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Styles May 2014
I don't mean to be honest.
but, to be honest;
I hope,
all, of my tears,
tear you,
Just saying.
It would be so nice
If we just say it all
Say it all
Hemorrhage of words
Emotional plight
Just say it all
Say it all
We don’t have to say goodbye tonight
I swear if I don’t make it back
I’ll be alright
I’ll be in that wind
I’ll be in that song
Just please remember
To say it all
Say everything I use too
Never leave one word out
Never ever censor yourself
Feel ashamed or doubt
Say it all
Tell them all they have a reason
There's a reason tonight
Tell them all they’re accepted
They don’t have to fight
Don’t ever cry
There’s no reason for tears
Just smile for every, hug, every memory
And every year
And say it all
Without reserve, without fear
Don’t leave a word out
Because without a doubt
Wherever I am
I'm much happier now
Saying goodbye? *****.
cosmic poet Apr 2014
sometimes it feels like my mouth is stitched shut
maybe to prevent me from saying the wrong thing?
but when the stitches fray
and im allowed the luxury of voice
it seems like wrong is the only language I know

— The End —