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1.0k · Aug 25
5. Thrice
Lyla Aug 25
three times with your name
on silent whispering lips
almost ecstasy
1.0k · Aug 21
8. Worship
Lyla Aug 21
When I beckon you
Come worship at my temple
Make love to my soul
I am seeking to fulfill
Our purpose in this lifetime
A tanka for my lover.
754 · Aug 23
Lyla Aug 23
I kiss the sunset
As I wish you good morning
You bid me gute Nacht
While dawn delivers my love
Darkness never comes for us
A tanka for my lover. Love with an 8 hour time difference is interesting. For a time this summer, my sunset and his sunrise were minutes apart.
725 · Aug 22
Lyla Aug 22
Shadows of summer
Leave a mark upon my heart
As they grow longer
613 · Aug 29
25. Weeds
Lyla Aug 29
when love blossoms
from a crack
in the sidewalk
of your life


a garden would grow there
if you let the concrete crumble
Inspired by George Washington Carver's thoughts on weeds.
Lyla Aug 26
It’s green for you and black for me
Each color plays its part
It’s green for you and black for me
The icon of each heart

Then I met you and you met me
There at the waterfall
How I touched you and you touched me
We never touched at all

Green for you has always been true
But black for me’s too cold
Your green awoke my dreaming soul
Exposing color bold

It’s green for you, now red for me
A tender rose unfurled
The green of you with the red of me
Blossoming in the world
My attempt at a ballad in common meter for a prompt "Red".
574 · Aug 22
Lyla Aug 22
I will find the place
Where the weirdos go
To be among my people

The strange, the unappreciated
Too brilliant or too insufferable
To live in polite society

I will join them in the trash heap
O carelessly discarded treasures!
And be an unfit queen
I always know where they are hiding ;)
517 · Aug 20
Rosa californica
Lyla Aug 20
A wild rose is a lasting thing
Growing amongst the ruins
Full of life despite neglect
And you know the place one blooms

A wild rose is a pretty thing
To decorate your room
All pink and leafy splendor
To cheer away the gloom

A wild rose is a thorny thing
Its vines tear you apart
You can’t grasp it directly
Work gently towards the heart

Push aside its catching strands
Leave the petals strewn
Take the freshest flowers
For more will blossom soon

A wild rose is a stubborn thing
You may plant it if you dare
Take a cutting from its base
But make your choice with care

For a wild rose is a feral thing
You can’t charm it to your will
Forever spreading beauty
Is its nature to fulfill
508 · Aug 23
Lyla Aug 23
Smell the forest’s breath
Sweet pinesap, hot brush, decay
The mountain’s flesh bleeds
sharp, fine dust; rocks clot the roads
Selfish love wounds its lover
I grew up in the mountains of northern California, playing in the recovering clearcuts.
481 · Aug 21
24. Gute Nacht
Lyla Aug 21
I wish the silence goodnight
In case it cannot find its voice
I wish the silence goodnight
In case it has no choice

I wish the silence goodnight
Because however it came to be
The silence on this starless night
Silently misses me
481 · Sep 3
3. Lunatic
Lyla Sep 3
Moonlight on my face
I cannot go back to sleep
When I think of you
Driven crazy by moonlight, or something else?
417 · Sep 3
2. Storm Warning
Lyla Sep 3
strong coursing river
torrential wild summer storm
together, a flood
402 · Aug 21
I'll Take You There
Lyla Aug 21
Each word is a map to a shared memory
Sometimes my directions are incorrect
Or may take you on a scenic route
Such that you forget the destination until you reach it
I guide by landmarks
The names of roads are all forgotten by me
Only their twists and turns remain in my mind
Lyla Sep 1
A unique glint compels the eye
Towards desolation
Pluck a stone from the desert floor
For examination

Would faceting reveal a prize?
Do its flaws void its worth?
Could it ever shine so brightly
It seems not of this earth?

Yet inclusions of baser stuffs
Are threaded through its veins
Harsh mineral imperfections
Which this beauty contains

They cannot be excised, you see
It would transform the stone
Into a hollow, pitted thing
So best leave it alone

Just drop it back into the sand
With spots you so abhor
Another hand will pick it up
One who can love it more
Not quite a ballad but I'm throwing it in the collection anyway, sorry not sorry.
388 · Sep 3
Water Cycle
Lyla Sep 3
Imprisoned clouds, waiting to fly,
Held back by a willowed, sandy bank:
The river, green and clear as an eye.
Its silent depths enticed us to pry.
Into the liquid dungeon we slank,
Imprisoned clouds, waiting to fly.

There we discovered we could scry,
And so greedily we drank
The river, green and clear as an eye.

Our brains ceased to electrify,
Souls fusing with those dank
Imprisoned clouds, waiting to fly.

Now bloated, white, we putrefy,
For we could not outflank
The river, green and clear as an eye.

Deliverer of fate we can’t defy,
But for our new life we thank
Imprisoned clouds, waiting to fly:
The river, green and clear as an eye.
A villanelle from 2022...the first I had written in a very long time.
342 · Aug 20
Sowing/Reaping etc etc
Lyla Aug 20
Fed by summer heat
The foolish spring garden grew
far beyond its plot
So frightening its bounty
the harvest rots on the vine
A tanka; doomed romance.
312 · Aug 27
Lyla Aug 27
Souls sending tendrils
Twisting through the universe
Until they can touch
309 · Aug 31
14. Cultivation
Lyla Aug 31
Consider the garden of your life
and remember I am a wild rose
I can be cut back
but I will outlast walls
280 · Sep 7
Lyla Sep 7
Your intense feelings
Tucked tightly against your heart
Fiercely held by you
Exactly where and how
I want to be
271 · Aug 28
Memories of Camp Secret
Lyla Aug 28
Sidewinding out,
past oaks with fractal branches,
graceful drooping bower-isles
in seas of summer-blond grasses.

After asphalt gives over to reddish dust,

a metal gate shields the road from a spindly goat path,
                                                       a suggestion of a passage,
                                                        ­                      a treacherous
                                                                ­                           scratch
                                                                ­                                     on
                                                              ­                                        the
                     ­                                                                 ­                 steep
                                                           ­                                            hillside.

Peer out the heart’s window,
only scree and visions of tumbling down, down greet you.
Move the chain and open the gate, but don't get back in.
It’s time to stretch and let the driver pick their own way through.

Down, down the driveway we walk, don’t run it's steep!
and we are met with a circle of deer-cropped grass,
a curious shed claiming itself a cabin,
and a wooden house.

From the house comes a woman,
laugh first,
to teach you how to crack pine nuts,
in spite of a squirrel’s scolding.

Garlic-kitchen, rustic room, quiet in its quality.
A phone that works often enough.
A black and white tv, grey today
in favor of a window full of deer.

The dainty pink-soap bathroom tells you
a proper lady lives here.
Tole paint cheering every surface tells you
a joyous heart dwells here.  

Drowsy sunny table chatter stretches out the time.
Wooden pegs turn fidgets into solitaire.  
Veneration by languorousness compleat;





Out the door and to the right,
stop by the small pond to see water skippers dance.
Then down the path to the swinging bridge,
a slender suspension of disbelief.

Walk across the boards; you’re an explorer.
Walk onto the metal grates; you’re a spider on a web.
But try telling that to self-preservation,
balking at every jello-wobble step.

The bold bounce like astronauts on the moon.
The wise linger to look for turtles far below.
Fortune favors them both,
as all ways lead to Camp Secret.  

A worn trail threading the brush,
opens to a ferny dream.
A small stream dibbling its way to the creek,
has left behind a paradise.

Trip-trap over a footbridge
to the shelter of a grapevine canopy.
A fairy’s kitchen with a green enamel sink,
tractor seats and a *** rack tree.

Ancient stone building with a door aged shut,
On one end a cheeky wall-less loo.
Dormant spring beds in the clearing,
waiting for sleeping bags to bloom.

Craggy fruit trees form an orchard
gothic as an old graveyard.
Inviting, elegant in desolation,
but we push by undeterred.

Tracing a deer trail up the ridge,
keep clear of the poison oak.
A soundless becalmed summer day.
Perfect for a visit to the dam.

Concrete distaff, copper spindle.
Magic spun from a captured creek.
Flowing through fossily tunnel
to power the electric trees.

Winding ‘round to the other side,
a second bridge but this one still.
Wooden boards in a rusty frame.
More perilous than its swaying kin.

Hold on tight, don’t trust your feet.
Then meander with a streamlet
to the garden just beyond
the mossy, reedy muskrat pond.

High charged fence to keep deer back
from sweet roots growing deep.
Doe barn, buck barn is their place
with tools, dust and memories.

Back by the house, we slide to the terrace
where ladybugs shelter in soft mullein leaves.
The washboard shale is sprouting sedges,
a water snake kingdom by a saltless sea.
This is dedicated to Hammer's Camp with its hidden gem (accessed by a hand-crafted suspension bridge) Camp Secret, a wonderful family cabin owned by my father's godmother. It was a magical place, but sadly has since been completely destroyed by a wildfire.
Lyla Aug 23
long after i’m gone
this pebble will remain with
my touch turned to sand
It was truly a lovely pebble.
Lyla Aug 25
Form borne of function
The pursuit of Life
Abundant and overflowing
Your every step enriching
the path you tread
The strength of your soul
echoed in each muscle
The beauty of your heart
shining in your eyes
No haughty Adonis
could ever be half as divine
He's beautiful because of the way he lives his life, but he doesn't know it.
245 · Aug 20
Bower Bird
Lyla Aug 20
Pride designed a precious bower
Granting each discarded scrap
The illusion of creative power

Whatever’s found he will devour
And shape to his mind’s map
Pride designed a precious bower

Now his lover he will shower
With refuse in a shiny wrap:
The illusion of creative power

Is she wooed by his false flower?
Will glamour be her trap?
Pride designed a precious bower

Or will her feelings remain dour?
Knowing he can only tap
The illusion of creative power

Leaving him to hunt and scour
The world for his stopgap
Pride designed a precious bower
The illusion of creative power
A villanelle regarding my struggle with the idea of creativity. Nothing new in this world!
239 · Aug 21
Threnodies - Milk
Lyla Aug 21
I poured the milk out
For its only hope was you
Unwanted by me
I fell out of love to protect my heart and now I am all alone.
230 · Aug 27
12. A Question for Two
Lyla Aug 27
Were you happy
Before you met me?
What were you looking for?
There are two answers
The one you know
And the one that is real
Can you distinguish them?
The answer you received
Seems wrong
But the universe makes no mistakes
Sometimes when you go looking for trouble, you find it.
225 · Sep 4
26. Precious
Lyla Sep 4
Don’t cast your pearls to swine, my love
Your gifts are far too rare
They will not spoil in time my love
If you treat them with care

Don’t give yourself away, my dear
Hold tight your precious heart
Please never let us see the day
You lose a single part

Don’t cast your pearls to swine, sweetheart
For they will never know
The beautiful divinity
Contained within your soul

Don’t share the secrets of your mind
With those who cannot see
The depth and breadth behind your eyes
Instead, share them with me

I’ll hold your pearls dear to my heart,
Appreciate them all
My darling I am drawn to you
See how I heed your call?

You’ve cast your pearls so many times
And this time I was there
With heart and soul and arms outstretched
To catch them from midair

Don’t cast your pearls to swine, angel
The precious gift of you
For you deserve the greatest fate
A life with love that’s true
Inspired by Matthew 7:6-7
213 · Aug 23
Threnodies - Little Bits
Lyla Aug 23
Little bits
A Lego, a crayon
The small reminders
Of how I let you down
On cleaning out my child's room.
205 · Sep 3
21. Heterochromia
Lyla Sep 3
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘦𝘱, I say
Mysterious depths existing beyond my comprehension
𝘚𝘰 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭, I say
Words lost in the roar of hypnotic blue, green, grey
𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨, I say
Rendered defenseless by its magnitude

Adrift, I surrender to the pull of the current
Whether I am made immortal within the waves
Or am cast broken upon the shore
The ecstasy of my soul is a 𝘧𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪
I drown in his eyes, all words are lost.
Lyla Aug 27
stars burn effortlessly
while poets scrabble
plucking words like agates
from the mind’s pebbled shore

they have in common
the pleasure of those who bask
in simple outputs
of mysterious affairs

all we have in common
are kindred thoughts
sifted from every scrap we’ve read
as we seek ideas to explain us

adopt them, call them our own, tell others;
we're ripe and designed to spread
through an inky vector
or letters, anyway  

if you do it well enough you get a piece of paper that says
you’re qualified
but one can partake au naturel
and still have a good time

this is my compliment to you:
i'll show you the worst of me
and you’ll feel perfect
in comparison

if i were a better friend, i’d practice
become a learned artist
to sing the best of you
barring that, i could cheat

you want to be a pebble,
i know the way
come down here
and i'll feed you something from my garden

it will probably make you sick
you'll use words like rustic or pastoral
when you mean shabby and feral
woozy from the earthiness of it all

you’ll be charmed into mistaking seduction
for enlightenment
a tragic folly
like warming oneself with spent nuclear fuel

but enough about my dissipation
let us laugh instead
a wink between old friends
that is nothing and everything

for this is my compliment to you:
remember you are devastating
even when an echo
is the only applause you hear
For my friend D, who is a much better poet than I.
200 · Aug 22
18. Girlfriends
Lyla Aug 22
Allow me a moment to gush
I don’t have any girlfriends, you see
No, not that way. The old way
Like the friend you call from a pink princess phone
To tell about your latest crush

I don’t have a girlfriend who
eats french fries dipped in caramel milkshake
While I describe all the ways he’s amazing
absolutely gorgeous, smart, kind
There’s no vanity in him, he just wants to be in nature
She’d offer me a cigarette (I decline, well, maybe just a drag)
Are all men in Austria like this?
I don’t know, but I’ll ask if he has any friends

If I had a girlfriend, we’d drive around town in her car
(faded smoke, Hawaiian Tropic, sun-scorched vinyl)
No destination but mischief
I’d be blushing
Because she’d ask how far we’d gotten

Well, there’s an ocean between us but
Our souls touched
Moving to a very small town is absolutely murderous for one's social life.
Lyla Aug 24
In this most perfect moment
When my soul is reaching for the Divine
like a tender seedling reaching
for the light of the Sun
feeling its warmth and spark
I miss you
And you are there
184 · Aug 25
Lyla Aug 25
Every word you speak
Every sigh, every breath is
Beautiful to me
178 · Aug 25
11. Landslide
Lyla Aug 25
a mountain landslide
tears away years of debris
exposing its heart
The hillside is scarred, but new growth is assured.
173 · Sep 1
23. Endlessly
Lyla Sep 1
If you can't touch me
no one should
If you can't love me
no one can

Forgive me

I don’t want any other match
I would have it be you
Anything for you
Everything for you


My heart celebrates yours with words
My spirit celebrates yours with a spark
My body celebrates yours


I tremble before you
As a thrill surges through my core
Let the world fall away and

in me

I said I would pursue you
with a passion of the kind recorded for posterity
That is but the merest shadow of how I want you
I will wait

172 · Aug 28
13. In Case of Emergency
Lyla Aug 28
Break my heart
Reach inside
The contents are as follows:

One love, immense
One spirit, aching
A vow to be trustworthy, solemn
Regrets, assorted
168 · Aug 21
9. Ether
Lyla Aug 21
Today I will become an ephemeral thing
the mist in the flowers
the feeling in the forest that you are not alone
the ocean’s salt caress
No one can touch me
They do not have the right
My gifts are only for those who seek them
and have the strength to bear their weight
160 · Sep 3
15. Simplification
Lyla Sep 3
I want to strip away
the pedestrian, the cellophane veil
obscuring your Divinity
to reveal you in all your
to revel in you and all your
157 · Aug 29
Lyla Aug 29
Roots growing deeply
Seeking life in quiet earth
Tough and unadorned
Until coaxed by gentle rain
I bloom joy a thousand times
153 · Sep 3
20. Fragments
Lyla Sep 3
I know you’ll come to me to exchange
neglected moments that litter our days
And when each second serves a purpose
A thought will fill the space
149 · Aug 23
16. No Apologies
Lyla Aug 23
How am I supposed to tell you
That my passion
Is so deep and fierce
A wild creature caught
Pacing against its confines
Desiring only freedom
To live as its nature requires

I want you no matter how messy it gets
And at the core of me
I don’t apologize
I can’t be sorry for this
And now the creature is out of its cage...
143 · Sep 3
7. Loom of Life
Lyla Sep 3
Spring peepers peeping
Nature spins life from chaos
Even deserts bloom
Its threads pull us together
Love growing a tapestry
142 · Aug 21
Lyla Aug 21
I felt the harvest
Though I was in the mountains
The forest was ripe
My celebration was recognizing the breath of fall entering my body.
139 · Aug 25
19. Perspective
Lyla Aug 25
I want to experience myself
through your eyes
And show you the world through mine
The beautiful place you occupy
in my heart and mind
Lyla Aug 23
A slowly suffocating fire
Turning fuel to charcoal
No bright flames of light and warmth
Until stoked by disruption
it sputters to life
A final intense burn
that falls into ashes
Some things end beautifully...
130 · Aug 24
Lyla Aug 24
Patience is a word
That I had never cared for
Until I met you
130 · Aug 27
6. Avalanche
Lyla Aug 27
echos in canyons
calling endlessly in time
lost in the ether
i screamed your name too loudly
and the avalanche has come
114 · Aug 21
1. Ink Spots
Lyla Aug 21
I am supposed to write you
Examining the ache I feel and asking
Do you feel it, too? But in lovelier words,
Something befitting our growing passion

Instead I am seeking blue bubbles with a thrill in my core
Pen slack in hand, sheets threatened,
The delicate flower of inspiration choking on the weeds of modernity

And still I will you to end this waiting
Wishing to reach you as Jane did her Edward
To shake you from sleep with my thoughts
DM me, *******
The first poem written for my lover, at the advent of DMs on Bluesky. Did he finally DM me? Oh, yes...
113 · Aug 27
10. Seen
Lyla Aug 27
I know your secret heart
the one that flutters
in fear and longing
weak from hiding
in the dark

Yearning for escape
but afraid of the space
it demands
That no other
can coexist with its


Love that part of yourself
allow it to Become
it calls to me
and I answer
let it greet me
108 · Aug 24
Well of Creativity
Lyla Aug 24
Pump primed
A squeal of metal as rust crumbles
Groaning and gurgling with effort
The flow forced from hiding
By my energy

a trickle,
a sputter,
a gush

Warm, murky with sediment
No clear and cool refreshment, this
I will continue the motions
Wetting the ground with my efforts
Until the output is fit to consume
105 · Aug 22
Lyla Aug 22
When you said to me
“Fireflies in my bedroom”
You meant “Stay with me”
The wall cracked at two am
Though it has not crumbled yet
The wall is still there, but its mortar loosens every day...
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