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5.1k · Sep 2019
Eva Sep 2019
You took away parts of me that I will never get back
And I'm working ******* being okay with that.
1.7k · Mar 2023
Eva Mar 2023
It’s really hard to be sweet, loving, and kind
After I found out the man I love is no longer just mine.
He’s a man who loves the women of the streets,
A man who doesn’t even clean his own sheets,
Who I believed had once swept me off my feet
Really, he swept underneath my feet
Eternally cursing me.
1.4k · Apr 2019
A Shame
Eva Apr 2019
It's a Shame
We bend and break ourselves
To level with bent and broken men.
1.1k · Jun 2024
I’ll Never Be the Same.
Eva Jun 2024
Being cheated on hurts. So. Bad. 

The way I loved before, I know I’ll never be able to get back to that point ever again.

My sense of self worth has gone down, I now question my trust in my own intuition, and my hurt feels like a pain I’ve never felt before.

“I’m so glad I never have to worry about him.” 

Something I used to always tell my mom and friends.

I always thought his love for me would overpower his desire for other women. I was so wrong. 

I felt stupid. I felt played. 

I’d had opportunities to do him as ***** (if not dirtier) than he did me. I didn’t partake in those opportunities because I felt like our love was so pure and I didn’t want to be the one to ruin something so beautiful.

I was wrong. 
I felt embarrassed. I felt ashamed. 

While I was sick, I thought he was being true to me. I fantasized about having his kids upon healing. I thought our love grew stronger because he was there for me at my lowest.

I was wrong.

Instead, he was spending time and money - something we both felt we had such little of- on someone else.

I feel hurt. I feel unsafe. 

I don’t trust the same way I used to. I don’t look at him the same way I used to. I don’t have “forever” hopes like I used to.

Hopefully someday I’ll heal.

But for now, my heart hurts.

I’ll never be the same.
771 · Oct 2019
Beg for You to Love Me
Eva Oct 2019
A closed mouth doesn't get fed
I'd rather starve than to beg.
I can't beg for you to love me.
659 · Jun 2019
Brown Eyes
Eva Jun 2019
Was busy chasing waterfalls
Got caught up in it all
Until I looked up and saw
The extravagant brown;
In other eyes never found.

I looked into your eyes and I knew
That to you I could not lie,
Nor ever deceive you,
Will never let you go but
Will never let you get too close.
648 · Jun 2024
Child Neglect
Eva Jun 2024
The little girl in me feels neglected.

I guess, til now, I never truly reflected
Never really understood
How parents like you didn’t do all that you could
To ensure I felt safe and secure
To keep my innocence pure.

You allowed me to witness
All of your recklessness.
I find it awfully selfish
That you claim to have been helpless.

I needed you at your best
You gave me 50% and gave everyone else the rest.

Now I’m grown and I have to pick up
The shattered pieces of my heart
And tear my toxic thoughts and habits apart.

While I’m healing and in recovery,
I make sure to show much love to the little girl in me.
I’m 27 and I only realized this past year that I was actually neglected as a child. It hurts. I’m healing.
589 · Jul 2019
One Wish
Eva Jul 2019
I wish I could have a conversation with
The girl I was ten years ago
And the woman I will be in ten years.
581 · May 2019
Eva May 2019
You were everything I want, nothing that I need
But I grew out of wanting the apple on The Tree.
580 · Jul 2019
Bye, bye.
Eva Jul 2019
I learned the hard way
That it’s okay
To cut your losses
And to cut ties
With parasites.
530 · Apr 2019
No Strings Attached
Eva Apr 2019
A naked man stood in front of me.

He wasn't naked in the way I needed him to be.

I saw everything and I saw nothing.

I felt everything and I felt nothing.

I touched everything and I touched nothing.

We used protection but I was unprotected.

The bond of my mind and body neglected.

My body is satisfied while my mind is infected.

I tell myself "no more", lest I regret it.
523 · Feb 2020
Never Enough
Eva Feb 2020
I give you the world
Just for you to complain
That I didn't give you the Moon, too.
Some people can have it all and still be dissatisfied.
520 · Sep 2019
Eva Sep 2019
Before our friendship ended
Animosity began.
515 · Jan 2022
Eva Jan 2022
Walking heartache
Daily headache
You’ll be the end of me.

You’re a stone cold brute
I want a shot, but don’t know how to shoot.
Everything seems impossible with you.

So, why do I care? Why do I stay?
Maybe I’ll figure myself out some day.
Eva Apr 2019
How much is your soul worth?

This is the question you decide to ask

As you gulp the Moonshine from the stranger's flask

You close your eyes and see your life in a flash

You sit on the cold, soiled concrete

Listening to the quietness that comes with defeat.

You hate yourself but point the finger

At everyone else, hoping your anguish won't linger.

You feign innocence and ignorance as if all the bad will disappear.

You use ***, drugs, and Moonshine to dry your tears

But on nights like this, the truth is hard to shake

So you stay out late and overuse yourself til you quake

Then the moon and the stars shine down on you

And you feel sorry for yourself as sorry people do.

Nothing is left inside of you; you're hollow

You're on your own, you're bent and spent; no direction to follow.

There's no point in asking how much your soul is worth

When clarity has come to you and the answer has already been unearthed.
492 · Apr 2019
Eva Apr 2019

We disconnect when you allow the interception.

Behind these ****-ups and drunken nights,

There's a common lesson.

We search endlessly for the purpose

But you walk away when the confusion makes you nervous.

You + me, we're the result of an iphone with no service.

No purpose,

Aside from the games.
453 · Sep 2019
Giving You Up
Eva Sep 2019
I feel so free
After giving you up
And getting back to me.
Eva Nov 2024
Heavy prayers that fall on deaf ears
Day dreams that my worries all disappear.
In a dark space and I cannot see the light
At the end of a tunnel full of fears that won’t subside.

I beg and plead, “Lord, please bring me change”.
I beg and plead, “Lord, please help me through all the pain.”
But God don’t answer, and he leaves my heart wide open
I expect nothing, but ****** I was hoping…
Lately, I’ve been feeling like nobody’s listening up there.
434 · May 2019
Crazy, Sexy, Cool
Eva May 2019
Crazy how you walked in
And sealed your claim on my heart as if it were nothing

**** how you caress me intimately
Without letting a finger touch me

Cool how you freeze me out of your world
But peep into mine while you’re with another girl.
431 · Apr 2019
Begging the Sun- Pt. 1
Eva Apr 2019
I found myself begging for the Sun to shine,

To radiate its warmth into my soul

And grace my skin with the blessing of her kiss.

As I begged and begged,

The Sun refused to reveal herself to me.

Instead, She hid behind the clouds

As the rain washed everything

But my sorrows away.

My days became darker than midnight

My body felt weaker than my spirit

And I lost sight of the light that existed before.

I asked the Sun and I asked Her some more,

I asked Her with both knees on the floor.

Once again the Sun refused me

Then I finally understood

That the Sun

In all Her glory

Doesn't deserve these strict expectations.

She deserves to be:

Loved when She chooses to share her light;

Missed when She chooses to hide

Adored when She shares her affection

Cherished when She gives at all.

The Sun is expected to give Her all

While we selfishly take Her gifts

Then complain that She is too much.
An ode to my depression
417 · Dec 2019
Before and Now
Eva Dec 2019
There was a time before
I met the one I adore
Now I’m in love and know for sure
There is no such thing as “after” mi amor.
365 · Apr 2019
Ocean of You
Eva Apr 2019
I tip-toe on this balance beam of security,

Eyes straight; not focused on what's surrounding me.

Such a delicate situation I'm in,

I wonder... If I fall, will that be a predicament?

Cause falling doesn't mean I don't win,

If an ocean of You is what I'm falling in.
363 · Jun 2019
The Tales You Tell
Eva Jun 2019
You wrote about me
As if I were some kind of beautiful tragedy
And it makes me wonder
Who and what I was to you.
Whoever, whatever woman you wrote about before
She's not any of those fables anymore.
You no longer know the intricacies
The beauty of my pain
The pain I once confused
As love and adoration for you.
You'll never find another woman,
You'll never find another spirit,
You'll never find another entity
To reach you when you hide yourself,
To touch you outside of the physical world,
To mend you when you are a jigsaw puzzle of a man.
Not even the woman of your tales
Can do all that I can.
This was written with an "ex" of mine in mind.
339 · Apr 2019
Ride Through the Fire
Eva Apr 2019
Silent ride through the fire

I won't be your backseat driver.

You take the wheel and ride

Bask in what you feel; what makes you feel alive.

Rejuvenate your spirit, ease your mind.

I know this world ain't been too kind...

I'll be your guardian angel

Forever watching from all angles.

You'll never want, need, or fear;

The one who protects and provides is right here.

Legs when you can't walk, eyes when you can't see;

Anytime you feel weak, you can lean on me.

My love for you knows no ends.

I am your guardian angel, and you are my best friend.
315 · Jun 2019
Eva Jun 2019
You told me about your nightmares
So I made it my mission to be your dream.
308 · Apr 2019
Eva Apr 2019
A glass of poured liquor
To help me forget you quicker.
My lips around a freshly rolled blunt;
Lead to me doing things I normally don't.
I loved you immensely,
Didn't know how much that would cost me.
My sanity and sense of self escape me
I poison and punish myself
As the realization of our end sets in
And I wonder if I'm happy with the world I'm living in.
Without you, I search for satisfaction on my own
I live in a house that once felt like a home.
This is the best move for the both of us,
Yet I turn to drinks, drugs, dudes; all in surplus.
I can only thrive when I get the attention,
False promises; I'm good regardless of the intention.
The craving that can never be fully satisfied,
The consuming addiction I try hard to hide.
287 · Jun 2019
Eva Jun 2019
For the ones who told you to dim your light,
To you for believing your light shines too bright.
I couldn't protect you from the cruel world and all its might.
They convinced you that your love was both too little and too much.
That your hopes and dreams got crushed
And your jump into the real world was rushed.
That I even have to be sorry.
286 · Nov 2019
Eva Nov 2019
I just found what were supposed to be my last words
Left behind when I attempted to take my life
On a lonely, heartbroken, crucial night.
Notes to three people
Who loved me and tried to protect me
But who could not protect me on Christmas Eve.

I still wonder why I didn’t die that night
And maybe that’s why I hold on to the hastily written notes;
For the reminder that it’s not my choice, when I should go.
260 · Nov 2020
Our Journey
Eva Nov 2020
In our walk through this journey of love:
You had no shoes so I gave you mine,
You grew weary so I eased your mind.
The world was brutal so I was kind.
We had no money, but we had time.
Your heart was lost, but I came to find.
We were down on luck, but lied like we were fine.
During these rough times of being in love during a pandemic/episemic/recession we find our way.
249 · Sep 2019
Eva Sep 2019
I love you through universes and galaxies
I love you endlessly and past infinity
I love you unselfishly and undeniably
I love you undeceivingly and unconditionally.
230 · Feb 2023
Acid Rain
Eva Feb 2023
What I want so badly
Is to be who I was before you had me.
My unspoken desire
Is to pour acid rain on our dimming fire.
I wish I could say I have no regrets
But I can’t help that
Overwhelming sensation of neglect
When you walk away
But come back so we can reconnect.
You leave me in tears, with time to bitterly reflect.
I’m left to question if I’m stuck in a shallow love with no respect.
Eva’s back.
204 · Sep 2019
Eva Sep 2019
While planning for tragedy,
I forgot to anticipate the consequences of you.
200 · Jun 2019
Serving Lies
Eva Jun 2019
This is the part where you tell me
All that I need to know.
No lies, no more hiding,
Just bring your honest self to the table
And feed me your truth.
I've been starving and you knew this.
You just now want to feed me truth like we ain't been through this.
You're ruthless.
But I knew this.
I'm not one to play innocent
But the time we spent
Was wasted
You saw that I was suffering
You turned my world black and blue
With splotches of red from the blood my heart bled for you
You never touched me, but you starved me
Of the truth you should've been serving me
My friends look at me sideways and ask me why I stay
I tell them things with u and me weren't always this way.
They pity me; I would pity me too.
A limitless woman should never be confined to you.
So when you ask me what I want from you,
I want you to keep my suffering in mind
Before you fix your lips to feed me another lie.
This one is for a few "exes" of mine.
159 · Jan 2022
I’ve Become…
Eva Jan 2022
An empty shell,
Whose life is hell.
A hollow soul;
A shallow well.

A sorrowful spirit engrossed with woes,
Bits and pieces of me no one knows.

Superficially, I reveal myself
Neglecting to reflect my mental health.
Scared for myself and seeking help,
But it all fails
and goes to Hell.
How I’m feeling on this fine NYE with no one to bring in the New Year with. 2021 has been a rollercoaster for me and I’ve ended up neglecting myself again. I’m seeking help and feeling lost.

— The End —