doing and saying as you command
I feel like a fool only meant to sit still and lifeless until you say otherwise
I am not a human anymore but an object that does and says what I am told to
May 2018 · 195
hannah May 2018
The only mistake I made is you
May 2018 · 188
A book with closed doors
hannah May 2018
Faking being happy
Lies served with a smile
Boredom seeps from the cracks
Scared smothered and covered with false personality
Insecurities fed with food to make us feel better
Tear drops behind closed doors
Death’s associated with happiness justs so we don’t break down
Because when we break down people can see us for what we really are
May 2018 · 443
I am the problem
hannah May 2018
Am I really the death of you
The reason that you failed at life
Could I fix the  problem if I am the problem
May 2018 · 581
Is it wrong
hannah May 2018
Deadly snakes twist their way up my back
I was their tamer but the are not tame
They slowly twist and I see my life flash before my eyes
But is it wrong to say that I am glad I am gone
May 2018 · 267
hannah May 2018
My life is in your hands but you don’t need to save me
I am nothing to you but your everything to me
Leaving me to the idea that nothing is good or loving
But that everything is black and bleck
It's ok I know I am not worth saving
May 2018 · 368
I am
hannah May 2018
I guess what you give is what you get
I didn’t realise what it felt until I got what I deserved
Tossed out like trash I am
Abandoned by my best friend just like the horrible friend I am
Rejected like the Reject I am
Played with like the player I am
Life dies in front of me into a puddle of understanding and feeling sorry for what I put other people into……..
May 2018 · 336
self doubt
hannah May 2018
When I tell people that I don't like the way I look I get three responses your beautiful, change it, or yeah.
But no one every asked me why I feel that way.
May 2018 · 216
hannah May 2018
They tell me fight back, but is it worth fighting.
Is life worth the fight anymore...
May 2018 · 316
Am I good enough for you
hannah May 2018
People have led me to believe that I am not good enough
They don’t think of the consequences of what they say anymore
I cry behind closed doors wondering what I did wrong to be the way I am
Let's put it the way it is I am not pretty, skinny, or smart enough for anybody
May 2018 · 234
People don’t understand
hannah May 2018
People don’t understand the impact they have on other people’s lives. They act as if they are the only ones with that are allowed to be upset. Sometimes I  wish I could go back into time
Call me what you want but I will not cry in front of you, but behind closed doors I will scream, and yell and weep my sorrows away.
May 2018 · 297
Blissful lies
hannah May 2018
I don’t know what to do anymore….
People here are so fake it's funny
They put on a show  for the world
Fake being brave is one thing but to fake who you are is another
people hide behind fake people nobody is what the seem.
May 2018 · 317
hannah May 2018
How does nobody see the mask that everybody puts on
Is it because they are so busy fixing their own
May 2018 · 152
What happened
hannah May 2018
What happened to everyone…
I don’t even know my real friends anymore
May 2018 · 303
Trust issues
hannah May 2018
I told you so
Why did you make take a risk that led to my death
Why did I die, a horrible death
I didn’t want to take a blind leap of faith
Why when i told you what was going to happen
Was it for your selfish need
I promised you I would do anything for you
But your just like the rest using me for your own selfish purposes.
Why do people push me to do things I don't want to do?
May 2018 · 303
hannah May 2018
Broken and confused
I sit alone watching the world go by
Nobody pays me any attention
So alone I sit
Facing the world by myself
May 2018 · 299
Why do we try
hannah May 2018
If we fall all the time why do we get back up?
If we are destined to die why do we try to fight it?
We set ourselves up for disappointment
By trusting people when we can’t even trust ourselves
Apr 2018 · 320
hannah Apr 2018
Tears splatter over the keyboard
He is yours not mine
Why do I do the things that I do
(I think I  like you)Backspace and delete
I can't do that your hers
and she is yours I don't fit in
So please don't get mad when I cut you off completely
I can't do this if your in front of me all the time
so instead I type ( I can't stand you) send
Apr 2018 · 435
Your sweet poison to me
hannah Apr 2018
One day she asked "How come we always choose poison over water?"
"The kind that takes our lives without a second thought"
  "The kind of poison that will be the death of us"
And then he said " Because it's sweeter."
Apr 2018 · 386
fake friends
hannah Apr 2018
I will still be waiting here for you to return
You will be damaged and broken
But it is the only time you turn to your real friends
Apr 2018 · 342
The world screams
hannah Apr 2018
Take care of it
Fix it
change it
Take care of your problems
Fix yourself
Change yourself
Because we don't like how you are
I just sit back and laugh
Well I don't like how you are
How about you take care of your own drama
How about you fix your clothes so it doesn't show everything
And finally How about you change your opinion on how a girl should look and act
Because I think your funny
Apr 2018 · 630
You don't understand
hannah Apr 2018
You do not understand
I feel like screaming
Listen I am not done
I demand an answer
I can't be thrown away like that
I am not alive to serve you hand and foot
Don't play innocent
You have never been innocent
I was just stupid
I am to trusting I couldn't see the fact that you where using me
But I am just a child what could I know
I know that I cared but you didn't...
Apr 2018 · 272
The shadow that never left
hannah Apr 2018
I will sing to you until fall deep into a sleep you will not wake up from
I will tell you everything is ok when it is not
You didn't expect it
So it never happened
You never left
And you don't know that your gone
This is about someone dying, so they never left....
Apr 2018 · 274
The definition of love
hannah Apr 2018
Nobody showed me how to love in school
I never learned the definition
I never had vocab test on it
Never read a chapter in those stupid textbooks on it
Never watched a bill nye video on it
So how was I supposed to know when you said I love you You were lying
Apr 2018 · 457
That someone
hannah Apr 2018
We all have that someone who reminds us of ourselves
That someone who is like a drug to the weak
That someone that is off limits
That someone that we care about
That someone that will never know how much you help and protect them
That someone can never know that it's been this way for a long time
That someone that doesn't know that you stole glances at from across the room
That someone that is sweet poison
That person that you would only wish the best too
That person that is off limits
Apr 2018 · 481
The place where I am from
hannah Apr 2018
The place where I am from
Its full of love
happy people
The place where I am from is not the place where I am at
The place where I am at
Is full of hate
mad people
Mar 2018 · 1.2k
My childhood monsters
hannah Mar 2018
My first monster
As the blood drips through the cracks of your fake disguise
Skin peeling off from the fake body you claimed as your own
You wear the face of a friend but the intents of my worst foe
Lust seeping from every pore of your body
My second monster
The face of a man twisted until it hurts
The sound of his merciless crys
Limping slowly towards my bed post
They crawl towards me
And I hold them close because they are just like me
hiding behind a disguise, and withering in pain.
Mar 2018 · 236
Do you notice me
hannah Mar 2018
Do you notice me
Why do people always ask that of themself
I don't understand why people care so much about the way they look,
We should all be fine without being noticed
We should be happy with the way we look, walk, talk, weigh, love
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