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Daniel Hunt Jan 2015
I can hear your whisper,
upon the breeze,
and see your smile,
in the sun.

I touch your kisses,
by the dew,
as the meadow lark,
sings his song.

I can smell your fragrance,
upon pedaled stems,
and the color abundance,
shows your joy.

I feel your tears,
when it rains,
soft, salty,
and warm.

I will always listen,
to how you speak to me,
silent purity,
upon my heart.
This is my message to Slilent Talking
Abdullah Ayyash Dec 2014
An invitation from a guest in the past
The bed I'm in now won't be the last
Life isn't fair and you know that's true
You were not honest when you got me through
I don't know if I shed my tears or hide
From you or the pain that won't subside
The castle is closed now and not like before
When my heart was the room and my arms were the door
© Copyrighted
Abdullah Ayyash
December 19th, 2014
Autumn Nov 2014
Here I am making excuses for you.
             He didn't know I was there.
             He didn't see me walk by.
             He didn't get my text.
             He didn't have a good day.
             He didn't have a day off this week.
No longer am I making excuses for you.
So here's what I am saying:
             You didn't try hard enough.
Skye Mura Nov 2014
You make the bee stings and the mosquito itches feel like it’s not such a big deal.
You make the coldest days and hottest nights so much more opposite.
With you, It feels where I’m suppose to be. I don’t have to act like anything but myself around you.
I don’t have to care if my hair is a lions mayne. I don’t have to care if my nail polish isn’t dry.
I love you like this; speechless it is.
You nearly take my breath away.
I would do anything for you.
I would wait at the top of a mountain and haul the sun to bring you comfort.
I’d sit on the moon just to watch you from every angle.
You make me feel like I don’t have a voice and all I can do is look at you.
Look at how your smile makes everyone stop forever and just smile back like I do.
You know me better than I know myself. Sometimes with you I forget who I am because I know what I want to become and that’s yours forever.
You will never understand how much your love has taken a toll on me.
I love you and won’t change the feeling for any kind of attention.
What's up is the sky
and I'm up for the stars
and down for a cave expedition.

I'm game for a used copy
since time is literally killing me
while I got pizza in one hand
and an energy drink in the other
so the tree that is my life goes
chop chop chop.

The only chip on my shoulder
is a potato chip
because I got a dozen for every dime I spent,
which is a drop in the bucket of change
I'm saving for Coinstar.

My son Jack has made many trades,
from CDs to movies to videogames to trading cards
and he just so happens to be a Pokemon master, thank you very much.

Resisting a piece of cake
is no piece of cake,
even when the recipe
--complete with a photogenic picture--
is comprised of over a thousand words.
Don't cheat on your diet,
the spinach is always watching
and that Rolex will feel so tight
you'll be praying for thousands
of slaps on both wrists.

When things get hot
you can bang against a clock
to see how long you last.
Just don't crack 'em up too much,
clocks are fragile devices.

My motor's a Cobia
yours is an Evinrude
but otherwise we're in the same boat.

Whenever I fail I don't go to the drawing board,
I get out my scrap book.
I prefer its texture and it is,
the first square.

When my frustration becomes too much
I might have to beat the bush instead,
after all
it can't be a sightseer forever.

Don't throw me a bone,
I'm not dog,
merely a curious cat
still on his seventh life.

I'd rather be close
than be stuck with a cigar--
smoking's bad and I hate the smells.
If I'm left with nothing, I'll cry like a wolf.
Wolves are hunters, wolves are survivors.
They say diamonds are forever
Whether this is true i dont understand
Im delt with the hand of little or no money
Its funny im a joke im a fool
I go to school everyday study in many ways
For what ? So when im older i can have mula or moola
Whatever you want im living life by rules
Where people with no heart start out rich
And people in touch with their souls dont have ****
Excuse my french but i have a foul stench of poorness
Not only in money but love
Hannah Anderson May 2014
You will learn how to sleep alone
how to avoid the cold corner but still fill a bed
always be friends with the broken people
they will teach you how to survive
you can love someone and hate them
all at once
you can
i have
you can miss them so much you ache
but still
ignore your phone when they hall
ignore them in the hall
You are good at something
whether it's making someone laugh or saying hello
don't ever let anyone tell you that you don't matter
you will always be hungry for love
even when someone is sleep next to you
you will envy the pillow touching their check
you will yearn for a love much bigger than you or i or him or her
you want a love of a higher power and a long life
you want serenity
and you want heaven
you want love
and life
and light
Styles May 2014
J M Surgent May 2014
There is a beauty
In saying things, simply.
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