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5h · 74
Ashes and Flames
In my heart, the tears do call,
Each drop that falls, the heavens' thrall.
A whisper soft, a silent cry,
As if the soul would dare to fly.

In my gaze, the storm is stirred,
A spark of truth, a flash, a word.
It bends the soul, ignites the night,
And leads it through the realm of light.

In shadows deep, their secrets weave,
The night, a veil that dawns deceive.
Yet truth remains, though veiled, unseen,
In every hue, in what has been.

It’s not in notes that rise and fall,
But in the silence, beyond them all.
Where stillness breathes, the soul takes seat,
In beats unspoken, soft, complete.

In twilight’s glow, desires fade,
A fleeting flame, now softly laid.
Yet in its ashes, pure and true,
The soul's own fire is born anew
Ashes and Flames 26/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
In every sacred corner of thy hall,
The Cup-bearer waits, to heed thy call.
For in the chalice of eternal grace,
The thirst of souls finds its resting place.

A single drop within these yearning eyes,
Carries the truth that never fades or dies.
Within thy glance, both gentle and wise,
I see the realms where spirit and form rise.

The sacred cup, which bids the soul to soar,
Holds wisdom deep, from life's eternal core.
Thy glance, like dawn, dispels the night’s dark veil,
And calls the heart to its destined trail.

O’ Cup-bearer, whose touch awakens the mind,
In every sip, the universe we find.
The world, in drunken dreams, takes fleeting flight,
Yet all it seeks is the hidden light.

For in thy gaze, the soul's true purpose gleams,
Beyond the shadowed world of fleeting dreams.
O’ seeker, drink, and let thy heart expand,
For in this cup lies the eternal land.
The Elixir of Eternity 26/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
What was the rose before it crowned its form?
It was the shadow of a dream unborn,
A promise carried on the wings of time,
A silent prayer, untold, sublime,
A secret held in depths where silence roams,
A whisper carried to the soul’s far home.

Then came the touch of Light, the gift of hue,
The perfume of longing, the blush of truth—
And the rose, once a mere thought of grace,
Became the soul’s own face.
The Rose’s Secret 22/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
6d · 135
A Soul’s Plea
My eyes seek Thee in restless despair,  
Through tempests wild, through hollow air.
O’ guiding flame in twilight deep,
Awake my soul, from sorrow’s sleep.

Show me Thy glimpse, if only a stare,
A spark of hope, a breath of prayer.
O’ Keeper of life, my heart’s lone plea,
Shine forth Thy grace, come set me free.

Thou art the faith I cherish and adore,
The silent hush, the thunder’s roar.
Dwell in my heart, take root in my soul,
Mend these fragments, make me whole.

Through shadowed vales and boundless night,
Thy whisper calls, a song of light.
No tear may fall, nor spirit break,
Where love endures and dawn doth wake.

Thy presence is all my soul doth crave,
To walk with Thee, steadfast and brave.
Come to my solitude—my heart to save,
Lift me from darkness, my soul to pave
A Soul’s Plea 20/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussaint
7d · 182
A Fire Unquenched
Within my soul, a flame celestial glows,  
A spark unyielding, born where longing flows.  
Desires, like fleeting shadows, rise and wane,  
Yet one remains—eternal, pure, unstained.  

O’ soul! To claim thine own, to stand sublime,  
Unbound by fate, untouched by dust or time.  
To merge as rivers seek the boundless sea,  
To find in love the truth that sets us free.  

This is the call that stirs my restless breast,  
A thirst unslaked, a fire yet unblessed.  
O’ Lord of Light, unchain this heart of mine,  
That I in union’s rapture may divine!
A Fire Unquenched 19/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussaint
The veil is ascending from the vast expanse of eternity,
A veil once thick, now parting with quiet might.

Whispers of truths from the eternal Tablet,
Revealing the sacred knowledge, where all journeys began.

In the silence of stars, where the heart learns to soar,
The Light of the One guides from shore to shore.

From the depths of the unseen, where mercy does flow,
The secrets of the Lord in gentle winds blow.

Beyond the horizons, where the soul is reborn,
The call of the muezzin, to the soul’s adorn.

The veil of illusion, once dark, now refrains,
Revealing the path where the faithful remain.

O’ soul, awaken, to the whisper of prayer,
For the realm of the Divine is waiting there.

The curtain is rising, revealing His grace,
In the infinite’s presence, we find our place.
The Curtain of Illusion 17/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 16 · 36
The Covenant of Light
In the garden of eternity, before time’s bloom,
We stood as whispers, in the Maker’s room.
The world unformed, yet the truth aglow—
Our souls, like stars, in His presence bow.

"Am I not your Lord?"—a question profound,
Echoed through the silence, a cosmic sound.
From the depths of being, we rose to declare,
"Yes, O’ Lord, we know, Your light is everywhere!"

Not of flesh, nor bone, were we then made,
Yet in His presence, our spirits laid—
A pact eternal, in that sacred space,
Our hearts forever bound to His grace.

The veils of matter had not yet fallen,
No night, no dawn, no stars yet callin’,
Yet in that moment, pure and bright,
We knew the truth, beyond all sight.

O’son of Adam, heed this call:
In the dust of time, we forget it all.
But deep within, the seed remains—
The covenant that never wanes.

The world will tempt, and hearts may stray,
But remember, O’ seeker, that ancient day—
When Alast’s light shone through the soul,
And we, in awe, were made whole.

The soul that forgets is lost in the mire,
But the heart that remembers burns with fire.
The covenant still calls, in silence profound—
In the rhythm of life, it echoes its sound.

Rise, O’ seeker, from your sleep,
Awake to the truth, from the heavens deep.
In the silence of Alast, find your call—
For He, your Lord, is the Source of all.
The Covenant of Light 16/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 15 · 46
Veil of Time
If Thou dost reveal Thyself unto me,
What shall become of this soul, so wild, so free?
Shall it vanish like the mist before the dawn,
Or rise, reborn, to Thee—forever drawn?

Shall it burn in the light of Thy sacred flame,
And dissolve into Thee, free of worldly name?
Or shall it be lost in the shadow of its own will,
Bound to the earth, though Thy call be still?

In the unveiling of Thy infinite might,
Shall my heart be unraveled, or find its light?
Shall I, in Thy grace, be made whole again,
Or will I, a wanderer, return to the dust and pain?

O' Divine, in Thy presence so pure and vast,
Shall I transcend, or remain, tethered fast?
For the soul that seeks Thee is torn between
The self it was, and the self unseen.

In the echoes of the call of the Beloved,
Shall I soar, or shall I fall, unapproved?
If Thou dost reveal Thy truth to my heart,
Shall I be remade, or torn apart?

For in Thy wisdom, O' Eternal One,
The path is lit, but the end is undone.
Shall I know Thy light, or in shadows remain—
To merge with Thee, or live in vain?
Veil of Time  15/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Shall the sun’s warm kiss unveil thee so divine,
Or shall shadows rise where softest light may shine?
Will dawn's embrace reveal thy hidden grace,
Or cloak thee further in a veiled, mysterious place?

For if that veil slips, what shall remain of me?
A soul undone, adrift upon a boundless sea.
Shall I, in trembling, witness thee unfold,
Thy secret beauty, yet to be untold?

Shall I fall into the chasm of thy unspoken gaze,
Where light and dark entwine in an eternal maze?
Each layer stripped away, each truth laid bare,
Revealing thy essence, yet drowning me in despair.

For in that single moment, all shall be lost or gained,
A heart laid bare, where joy and sorrow are chained.
O' fate, dost thou mock me with such trembling fear,
To cast me upon this precipice, so near?

Shall I, in thine eyes, find both love and despair,
A fleeting breath, yet heavy beyond compare?
If thou shouldst unveil thy soul to me,
What of my own—shall I remain or cease to be?
The Chasm of Unspoken Gaze 15/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
A whisper, a call from the divine place unknown,
It stirs the heart, as though by winds it’s blown,
A summons soft, yet piercing in its might,
To rouse the soul and guide it to the light.

"Rise, O’ humanity, from the dust of earth's domain,
You are but sparks, yet flames that break the chain,
Created to soar, to reach a station high,
Where time is naught, and space shall bid you fly."

The silent air bears witness to this creed,
A voice divine, a truth the soul does need,
Your being, formed of earth and stars combined,
Is called to seek the realms of the divine.

Let not the worldly chains your spirits bind,
For you are born with treasures yet unlined,
The heavens invite, and the path is clear,
To rise, O’ humanity, and leave behind your fear.

The call is soft, yet clearer than the day,
It bids you journey, to the heights away,
For you have wings within your hearts to fly,
And in your souls, eternity does lie.

Rise, O’ humanity, your purpose calls you nigh,
To reach the station where the angels sigh,
The whisper stirs, it calls you ever true,
For you are made of light, and born anew.
Soaring Beyond the Stars 15/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 14 · 45
The Flame of Faith
O' Lord, whose grace transcends the fleeting hours,
Endow our souls with longings pure as flowers,
That in the heart’s most secret, sacred core,
A flame may kindle, burning evermore.

Let every breeze that sweeps the desert’s plain
Whisper the wisdom of Thy boundless reign,
And every star that graces Heaven's dome
Shine bright with hope, to guide the wanderer home.

O' grant the blind the vision, true and clear,
To see Thy beauty, casting off their fear.
Let hearts once lost in sorrow find their way,
And souls confined in darkness greet the day.

From barren lands, lead forth the scattered dove,
And fill the yearning with Thy boundless love.
Raise those who falter from the dust and stone,
And grant them strength to walk, though once alone.

In trials fierce, be Thou the guiding light,
Through shadows deep, O' Lord, be our delight.
Let every pain transform into Thy grace,
And every sorrow find its resting place.

Endow the meek with courage, firm and true,
And those who seek Thee find their journey new.
In service selfless, in faith ever bold,
Let Thy mercy be a treasure manifold.

O' Lord, in Thee our hopes, our hearts, abide,
And through Thy hand, let all our dreams be tied.
In love's embrace, let us in peace reside,
With faith unshaken, and no need to hide.
The Flame of Faith 14/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 12 · 106
The Core of Love
The heavens tremble, in love’s gentle glow,
As the heart’s forgotten space begins to grow.

No words are needed, nor brush to impart,
For love lives in the deepest part of the heart.

So drink of its essence, let it rise and soar,
In every breath, in every pore.

For when love is known, the soul finds its rest,
In its tender hold, we are truly blest.
The Core of Love 12/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 12 · 99
Rising from Dust
Listen—hear the whispers of the moon, bold and clear,
A voice from the depths of stillness, calling you near.
From the quiet twilight, where time holds its breath,
I rise, my soul ignited, shedding the veil of death.
From dust I rise, my spirit set ablaze with yearning,
To soar in realms where love’s eternal flame is burning.
In the depths of Being, where time and space are no more,
I seek the essence of forever, an unending shore.

I cast aside the chains of fleeting, worldly dream,
The false illusions that shimmer but vanish like a stream.
No longer do I hunger for crowns or hollow fame,
For I have found a fire that burns beyond all name.

Let not the chaos of the world distract your heart,
For it is but a fleeting storm that tears all things apart.
In the silence of the soul, where the self fades away,
I hear the voice of wisdom, calling me to stay.
Not in the pursuit of glory, nor the world’s fleeting grace,
But in the surrender of ego, I find my sacred place.

The path is not for the eyes, nor for the feet to tread,
But for the heart to listen, where no map is spread.
I rise, the tree of the vineyard; my ghazal is my fruit,
From my fruit, create the wine of the crimson root.

I carve no roads upon the earth, no trace for man to find,
But in the depths of my being, I leave the world behind.
Here, in the stillness, where all illusions cease,
I merge with the Infinite, and rest in boundless peace.
Rising from Dust 12/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 12 · 241
The Dance of Fate
In love's vast realm, thy heart must carve its place,
For in the currents of time, none find solace in disgrace.

From ashes born, the soul must seek its course,
In a world where fleeting joy is quenched by sorrow’s force.

Let not despair take root within thy soul,
For love’s own fire shall purify and make thee whole.

Rise from the dust, yet not in vain pursuit—
In this age, let wisdom be thy resolute.

For life is not in dreams or idle prayer,
But in the courage found amidst the weight we bear.

The wheel of fortune spins, but not by chance,
In modern days, thy deeds alone give life’s advance.
The Dance of Fate 12/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 7 · 87
Thy Love, My Light
I ache for the boundless profundity of Thy love,
In Thee alone, I seek the very essence and reward of existence itself.
Beyond the fleeting shadows of earthly desire, Thy love stands as an eternal light—
The wellspring from which all life flows, and to which all souls take flight.

In the radiance of Thy will, O’ Beloved, I place my undying trust,
In every breath I take, my soul yearns for naught but Thy grace and Thy sovereign must.
For in the gentle unfolding of Thy divine will, I find the courage to surrender,
And in that surrender, the peace that surpasses all understanding, so tender.

Wherever I may sojourn, it is within Thy sacred longing I reside,
I am but a fragile echo, lost in the eternal prayer of Thy holy tide.
My footsteps trace the patterns of Thy love across the sands of time,
And though the world may crumble and fade, Thy presence remains sublime.

In the fervour of my yearning for Thee, O’ Master of hearts,
I seek not the transient world, but only the boundless embrace that imparts.
For Thy mercy, O’ Divine Source, is a river without end,
And in its waters, I seek to drown, that I might emerge anew—whole, healed, and forever Yours.
Thy Love, My Light 07/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 7 · 127
The Divine Pulse
The atoms bow, the particles dance,  
As thou, the source, dost guide them into trance.  
For in thy love, all things both rise and fall,  
Thou art the unity that binds us all.  

In thee, the laws of nature bend and break,  
For thou art both the many and the great.  
Each quark, each wave, a pulse of thy divine,  
Eternal, boundless, through the cosmic line.  

Thy will, the force that spins the heavens wide,  
The silent song that calls the soul to glide.  
In thee, the vast and infinite converge,  
And all that is, and ever was, doth merge.
The Divine Pulse 07/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
The world is but a broken dream, a fleeting, empty jest,
I wander through its hollow halls, in search of sacred rest.
What is the meaning of this life, what lies beyond this veil?
Only those who walk the path of truth can hear the sacred tale.

O' friend, my companion in the realm unseen,
Where love is fire and faith is green,
Lead me through the sacred dark, where secrets hide and breathe,
Through realms of silence, deep and stark, where the heart can truly seethe.

In the garden of the eternal soul, where silence reigns supreme,
I cast aside the shadows and seek the eternal dream.
Beyond the veils of earthly grief, beyond the hands of fate,
There lies the endless, shining light that calls, that waits.

O' soul, who walks beyond the stars, beyond the dust of man,
Guide me through this fleeting world, with your infinite plan.
For in the depths of mystery, where nothing is what it seems,
We shall find the holy path—where truth is sown in dreams.
The Soul’s Unspoken Journey 02/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 2 · 385
In the Arms of Peace
Drown all drunk in peace so deep,
Where silence sings and angels sleep.
Let joy's wild fire gently fade,
And calm, like rivers, softly invade.

Let the stars fall, not in haste,
But bathed in peace, a sacred taste.
O' Cup Bearer come, with gentle hand,
To still the soul, and make it stand.

The moon shall dim its glowing light,
And rest in peace through endless night.
Make the mountains bow with grace,
Their peaks a reflection of Heaven’s face.

Let winds, once fierce, now whisper clear,
A song of peace for all to hear.
Drown the oceans, once wild and loud,
In waves of stillness, soft and proud.

Let the tides of chaos cease to rise,
And peace descend from distant skies.
Let hearts, once wild, now find their rest,
In the quiet calm that fills the chest.

O' Cup Bearer pour, with tender care,
A liquid peace beyond compare.
Let souls, intoxicated by bliss,
Find their peace in the endless abyss.

Drown the creation in tranquil sound,
Where silence reigns, and love is found.
In the depths of peace, let all be free,
Drunk on calm, in eternity.

Drown all drunk in peace so pure,
A solace deep, forever sure.
In stillness, let the world be swept,
A moment of peace where none is kept.
In the Arms of Peace 02/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Beyond the stars, beyond the sky,
Where galaxies in silence lie,
Beyond the Solar System's glow,
Where endless constellations flow.

A Light transcends the cosmic sea,
A flame from realms of mystery.
In niche so deep, unseen, untold,
A lamp does glow with light of gold.

Encased within a glass so pure,
Its brilliance ever to endure.
A star, a pearly, trembling gleam,
A light that whispers, dreams that beam.

Not born of east nor west's embrace,
Yet shines within a boundless space.
Beyond the galaxies that spin,
Beyond the Universe’s skin.

Beyond all creation, time and place,
A light that fills the endless space.
The source of all that ever was,
A truth beyond all earthly laws.

From olive tree, so blessed and bright,
The oil ignites the endless night.
Untouched by flame, it flickers true,
A glowing fire, yet always new.

Light upon light, a sacred dance,
In endless glow, no time, no chance,
For in His light, the worlds align,
Eternal, vast, divine, divine.

A truth beyond all mortal reach,
A radiance bright, no words can teach,
His light, His love, beyond the skies,
Is where the soul in union flies.

Beyond the bounds of time and space,
Beyond all realms, beyond all grace,
A flame eternal, burning bright,
A luminous force that guides the night.

God's light is in Surah An-Nur (24:35):
"Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp inside of glass, the glass as if it were a pearly white star, lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is All-Knowing of everything." (24:35)
Beyond All Realms, His Light Shines 02/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 2 · 226
Veil of Eternal Love
The veil is now lifted, the truth shining bright,  
In the heart’s quiet ache, thou art my light.  

O' journey of love, both sorrow and grace,  
In seeking thy face, I find my true place.  

Through shadows I wander, through darkness I roam,  
Yet thy love is my compass, my heart is thy home.  

A flame doth arise, both gentle and fierce,  
In the depth of my soul, thy touch doth pierce.  

Each whisper of wind, each star in the sky,  
Speaks of thy presence, so near, yet so high.  

The river of time flows steady and wide,  
Yet thy love is eternal, my constant guide.  

O' eternal affection, both tender and bold,  
In thy sweet embrace, I am young, I am old.  

In every breath, in each soft sigh,  
Thy love is my anchor, my wings to fly.  

The veil is now gone, thy truth I behold,  
In thee, O' my love, all mysteries unfold.
Veil of Eternal Love 02/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 2 · 186
The Call of the Eagle
In the hush of time, where shadows do align,  
Thy words resound, like a sacred sign.  

An eagle I stand, though wings yet unformed,  
In the winds of trial, my spirit is warmed.  

The acid of hardship, with fury doth bite,  
Yet in its cruel grasp, I find my might.  

My scars, like jewels, shall crown me with pride,  
For each one whispers of the battles I've defied.  

Behind veils of hatred, where cold winds do sweep,  
I forge a new tongue that the world cannot keep.  

A language of truth, where love's purest art,  
Speaks the deepest secrets of the undying heart.  

Though fate may seem barren, its hand cruel and still,  
I bend it to my will, and my soul shall fulfil.  

For destiny’s course is not set in the stone—  
I carve my own path, and I stand alone.  

O' voice of righteousness, whose fire doth burn,  
In thy light, I rise, in thy wisdom, I turn.  

I gaze in the mirror, and see with clear sight,  
A place of my making, where courage takes flight.
The Call of the Eagle 02/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
O’ Supreme One, Whose grandeur fills the skies,  
In the infinite radiance of Thy light, my spirit flies.  

From Thy boundless Ocean, I was born a spark,  
A fleeting breath cast in the vast, eternal dark.  

Fill me, O’ Beloved, with the purity of Thy grace,  
That my heart may reflect the brightness of Thy face.  

Let the essence of Thy love flood my soul’s deep well,  
And in Thy presence, all earthly trials quell.  

Thou, the eternal Flame, within me ignite,  
Transform my being with Thy sacred light.  

This world, but a shadow, a fleeting mirage,  
In Thy radiance, I find my soul’s true charge.  

Thou, the Beloved, the longing of my heart,  
In Thy embrace, I am whole, I depart.  

I, a wanderer of dust, have lost my way,  
Remake me, O’ Master, and guide my stray.  

Let me bow before Thy throne, pure and true,  
And in Thy grace, my soul is made new.  

Bless me with the dawn of a holy light,  
That I may walk in Thy truth, day and night.  

Guide me, for I am lost in the endless sea,  
Yet in Thy glow, I am found, I am free.  

O’ Radiant One, through Thy endless beam,  
Let me rise anew and live in Thy dream.
The Return to the Source 02/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 2 · 186
Awakened by Light
In the dust of the heart, where whispers lie,  
Thy love burns eternal, beneath the sky.  

A lantern in the night, so softly bright,  
Guides the soul to truth, through endless night.  

Its flame unyielding, amidst shadow's sway,  
It calls the lost, to find their sacred way.  

In silent glow, the spirit comes to know,  
The name it seeks, in love's eternal flow.  

Through realms unknown, its light forever leads,  
A flame that burns where darkness softly bleeds.  

The heart awakened, by the flame’s pure light,  
Finds union with the infinite in sight.
Awakened by Light 01/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 2 · 144
Lantern of the Soul
In the dust of the heart,
thy love burns like an eternal flame,

A lantern in the night,
that calls the soul to know its name.
Lantern of the Soul 01/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 2 · 111
The Spirit's Flame
In sorrow's depth, the spirit soars above,  
Not in the flesh's decay, but in the heart's love.  

In silence between breaths, the secrets lie,  
The universe hums, as fleeting moments fly.  

The ancient current through your veins does course,  
A song of the eternal, a hidden force.  

Though borrowed, your heart beats with divine might,  
A melody with stars, in the eternal night.  

Cast off the shadows that the world may cast,  
In the depth of your being, only truth you’ll grasp.  

You are the seeker and the sought in one,  
The flame and the wind, beneath the same sun.
The Spirit's Flame  02/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Mar 1 · 210
The Crown of the Self
The morning breeze, a whisper soft yet grand,  
Carries secrets from a distant, unseen land.  
It speaks of truths that shimmer, deep and bright,  
That you are born from stars, an endless light.  

In the silence of your soul, the cosmos swirls,  
Unveiling all the power that within you curls.  
You are not mere flesh, but spirit's boundless flight,  
A mystic force that dances through the night.  

The world may tremble, yet you stand unbowed,  
For in your heart, you wear the sky as your shroud.  
Recognise your essence, feel its endless grace,  
For in your soul, the universe finds its place.
The Crown of the Self 28/02/2025© All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 26 · 280
Threads of Destiny
O' destiny, weave thy threads so fine,  
That love’s great tide may in our hearts combine.  
For when that moment's grace shall surely be,  
Thy heart, thy soul, will forever belong to me.
Threads of Destiny 26/02/2025© All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 26 · 166
Drowned in Love
To drown in the sea of thy love, I desire,  
Where sacred waves rise, ablaze with fire.  
In the fathomless depths, beyond mortal sight,  
I yearn to be consumed by thy celestial light.  

Let the waters pull me, let the currents claim,  
As I dissolve in the essence of thy name.  
No fear, no cry, only silent devotion,  
Submerged in the vastness of thy divine ocean.  

Each breath a prayer, each pulse a star,  
I am drawn to thee, no matter how far.  
In the boundless expanse, I lose my way,  
For in thy embrace, I am reborn to stay.  

Beneath thy waves, my spirit takes flight,  
I drown in thy love, in eternal night.  
A fire that soars through heaven’s gate,  
To be one with thee is my destined fate.
Drowned in Love 26/02/2025© All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 23 · 216
I am the moth, and you are the flame,
Draw me near, call me by name.
In your love’s fire, I burn and rise,
A prisoner, yet I touch the skies
Flamebound 23/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 23 · 196
The Ocean of Love
A vast ocean you are, infinite thirst I am,  
Wine of the soul you are, and in your cup, forever lost I am.
The Ocean of Love 23/02/2025© All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 23 · 328
Within my breast, it calls, it sings,
Your love I desire, the joy it brings.
A hunger vast, a sacred fire,
Within my breast, your love I desire.
Unquenchable 23/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 22 · 234
Love’s Sacred Law
For love, eternal as the fates declare,
Shall find its path, as sure as rivers run,
And in the shadow of thy beauty rare,
We learn that life and love are but as one.
Love’s Sacred Law 22/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 22 · 181
The Breath of Love
O’ sacred dew, whose essence veils the skies,
Within thee, worlds unseen in silence rise.
A single drop, and vast oceans unfold,
Thou art the charm that draws all hearts, untold.

O’ divine glance, where stars are born and die,
Thy gaze, a flame that paints the endless sky.
In thy reflection, blooms the garden’s grace,
Where spring’s pure whispers echo Heaven’s face.

O’ boundless generosity, thou art,
The fragrance of the soul, the breath of heart.
Thy love, a river flowing through the spheres,
A perfect sign, untouched by mortal fears.

O’ wondrous grace, thy gaze, my soul does crave,
A shadow in thy flame, a soul to save.
A cup, unfilled, yet waiting for thy trance,
In thy eternal light, I lose my stance.

A humble soul, enwreathed in Jamil's name,
I stand before thee, lost in love’s pure flame.
The Breath of Love 22/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 21 · 349
The Call of Your Lips
Thy lips, they call to the wilds unknown,  
A blend of virtue and desire sown.  
In sweetness deep, I wander, lost, astray,  
Thy lips, my love, are the haven where I stay.
The Call of Your Lips 21/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 21 · 158
Wings of Ecstasy
In this realm, joy ascends on high,
Like the falcon’s wings that pierce the sky,
Rivers of light, in torrents flow,
Through the heart's chambers, where secrets grow.

As wine, its essence floods the soul,
Awakening powers that make us whole,
A fire unchained, wild and free,
Where thoughts are woven in destiny.

Desires take flight like the nightingales' song,
Whispers of kings from eras long gone,
The world unfolds in its splendour, vast,
A dance of colours, unsurpassed.

In this blaze, I am reborn anew,
A child of the stars, the heavens' dew,
With each heartbeat, the universe spins,
Under the gaze of the eternal sun that wins.

Joy surges forth, like the ocean’s roar,
Imagination endless, forevermore,
As wine, it fills the veins of man,
I am the flame, the eternal plan.
Wings of Ecstasy 21/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
In the quiet of a moonlit night, Jamil stands still, surrounded by the whispers of his own heart. Each eye—each voice within him—begins to speak, each sharing its own perspective on love. They reveal the depths of their thoughts, all of them united in one truth: that love, in its countless forms, is the most profound and intricate experience one can know. And so, Jamil listens, his heart wide open, as the eyes of his soul speak to him in rhymes and rhythms, each offering their own vision of love.

Starry Eyes:
“Love is the light that whispers on high,
A glimmer that dances in the midnight sky.
Infinite, silent, it guides with grace,
A celestial touch in time and space.”

Caring Eyes:
“Love is the warmth in a tender embrace,
A healing touch, a soft, kind face.
It’s the quiet that soothes, the gentle hand,
A steady heart that helps you stand.”

Practical Eyes:
“Love is built on time’s steady beat,
A promise kept, a vow complete.
It’s not in fleeting passion’s fire,
But in quiet work and hearts that aspire.”

Jealous Eyes:
“Love is a treasure, delicate and rare,
To guard it close with tender care.
A flame that flickers, a spark to keep,
Guard it well, lest it fall too deep.”

Fierce Eyes:
“Love is a storm that cannot be tamed,
A fire that burns, an unquenchable flame.
It sears the soul, it takes no pause,
Love is the wildest of untamed laws.”

Shy Eyes:
“Love is a whisper, soft and shy,
A glance, a smile, a secret sigh.
It blooms in silence, like a flower in the dark,
Hidden, yet bright, with a silent spark.”

Broken Eyes:
“Love can break, but still it mends,
A crack in the heart that time defends.
From the ruins, it rises anew,
Love’s strength is born from pain we knew.”

Open Eyes:
“Love is endless, wild and free,
A dance of joy, a storm at sea.
It is both light and dark combined,
A journey, unbound, for hearts to find.”

Lustful Eyes:
“Love is the heat, the touch, the fire,
A blaze that burns with fierce desire.
It flares up sudden, wild and free,
A breathless chase, a symphony.”

Gorgeous Eyes:
“Love is beauty, a divine creation,
A canvas of light, a sweet temptation.
It’s the art that makes the soul take flight,
A vision that dazzles, pure and bright.”

“Now I see, love’s many hues,
A fire, a whisper, a moment that renews.
It is fierce and soft, in every part,
A dance of soul, a work of art.”
The Eyes Speak: A Rhythmic Tale of Love 17/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
One day we shall meet by the river’s quiet sweep,  
Where blooms, like secrets, in the garden sleep.  

On the right, the florist, her hands so soft with care,  
Tending to fragile lives that grace the air.  

To the left, the trees, so patient, dark, and wide,  
Their roots in silence, where the shadows hide.  

Their limbs, like whispers, reach toward the sky,  
As though they, too, have learned the art of sigh.  

Above us, the moon, pale, her glow so still,  
A quiet sentinel against the night’s cold chill.  

She watches, steady, as our hearts unfold,  
In the twilight hour where time turns gold.  

We shall meet when time, like rivers, winds,  
And silence speaks the language that the heart intends.  

Not in a rush, but in a soft, sweet flow,  
Where blooms, and trees, and stars bestow.  

The river hums a tune so deep,  
The flowers bow, the trees do keep.  

Their silent watch as we draw near,  
A meeting born of calm, sincere.
Where Shadows and Flowers Meet 17/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 15 · 293
Unfolding Secrets
So let imagination fuel your soul,  
With visions of love that make you whole.  
But trust in the dreams that softly unfold,  
For there, true love’s secrets are told.
Unfolding Secrets 15/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 14 · 385
Drunken Words of Beauty
To the mind, the heart, the soul of this man,
Whose thoughts in verse like rivers ran,
In wine of words, you are entwined,
A muse that lifts the weary mind.

Imagine, then, your regal grace,
Noble, tender, in every trace,
A beauty rare, both bright and pure,
Enchanting, splendid, and so demure.

Divine you are, beyond compare,
A vision formed from heaven’s air.
Your elegance, a perfect art—
You are the beat that stirs my heart.
Drunken Words of Beauty 14/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 14 · 394
In the Wake of Her Love
O' heart, you've made my soul both restless and weak,
Yet I cherish this sweet ache and her generosity, unique.

For me, this world of existence is now pure bliss,
Her gentle, beautiful words—these are what I miss.

Those enchanting eyes have seized my very soul,
Her stunning gaze has left me beyond control.

O' heart, may her love’s fragrance endure forevermore,
Guide me onward through this wondrous, yearning tour.

Perhaps these are but fleeting dreams of my affection,
Yet they taste like nectar, divine in its perfection.

O' heart, may her sweetness of love within me stay,
This unique suffering shall never fade away.

Like a hidden malady, endless and unkind,
May this linger, until my soul ascends, refined.

Her final moments have set my heart’s fire ablaze,
Afflictions endure, for this is the torment I crave.
In the Wake of Her Love 14/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 14 · 217
The Sacred Search
O’ Thou, if You unveil Yourself before thee,
What a merciful moment, a fleeting eternity,
In that moment, all that is,
Would dissolve into the oneness of bliss.

Oceans would rise,
Not as waves, but as divine sighs,
Dancing in Your intoxication,
Lost in the ecstasy of creation.

Every heart would pour,
Like a sea with no shore,
For in Your presence, the self dissolves,
And only love in pure form evolves.

Thy gaze, O’ how mystic it would be,
An eye that sees both You and me,
Beyond form and time’s illusion,
A timeless truth, in perfect fusion.

In Your glance, the secret unfurls,
The infinite wisdom of hidden pearls,
O’ Thou, if You unveil Yourself,
The universe would be but Your mirror,
Reflecting the beauty of your pure self.

In the whisper of Your being, we hear,
The silence where all wisdom is clear,
Where the seeker and the sought become one,
And the heart beats to the rhythm of the sun.

O’ Thou, in Your unveiling, there is no fear,
Only the absence of the ‘I’ drawn near,
And in that sacred space we find,
The truth that has always lived within our mind.

For You are the lover, the Beloved, the flame,
We are but sparks, seeking the same,
And in Your unveiling, we see the divine,
As the soul’s journey merges with the sublime.
The Sacred Search 14/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 14 · 174
The Language of Love
As the sun sets in colours divine,
I’m bathed in your love, eternally mine.
A fragrance, a beauty, a blissful refrain,
In your love, I bloom again and again.
The Language of Love 14/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 13 · 228
Flame of Infinite Love
Let thy love be the fire that consumes my core,
A flame so sacred, I thirst for more.
Shape me, form me in thy perfect grace,
Until only You remain, in my heart, in this space.

O' Divine, may thy light within me burn,
Until to thy love, I always return.
Melt my will, my mind, my being,
In thy presence, all else is fleeting.

Grant me wisdom, pure and divine,
To see with heaven's eye, and through love, align.
Let my soul be guided by thy sacred way,
And in thy light, may I forever stay.
Flame of Infinite Love 13/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 13 · 386
The Eyes That Speak
They hold the truth without a word,
A melody deep, yet never heard.

In their depth, my heart finds rest,
For in those eyes, I see love’s quest.
The Eyes That Speak 13/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Her eyes, a tale of stars that gleam,  
Whispering softly through a dream.  

Adorable gestures, like the breeze,  
A dance that puts the heart at ease.  

Her smile, a glow of radiant light,  
Turning dark to pure delight.  

Dazzling beauty, like the dawn,  
A visage fair as morning’s yawn.  

Her words, so sweet, like music flow,  
In every syllable, love doth grow.  

A melody, soft with tender grace,  
That lingers sweet in time and space.  

Her pose, so fair, a sight divine,  
A sculpted form, in perfect line.  

The world doth bow to her sweet sway,  
A dream made real in bright display.  

Her presence warm as summer’s sun,  
A force that bids all hearts to run.  

Like flame that burns, yet leaves no trace,  
She fills the air with gentle grace.  

In her gaze, a universe untold,  
A beauty bright, both pure and bold.  

Each movement soft as whispered prayer,  
A perfect form beyond compare.  

In her light, all shadows cease,  
She is the muse, the soul's release.  

Her elegance, both fierce and kind,  
A rarest treasure the world doth find.  

Her love, so pure, divine and rare,  
A heaven’s touch beyond compare.  

A tender force that heals and mends,  
A love eternal, that never ends.  

In her embrace, the world feels right,  
A love that sparkles soft as night.  

Heaven’s grace in every glance,  
A love that calls the heart to dance.
Her Love, a Heavenly Flame 13/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 12 · 605
The Philosophy of Petals
When the rose, at dawn, unsealed its perfumed lips,  
A discourse, rich as velvet, from its petals slips.  
Each delicate bloom, kissed by the nascent sun,  
Revelled in beauty, where all things are undone.  

The breeze, a suitor with languid grace,  
Whispered, “Are you not perfection, clothed in this space?”  
But the rose, with a glance that was both proud and wise,  
Answered, “Perfection is naught but a lie in disguise."

The sun, all fire, with its golden sword,  
Declared, “In beauty alone, we must be adored.”  
But the rose, poised and regal in its bloom,  
Retorted, “It is in imperfection that we find room.”  

The dew, with a sparkle, like pearls on the sea,  
Asked, “Why, dear rose, this rapture in plea?”  
The rose, with a flourish and languorous sigh,  
Answered, “To live is to seek; to seek is to fly.”  

For power is born in the struggle to live,  
In beauty that dies, but has much to give.  
Excitement is born in existence’s call—  
In truth, we rise, and in truth, we fall.  

The rose knows, as all great souls must,  
That we are but moments—fleeting, yet just.  
And in every petal, with its silken grace,  
We glimpse the eternal in a mortal’s face.
The Philosophy of Petals 12/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 12 · 287
The Essence Trialogue
In the realm where whispers doth dance and time standeth still,  
Three voices rise, with purpose sharp and will.  
Perfume, Scent, and Fragrance, in a sacred throng,  
Declare their truths, each claiming right and song.

Perfume spake, with elegance refined,  

“I am the soul of artistry, confined  
To bottle's clasp, a crafted dream,  
A potion made to linger, to gleam.  
I bear the weight of ancient lore,  
A muse of kings, of lovers, and more.  
I am not mere essence, drifting free—  
I am the art of memory."

Scent, a fleeting shadow, whispered low,  

"Thou boastest of power, of permanence, I know,  
But I am life—breathe in, and then I fade,  
In wind, in rain, in every glade.  
Not bound to glass nor vials that bind,  
I slip through cracks, a breath unlined.  
I linger soft on fleeting air,  
A reminder of the earth, everywhere."

Fragrance, in silence, sought to intervene,  

“Is it not I who weave both worlds unseen?  
I am the union of the pure and the real,  
The fleeting touch, the lasting feel.  
I grace thy skin, I fill the room—  
A subtle dance, an endless bloom.  
Without me, perfume would not endure,  
Without me, scent would not be pure."

The argument raged, in circles vast,  
Each voice demanding, steadfast, fast.  
But in the end, a truth was found:  
Together, they’re woven, the essence profound.  
For Perfume and Scent, though both distinct,  
Find harmony in Fragrance—linked.  
Each alone, a part of a greater whole,  
Together, they speak to the heart and soul.
The Essence Trialogue 12/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 12 · 197
The Symphony of Love
With ev'ry step, the heavens doth shine,
A symphony of love, both pure and divine.
The scent of grace, as angels' breath,
Doth dance and sing, transcending death.

This love, celestial, within me doth rise,
A holy flame before mine eyes.
It filleth my heart with boundless might,
A blissful joy, a sacred light.

Each breath I take, a prayer so sweet,
A gift from heaven at my feet.
In this pure love, my soul is made whole,
A radiant dawn doth light my soul.
The Symphony of Love 12/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
A song of fairies, soft and bright,
That fills the air with pure delight.
No shadow dares to ask for more,
Love’s magic shines, forevermore.
Love’s Enchanted Horizon 12/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Feb 11 · 292
Love's Immortal Path
In every beat, in every breath,
Love dances boldly, defying death.
A bond so deep, a force so true,
Love’s light forever guides us through.
Love's Immortal Path 11/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
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