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Jun 2018 · 169
empty seas Jun 2018
i feel called
to go

the wind whispers
fantastical tales
about a life
with no attachments
just going

i want to run out in the streets
and call
into the void

take me away

oh, how nice that would be
to be free

so when i say
i have to leave
i mean
the wind will tear me to pieces
if i don't let it sweep me away
Jun 2018 · 298
I will hold on.
empty seas Jun 2018
my legs are crumbling underneath me
but I’m still walking
my hands are shaking
but I‘m still typing
my lung are collapsing
but I’m still breathing

my anxiety might be able to hurt me
but it will not **** me
When I feel hurt, anxious, and like I’m worthless, I have to make myself do things, especially when the cause of my anxiety has to do with another person.
Jun 2018 · 123
empty seas Jun 2018
the water in my body
has seeped into my lungs
each breath is harder than the last

i wonder
when i will drown

anxiety asthma - when my anxiety makes my (usually dormant) asthma worse
Jun 2018 · 166
one week
empty seas Jun 2018
things are piling
on my aching body
forms to fill out
deadlines upon deadlines
making sure I can do what makes me happy
thinking about the future
makes me want to cry
and a birthday party
sounds out of the question right now
it's not like anyone would want to come anyway
I want to scream at myself
for waiting too long
to do anything
I'm so stupid
just a rant
empty seas May 2018
i can no longer
keep me from
falling into this
abyss again

i'm so angry
at everything
and nothing
so i can only
cope in the way
that i know best
turning this
anger inwards
on myself
everything has just been making me super angry
empty seas May 2018
swimming has always felt
like a sweet escape from my thoughts
focusing on the rhythm
of my arms and legs and lungs
working in sync
and all i can hear
is the splashing water

sometimes my anxiety learns how to swim
and i hear the voice in my head
you have things to do
this isn't productive
you piece of garba-
they're swept away by the current
until i have to dry off
but for the time
i have peace
style? consistency? editing? no, no, and nope
May 2018 · 211
empty seas May 2018
isn’t regret
such a funny thing?
the intense desire
to change what you’ve done
that turns into
May 2018 · 236
May 18th, 2018
empty seas May 2018
The morning spring sun
shines through the wide school windows
hitting pale walls and shining desks
discolored red
red that was exploded free
along with bullets and hate
and now
the excitement for the waiting summer
has turned to waiting fear
to be known
as the dead
May 2018 · 326
pity friend
empty seas May 2018
behind my back
isn’t she so annoying?
my naive self
just eager to love
to have good friends
was i just
a pity friend?
someone you felt bad for?
this is what it has always been
no matter who decides
to take me in
i’m always just
a pity friend
the fact that i’ve had so many fake friends makes me wonder what i’ve done wrong
May 2018 · 228
not a panic attack
empty seas May 2018
bile rising in my throat
i’m the ground again
away from people
but the noise won’t stop
won’t stop
god why won’t it stop
my mind is a never ending barrage
of loud, violent thoughts
overwhelming, unstoppable

i hide and hide
laying down to slow my heart
beating, racing
as if trying to escape my thoughts
is this a panic attack?
but i’m not crying
and this feeling has lasted days
so of course not, of course not

my skin doesn’t feel right
like i could peel it right off
my clothes are too tight
i can feel each atom in my body
vibrating so urgently, so violently
nothing is right

other methods fail
they always do, they always do
so i turn to my worst comfort
tearing into flesh on my arms
carefully hidden under shirtsleeves
i can finally breathe

this feeling is all consuming
no end in sight
i hide and pretend
i can’t worry anyone again
it’s been days
but i can wait
help is too much trouble
i’ve already annoyed my girlfriend enough
May 2018 · 244
so wrong
empty seas May 2018
i feel so wrong
body distorted
my teeth are
what is this?
why am i
this way
so wrong
so wrong
i feel so weird
May 2018 · 275
empty seas May 2018
i despise
what I’ve done with
this meat prison i’m trapped in
fat collected everywhere
sides, arms, and legs
like pools of self-hatred
i want to tear and rend
cut the fat off this body
until i don’t look horrible
but i’m too cowardly
to feel real pain
i have tried
to throw the food out
after it was already consumed
but that never worked
i’m even a failure
at destroying my body

i am not soft
i am not cute
i am horrific
body so fat
and so ugly
i hate my body
May 2018 · 282
anxious thoughts
empty seas May 2018
my anxious thoughts are
a flock of birds
focusing on a worry
and swarming it
consuming it
and carrying it with them
but now they are
a storm has come through
sweeping them around
and around
where they are so scattered
they focus no more
and I can’t decide
whether the clear, direct anxiety
or the dull, all-consuming anxiety
is better
but i still hope
the birds soon flock together
I’m scared to admit the storm might be depression
May 2018 · 308
Hello, Poetry?
empty seas May 2018
Hello, Poetry?
have you come to save me?
take me in your sweet, painful grasp
rip open my heart and soul
and let them drip on the dim screen
of my phone at 1 a.m.

thank you for the sweet release
of emotions that gathered
like flocks of birds
inside my head

my anxiety haunts
the 100+ poems i’ve made
but that’s better
than my head instead

i’ve fallen in love
with spilling words
even though sometimes
it hurts
so thank you
Hello, Poetry
This has been such a help to my health
May 2018 · 187
sickness #3
empty seas May 2018
Every morning
every night
everyday i feel like throwing up
my stomach hurts and begs
to be emptied again
but nothing
ever works
not fingers down the throat
not dry heaving for ages
not even drinking salt water
all these things just make it worse
i just want the pain to stop
i’m so done
with hating eating
hating myself
and my ******* anxiety
for making me so sick
Ugh. I just want to be gently hugged, a party doesn’t sound nice, but I don’t want to be a buzzkill
empty seas Apr 2018
hesitating outside doors
deep breaths
in 4, hold 7, out 8
i can’t confront anything
i just hide and wait
not meeting eyes or expectations
holding my breath
for the time when everything
is alone
and quiet
and still

my voice still shakes
i hesitate
when trying to confront my problems
and my harmful actions

sometimes peace only comes
when sitting on my bed in a dark room
when the universe
seems to slow d o w n
a n d  e v e r y t h i n g
a l m o s t  m a k e s  s e n s e

thinking of my future
gives me chills
and i feel
so helpless
and i want to give up
but there’s that part of me
that smiles at a good challenge
the part that can present a presentation
almost perfectly
that part
that’s so small it’s almost invisible
but maybe
it might be growing

always makes me scared
i wait for the problem
to go away by itself
i’d rather self-medicate
then make my parents drive me to the doctors
i think it’d be better for everyone
if i let myself fade away like i want
than confront my problems
this feels like pieces of multiple poems that I’ll maybe make someday
i guess most of these are about confrontation?
who knows anymore
Apr 2018 · 324
empty seas Apr 2018
the weapons i use against myself
are ones that can’t be hidden
or taken away
it’s me
my hands
that i’ve turned against myself
the only things that make me think of pain
are long, sharp fingernails

even now i can’t scratch an itch
without my fingers digging into my skin
for the last two years
the only touches my stomach and sides
have felt
are soft strokes deciding a path
then sharp, sudden stings
so even after stopping for months
touches to my sides and stomach
make me flinch
just some thoughts
Apr 2018 · 280
drastic measures
empty seas Apr 2018
i said i would never do it again
i’m a *****, rotten liar
but drastic times
call for drastic measures
and i refuse to let my pain
be more then the person
that should really be hurting
and although i think i’m justified
the red rash covering my upper arms
says that i’m just a liar
that loves to feel pain

good thing I have a jacket
Apr 2018 · 220
empty seas Apr 2018
There’s always been a bubble
between me and my friends
i can’t tell who put it up
some days it feels thinner
like I can finally be a part
of conversations
of memories
and I feel

too many days it’s
cutting me off from air
and support
and friends
conversations float through
but I know I’m not a part
so I push myself
into the corner
and wrap my bubble around myself
like a blanket
like a hug
suffocating myself in
the most peaceful way possible
sorry, this is all my fault
Apr 2018 · 643
empty seas Apr 2018
I have a dark, slithering thing
it lives in me
curled up in the cavity
just above my stomach
it only awakes
to eat and destroy
feasting on my emotions
and destroying my self-confidence
as my other emotions are slowly dying
to where I cannot feel them anymore
the dark, slithering beast
gives me one emotion
it is the only emotion
I turn jealous and hateful
unable to smile with the beast showing me
how everyone is so much better
it hisses to me:
your best friend is funnier and nicer
your girlfriend more talented and pretty
they will turn away eventually
for you have no good qualities

I can’t bear to hurt anyone
so I turn to isolation
the great, slithering beast turns on me
and from the inside out
tears me to shreds
Everyone I love is so much better than me, and I dread the day they realize I’m nothing compared to them, and finally leave me
Apr 2018 · 288
empty seas Apr 2018
everyone is supposed to have a brand
there’s the mom friend
the emo friend
the funny friend
but what am I?
I’m not quite the bookworm brand
not enough sweaters and shyness
and far too many hours on the internet
I’m not quite the movie nerdy girl
not getting contacts and taming my hair
to start dating the star football player
I’m not rude enough to be the rebel
I’m not nice enough to be the good girl
I’m not outgoing enough to be the leader
I’m not smart enough to be the geek
I’m not something enough to be anything

And if that’s true
my brand is nothing
I’m nothing
Just some thoughts
Apr 2018 · 383
empty seas Apr 2018
my skin is peeled off
muscles dragging on the floor
my organs are exposed
my nerves cut and burned
my broken ribs
scattered on the floor

i've been dissected
eyeball lenses popped out
and my beating heart
is right out
in the open
sometimes anxiety makes me feel so exposed
Apr 2018 · 259
When I leave
empty seas Apr 2018
Too far away to fathom
too close to disregard
paperwork and phone calls
were adventures always this hard?

Not living at home
has always felt like a far-off future
but I’m working so hard to leave so soon
and the days are growing fewer and fewer

I’m scared and happy and apprehensive
that I’m leaving everyone I know behind
even if it is only for a few months
I’m still going to a new place blind

It’s not soon, but it’s so close
and thinking about leaving my friends
makes me want to cry
so when it’s time to go
that won’t be the end
Doing paperwork today has made me think
Apr 2018 · 243
empty seas Apr 2018
i think i've always had an urge
to rip myself to pieces
to value myself less than others
and although it's unhealthy
i don't think i hate it
i let my mind destroy myself
because i definitely deserve it
and as long as others don't get hurt
i don't care what happens
i've always been taught to not be selfish, so i became selfless to a fault
Apr 2018 · 175
the feeling of nothing
empty seas Apr 2018
it starts with a feeling of something being wrong
all conversations feel fake
you're missing...
smiles feel fake on your lips
and frowns leave a bad taste in your mouth
your feelings are gone
shrugged off like a coat
that you can't seem to find

your feelings are gone
separated by a glass wall
apathy is too little of a word to describe it
its the feeling of being stripped away of all context
all emotion and memories
you talk to the one you love
but love is hidden away
you can only feel a hint of it
like someone yelling at you
from a floor above
the only emotions that aren't gone
are fear and anxiety

it's vaguely terrifying
like a horror movie you've all but forgotten
you know something is wrong
but you're not worried enough to do anything to change it
you're a husk
and husks don't care what happened to them

the trigger? unpredictable
maybe I was feeling too much
from the sad book I had just read
the cure? who knows
the only thing that saved me today was a youtube video
when laughter forced its way from my chest
I felt my emotions flood back
this is all over the place, but so am I
Apr 2018 · 297
living corpse
empty seas Apr 2018
I’ve always joked
that I’m a corpse
with my skeleton hands
always too cold
for comfort
I’ve become
more undead recently
more willing to let myself
waste away
I eat junk
and don’t work out
even though I know
I might as well be killing myself
with how I treat my life
and I think that’s the point
I’ve grown to hate myself
and I deserve to be
a living corpse
Apr 2018 · 321
empty seas Apr 2018
i am nothing
without the A+
i have tucked under my arm
i have nothing
except my crumpling place
at the top of the class
no good personality
no beautiful looks
no artistic talent
just my grades
arbitrary grades
that won’t mean anything
once i leave school
each number i go down
the closer i am to not needing grades
to leaving school
i feel my heart hurt
because the farther down i go
the closer i get to leaving school
the more it shows that
i am
Apr 2018 · 262
empty seas Apr 2018
My chest is tight
restriction from an untouchable force
I want to hurt and destroy
bring justice
for every time I’ve been wronged
but this anger is misplaced
towards the innocent
who don’t know any better
so I tuck it away
and it turns inwards
causing so much pain

after I’ve tried other things
I have to use physical pain
to make the tension
the frustration
the anger
go away

my anxiety came back
but remixed
with my fear
manifesting as anger
Irrational anger is horrible. I got angry at a little dog a couple days ago. I felt horrible
Apr 2018 · 206
The last leaf
empty seas Apr 2018
There is a story I was told
about a sickly girl who thought
in her feverish, superstitious mind
that when the last leaf on the tree outside her hospital window
fell and died
she would too

Her friend was horrified
and tried to convince her otherwise
as the doctor said
this pessimistic attitude
would **** her
and when her efforts didn’t work
the friend stood by her side
through the night and the storm
that shook the tree outside
to comfort her

that last leaf outside
never fell
surviving even through the worst storm
and the sickly girl
became sickly no longer

And as the friend found out
while helping the doctor
gather one of his dead patient’s things
this sickly, drunkard man who had died
she learned
he had heard the sick girl’s story
this stranger went out that stormy night
(even though it would guarantee his death
sooner than it would’ve been)
and painted that last leaf on
so that sick girl
would have hope

So I ask you
Are you the sickly girl?
superstitious and waiting
for your last leaf to fall
Are you the friend?
Desperately trying to give your friend hope
but being there when all is lost
Or are you the stranger
Realizing that you need to do something with your limited time
and expecting nothing in return
I don’t know who I am, though
empty seas Apr 2018
the wind roars
with patches of rain
covering cracked sidewalks
it was warm this spring morning
perfect for a picnic
or walking your hyper dog
but now the warmth is smothered by rain
and there's even a freeze warning tonight
so I guess
I'll be staying inside
and that's alright
Mar 2018 · 266
Stupid slip ups
empty seas Mar 2018
Selfishly stringing stupid sentences
together to tell tomfoolery
the jokes are jeering
only a fool would find such a failure
so I stew in my slip up
Wondering when
My mistakes will make
our entire end
I make so many bad mistakes
empty seas Mar 2018
i. hunger
It starts with the want
to fill the hole in my soul
that anxiety has chipped away at
with the only reliable thing
that will make me feel good
wonderful, instantly gratifying

ii. consume
Chocolates and junk food
or spoonfuls of ice cream
and a brownie
desserts that top off a Sunday brunch
push away the thoughts that say
this is a horrible idea
and feast!

iii. sickness
My stomach begins to churn
my chest gets tight
and I feel like emptying
my stomach
my mind
my life
regret attacks my stomach and mind
karma for the horrible decision
I made
junk food hates me as much as
I care for it

iv. guilt
My stomach is a bloated planet
my thighs its insurmountable mountains
look what you have done?
you fat idiot!
consuming and consuming
soon your body will make you unloveable

I try to empty my stomach
bent over pristine porcelain
sweat dripping down my face
desperately googling for help
to hurt myself

v. aftermath
Three-digit number
I’m too ashamed to speak it
but I feel the numbers
imprint in my mind
with a note
stop eating as much as possible
so guilt follows every meal
every moment spent in front of a mirror
is an inspection
bulging thighs
flabby arms
stomach barely contained
how do you show your face in public?
a binger too afraid to purge
when will you finally feel guilty enough
to take action?

these thoughts stay in my head
until the next binge
then they return again
I’m sorry I keep complaining
Mar 2018 · 289
little tragedies
empty seas Mar 2018
While walking my dog
I passed by a dead frog
s q u i s h e d  f l a t
like the world had finally
fallen on it
I almost mistook it for a leaf
and jumped away at the last second
to not step on its disfigured body
more concerned about my shoes
and whether my dog wanted to eat it
then the frog's death
so I left it
on the road
not even bothering to bury it
or push it into the ditch
I didn't want to get my shoes *****
I would go back
but it's probably decayed by now
so I just sit in my regret
and how easily we dismiss
the little tragedies all around us
Mar 2018 · 3.2k
Gen Z
empty seas Mar 2018
A hurting generation
of broken children
we are the end of this
alphabet of problems
our future is hopeless
full of student loans
and a job crisis
the millennials have
warned us so

So we dull our pain
with jokes and memes
ridiculed by older people
but we know that
our future is dull and
filled with hardship
so let’s make our now
bright and fun
and most of all
a good memory
for when things get hard
All the gen z kids I know are scared of the future, we’ve grown up hearing of how bad the millennials had it, and it’s our turn to be let out into the working world.
Mar 2018 · 335
empty seas Mar 2018
What do your friends describe you as?


”Close your mouth”
“Don’t say a word”
“Whatever you were going to say
doesn’t matter anyway”

These thoughts have run
through my head
around and around
for so many years
Hurtful words I took from
good people:
my friends

I talk too much
just won’t SHUT UP
even when I drill it my head
again and again
that people have left me
because I was too selfish
too open
too ready to tell a story
I just can’t stop
I just keep opening up
I hate myself for making this
pitiful poetry account
there’s nothing worse than
complaining to strangers

I’m sorry
I’m so sorry
I complain too much
I talk too much
I just can’t help it anymore
I want to be heard
and I’ve tried to be quiet for too long


I’m annoying
so ******* annoying
always has been
always will be
spilling words and emotions
at any chance I get
By now
everyone around me
just wants me to shut up
they say that they don’t
that like what I say
and conversations with me
are actually really fun


That’s what they all said before
I’m gonna regret posting this and complaining again. Look here, the annoying kid posting about her feelings again, what a surprise
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